The impossibility of windmills - JS

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The impossibility of windmills Jan Smelik September 8, 2020 In this video the producer tries to explain in simple terms why a 100% production of energy using windmills is impossible and unpayable in practice, despite all the positive information coming from green power advocates. This short video is very clear, but the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and their partners in politics refuse to acknowledge this reality. See this Dutch windmill story, click here. This is one of the best short videos on windmills. Thanks to Sherri Lange in Canada for sending it. The original windmills were beautiful and technical wonders. They served a real purpose for pumping water and grinding crops into food.


Modern wind turbines are a disaster for the electrical grid, destroy natural landscape, interrupt commercial ships and pleasure boats, kill birds and bats, and fill up municipal and rural landfills with no possibility of decomposition or recycling. They are the worst energy producing technology idea in history.


Every imaginable accident with wind turbines has happened already and will continue.

Cut up wind turbine blades will fill dumps around the world forever. They don’t decompose. No recycling.


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