Importance of sound government (John Shanahan)

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The importance of sound, moderate government John Shanahan President of Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA February 12, 2017 Sound government is essential for the best long term use of energy from fossil fuels and nuclear. Sound governments promote human rights, freedom, good constitution, fair laws, healthy economy, excellent education, the right to own property and business, respect for the environment, cultural diversity, and preservation of nature and wildlife. Put energy in the hands of people and many good things happen. But some people are determined to abuse the energy they have for destructive and criminal acts. Sound government is the solution. There are only a few examples of “nearly perfect,� sound, moderate government. Hopefully mankind will get there sooner rather than later. There are examples of fairly good governments. There are too many examples of bad governments based on religion, economy, culture, political structure, and neglect of the environment. Billions of people live without enough benefits of modern society. They lack stable, peaceful, corruption-free government, lack plentiful energy from fossil fuels, hydro, and nuclear, and lack by-products of fossil fuels and nuclear in medicine and many other aspects of their lives. Can the well off countries do better at effectively helping billions of people who live in poverty, with bad government, bad economy and abuse of the environment? Does the United States need to build a 2000 mile long, very high wall along its border with Mexico to keep people out? Can sound, functioning immigration procedures better control people from illegally entering the country? Should the US block all people from entering who come from countries that have hardly sent terrorists to our soil and then allow people to enter from countries who have sent horrible terrorists to the US?

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