Non-Resident Sri Lankans 1
Candor Application Form
4 pages
CDS Form 1
3 pages
CDS Form 1(A)
3 pages
CDS Form 1 (C)
1 page
CDS Form 28 - (optional)
2 page
2 pages
A certified copy of the Sri Lankan valid Passport
Proof of residency document - as per the Rules issued by the FIU of Sri Lanka
SIA (Securities Investment Account) account confirmation with documentary proof
DECLARATION 1. I/We declare that I/we are satisfied myself/ourselves of the capacity of a Candor Equities Limited (which is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka to operate as a stockbroker) to trade in securities and provide stock brokering services and I/we hereby request you to open a Securities Account with the Central Depository System in my/our name. 2. I/We declare that all particulars and information given in this registration form and the CDS Application form are true and correct. 3. I/We agree that all transactions including brokerage and statutory levies paid by me/us shall be subject to the rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange and other prevailing laws and regulations of Sri Lanka (as may be amended from time to time) and in particular to the authority hereinafter granted by me/us to Candor Equities Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Broker). 4. I/We confirm and declare that I/we have read and clearly understood the conditions stipulated by the Colombo Stock Exchange (as may be amended from time to time) governing the share transactions, which I/we will be entering into with the Broker. I/We hereby agree to abide by the said conditions. 5. I/We hereby permit and authorise the Broker at their absolute discretion and at my/our risk to sell and transfer not only the stocks pertaining to the Defaulted Contract but also any or all of the shares or securities in any company whatsoever from time to time registered in my/our securities account to be opened by me/us and maintained by the Broker at the Central Depository System (Pvt) Limited., in order to make good and compensate for any loss or damages incurred or sustained by the Broker as a result of my/our default in making any payments lawfully due to the Broker on or before the settlement date. 6. I/We hereby agree that the above authority i.e the right to sell securities given to the Broker by me/us, is in addition to other rights, powers and remedies available to the Broker under the prevailing laws rules and regulations of Sri Lanka. The authority granted hereby shall in no way affect or exempt me/us from any liability towards the Broker arising from or consequent upon any such default. 7. Before every purchase order, I/we agree to deposit in cash/cheque, at least equivalent to 50% (or any other amount as specified by any applicable rules and regulations) of the value of the order or in the alternative have adequate securities in my/our account to cover at least 50% (or any other amount as specified by any applicable rules and regulations) of the value of the purchase order. 8. I/We further agree and confirm that I/we shall be liable to the Broker for any and all loss sustained or incurred in relation to any direct/indirect transaction carried out by the Broker on my/our behalf (in its capacity as selling/buying broker and/or in relation to dividends, rights, bonuses and other benefits attached to the shares) and do hereby agree to indemnify the Broker against such loss or damage arising therefore. 9. I/We agree that the Broker shall not be liable to me/us or have any responsibility whatsoever, for (a) any losses arising out of or relating to a cause over which the Broker does not have direct/indirect control including but not limited to the failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines, telephone or network problems, unauthorized access or (b) any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages that we may incur in connection with my/our use of the services provided by the Broker. 10. I/We agree to immediately notify the Broker in writing if there is any change in the information in the Client Registration Form provided by me/us to the Broker at the time of opening of the account or at any time. 11. I/we agree that except as provided in clause 5 above, the investment decisions shall be made by the Broker on a discretionary basis only upon obtaining written or oral instructions from me/us. 12. I/we agree to pay any commission, brokerage charged by the Broker subject to the rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange and other prevailing laws and regulations of Sri Lanka (as may be amended from time to time) 13. I/We acknowledge that this Declaration shall be binding upon me/us and my/our heirs executors and administrators. In the event of this Declaration being executed by more than one person our liability shall then be joint and several. 14. RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes drastically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may even become valueless. It is likely that losses may be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling securities. 15. SALES PROCEEDS: (a) I/we hereby agree to authorize the Broker to hold any sales proceeds due to me, to meet the settlement of future share purchases, until I make a request to the contrary via email, facsimile or telephone. Yes No 16. I /we agree that an employee of Candor Equities Limited who introduces a client and initiates a transaction will be entitled to an introductory fee out of the brokerage commission of such transaction, based on a reward scheme. I/We hereby confirm and declare that all of the above including the aforesaid Risk Disclosure Statement was explained to me/us by the investment advisor. I/We further confirm that I/we have had the opportunity to discuss and obtain independent advice and this declaration has been duly read over and understood by me/us prior to signing this Declaration. Applicant
Name : _____________________
Signature: ___________________
Joint Applicant
Name : _____________________
Date: _________________
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY The Broker will provide stock brokering services to the applicant, including buying and selling of securities. The Broker will notify the applicant in writing if there is any material change to the information of the Broker setout in the Client Registration Form at the time of opening of the account or at any time. I hereby confirm that I have brought the content of the Risk Disclosure Statement to the notice of the applicant and made him aware of the significance of the said Risk Disclosure Statement. I further confirm that the applicant is financially stable to maintain a CDS Account. Investment Advisor
Approved by:
Date:____________________ Candor Equities Limited, Company Registration No. PB 160 Address : Level 8, South Wing, Millennium House, 46/58 Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02, Sri Lank
m%ldYkh 1. uu$wm lekav¾ blaúàia ,sñgâ wdh;kfhys ^Y%S ,xld iq/l=ïm;a yd úksuh fldñIka iNdfõ fldgia ;e/õlrejl= f,i n,m;% ,dNS& iq/l=ïm;a .Kqfokq lsÍfï iy fldgia ;e/õldr fiajd iemhSfï yelshdj ms,snoj iEySulg m;a jk w;r" fuu wdh;kh iu. iq/l=ïm;a .kqfokq lsÍï ioyd udf.a$wmf.a kñka uOHu ;ekam;= yqjudrefõ (CDS) iq/l=ïm;a .sKqula wdrïN lrk fuka lreKdfjka b,a,d isáñ$isáu.q 2. fuu ,shdmÈxÉ whÿïm;%fha iy (CDS) b,a,qïm;%fha ioyka ish,q lreKq iy úia;r ksjerÈ iy i;H njg uu$wm m%ldY lr isáñ$isáu.q 3. iEu .kqfokqjla ioydu uu$wm úiska f.jkq ,nk ;ereõ .dia;= yd jHjia:dms; .dia;= iy úfYaIfhka my; uu$wm úiska lekav¾ blaúàia ,sñgâ wdh;kh ^ñka miq ;e/õldr iud.u& fj; ,nd fokq ,nk wêldÍ n,h fld<U fldgia yqjudrej (CSE) u.ska ,shd olajd we;s kS;s Í;s iy YS% ,xldfõ n,mj;ajkq ,nk wfkl=;a kS;s Í;s fr.=,dis j,g ^jrska jr ixfYdaOkh jkq ,nk wdldrhg& hg;aj mj;akd njg uu$wms úiska fuhska tl. fjñ$fju.q 4. ;e/õldr iud.u yryd isÿjk fldgia .kqfokq j,g wod,j fld<U fldgia yqjudrej u.ska ksl=;a lrk ,o fldkafoais ^ixfYdaok u.ska úÜka úg fjkia jk& uu$wms úiska fydÈka lshjd n,d meyeÈ,sj f;areï f.k we;s w;r tu fldkafoais j,g tl. jk njg ;yjqrelr m%ldY lrñ$lruq' 5. uu$wms úiska f.ùï oskfhaoS (Settlement Date) fyda Bg fmr ;ereõldr ks;Hdkql+,j ysñúh hq;= uqo,a fkdf.ùu ksid fyda tfia fkdf.jd meyer yerSfñ m%;sM,hla f,i ;e/õldr isÿjk mdvqj mshjd .ekSu ioyd udf.a$wmf.a iq/l=ïm;a .sKqfï mj;sk kshï; f.ùï j,g wod, fldgia muKla fkdj fjk;a udf.a$wmf.a .sKqfï mj;sk ´kEu fldgia fyda iq/l=ïm;a ;e/õldr iud.fï ;ks wNsu;h mßÈ úlsKSug iy $ fyda fjk;a wfhl=g mejrSug uu$wms fï u.ska ;e/õldr iud.u fj; iïmQ¾K wjirh iy wëldß n,h ,nd fok w;r tf,i úlsKSfï fyda mejÍfï ish,q wjOdku uu$wms úiska ord .kakd njg ;yjqre lr ms,sf.k isáñ$isáu.q 6. by; uu$wm úiska ;e/õldr iq/l=ïm;a$fldgia úlsKSug ,nd oS we;s whs;sh iy wêldÍ n,h YS% ,xldfõ mj;sk kS;s iy fr.=,dis u.ska ;e/õldr ,nd oS we;s whs;skag" n,hkag yd m%;sl¾uhkag wu;rj ;e/õldr iud.u i;= whs;shla nj uu$wms fï u.ska tl. fjï$fjuq' fï u.ska ,nd oS we;s wëldrs n,h lsis úfgl;a f.ùï meyer yeÍu ksid mek ;e/õldr iud.u fj; mj;akd udf.a$wmf.a j.lSï j,ska uu$wms ksoyia lsÍula isÿ fkdjk nj ;yjqre fldg ms,sf.k isáï$isÜu.q 7. iEu .kqfokqjlgu fmr udf.a$wmf.a .sKqug ó,oS .ekSug woyia lrkq,nk fldgia j, jákdlfuka 50] la ^fyda fjk;a wod, kS;s fyda fr.=,dis u.ska kshu lrkq ,nk m%;sY;hla& udf.a$wmf.a .sKqug' uqo,a fyda fplam;la u.ska ;ekam;a lrkq ,nk njg fyda úl,amhla f,i ñ,oS .ekSfï wekjqfï jákdluka 50] la fyda ^fjk;a wod, fr.=,dis u.ska kshu lrkq ,nk m%;sY;hla& Bg jeä jákdlula we;s iq/l=ïm;a wmf.a .sKqfï ;ekam;a lrkq ,nk njg uu$wm tl. fjñ$fju.q 8. uu$wms fjkqfjka ;e/õldr iud.u úiska ^úl=Kqï ;e/õlre$ñ,oS .ekqï ;e/õlre f,i iy$fyda fldgia j,g wkqnoaO ,dNdxY whs;Ska m%ido oSukd fyda wfkl=;a oSukd j,g wod,j& isÿlrkq ,nk iDcq fyda jl%Sh .kqfokq fya;=fjka isÿ úh yels w,dN iïnkaOj uu$wms úiska ;e/õldr j.lshkq ,nk nj ms,s.kakd w;r tjeks ;e/õldr isÿjk ish,qu w,dN iy ydks ioyd jkaos ;e/õldr f.ùug tl. fjñ$fju.q 9. ;e/õldr iud.u iu. .kqfokq lsÍfïÈ (a) úÿ,s fyda ld¾ñl fodaIhla ksid fyda mKSjqv yqjudre lsÍfïÈ ÿrl:k ud¾.j, fyda wka;¾cd, iïnkaO ;djhla ksid fyda (b) fjk;a fya;=jla ksid we;sjk úÿ,sh wekysgSula wdoS ;e/õldr iud.fï iDcq fyda fjk;a iïnkaOhla fyda md,khla ke;s isÿùï ksid yg .kq ,nk w,dN fyda ;e/õldr iud.u u.ska imhkq ,nk fiajh Ndú;d lsÍu ksid yg .; yels lsisÿ úfYaI jl%Sh" wdkqN+;sl" wdkqIx.Sh" oKavKSh fyda wdo¾Yj;a w,dN ioyd uu$wms úiska ;e/õldr iud.u lsisu j.lSulg hg;a fkdlrk njg m%ldY lrï$lru.q 10. by; whÿï m;%fha uu$wms úiska ;e/õldr ,nd oS we;s f;dr;=re j, hï fjkila fjf;d;a ta nj jydu ;ereõldr ,sÅ;j okajk njg tl. fjñ$fju.q; 5 jk j.ka;sfhys olajd we;s wjia:d j, yer, ;e/õlre úiska wdfhdack ;Srk ,nd.; hq;af;a ish wNsu;h mßÈ fkdj uf.ka$wmf.ka ,nd.;a ,sÅ; fyda jdÑl Wmfoia u; muKla njg uu$wm tl. fjñ$fju.q 12.fld<U fldgia yqjudrefjys Í;s iy Y%S ,xldfjys n,mj;ajkakd wfkl=;a kS;s iy fr.=,dis ^jßka jr ixfYdaOkh jkq ,nk wdldrhg& j,g hg;aj, ;e/õlre úiska wh lrkq ,nk fldñia uqo,,a ;e/õ .dia;= f.ùug uu$wm tl. fjñ$fju.q 13. fuu m%ldYh ioyd uu$wms iy wmf.a Wreulalrejka iïmQ¾Kfhka j.lSug hg;a jk njg m%ldY lr isák w;r fuu m%ldYh tla wfhl=g jeä fofkl= u.ska n,mj;akd wjia:djloS ish,q fokd yjq,aj j.lshk njg m%ldY lrï$lru.q 14. wjOdkï wkdjrKh lsÍfï m%ldYh ( we;eï wjia:dj,oS fldgiaj, ñ, b;d ùYd, w.hka j,ska WÉpdjpkh fõ' fldgiaj, ñ, by, fyda my, hd yels w;r we;eï úg lsisÿ jákdlula ke;s ;;ajhlg m;a úh yel' iuyrúg iq/l=ïm;a ñ,oS .ekSï iy úl=Kqï j, m%;sM,hla f,i bmhQ ,dNhg jvd w,dNhka we;s úh yel. 15. fldgia úlsKSfuka ,nk uqo,a( (a) ;e/õlre úiska uu$wmfj; f.ùug kshñ; fldgia úlsKSfuka ,o uqo,a uu$wm úiska kej; úoHq;a ;eme,a ÿrl:k fyda *elaia ud¾.fhka okajk ;=re tlS uqo,,a uu$wm fjkqfjka bÈßfhaoS fldgia ñ,oS .ekSu ioyd ;e/õlre ika;lfha rojd ;nd .ekSug uu$wm úiska ;e/õlre fj; n,h ,nd oSug fuhska tl. fjñ$fju.q Tõ ke; (b) fldgia úlsKSfuka ,o uu$wm fj; f.ùug kshñ; uqof,ys jákdlu remsh,a tla oyilg ^re1000$-& jvd wvqjk wjia:dj,oS tlS uqo, ioyd jQ fplam; ksl=;a fkdlr isàug ;e/õlre fj; n,h ,nd oSug uu$wm úiska fuhska tl. fjñ$fju.q Tõ ke; 16. lekav¾ blaúàia wdh;kfha fiajlfhl= úiska uu$wms lekav¾ blaúàia wdh;khg yoqkajd§ .kqfokqjla l< úg tlS fiajlhdg ;e/õlrejkaa úiska whlrkq ,nk fn%dal¾ .dia;=fjka fldgila f.ùug uu$wms tlÕ jkafkñ$jkafkuq' wjOdkï wkdjrKh lsÍfï m%ldYh we;=,q by; ioyka l, ish,q lreKq wdfhdack WmfoaYl úiska wmg fydoska meyeÈ,sj myod ÿka nj uu$wms úiska ikd: lrk w;r fuu m%ldYh fydÈka idlÉcd lsßug iy iajdëk Wmfoia ,nd.ekSfï wjia:dj ,enqkq njo fuu m%ldY fydÈka lshjd f;areï f.k w;aika l, njg ;yjqre lr m%ldY lrï$lru.q whÿïlre
fojk yjq,a whÿïlre
ld¾hd,Sh ydõ;h ioyd muKs wjOdkï wkdjrKh lsßfï m%ldYfha ioyka ish,qu lreKq iy tu m%ldYfha jeo.;alu ms,snoj whÿïlref.a wjodkhg f.k wd w;r whÿïlre iq/l=ïm;a .sKqula mj;ajdf.k hdug uQ,Huh jYfhka iA:djr ;;ajhl isák njg ;jÿrg;a m%ldY lrñ. ;e/õldr iud.u úiska iq/l=ïm;a ñ,oS .ekSug yd úlskSug wod, ;e/õldr fiaújka whÿïlrefj; imhkq we;. by; whÿï m;%fha ;e/õldr iud.u úiska whÿïlreg ,ndoS we;s f;dr;=re j, hï fjkila fjf;d;a ta nj whÿïlrefj; ;e/õldr iud.u úiska ,sÅ;j oekqï fokq we;. wdfhdack WmfoaYl
Èkh(.................................... lekav¾ blaúàia ,sñgâ, iud.ï ,shdmÈxÑ wxl m.S î. 160( ,smskh( 8 jk uy,, olqKq l=¿K, ñf,akshï yjqia, 46$58, kjï udj;, fld<U 2.
gpufldk; 1. ehd;/ehq;fs; gq;Ffs; tpw;gid nra;tw;Fk; kw;Wk; gq;F jufu; Nritfis toq;Ftjw;Fk; nfd;lu; ,f;tpB]; ypkpl;ll; (,yq;ifapd; gq;F g;gupkhw;w Mizf;FOtpdhy; gq;F jufuhf ,aq;Ftjw;F mDkjp; toq;fg;gl;Ls;sJ) epWtdj;jpd; Nritj; jpwdpy; ehk;/ehq;fs; jpUg;jpAw;wpUf;fpd;Nwd;/; jpUg;jpAw;wpUf;fpd;Nwhk; vd;gij; cWjpAiuf;fpd;Nwd;/cWjpAiuf;fpd;Nwhk; NkYk; ehd;/ehq;fs; vdJ/vq;fsJ ngaupy; kj;jpa itg;G jpl;lj;jpd; %yk; gq;Ffs; fzf;F xd;iw jpwf;FkhW ,j;jhs; ck;ik Ntz;Lfpd;Nwd;/Ntz;Lfpd;Nwhk.; 2. ehq;fs; tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;jpy; nfhLj;jpUf;Fk; tplaq;fs; cz;ik vd;W ntspg;gLj;Jfpd;Nwhk;. 3. ehq;fs; vy;yhtpjkhd vq;fshy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;l nfhLf;fy; thq;fy;fs; (juFf; $ypAk; rl;luPjpahd nfhLg;gdTfs; cl;gl) nfhOk;G juFr; re;ijapd; xOq;F KiwfSf;Fk;> ,yq;ifr; rl;lj;jpw;F fl;Lg;gl;lnjd;Wk; fhyj;jpw;F fhyk; khw;wg;gl;lhYk; mtw;wpw;Fk; fl;Lg;gl;lnjd;Wk; ehq;fs; (nfd;lu; ,f;tpB]; ypkpl;ll;Lf;F mDkjp toq;Ffpd;Nwhk;) 4. ehq;fs; nfhOk;G juFr;re;ijapd; epge;jidfis ed;F mwpe;Js;Nshk; vd;Wk;> gq;F njhlu;ghsh;fs; rk;ge;jkhf jufUldhd vq;fsJ eltbf;iffis mwpNthnkd;Wk; Nkw;$wg;gl;l epge;jidfSf;F fl;Lg;gLNthnkd;Wk; $Wfpd;Nwhk;. 5. ehd; / ehq;fs; jufh;fSf;F Neuj;Jf;F Neuk; gzk; nfhLf;fg;glhj gq;Ffs; kl;Lky;yhJ Vida tiffisAk; tpw;gid nra;tjw;Fk;> ghpkhw;wk; nra;tjw;Fk; G+uz mjpfhuj;ij toq;Ffpd;Nwhk; vd;Wk; jufh;fspdhy; nrd;l;uy; bNghrplhp rp];lkpy; vq;fs; rhh;ghf <Lgl;l ve;j el;lq;fisAk;> gzk; nfhLg;gjpy; (Fwpg;gpl;l jpfjpf;F Kd;ghf my;yJ mf;Fwpg;gpl;l jpfjpapy;) VNjDk; jtWfs; Vw;gl;lhYk; <Lnra;Nthk; vd;Wk; cj;juthjk; mopf;fpd;Nwhk;. 6. ehd; / ehq;fs; Nkw;$wg;gl;l mjpfhuk; kl;Lky;yhJ ,yq;if murhq;fj;jpdhy; XOq;fikf;fg;gl;l rl;lq;fs; tpjpKiwfSf;F Vw;g eltbf;iffs; vLf;fTk; jufh;fSf;F cs;s mjpfhuq;fis ehq;fs; Vw;Wf;nfhs;fpd;Nwhk;. 7. xt;nthU fl;lisfSf;F Kd;ghf ehd; / ehq;fs; gq;Ffspd; 50% ngWkjpapid fhrhfNth my;yJ fhNrhiyahfNth (my;yJ NtW VjhtJ rl;lj;jpdhy; my;yJ tpjpKiwapdhy; $wg;gl;l njhif) itg;gpy; ,LNthk; vd;Wk; ,zq;Ffpd;Nwhk;. 8. NkYk; ehd; / ehq;fs; jufh;fs; vq;fs; rhh;ghf NeubahfNth my;yJ kiwKfkhfNth <LgLk; xt;nthU eltbf;ifapdhy; Vw;glf;$ba el;lq;fis (jufh;fSila mjpfhuj;jpdhy; thq;Fk;> tpw;Fk; gq;Fyhgk;> Nghd]; Vida gq;FfSld; ,izf;fg;gl;l ed;ikfs;) <Lnra;Nthk;. 9. jufh;fSila gpd;tUk; jufh;fspd; fl;Lg;ghw;wpw;F mg;ghw;gl;l re;jh;g;gq;gfspy; NeubahfNth my;yJ kiwKfkhfNth Vw;glf;$ba el;lq;fSf;F mth;fs; nghUl;gpy;iy vd ,zq;Ffpd;Nwhk; (,ae;jpu cgfuzk;> njhlh;ghly; ,izg;G> njhiyNgrp my;yJ topnjhlh;ghly; jilg;gLjy;> mDkjp ,d;wp Eiojy; (Unauthorized acces) Nghd;w njhiynjhlh;G rk;ge;jg;gl;l gpur;rpidfs;) 10. C D S fzf;if Muk;gpf;Fk; NghJ toq;fg;gLk; tpz;zg;g gj;jpuj;jpy; VNjDk; khw;wk; Vw;gbd; cldbahf mwptpg;Nghk; vd;W ,zq;Ffpd;Nwhk;. 11. ehd/ehq;fs; NkNy mj;jpahak; 5 ,y; Fwpg;gplg;gl;ltw;iwj;jtpu Vidaitfis Vw;Wf; nfhs;fpd;Nwd;/Nwhk;,KjyPl;il jufNu jPu;khdpg;ghu; mJ mtuhy; jhdhf epu;izf;fg;gl;litahf ,Uf;ff;$lhJ, mJ ehd;/ehq;fs; tha; nkhop %yk; my;yJ vOj;J %yk; toq;fg;gl;l mwpTUj;jy;fis kl;Lk; nfhz;ljhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. 12. ehd;/ehq;fs; nfhOk;G gq;Fg;guptu;j;jid kw;Wk; ,yq;ifapd; tof;fkhd rl;l xOq;F tpjpfSf;fpzq;f jufu; nfhkprd; kw;Wk; $yp Nghd;wtw;iw toq;f cld; gLfpd;Nwd;/fpNwhk;. (mit fhyj;Jf;F fhyk; khw;wg;glyhk;) 13. ,g;gpufldk; vq;fisAk; vq;fsJ cupikjhuh;fisAk; epiwNtw;WdiuAk; fl;Lg;gLj;Jk;. 14. ,lu; ntspg;gLj;Jk; mwpf;if : gq;Ffspd; tpiyfs; khWglyhk;> Vwp ,wq;fyhk; rpy rkaq;fspy; ngWkjpaw;wjhfyhk;> rpy re;ju;g;gq;fspy; tpw;Fk; NghNjh my;yJ thq;Fk; NghNjh ,yhgj;jpw;F gjpyhf el;lk; Vw;glyhk;. 15. tpw;gid tUkhdk;;: (a) ehd;/ehq;fs; VjhtJ khw;wk; ,Ug;gpd; njhiyefy;kpd;mQ;ry; my;yJ njhiyNgrp ClhfNth mwptpf;Fk; tiu vdf;F /vkf;F nrhe;jkhd tpw;gid tUkhdj;ij itj;jpUggNjhL vjpu; fhy gq;F Efu;Tfs; Fwpj;j fzf;Ffis jPu;gjw;Fk; ehd;/ehq;fs; jufUf;F mjpfhukspf;fpd;Nwd;/mjpfhukspf;fpd;Nwhk;. Mk; ,y;iy (b) ehd;/ehq;fs; jufUf;F;,&gha; Mapuj;jpw;Ff;Fiwthd ngUkjpAila tpw;gid tUkhdj;jpw;fhd fhNrhiy toq;Ftij jtpue;jUg;gjw;fhd mjpfhuj;ij toq;Ffpd;Nwd;/toq;Ffpd;Nwhk;. Mk; ,y;iy 16. njhopyhspfQf;fhs ntUkhs mbg;gilapy;> xt;nthU fs;Nlh;h ,fpAB]; njhKih]Ak; mwpKfk; nra;Ak; xt;nthU mhGf;ifahshpd; Thk;g KjyPl;L ngWkjpapypUeJ fpilf;fg; ngWk; jeFf;Jypapy; xL gFjp mwpKff; fl;lzkhf mKePEmjw;F ehd;/ehk; ,stFepi;Nwhk; KjyPl;L MNyhrfhpdhy; vq;fSf;F Nkw;$wg;gl;litAk;> ,lu; ntspg;gLj;Jk; mwpf;ifAk; tpsf;fg;gl;lnjd;Wk; cWjp $Wfpd;Nwhk;. tpz;zg;gjhhp
ngau; ........................
ifnahg;gk; ........................
$l;L tpz;zg;gjhhp
ngau; ........................
ifnahg;gk; ........................
ngau; ........................
ifnahg;gk; ........................
jpfjp ........................
mYtyf cgNahfj;jpw;F khj;jpuk; jufu;,gq;Ffis thq;fs;tpw;wy; cs;slq;fshf tpz;zg;gjhupf;F gq;Fj;jufu; Nritfis toq;f Ntz;Lk;. fzf;Fj;jpwf;Fk; Neuj;jpy; my;yJ ve;j Neuj;jpyhtJ thbf;ifahsu; gjpTg;gbtj;jpy; jufu; toq;Ffpd;w jfty;fspy; ve;j xU gpujhd jftiyAk; khw;Wtjhf ,Ue;jhy; jufu; tpz;zg;gjhupf;F vOj;J %yk; mwptpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ehd; ,lu; ntspg;gLj;Jk; mwpf;ifia tpz;zg;gjhupapd; ftzj;jpw;F nfhz;Lte;Njd; vd;Wk; tpz;zg;gjhup ,e;j CDS fzf;if Muk;gpg;gjw;F gzuPjpapy; jFjpahdtu; vd;Wk; cWjpg;gLj;Jfpd;Nwhk;. KjyPl;L MNyhrfu;
ngau; .......................
ifnahg;gk; ..........................
ngau; .......................
ifnahg;gk; ..........................
jpfjp.............................. nfd;lu; ,f;tpB]; ypkpl;ll; gjpT ,y. PB160 Kftup : nyty; 8> rTj; tpq;> kpy;Nydpak; `T];> 46/8> etk; khtj;ij> nfhOk;G -2 = yq;fh.
ත<ෙයතාවු අතඅයදුම්කරුත/ත1Mk; $l;Lf;fzf;F itj;jpUg;gth;; / 1st Joint Holder (ඉංග්රීසිතකනටලට අතඅකුන්්පතටලරවියතයුු යි.)තතත(ngupa Mq;fpy vOj;Jf;fspy; G+uzg;gLj;Jjy; Ntz;Lk; )තත(Should be filled in English capital letters) 1. TITLE :
Mr. Mrs. Miss. Rev. Dr. Other.
යෙෙයතාවු අතඅයදුම්කරුත/ත2Mk; $l;Lf;fzf;F itj;jpUg;gth;; /ත2nd Joint Holder (ඉංග්රීසිතකනටලට අතඅකුන්්පතටලරවියතයුු යි.)තතත(ngupa Mq;fpy vOj;Jf;fspy; G+uzg;gLj;Jjy; Ntz;Lk; )තතත(Should be filled in English capital letters) 1. TITLE :
Mr. Mrs. Miss. Rev. Dr. Other.
CDS 1 (I)
මාගේ/අපගේ නමින්/නම්වලින් සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුමක් විවෘත කරන ගෙස හා පවත්වාගෙන යන ගෙස ද වරින් වර මාගේ/අපගේ සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණූමට තැන්පත් කරනු ඇති ගකොළඹ වයාපාර වසු හ වමවමාවෙගව ල ෙැස්සු හෙත කර ඇති සුරැකුම්පත් වෙට අදාෙව මාගේ/අපගේ තැන්පත්කවෙ ගෙස කටයු හ කරන ගෙසද මම/අපි ඔගෙන් ඉල්ො සිටිමි/සිටිමු. vdJ/vkJ ngahpy;/ngah;fspy; gpizaq;fs; fzf;nfhd;iw Muk;gpj;Jg; NgZkhWk;> fhyj;Jf;Ff; fhyk; vdJ/vkJ gpizaq;fs; fzf;fpy; itg;Gr; nra;ag;glf;$ba nfhOk;G gq;Fg; ghpth;j;jidapy; gl;baw;gLj;jg;gl;l gpizaq;fs; njhlh;gpy; vdJ/vkJ itg;gfkhfr; nraw;gLkhWk; ,j;jhy; ehd;/ehk; jq;fSf;F Ntz;LNfhs; tpLf;fpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;). I/We hereby request you to open and maintain a Securities Account in my/our name/s and to act as my/our depository in relation to the securities listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange that may be deposited in my / our Securities Account from time to time.
වරින් වර ෙොත්මක ගකගරන රීති, අදාෙ මාර්ෙ නිර්ගේශයන්, ක්රියාපටිපානන් සහ එයට අදාෙ සංගශෝධනයන්ට අනුකූෙව සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුම ගමගහයවන ෙවට හා සුරැකුම්පත් ෙණුදනු සිදු කරන ෙවට මම /අපි එකඟ වන්ගනමි /මු. nfhOk;G gq;Fg;gupth;j;jidapd; jd;dpaf;f tpahghu tpjpfs; kw;Wk; fhyj;Jf;Ff; fhyk; eilKiwg;gLj;jg;gLk; kj;jpa kj;jpa itg;Gj;jpl;l tpjpfSf;F mikthf gpizaq;fs; fzf;F nraw;gLj;jg;gLk; vd;gjw;F ehd;/ehk; cld;gLfpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;). I/We agree that the Securities transactions will be carried out and Securities Account will be operated in accordance with the Automated Trading Rules of the CSE and CDS Rules in force from time to time.
(III) සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුමට තැන්පත් කිරීම සඳහා වරින් වර ඔෙට ොර ගදනු ඇති සුරැකුම්පත් ොර ෙැනීම ප්රති්රහනය කිරීමට මම/අපි ගමස්න් ඔෙට ෙෙය පවරා ගදන්ගනමි/ගදන්ගනමු. එම සුරැකුම්පත් වෙට මට/අපට නීතයානුකූෙ අස්තියක් ඇති ෙවත් එම තැන්ප හව කරන සහගාගිකවෙට එගස තැන්පත් කිරීමට නීතයානුකූෙ අස්තියක් තිගෙන ෙව හා ඔවමට ට නිසි පරි බ ෙෙය පවරා තිගෙන ෙවත් මම/අපි ගමස්න් සහතික ගකොට ප්රකාශ කර සිටිමි/ සිටිමු. gpizaq;fs; fzf;fpy; itg;Gr; nra;tjw;fhf fhyj;Jf;Ff; fhyk; jq;fSf;F xg;gilf;fg;glf;$ba gpizg;gj;jpuq;fspd; xg;gilg;Gf;fis Vw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;F ,j;jhy; ehd;/ehk; jq;fSf;F mjpfhukspf;fpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;). ehd;/ehk; mj;jifa gpizg;gj;jpuq;fSf;F jFe;j chpj;ijf; nfhz;Ls;Nsd;(Nshk;) vdTk; mj;jifa itg;Gf;fisr; nra;Ak; gq;Fgw;Weh; rl;lg;gb chpj;Jilath; vdTk;> mt;thW nra;tjw;F mjpfhukspf;fg;gl;Ls;shh; vdTk; ,j;jhy; ehd;/ehk; ntspg;gLj;jp cj;juthjk; nra;fpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;). I/We hereby authorize you to accept delivery of the securities certificates that may be delivered to you from time to time for deposit into the Securities Account. I hereby represent and warrant that I/We have good title to such securities certificates and that the participant making such deposit is lawfully entitled and duly authorized to do so. (IV) මා/අප ගවනුගවන් සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුමට කවර ගහෝ සුරැකුම්පතක් තැන්පත් කිරීමට, තැන්පත් කරන ෙද සුරැකුම්පත් ආපසු ෙො ෙැනීමට සහ සහතික පත්ර අනිකුත් ගල්ඛන මා/අපි ගවනුගවන් ඔගෙන් ෙො ෙැනීම ප්රති්රහනය කිරීමට මාගේ /අපගේ සහගාීකකවෙට ූරර් අිකකාරිය තිගෙන ෙව මම/අපි ගමස්න් සුථිර කරමි/මු. vdJ/vkJ gq;Fgw;Weh; gpizaq;fs; fzf;fpy; vitNaDk; gpizaq;fis itg;Gr; nra;tjw;Fk;> itg;gPL nra;ag;gl;l vitNaDk; gpizaq;fis vdJ/vkJ rhh;gpy; kPsg;ngWtjw;Fk; gpizg;gj;jpuq;fspdJk; NtW Mtzq;fspdJk; xg;gilg;Gf;fis jq;fsplkpUe;J vdJ/vkJ rhh;gpy; Vw;Wf;nfhs;;tjw;Fk; KO mjpfhuk; nfhz;Ls;shh; vd ,j;jhy; ehd;/ehk; cWjpg;gLj;Jfpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;). I/We hereby confirm that my/our participant has full authority to deposit any security into the Securities Account, to withdraw any deposited security on my/our behalf and to accept the delivery of securities certificates and other documents from you on my/our behalf.
මා/අප විසින් CDS 1 ආකෘති පත්රගය ල 16 වන අස්තමය යටගත් විදුත් තැපැල් ලිපිනයක් සපයා ඇති විට එ ල සපයා ඇති විදුත් තැපැල් ලිපිනයට මගේ/ අපගේ CDS ගිණුමට අදාෙ ගිණුම් ප්රකාශ යවනු ෙෙන ෙව මම/අපි පිළිෙනිමි/පිළිෙනිමු. මගේ/අපගේ විදුත් තැපැල් ලිපිනගේ යම් ගවනසක් ගහෝ ගමම ගසවය නතර කිරීම සඳහා ලිඛිතව ගකගරන යම් ඉල්ලීමක් මගේ/අපගේ සහගාගිකවෙ මගින් ගනොපමාව දැනුම් දීමට ගමස්න් ගපොගරොන්දු ගවමි/ගවමු. vd;dhy;/vk;khy; CDS 1 khjpupg; gbtj;jpd; 16 MtJ gpuptpd; fPo; kpd;dQ;ry; Kftup xd;W toq;fg;gl;bUg;gpd; me;j kpd;dQ;ry; Kftupf;F vdJ/vkJ CDS fzf;fpd; fzf;fwpf;iffs; mDg;gg;gLk; vd;gijAk; ehd/ehk; Vw;Wf;nfhs;fpd;Nwd; /Vw;Wf;nfhs;fpd;Nwhk;. vdJ/vkJ kpd;dQ;fy; Kftupapy; VNjDk; khw;wq;fs; my;yJ ,r;Nritia epWj;JkhW vOj;J%yk; Kd;itf;fg;gLk; Ntz;LNfhs; vdJ/vkJ gq;Fgw;Wdu; Clhf CDS epWtdj;Jf;F cldbahf mwptpf;fg;gLk; vd;gijAk; ehd;/ehk; cWjpahff; $Wfpd;Nwd/$Wfpd;Nwhk;. I/We hereby acknowledge that, in the event I/We have provided an email address/s under item 16 of Form CDS1, the CDS Account Statements pertaining to my/our CDS Account will be sent to the email address provided therein. I/We confirm that any change in my/our e-mail address or any request in writing for discontinuation of this service will be immediately communicated by me/us in writing to the CDS through my/our participant.
(VI) ඉහත දී ඇති විසුතර වෙ කිසියම් ගවනසක් සිදු කෙ ගහොත් ඔෙට සහ මාගේ / අපගේ සහගාීකකවෙට ලිඛිතව දැනුම් දීමට එකඟ වන්ගනමි/මු. NkNy jug;gl;Ls;s tpguq;fspy; vitNaDk; khw;wq;fs; gw;wp jq;fSf;F vdJ/vkJ gq;Fgw;Weh; Clhf 14 ehl;fSf;Fs; vOj;J %ykhd mwptpj;jypid ehd;/ehk; nghWg;Ngw;fpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;) I/We undertake to give you notice in writing through my/our participant of any change of particulars given above within 14 days of such change.
1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________
අයදුම් කවෙගේ/ කවෙවන්ගේ අත්සන/න් tpz;zg;gjhuh;/tpz;zg;gjhuh;fspd; ifnahg;gk; Signature of Applicant/s
බනය/jpfjp/Date: ___________________ අදාෙ ගනොවන ඒවා කපා හරින්න./tplaj;jpw;Nfw;g fPwptplTk;./Delete accordingly.
සැලකිය යුතු: මෙෙ අයදුම්පත ඔමේ සහභාගීකරුමේ ොර්ගමයන් ඉදිරිපත් කල යුතුය.
Fwpg;G: ,e;j tpz;zg;gk; cq;fs; gq;Fgw;Weh; Clhf rkh;g;gpf;fg;gLjy; Ntz;Lk; NOTE: This application should be submitted through your Participant
CDS 1 (A) වෙත: මධ්යම තන්පතු ්රමය
අංක 04-01, බටහිර වකොටස, ව ෝක වෙවෙඳ මධ්යසථානයය, එච් ්ප චු රශ්රය, වකොෙ 01.
Authorized Signature and Stamp of Participant
nrd;l;uy; bNghrpl;lhp rp];lk;]; (gpiw) ypkpl;nll;. # 04-01, Nkw;Fj; njhFjp> cyf th;j;jf epiyak;> vr;rpyd; rJf;fk;> nfhOk;G 1
TO: The Central Depository Systems (Pvt) Ltd # 04-01, West Block, World Trade Centre, Echelon Square, Colombo 1.
ප්රකනනය කකතිය ntspg;gLj;Jifg; gbtk DECLARATION FORM ො/අපි I/We
හි of vd;Dk; Kfthpiar; Nrh;e;j (සම්පුර්ණ නෙ) (Kfthp)) (Full name)
(ලිපිනය) (ngah;) (Address)
හි of vd;Dk; Kfthpiar; Nrh;e;j (සම්පුර්ණ නෙ) (Kfthp)) (Full name)
(ලිපිනය) (ngah;) (Address)
හි of vd;Dk; Kfthpiar; Nrh;e;j (සම්පුර්ණ නෙ) (Kfthp)) (Full name)
(ලිපිනය) (ngah;) (Address)
වන ොමේ/අපමේ නමින්/නම්වලින් සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුෙක් විවෘත කිරීෙට ෙධ්යෙ තැන්පතු ්රෙය මෙ.තැ.්ර.) කකවීමෙ ්රතිෂ්ඨාාමක ට මෙිනන් පහත සඳහන් පරිදි ්රකා කරමි/මු. Mfpa ehd;/ehk; nrd;l;uy; bNghrpl;lhp rp];lk;]; (gpiw) ypkpl;nll; (CDS) gpizaq;fs; fzf;nfhd;iw Muk;gpf;f cld;gLtjw;Ff; fpuakhf> ,j;jhy; gpd;tUkhW ntspg;gLj;JfpdNwd(;Nwhk);. in consideration of the Central Depository Systems (Pvt.) Ltd. (CDS) agreeing to open a Securities Account, hereby declare as follows: * 1. (i) ො/අප විසින් ෙ.තැ.්ර. හි විවෘත කරු තතිෂ සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුෙ පවත්වාමගන යු ලබන්fන් ොමේ/අපමේ අර්ථලාභය සඳහා පෙණි. CDS ,y; vd;dhy;/vk;khy; Muk;gpf;fg;glTs;s gpizaq;fs; fzf;F vdJ/vkJ ed;ikf;fhf khj;jpuNk The Securities Account to be opened by me/us in the CDS shall be maintained for my/our benefit only. මහෝ මඅර්ථලාභීන් ගණන තිෂමෙමනකුට වඩා ඉක්ෙවන අවසඨථාවක, පහත සඳහන් 1(ii) වන වගන්තිෂය පිරවිය යුතුය.) my;yJ; (gaDfhpfspd; vz;zpf;if %d;W Ml;fSf;F Nkw;glhjpUf;Fk;gl;rj;jpy;> fPNoAs;s thrfk; 1(ii) I epug;gTk;) Or; (In the event the number of beneficiaries does not exceed three persons, please complete clause 1(ii) below.) (ii) ො/අප විසින් විවෘත කරු තතිෂ සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුෙ භාරකරුවකු/ භාරකාර බැැංකුවක්/ කළෙනාකරුවකු මලස, ොමේ/අපමේ තත්වමයන් පහත සඳහන් පුද්ගලිනන්මේ ්රතිෂලාභය සඳහාය. CDS ,y; Muk;gpf;fg;glTs;s gpizaq;fs; fzf;F ek;gpf;ifg;nghWg;ghsh;;/ghJfhtyh;/; Kfhikahsh; vd;w vdJ/vkJ jd;ikapy; gpd;tUk; Ml;fspd; ed;ikf;fhfg; Ngzg;gLjy; Ntz;Lk;. The Securities Account to be opened by us in the CDS shall be maintained for the benefit of the following persons in my/our capacity as Trustee / Custodian / Manager.
නෙ / ngah / Name
ලිපිනය / Kfth / Address
ජාතිෂය / ehl;bdk; / Nationality
1. 2. 3 මහෝ / my;yJ / Or; මඅර්ථලාභීන් ගණන තිෂමෙමනකුට වඩා අඩුවන අවසඨථාවක, පහත සඳහන් 1(iii) වන වගන්තිෂය පිරවිය යුතුය (%d;Wf;F Nkw;gl;l gaDfhpfs; ,Uf;Fk;gl;rj;jpy; fPNoAs;s thrfk; 1(iii) I epug;gTk;) (In the event there are more than three beneficiaries, please complete clause 1(iii) below.) (iii) අොල අර්ථලාභින්මේ ්රතිෂලාභය තකා සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුම් විවෘත කරන භාරකරු / භාරකාර බැැංකුව/ කළෙනාකරු වන ො/අප ගිණුමම් අවසාන අර්ථලාභින්ට අයත් සියළු මත රතුරු පවත්වාමගන යන අතර ෙ.තැ.්ර. ට අව ය ුවවමහ ත් නනමෙ අවසඨථාවක අර්ථලාභින්ට අයත් කෙ මත රතුරු ෙ.තැ.්ර මවත වහාෙ මුොහැරීෙට කකව මවමි/මවමු.
ek;gpf;ifg;nghWg;ghsh;;/ghJfhtyh;;/Kfhikahsh; vd;w vdJ/vkJ jd;ikapy fzf;fpd; ,Wjp gaDfhpfs; njhlh;gpyhd ngah;fs;> Kfthpfs;> ehl;bdq;fs; vd;gd Nghd;w vy;yh jftiyAk; NgZNtd;/NgZNthk; vd;gJld; VNjDk; Neuj;jpy; CDS My; Njitg;gLj;jg;gbd; mj;jifa jftiy CDS f;F cldbahf tpLtpg;gjidg; nghWg;Ngw;fpd;Nwd;/ nghWg;Ngw;fpd;Nwhk;. I/We, in our capacity as Trustee / Custodian / Manager shall maintain all information such as names, addresses and nationalities pertaining to the ultimate beneficiaries of the account and undertake to promptly release to the CDS such information pertaining to the beneficiaries, at any time, if required by the CDS. 2.
අයදුම්පමත් හා ඊට අමුණා තතිෂ මේඛණවල සතය හා ිවවැරදි මත රතුරු අන්තර්ගත වන අතර සතය මත රතුරු වසන් කිරීෙට මහෝ මවනසඨ කිරීෙට, කිසිදු මවනසඨ කිරීෙක්, අු වර්තනය කිරීෙක් මහෝ අසතය කරුණු කියාපමම් කිසිවක් කර මන ෙැත. tpz;zg;gKk; mjDld; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s Mtzq;fSk; cz;ikahditAk; rhpahditAkhd jftiyf; nfhz;Ls;sd vd;gJld; cz;ikahd epfo;Tfis kiwg;gjw;F> my;yJ jpirjpUg;Gtjw;F khw;wk;> jphpGgLj;Jjy; my;yJ ngha;ahf;Fjy; vJTk; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gltpy;iy The application and the documents attached thereto bear true and correct information and no alteration, modification or falsification was carried out to hide or deflect true facts.
CDS 1 ආකෘතිෂමය හි, මෙෙ ්රකා ප්රමයහි සහ ෙ.තැ.්ර. ගිණුෙක් විවෘත කිරීෙට අයදුම්පත සෙව ො/අප විසින් ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලෙ අිවකුත් මත රතුරු වල කිසියම් මත රතුරක් මවනසඨ කරු ලැබුවමහ ත් කෙ මවනස සිදු කල දිනමේ සිට දින 14ක් තතුළත ලිඛිතව ෙ.තැ.්ර. මවත ෙැු ම් ීමෙට ෙෙ/අපි කකව වන්මනමි/වන්මනමු. CDS gbtk; I ,Yk;; ,e;j ntspg;gLj;JiifapYk; CDS fzf;nfhd;iw Muk;gpg;gjw;fhd tpz;zg;gj;Jld; vd;dhy;/vk;khy; rkh;g;gpf;fg;gl;l Vida jftypYk; NtWghL Vw;gLk;gl;rj;jpy; mj;jifa NtWghL Vw;gl;ljpypUe;J gjpdhY (14) ehl;fSf;Fs; CDS f;F vOj;jpy; mwptpg;gjid ehd;/ehk; nghWg;Ngw;fpd;Nwd;/nghWg;Ngw;fpd;Nwhk;. In the event of a variation of any information given in the CDS Form 1, this Declaration and other information submitted by me/us along with the application to open a CDS Account, I/we undertake to inform the CDS in writing within fourteen (14) days of such variation.
ෙ.තැ.්ර. සෙව විවෘත කරු තතිෂ, සුරැකුම්පත් ගිණුම් හරහා සුරැකුම් මිලදි ගැීමෙ සඳහා ආමයෝජනය කළ යුතු අරමුෙේ අයථා ආකාරමයන් මහෝ ්රසඨතවාීම ක්රියාවන් ොර්ගමයන් මහෝ මවනත් ීමතිෂ විමරෝ ක ක්රියාවල අරමුෙේ සැපම්ම් ොර්ගමයන් ඉප අ අරමුෙේ වලින් ලබාගත් ාවා මන වු තත. CDS cld; Muk;gpf;fg;glTs;s gpizaq;fs; fzf;fpd; Clhf gpizaq;fspd; nfhs;tdTfF KjyPL nra;ag;glTs;s epjpfs; gzk; J}a;jhf;Fk; VNjDk; nraw;ghw;;bypUe;J my;yJ gaq;futhj nraw;ghLfSf;F epjpaspf;Fk; my;yJ NtW rl;ltpNuhjkhd nraw;ghl;bd; Clhf ngwg;gl;l gzkhf ,Uf;f khl;lhJ. The funds to be invested for the purchase of securities through the Securities Account to be opened with the CDS will not be Funds derived from any money laundering activity or funds generated through the financing of terrorist or any other illegal activity.
පහත සඳහන් වැරදි වලට අොළව ශ්රී ලැංකාමහ මහෝ මවනයම් රටක යම් සාපරා/ස/සිවිේ විිව ඨායා/සකරයකින් මහෝ පරිපාලන බලධ්ාරීන් විසින් ො/අප තහනම් කර සහ/මහෝ ්රතිෂක්ම්ප කර සහ/මහෝ අත් හිුවවා මන ෙැත. ehd;/ehk; gpd;tUk; jtWfs; njhlh;gpy; ,yq;iapy; my;yJ NtW VNjDk; ehl;bYs;s VNjDk; Fw;wtpay;/Fbapay; epahaeigahy; /eph;thf mjpfhu rigahy jilnra;a/epuhfhpf;f/,ilepWj;jk; nra;ag; gltpy;iy. I/we have not been banned and/or rejected and /or suspended by any criminal/civil tribunal or administrative authority in Sri Lanka or in any other country in connection with the following offences:
2006 අැංක 6 ෙරණ මුලය ගණුමෙු වාර්තා කිරීමම් පනමත් අර්ථ ිවරුපනය කර තතිෂ පරිදි යම් ීමතිෂ විමරෝ ක ක්රියාවකින් මහෝ කිසියම් ීමතිෂ විමරෝ ක ක්රියාවකින් ලත් මුෙේ වලින් සෘජුවෙ මහෝඅිවයමින් ලබාගත් මහෝ උපලේධ්වූ යම් මද්පලකට අොළ යම් ගණුමෙු වකට සෘජුවෙ මහෝ අිවයම්ව ිවයැලීෙ. 2006Mk; Mz;bd; 6Mk; ,yf;f epjp rhh;e;j nfhLf;fy; thq;fy;fis mwpf;ifapLk; rl;lj;jhy; tiutpyf;fzk; $wg;gl;lthW VNjDk; rl;ltpNuhjkhd nraw;ghl;bypUe;J ngwg;gl;l my;yJ VNjDk; rl;ltpNuhjkhd nraw;ghl;bd; tUtha;fspypUe;J Neubahf my;yJ kiwKfkhf ngwg;gll VNjDk; Mjdk; njhlh;gpy; VNjdk; nfhLf;fy; thq;;fypy; NeubahfNth kiwKfkhfNth <LgLjy;. Engaging directly or indirectly in any transaction in relation to any property which is derived or realized directly or indirectly, from any unlawful activity or from the proceeds of any unlawful activity as defined by the Financial Transactions Reporting Act No. 6 of 2006;
කිසියම් ීමතිෂ විමරෝ ක කටයුත්තකින් මහෝ ඉහත ෙක්වා තතිෂ කවර මහෝ ීමතිෂ විමරෝ ක ක්රියාවකින් ලබා ගත් මුෙේ වලින් සෘජුවෙ මහෝ අිවයමින් උපයන ලෙ මහෝ උපලේධ් කල යම් මද්පලක් ශ්රී ලැංකාමහ මහෝ මවනයම් රටක ආමයෝජනය කිරීෙ මහෝ ශ්රී ලැංකාවට මහෝ මවන යම් රටකට මගන ාෙ සඳහා, සන්තකය ෙැරීෙ, සැගීමෙ, බැහැරලීෙ. NkNy Fwpg;gPL nra;ag;gl;l VNjDk; rl;ltpNuhjkhd nraw;ghl;bypUe;J my;yJ VNjDk; rl;ltpNuhjkhd nraw;ghl;bd; tUthapypUe;J Neubahf my;yJ kiwKfkhf ngwg;gl;l my;yJ Njwg;gl;l tUtha;fspypUe;J VNjDk; rl;ltpNuhjkhd nrw;ghl;bypUe;J ngwg;gl;l my;yJ Njwg;gl;l VNjDk; Mjdj;ij ngw;Wf;nfhs;sy;> cilikapy; itj;jpUj;jy;> kiwj;Jitj;jy;> ifAjph;j;jy; my;yJ ,yq;ifapy; my;yJ NtW VNjDk; ehl;by; KjyPL nra;tjw;fhf ,yq;iff;Fs; my;yJ NtW VNjDk; ehl;bw;Fs; nfhz;L tUjy;. Receiving, possessing, concealing, disposing, of or bringing into Sri Lanka or into any other country, or for investing in Sri Lanka or in any other country, any property which is derived or realized, directly or indirectly, from any unlawful activity or from the proceeds of any unlawful activity referred to above; or
2006 අැංක 5 ෙරණ මුලය විුද්/සකරණ පනත ෙඟින් හා කහි යම් සැංම ෝධ්න ෙඟින් මහෝ මලෝකමේ මවනයම් මපමෙසක ා හා සොන වයවසඨථා සම්පාෙනයක් යටමත් වරෙක් බවට අර්ථ ිවරුපනය කළ හැකි කිසියම් වරෙක්. 2006Mk; Mz;bd; 5Mk; ,yf;f gzk; J}a;jhf;fiy jilnra;jy; rl;lj;jpd;fPo; my;yJ mjw;fhd VNjdk; jpUj;jj;jpd;fPo; my;yJ mjidnahj;j VNjDk; rl;lthf;fj;jpd;fPo; cyfpd; VNjDk; ghfj;jpy; jnwhd;whf tiutpyf;fzk; $wg;gl;l NtW VNjDk; jtW. Any other offence which has been defined as an offence under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act No.5 of 2006 and any amendment thereto or any similar legislation in any other part of the world.
ො/අප ඉහත සඳහන් වරෙවේ වලට අොලව ශ්රී ලැංකාමහ මහෝ මවනයම් රටක සාපරා/ස ෙඩුවම් කිරීෙ පිබඳබඳ වාර්තා රහිත යහපත් තත්වමේ පුද්ගලයකු/පුද්ගලිනන් බව ෙෙ/අපි මෙිනන් තව දුරටත් ්රකා කර සිිමමි/සිිමමු. ehd;/ehk; ey;y epiyikapYs;stUk;(cs;sth;fSk;) NkNy Fwpg;gplg;gl;l jtWfs; njhlh;gpy; ,yq;ifapy; my;yJ NtW VNjDk; ehl;by; gjpTnra;ag;gl;l Fw;wtpay; Fw;wj;jPh;g;Gfs; vitAkpy;yhjtUkhd(th;fSkhd) Ms;/Ml;fs; MNtd;(MNthk;) vd ,jjhy; NkYk; ntspg;gLj;Jfpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;). I/We hereby further declare that I/We am/are person(s) of good standing with no record of criminal convictions in relation to the offences stated above, in Sri Lanka or in any other country.
CDS 1 (A) 7.
පහත සඳහන් ාවා හැර මවිිව ඨාය සඳහා ිවයමිතව තිෂමබන යම් නඩු හබ වල සම්පුර්ණ විසඨතරයක් සපයන්න) ශ්රී ලැංකාමහ මහෝ මලෝකමේ මවන යම් මපමෙසක, ඉහත සඳහන් කළ පරිදි යම් ෙඩුවම් කිරීෙකට/ විිව ඨායකට ිවයමිතව තතිෂ සාපරා/ස නඩුවකට සම්බන්ධ් සහ/මහෝ ආශ්රිත පුද්ගලිනන් මහෝ ෙට/අපට කමරහිව තතිෂ ො/අප හා ආශ්රිත සහ/මහෝ ො/අප හා සම්බන්ධ් වයාපාරයන් මහුවේකරුමවකු, මක ටසඨකරුමවකු, අධ්යක්්වරමයකු මලස) ො/අප මහෝ ො/අප ආශ්රිත යම් පුද්ගලමයකු/පුද්ගලිනන් කිසිවක් මන ෙැත. ehd;/ehk; mj;Jld;/my;yJ vd;Dld;/vk;Kld; njhlh;Gila vtNuDk; Ms;(Ml;fs;) my;yJ vd;Dld;/vk;Kld; njhlh; Gila VNjDk; mikg;G (gq;fhsh;> gq;Fjhuh;> gzpg;ghsh; xUtuhf) vdf;F/vkf;F my;yJ NkNy $wg;gl;lthW njhlh;Gila mj;Jld;/my;yJ ,ize;Js;s Ml;fSf;F vjpuhf ,yq;ifapy; my;yJ cyfpd; NtW VNjdk; ghfj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iwj; jtpu (KbTWhjpUf;Fk; VNjDk; tof;fhly; gw;wpa tphpthd tptuzk; juTk;) vitNaDk; Fw;wj;jPh;g;Gfs;/KbTwhjpUf;Fk; Fw;wtpay; tof;F eltbf;iffs; vitAkpy;iy. I/We or any persons(s) associated with me/us and/or any entity connected to me/us (as a partner, shareholder, director) have against me/us or persons connected and/or associated as aforesaid any convictions/pending criminal proceeding in Sri Lanka or in any other part of the world except the following (give detailed description of any pending litigation);
ෙ.තැ.්ර. ගිණුෙක් විවෘත කිරීෙට ොමේ/අපමේ අයදුම්පත සහ අොළ අිවකුත් මේඛන ්රතිෂක්ම්ප කර මන ෙැතිෂ බව සහ ෙ.තැ.්ර. හි මවනයම් සහභාගිකරුමවකු විසින් කිසිදු වයාපාරික සබඳතාවක් මිට මපර ්රතිෂක්ම්ප කර මන ෙැතිෂ බව ෙෙ/අපි ්රකා කරමි/කරමු. CDS fzf;nfhd;iw Muk;gpg;gjw;fhd vdJ/vkJ tpz;zg;gKk; ,iaghd Vida MtzKk; kWf;fg;gltpy;iy my;yJ vitNaDk; njhopy; cwTfs; CDS ,d; NtW vtNuDk; gq;Nfw;g ; tuhy; Kd;dh; epuhfhpf;fg;gltpy;iy vd ehd;/ehk; ntspg;gLj;Jfpd;Nwd;(fpd;Nwhk;). I/We declare that my/our application and other relevant documentation to open a CDS account has not been refused or any business relationship has not been declined previously by any other Participant of the CDS.
මක ළඹ වයාපාර වසඨතු හුවොරුව මමක .ව.ව.හු.) /ෙ.තැ.්ර. විසින් මෙහි ො/අපි විසඨතර කර තතිෂ ්රකා ඊට පටහැිවයින ීරරණය කළමහ ත් මමහෝ ්රසිද්ධ් මත රතුරු ොර්ගමයන් මහෝ අනයාකාරමයන් කවැිව කරුණු වලට පටහැිව බව තහුවරු ුවවමහ ත්), කහි ගිණුෙ ෙරන්නාමේ මහෝ කෙ ගිණුම් ෙරන්නා සම්බන්ධ් පාර් වකරුමවකුමේ ගණුමෙු වලට අොළ ශ්රී ලැංකාමහ ීමතිෂ/මරලාලාසි ඉුවකළයුතු ආයතනයක් මලස කවැිව ගිණුම් ෙ.තැ.්ර ට හාිවොයක බව මක .ව.ව.හු./ෙ.තැ.්ර. හි ෙතය ුවවමහ ත් ො/අප හා සම්බන්ධ් සියළු තැන්පතු හා කවැිව අිවකුත් මසවා ාක පාර්ශිකව සොප්ත කිරීෙට සහ අොළ පිරිවැය මහෝ මෙෙ ගිණුෙ හා සම්බන්ධ් අිවකුත් වියෙම් අයකර ගැීමෙට මෙිනන් තවදුරටත් ෙ/තැ.්ර. ට බලය පවරා ීමෙට කකව මවමි/මවමු. ,jd;fz; vd;dhy;/vk;khy; nra;ag;gl;Ls;s vitNaDk; $w;Wf;fs; (my;yJ gfpuq;fkhff; fpilf;fTs;s jfty; Clhf my;yJ NtW tifapy; mj;jifa VNjDk; tplak;) mjd; fzf;F itj;jpUg;gth;fspd; my;yJ mj;jifa fzfF itj;jpUg;gth;fSld; njhlh;Gila jpwj;jth;fspd; nfhLf;fy; thq;fy; njhlh;gpy; CSE/CDS ,d; mgpg;gpuhag;gb ,yq;ifapd; rl;lq;fSld;/xOq;FtpjpfSld; ,zq;fpnahOfNtz;ba epWtdnkhd;whf CDS ,w;F KuzhdJ vd CSE/CDS jPh;khdpj;jhy; itg;gPLfs; rhh;e;jitAk; vd;Dld;;/vk;Kld; njhlh;GilaitAkhd mj;jifa NtW NritfisAk; xUGilahf KbTWj;Jtjw;Fk; ,f;fzf;F njhlh;g ; pyhd rhh;Gila nryTfisAk; Vida nrytpdq;fisAk; mwtpLtjw;Fk; CDS ,w;F ,j;jhy; mjpfhukspf;fg;gLfpd;wJ vd ehd;/ehk; ,j;jhy; NkYk; ntspg;gLj;;JtJld; cld;gl;Lf;nfhs;fpd;;Nwd;(Nwhk;). I/We further declare and agree that, should the CSE/CDS determine any statements made by me/us herein to the contrary, (or any such matter through publicly available information or otherwise) which would in the opinion of the CSE/CDS be detrimental to the CDS as an institution having to comply with the laws/regulations of Sri Lanka pertaining to transactions of its account holders or parties connected to such account holders, the CDS is hereby authorized to unilaterally terminate all depository and such other services connected to me/us and recover related costs or other expenses pertaining to this account.
ඉහත “1” සිට “9” ෙක්වා තතිෂ මේෙ ෙට/අපට කියවා ීමමෙන් අනතුරුව ො/අප විසින් ාවා මත්රුම්මගන මෙෙ ්රකා යට ොමේ/අපමේ අත්සන් තැූ බව ෙෙ/අපි මෙිනන් සඨථිර කරමි/කරමු. ,e;j ntspg;gLj;Jifapy; ifnahg;gkpLtjw;FKd;dh; NkNyAs;s ”1”Kjy; “9” tiuapyhd ge;jpfs; vk;khy; Kiwahf thrpf;fg;gl;L tpsq;fpf;nfhs;sg;gl;ld vd ,j;jhy; ehd;/ehk; ntspg;gLj;Jfpd;Nwd;(Nwhk;). I/We hereby confirm that the paragraphs “1” to “9” above have been duly read over and understood by me/us prior to signing this Declaration.
(අයදුම්කරුමේ අත්සන ) (tpz;zg;gjhuhpd; ifnahg;gk;) (Signature of the Applicant)
ම1 වන හුවේ අයදුම්කරුමේ අත්සන) (tpz;zg;g ; jhuhpd; ifnahg;gk); මSignature of the 1st Joint Applicant) 20
මෙදිනදිය. Mk; jpfjp
day of
*අදනෙ යනි ඒෙන කතනහරි්පය *Vw;Gilj;jpy;yhjijf; fPwptplTk; * Delete whichever is inapplicable
ම2 වන හුවේ අයදුම්කරුමේ අත්සන) (2Mk; $l;L tpz;zg;gjhuhpd; ifnahg;gk;) (Signature of the 2nd Joint Applicant)
CDS 1 (C) Authorized Signature and Stamp of Participant
I/We ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… ( full name) Of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… (Address) in consideration of the Central Depository Systems (Pvt) Limited (CDS) agreeing to open a Securities Account in my/our name (s), I/we hereby declare as follows :I/We being a non resident/non residents having a CDS account classified as “Foreign Individual Account (FI)” hereby agree that I/we shall comply and continue to comply with the applicable Exchange Control Laws & Regulations and other applicable Laws & Regulations in force from time to time pertaining to the said CDS account and undertake to furnish to CDS all details pertaining to transactions carried out in the FI account at the request of the CDS.
………………………………………………. (Signature/s of the Applicant/s)
This …………. Day of …………….. 200
NOTE: This Application should be submitted through your Participant
To: The Central Depository Systems (Pvt.) Ltd #04-01, West Block, World Trade Center Echelon Square, Colombo 01
CDS 28
eService Form Registration/Modification Form for e-Statement Facility/ SMS Alerts Facility/ Bank Details to Remit Dividends, Coupons and Maturities I wish to avail the following facility/ies for my below mentioned Securities Account maintained with the Central Depository Systems (Pvt.) Ltd: CDS Account number:
Name of the Account Holder: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Please put a tick (â&#x2C6;&#x161;) in the relevant box for the items 1, 2 and 3.
CDS e-Statement Facility* Registration
Modification of existing information
E-mail address to which e-Statements are to be sent:
* Please note that this facility is currently not available to CDS Accounts held by Corporate Bodies and Collective Investment Schemes
CDS SMS Alerts Facility* Registration
Modification of existing information
Mobile Phone Number to which messages are to be sent:
* Please note that this facility is currently not available to CDS Accounts held by Corporate Bodies, Collective Investment Schemes and Foreign Individuals. ** To de-activate the SMS Alerts Facility, please complete the CDS 27-B form and submit same to the CDS through your Stockbroker Participant / custodian bank. ***Monthly subscription of Rs. 60 will be charged.
03. Bank Details to Remit Dividends/ Coupons/ Maturities Registration
Modification of existing information
I have read and understood the ‘terms and conditions’ set out in the CDS 26 and CDS 27-A governing the provision of the e-Statement Facility and the SMS Alerts Facility by the CDS and agree to abide by same and any amendments thereto made by the CDS from time to time. I declare that the information furnished above by me is true and correct. *** Contact your Stockbroker Participant / Custodian Bank to obtain the terms and conditions or log on to
Signature of the account holder
For Office Use Only – To be completed by the participant
We confirm the authenticity of the signature of the account holder and hereby authorize the Central Depository Systems Private Limited to register for the eStatement facility, the SMS Alerts Facility and Bank Details to remit the Dividends/ Coupons/ Maturities for the above mentioned CDS Account.
Authorized Signature & The Stamp of the Participant (CEO or Compliance Officer Should Sign)
Candor Equities Limited Level 8,South Wing Millennium House 46/58, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 2359100 Fax: +94 11 2305522 Email:
To be filled in by the applicant and retained with the Member Firm in accordance with FIU regulations
Know Your Customer (KYC) Profile
For Individuals Only
This information is sought under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act No. 5 of 2006, Financial Transaction Reporting Act No. 6 of 2006 and the rules for the Securities Industry issued by the Financial Intelligence Unit of Central Bank of Sri Lanka. All the information as applicable in sections A,B and C below is mandatory for the Applicant. Name of the Applicant NIC/Passport Number Date
Section A ‐ Basic Account Information Client Type: (please tick)
Section B ‐ Address & Contact Details of the Applicant 1. Proof of Residency document provided by the applicant: (Please submit any one of the following documents and tick (√)against the document attached.) * Bank Account / Credit Card Statement
* Telephone Bill
Valid Tenancy Agreement
* Electricity / Water Bill
Registered Lease or Sale Agreement of Residency
* Mobile Phone Bill * Grama Sewaka Certificate
* Income Tax Receipt/Assessment Notice
* Letter issued by the superintendent of a plantation estate in respect of Estate workers who have no other documentary proof * Other notices / letters issued by Government authorities and institutions which will be deemed as acceptable to the CDS. (Please specify) * These documents should be within three (03) months as on the date of submission of the CDS account opening forms.
4. Status of Residency Address : (Premises) Owner
Lease / Rent
Friends / Relatives
Board / Lodging
Other Place (Please specify) 3. Contact Details : Telephone (Office) : Telephone (Res) Email Address
Mobile Number : :
Fax Number :
Section C â&#x20AC;? Other Details 1. Employees : Occupation
Name of Organization
Address of the Organization
2. Self Employed / Professionals Name of Business/Profession
Registered Address
3. Expected Value of Investment per annum: Less than Rs. 100,000
Rs. 100,000 to 500,000
Rs. 500,000 to 1,000,000
Rs. 1,000,000 to 2,000,000
Rs. 2,000,000 to 3,000,000
Rs. 3,000,000 to 4,000,000
Rs. 4,000,000 to 5,000,000
Rs. 5,000,000 to 10,000,000
Over Rs. 10,000,000
Salary / Profit Income
Sale of Property/Assets
Sales & Business Turnover
Contract Proceeds
Family Remittances
Commission Income
Export Proceeds
Investment Proceeds/Savings
Membership Contribution
4. Source of funds:
Others (specify) 5. Other Connected Business / Professional activities & business interests
6. Other Details / Remarks / Notes : (if any)
Signature of the Applicant / Authorised Person