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Power shortage, power surplus, milk lake and butter mountain November 10, 2020 from cold sun By Reinhard Storz Some of the older generation will still remember the time when the press, radio and television talked about a milk lake and a mountain of butter. The politicians had meant well and, in order to help the farmers, decided on adequate prices for milk. This planned economy definition led to an ever increasing amount of milk in West Germany. There was talk of the milk lake. There were numerous ideas of what to do with the excess milk. The schoolchildren should be given milk or cocoa during the break, etc. Excess milk was processed into milk powder and butter. The resulting excess butter was stored in cold stores until there was no room left either. After all, part of the butter that could not be sold in Germany was sold to Russia for a fraction of the market price and the other part was finally given away to Chile. The politicians learned at the time that this was the wrong way to go and introduced a milk quota to promote agriculture more than 30 years ago. So the milk lake was dried up and the butter mountain disappeared. Thanks to the planned economy for solar and 1
wind power, we now have similar conditions as we used to have for milk and butter. When the wind blows strongly and the sun shines, coal, gas and nuclear power plants are shut down. Nevertheless, we have a surplus of green electricity at times. This cannot be accommodated in Germany with consumers. There are two ways to get this problem under control. 1. one looks for buyers in neighboring countries. This also often works. However, they are usually not willing to pay for the excess electricity. So the electricity is sometimes given away, usually you have to pay extra so that the electricity can be consumed at all. The costs are collected from us electricity consumers. 2. Wind turbines, for example, are shut down in overloaded networks. However, the wind turbine operators are paid the price for the electricity that is not produced. These costs are also collected by us electricity consumers. But there are also times when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine. The electricity that was previously in abundance could be used there. A program for even more wind turbines or solar roofs will not help. Ten times the amount of solar panels does not provide any electricity at night and ten times the amount of wind turbines is of no use when there is no wind. In nature, fluctuations are nothing unusual. We remember the story of Pharaoh and the 7 fat and lean years. Excess food was stored for bad times thousands of years ago. In order to compensate for the fluctuations in solar and wind power, electricity storage systems are urgently required. The politicians have to set the course in such a way that additional wind turbines and solar areas are only approved if they are equipped with the appropriate storage capacity. The goal of the energy transition, as you can read everywhere, is to replace the electricity from coal-fired power plants with electricity from the sun and wind. But it has to be available around the clock. This is not possible with the electricity from wind turbines and solar roofs that was previously available and then unavailable. This, disparagingly referred to by some people as inferior fidgeting electricity, must be made permanently available through electricity storage. This is the only way to achieve an energy transition. Therefore, demonstrations should first take place for the introduction of sufficient electricity storage. Only when this has been achieved and there are still coal-fired power plants does it make sense to take to the streets against them, unless they are equipped with a CO2 trap. Anyone who wants to abolish coal power without a safe and affordable alternative supply, is sawing the branch we are all sitting on. But we shouldn't give up hope. Just as the politicians finally got the butter mountain and the milk lake under control with the milk quota, they will also, as soon as possible, get the necessary electricity storage systems on the way. Pump storage plants for such amounts of electricity are likely to be ruled out for technical and economic reasons. The situation is similar with compressed air storage systems, which are less efficient than pumped storage plants. At today's cost, battery storage systems are unaffordable. The only option that remains is to produce hydrogen 2
as an energy carrier from excess electricity. For information on The Hydrogen Illusion see this book by Samuel Furfari,
Traffic and wind turbine clogged landscape in Germany – before the government will force everyone to drive electric cars and trucks. Millions of electric vehicle will require hundreds of thousands of more wind turbines and destroy the natural beauty of Germany right up to every Rathaus and Ratskeller. What happened to beautiful, traditional Germany before EXTREME GREEN ENVIRONMENTALISTS seized control? Democrats in the USA are determined to do the same.
The beginning of 100,000 years of collecting used wind turbine blades for wind power all over the world and massive filling of dumps everywhere. 4