The future of nuclear power - opinions from France and USA

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John Shanahan, civil engineer NPP design and licensing

NPP Leibstadt, Switzerland, BWR 1,220 MW


NUCLEAR POWER, MEDICINE, SCIENCE Website: Viewers in 124 countries. Board of Advisors in 18 countries. 1

Bruno Comby, French nuclear engineer, leading spokesperson for nuclear power & understanding radiation

NPP Penly, France. Two PWR 1330 MWe

THE FUTURE OF NUCLEAR POWER Bruno Comby, Founder, Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy Nuclear Engineer, Houilles, France website: / 2

How to get

The answer to this question is not just technical.

nuclear power


going again?

- Transmute FRIGHT of nuclear to ENTHUSIASM about its benefits

- CHANGE government, regulatory commission, stop irrational anti-nuclear activists







- Linear No Threshold radiation

- Minimal plans to

replace aging NPPs - No reprocessing of

used fuel in USA - No permanent waste

guidelines. - Collective Dose radiation guidelines. - ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable guidelines.

storage in USA 4



- Women’s bodies not designed for 50 mph

- Explode like a nuclear bomb

- Train ride could cause instant insanity

- Radiation from accidents can kill hundreds of thousands - Radiation from NPPs must be limited to a small fraction of what occurs in nature. - Used nuclear fuel must be buried for millions of years

- Used nuclear fuel is WASTE



- Long-distance, veryhigh-speed trains - Regional trains - Subways, trollies, buses, rented urban e-cars and e-bikes - Japanese bullet train 50 years, 200 mph, 10 billion passengers, – 0 fatalities


NPP can not explode like a bomb


Chernobyl - only nuclear accident where people died from radiation.

* ~28 firefighters died within weeks * 134 firefighters got high doses * Mortality rate lower than unexposed * Cancer mortality same as Central Europe. Jerry Cuttler, OECD-NEA


Used nuclear fuel is worth trillions of dollars. It is not waste, K. Kok 6

FACTS ABOUT TRANSPORTATION (2/2) - Fossil fuels – energy for most transportation for the middle future - Electricity and synthetic liquid fuels manufactured by nuclear power - energy for most transportation for long-term future


Nuclear power - the safest, most important, environmentally friendly energy for the future


Fossil fuels – most important today. Use for highest purposes. Don’t waste in daily massive traffic jams


Nuclear and fossil fuels - essential for

dealing with climate change from all causes – Ted Rockwell 7


NUCLEAR POWER - Status Today -

Myths unchanged in sixty years *Continue to promote panic and fear

- Public transportation safe - Private transportation risks - Design cities to minimize need for long commutes - Plan for transportation growth - Bicycle and walking paths - Electrify transportation as much as possible


Government opposition


False obstacles still firmly in place: * Low dose radiation is dangerous * Linear No-Threshold radiation guide * Collective dose radiation corollary * As Low As Reasonably Achievable * Mass emergency evacuation plans * Bureaucratic, slow approval process * Anti-nuclear heads of agencies * Unable to regulate new technologies

BENEFITS: * better air quality, * more time for family and leisure


No used fuel reprocessing and waste storage for USA and most of world

- Myths are gone.


What must be done to get nuclear

power going again? There is a lot

to do!!


C o n s i s t en t g o ve r n m e n t s u p p o r t


S t a b l e a n d h e a l t hy e c o n o m y


G o o d e d u ca t i o n a n d t ra i n i n g


G o o d l o c a l i n d u s t r y f o r n u c l ea r


Wo r k f o r p e a c e a n d p r e p a r e f o r c o n f l i c t , e s p e c i a l l y i n d e s i g n o f e l e c t r i c a l g e n e ra t i o n & g r i d


Re l i a b l e, i n e x p e n s i ve e l e c t r i c a l p o w e r i s e s s e n t i a l i n the modern world


N u c l ea r p r o f e s s i o n a l s m u s t d o m o r e t h a n w r i t e technical papers and go to professional meetings. N o o n e e l s e i s g o i n g t o s o l ve o u r p r o b l e m s w i t h t h e g o ve r n m en t a n d p u b l i c !


A n t i - nu c l ea r p o w e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s m u s t b e c o n t r o l l ed

If Russia and China can have excellent nuclear power programs, so must Europe, Nor th America and the rest of the world.


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