US Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Updated October 2016)
The USA has nuclear fuel production capacity insufficient for domestic needs. A new enrichment plant is licensed to expand. Currently, almost all the uranium used in US commercial reactors is imported. After reaching a peak in 1980, domestic mining now accounts for only 10% of the fuel used in US reactors. Between 1977 and 2005, government policy did not allow reprocessing of used fuel for commercial reactors.
Note: The following is an excerpt regarding the now failed agreement between the USA and Russia to reprocess Russian weapons grade plutonium into Mixed Oxide fuel, MOX, for use in US commercial nuclear power plants. The failure is due in part to US unilateral decisions, contrary to the 2000 Russia-US Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement to not reprocess the Russian plutonium into MOX fuel, but simply dilute it and put it into very long term storage in the ground. This kind of US action is consistent with the government’s 40 year policy of doing as little as possible to promote use of nuclear energy. The actions by the US contradict intentions of many other countries to use nuclear power to its fullest potential. Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have taken steps to reduce the use of nuclear power, most recently in favor of wind and solar.
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