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A Dearth of Carbon? A video interview with Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore with Stuart McNish March 24, 2018 Comments: Vancouver Sun Conversations That Matter features Dr. Patrick Moore in part 2 of our Conversation where he takes issue with NGOs over climate, genetically modified organisms and what he says is the truth about carbon. Dr. Moore says we were literally running out of carbon before we started to pump it back into the atmosphere, “CO2 has been declining to where it is getting close to the end of plant life, and in another 1.8 million years, life would begin to die on planet Earth for lack of CO2.” According to Moore it is life itself that has been consuming carbon and storing it in carbonaceous rocks. He goes on to say, “billions of tons of carbonaceous rock represent carbon dioxide pulled out of the atmosphere, and because the Earth has cooled over the millennia, nature is no longer putting CO2 into the atmosphere to offset this.” Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at
John Parsons When I started explaining this to my kids I was met with hostility and derisive comments of climate change denier. However, I persisted and gradually over a few months I started to get through to them. I pointed out the difference and the deliberate conflation between climate and weather and pollution (something I'm passionate about). I showed them the truth about c02 and how it is necessary to all life. I proved to them how c02 levels are at a historic almost dangerous low. Showed them the real science. Now I am pleased to say I have two well rounded individuals who are high achievers in school and examine everything critically. They see through the scam and laugh at groups like extinction rebellion and antifa. It can be done, even in the teeth of the constant brainwashing by so called leftists, who btw are no more left than my right boot. 1
John Donnellan o all the young people who’ve been spoon fed the fear driven climate change drama at school please note before you were born we had wood fires, briquettes of coal for our fires pumping soot into the atmosphere, every second person smoked pumping smoke into the air, jets and planes were not as efficient and left big trails of black smoke emanating from their engines and cars and trucks were the same. Now today we have aircraft with high bypass engines that lean burn their fuel and no trail of smoke emanating from their engines, cars that also clean burn their fuel with very little emission, houses are largely run on either gas, electricity or some other clean burn fuel, people don’t smoke as much (especially in my country where ciggies are taxed to death) Please note factories too are under much stricter guidelines for what they emit into the atmosphere. Please don’t panic we will survive, your biggest worry are the megalomaniacs in government ,international banking and multinational corporations ,these are those you need to watch and call out because some of them should be locked in rubber rooms