Intro to Ludwig Neidhart and his report - Between about man-made climate change - LN

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Link: PD Dr. Ludwig Neidhart ( Please see link above for source text, embedded hotlinks, and comments.

Man-made climate change – between facts and substitutes for religion Menschengemachter Klimawandel – zwischen Fakten und Religionsersatz Ludwig Neidhart February 20, 2020 Dr. Ludwig Neidhart is a relatively rare faculty member for universities in the United States and Europe today. That is because he objectively looks at all sides of what he is investigating/teaching and only then gives a reasoned explanation for his conclusions. Lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Augsburg (Chair of Philosophy with a focus on analytical philosophy and philosophy of science) and teacher at the Maria Theresia Gymnasium in Augsburg. Areas of interest Publications, Reviews Lectures, seminars and lectures

Interests: Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy and Theology,especially • • • • • • • • •

Analytical Philosophy and Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Mathematics Philosophy of Space and Time Philosophy of religion, natural theology, proof of God and philosophy of mind Dialogue between Faith and Science Logic, Set Theory and Fundamentals of Geometry Cosmology, Relativity and Quantum Theory Astronomy, Astrophysics and History of Astronomy History of philosophy, church and religion 1

Fundamental Theology, Dogmatics, Moratheology and Hagiology Exegesis and Biblical Chronology Eastern Church Studies Fundamentalism research, cult and worldview questions

• • • •

Of particular interest for this website is his publication below: “Man-made climate change – between facts and substitutes for religion.” Click below on “original downloadable here as pdf” to open the whole report. This is in German only! It is excellent. The report can be downloaded at that link.

Publications (selection): •

Einführung in die formale Logik, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones Scholasticae, 2020 (233 p.). Compact and systematic presentation of the teaching contents of the seminars of the same name, held in SS 12, WS 12/13, SS 13, SS 14, WS 14/15, WS 15/16, WS 18/19 and WS 19/20 at the University of Augsburg. Ist das organische Leben zufällig entstanden?, in: Kurt Roessler (Ed.), Ursprung des Lebens, Bornheim 2020, pp. 102–109. Gott, Zeit und Ewigkeit – eine Verteidigung des klassischen Theismus, in: Kurt Roessler (Ed.), Unendlichkeit, Ewigkeit & der Mönch von Heisterbach, Bornheim 2018, pp. 77–86. Mathematische Unendlichkeitslehre und ihre Bezüge zu Metaphysik und Theologie, in: Kurt Roessler (Ed.), Unendlichkeit, Ewigkeit






& der Mönch von Heisterbach, Bornheim 2018, pp. 61–69.

Man-made climate change between facts and substitutes for religion (2019), 45 p. God and Time. A defense of God's timelessness. Contribution to the International Conference God, Time and Infinity in Warsaw (22.–24.09.2015). In: Szatkowski, Miroslaw [eds.], God, Time, Infinity (Philosophical Analysis, Volume 75),Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2018, pp. 115– 129.

original downloadable here as_pdf also posted here.


Gott und Zeit (Habilitationsschrift), Studien zur systematischen Theologie, Ethik und Philosophie (STEP) Band 9, Münster: Aschendorff, 2017, 419 P. Review: Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer, Glauben und Denken heute. Zeitschrift für Theologie und Gesellschaft Issue 1/2020 No. 25/14, pp. 77– 78 (PDF)


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