DiCaprio's climate catastrophe film (Tom Harris)

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Link: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/28/dicaprio-climate-catastrophe-film-boostsclinton-campaign/ For original article and embedded links, see above.

DiCaprio Climate Catastrophe Film Boosts Clinton Campaign

Tom Harris Executive Director, Climate Science Coalition 10/28/2016

In an apparent attempt to bolster support for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio is releasing a new climate change movie just days before the election. To be broadcast in 45 languages in 171 countries, Before the Flood will debut at 9 pm EDT this Sunday on the National Geographic Channel. It will also be available for free on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google Play, iTunes, Amazon, and Hulu. Judging from the trailers and other pre-release promotions, the public needs to brace itself for an avalanche of global warming propaganda. Like DiCaprio’s short film Carbon, released in the weeks prior to the United Nations’ Climate Summit 2014, Before the Flood is based on the highly debatable hypothesis that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are causing catastrophic climate change. Coal, oil, and Page 1

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