James Hansen's policies are shaftng the poor (Willis Eschenbach)

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Link: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/03/15/james-hansens-policies-are-shaftingthe-poor/?mc_cid=ff9af5af38&mc_eid=22abc6501f

James Hansen’s Policies Are Shafting The Poor Willis Eschenbach / March 15, 2013 I was reading an interview with Adrian Bejan (worth taking a look at), and I got to musing about his comments regarding the relationship between energy use and per capita income. So I pulled up GapMinder, the world’s best online visualization software. Here’s a first cut at the relationship between energy and income.

Figure 1. Energy use per person (tons of oil equivalent, TOE) versus average income, by country. Colors show geographical regions. Size of the circle indicates population. The US is the large yellow circle at the top right. Canada is the overlapping yellow circle. China is the large red circle, India the large light blue circle. Here’s a link to the live Gapminder graph so you can experiment with it yourself. Clearly, other than a few outliers, the relationship between energy use and income is quite straightforward. You can’t have one without the other. Well, that’s not quite true, you can have energy without income. You can have (relatively) high energy use without Page 1

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