TRUTH EXONERATES CARBON DIOXIDE – THE GAS OF LIFE “The truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” Winston S. Churchill Thorpe Watson Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science British Colombia, Canada Introduction Carbon dioxide (“CO2”) is as important as water and oxygen in sustaining life on the planet. Plants deprived of CO2, die! Animals deprived of plants as a source of food, die! Clearly, mankind must protect and enhance its store of CO2. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the unwarranted vilification of CO2 by climate-change alarmists could give rise to serious unintended consequences. The following examines the history of CO2 and describes a plausible consequence if we continue to suppress the truth about CO2. If truth is to prevail, we must overcome the wilful blindness of politicians and the power of group think that sustains the false CO2 narrative. Ancient History “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” Winston S. Churchill In the beginning, the planet Earth is created as a desert devoid of carbon life forms (i.e. plants, animals and humans). Subsequent to the planet’s earliest, documented ice age (Huronian), the Green Period begins in an atmosphere containing as much as 30% CO2. The planet’s greenery acquires its carbon by inhaling CO2 and exhaling oxygen as a waste product. Terrestrial and marine organisms appear when the atmosphere’s oxygen content reaches the critical level necessary to support such life. Following the Karoo Ice Age, the CO2-rich (2,000 ppm) atmosphere is degraded by natural processes to produce the current CO2-starved (400 ppm) atmosphere. Modern History
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