2019 Climate theory about sun and clouds - HS

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2019 SCIENCE & RESEARCH STUDY SITE MOSTLY DEALING WITH OUR SUN Yes, people are 40% Carbon and the food we eat is about the same... THIS IS A NEW 2019 SCIENCE & RESEARCH, STUDY SITE MOSTLY DEALING WITH OUR SUN -----Please watch this video first. It is a 30 min video but will explain this site totally. It connects all the dots in the weather you are having right now AND WHY THE HEAVY CLOUDS. --

The Cloud Mystery video by Henrik Svensmark The Science of Climate Change. Not the politics, media messenger, religion or gossip of climate change but the Science of Climate. ------ WE WILL MOSTLY LOOK AT COSMIC RAYS, CLOUDS AND CLIMATE. ------ “The most profound questions with the most surprising answers are often the simplest to ask. One is: Why is the climate always changing? Historical and archaeological evidence of global warming and cooling that occurred long before the Industrial revolution, require natural explanations” Henrik Svensmark -----Please do not make this site an Alarmist site--- Climate Change is Normal not Man Made! ---Yes, CO2 by man does nothing to change the weather. ---Yes, the IPCC is made up of Greenpeace top level people and has its own agenda with 23 lobbyists in DC ---Yes, the sun is going into Maunder Minimum. It looks like it is going to get very cold for some time. ---Yes, Al Gore is not a scientist and knows nothing about climatology. --Yes, CO2 is good for the planet, and we could use twice as much as we have now. ---Yes, the IPCC is a joke and I worked for them at one time. It was a scam, and you can read about it on this site. We need to study the AMPLIFIED LOWER CLOUDS IN A SOLAR MINIMUM AND COSMIC RAYS WITH THERE CONNECTION TO CLOUDS. I want the names of the Scientist with good backgrounds (what is their background in ‘science & university subject) to talk about these complex subjects and that goes for whatever earthly disaster! --- NO ALARMIST STUFF WITH OUT THE SCIENTIST AND THEIR BACKGROUND…. ADMINISTRATION. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI-KCN4p0Cw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-m09lKtYT4 "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled" Mark Twain" 1

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