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Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy 1st Edition Editor in Chief: Ehud Greenspan Hardcover ISBN: 9780128197257 eBook ISBN: 9780128197325 Imprint: Elsevier Published Date: 24th June 2021 Page Count: 3656 Select country/region: Sales tax will be calculated at check-out Bundle 50% Off US$5600.00 US$2800.00 1
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Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy provides a comprehensive and reliable overview of the many ways nuclear energy contributes to society. Comprised of four volumes, it includes topics such as generating clean electricity, improving medical diagnostics and cancer treatment, improving crop yields, improving food shelf-lives, and crucially, the deployment of nuclear energy as an alternative energy source, one that is proving to be essential in the management of global warming. Carefully structured into thematic sections, this encyclopedia brings together the vast and highly diversified literature related to nuclear energy into a single resource, with convenient to read, crossreferenced chapters. This book will serve as an invaluable resource for researchers in the fields of energy, engineering, material science, chemistry, and physics, from both industry and academia. Key Features •
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Offers a contemporary review of current nuclear energy research and insights into the future direction of the field, hence negating the need for individual searches across various databases Written by academics and practitioners from different fields to ensure that the knowledge within is easily understood by, and applicable to, a large audience Meticulously organized, with articles split into sections on key topics and clearly cross-referenced to allow students, researchers and professionals to quickly and easily find relevant information
Readership Researchers and students in physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering working in energy and nuclear energy; industrial scientists, architects and policy makers Table of Contents 1. Safety, licensing and decommissioning of power reactors 2. Fundamentals and history of development of nuclear energy 3. Commercial nuclear power reactors and their design 4. Advanced nuclear reactor concepts under R&D 5. The nuclear fuel and fuel cycle 6. The nuclear waste and its disposal 7. Radiation protection 8. Nuclear power for space and propulsion 9. Research reactors 10. Medical, Industrial and Agricultural Applications of Nuclear Technology 11. Social issues of nuclear energy 12. Non-electric applications of terrestrial nuclear reactors 13. Nuclear fusion R&D
Details No. of pages: 3656 Language: English Copyright: © Elsevier 2021 Published: 24th June 2021 Imprint: Elsevier Hardcover ISBN: 9780128197257 eBook ISBN: 9780128197325 About the Editor in Chief Ehud Greenspan Prof. Greenspan’s research spans over a large variety of nuclear engineering related disciplines including theoretical reactor physics, experimental reactor physics, computational methods development, optimization methods for identifying the minimum possible critical mass, criticality safety analysis, optimal design of radiation shields, fusion reactor blankets and medical installations, advanced fusion fuel cycles, fusion-fission hybrid reactors, advanced fission reactors and nuclear fuel-cycle conception, design and analysis. Prof. Greenspan has been a Principal Investigator on studies of dozens of advanced nuclear systems, among which those corresponding to Generation-IV reactor technologies and others being categorized as Small Modular Reactors (SMR), as well as leading a multi-institutional team that developed a preliminary conceptual design of the Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source (ENHS) – a nuclear battery-type reactor that is free of pumps, pipes and valves in the primary reactor system. Prof. Greenspan’s research is documented in 400+ refereed publications, book chapters, and patents/collaborative patents. Affiliations and Expertise Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA