Excerpt from The Energy Advocate, November 2016 (Vol. 21, No. 4) A paid subscription newsletter, presented with permission of the publisher. Publisher: Vales Lake Publishing, LLC. Editor Howard Hayden, Ph.D., (for identification only) Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Connecticut. The Energy Advocate, PO Box 7609, Pueblo West, CO 81007. ISSN: 1091-9732. Fax: (719) 547-7819, e-mail: corkhayden@comcast.net. Website: http://www.EnergyAdvocate.com. Subscription $40 for 12 monthly issues. We occasionally present excerpts from this excellent newsletter to show important content for students, teachers and the public, and to encourage you to subscribe.
Precise Guesswork By Howard Hayden Following the paradigm of the people who are always trying to make problems out of solutions to problems, somebody somewhere has invented a concept called the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC), and the administration has decided to hang a number on it [1,2]: The purpose of the “social cost of carbon” (SCC) estimates presented here is to allow agencies to incorporate the social benefits of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into cost-benefit analyses of regulatory actions that impact cumulative global emissions. [2] In a case dealing largely with the refrigeration industry, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Department of Energy, which had set the cost at $36 of international damage per metric ton of CO2 [3]. The court basically deferred to the Department of Energy: “We conclude that DOE acted in a manner worthy of our deference,” wrote Senior Judge Kenneth Ripple. He continued, “This is not a close call … “We are convinced that DOE's engineering analysis, including its use of an analytical model, was neither arbitrary nor capricious” [3]. Nor, evidently, was it worthy of scrutiny. Jacob Goldstein, reporter for National Public Radio, says [4], To get the number right, you have to guess more than just how much warmer the Earth is going to get. You have to guess which cities get Page 1