Man-made climate change is not to blame for flooding in Germany in July 2021

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Climate change was not to blame for the catastrophe in Germany - it was heavy rain! July 19, 2021 from Kalte Sonne The terrible flood disaster in West Germany continues to shake up. After activists and politicians reflexively interpreted the floods as a product of climate change, the tide has now turned. More and more media are now questioning the instrumentalisation of the flood and calling for a completely different discussion: Why did the federal government and regional administrations not react more decisively despite the heavy rain warning up to 4 days before the disaster? Why was it not evacuated earlier and on a larger scale? A British expert on flood warnings is disappointed that the German authorities have apparently slept here. Politicians were more interested in the current election campaign and took care of the practical management on site too late. It is simply not enough to proclaim questionable theses by climate alarmists instead of acting promptly and prudently. If perceived 1

dangers in 2100 are more important than disaster risk management for real dangers in 2021, then that says a lot about decision-makers. Perhaps the dire incidents will finally shake the planners awake: Take care of the real problems instead of theorizing about a gruesome climate horror picture show of the distant future. Here are some important articles about the last few days. To read, click on the link mentioned at the beginning.

Nordkurier on July 17th, 2021: Climate change was not to blame for the catastrophe - it was heavy rain! Those who reflexively demand more climate protection in the face of the flood disaster are making it too easy for themselves and mocking the victims, says our commentator. It is a bit as if the main thing is to find someone to blame: Just as one might have sought and supposedly found blame for such catastrophes in the wrath of God a few hundred years ago , climate change must now be the culprit for the flood in the Serve the west . In the triad of climate activists, public news broadcasts and numerous politicians up to the Federal President, it is now said that the flood disaster has now finally proven that one must stand up for climate protection much more decisively than before.

Focus on July 18, 2021: Predictable Disaster: Why Did More than 100 People Die? "That was a monumental system failure" The floods caused devastating damage to the Ahrweiler district in Rhineland-Palatinate. For the district administrator there, the events of the "greatest catastrophe since the Second World War" are tantamount. But experts say - the disaster was predictable. Why did so many people have to die anyway?

Bild on 7/18/2021: British flood expert raises serious allegations: Federal government was warned days before the flood! Co-developer of the European flood warning system speaks in the London "Times" of a "monumental failure" +++ According to the German weather service, the extent of the heavy rain was predictable. 2

The British flood expert Hannah Cloke, professor of hydrology at the University of Reading, has given the federal government and the German civil protection system joint responsibility for the devastating consequences of the flood.

The Sunday Times on July 18, 2021: Germany knew the floods were coming, but the warnings didn't work Weather scientists say a 'monumental failure of the system' is directly to blame for the death and devastation triggered by a month's worth of rain that fell in two days this week. The first signs of catastrophe were detected nine days ago by a satellite orbiting 500 miles above the tranquil hills around the Rhine river. Over the next few days a team of scientists sent the German authorities a series of forecasts so accurate that they now read like a macabre prophecy: the Rhineland was about to be hit by “extreme” flooding, particularly along the Erft and Ahr rivers, and in towns such as Hagen and Altena.

See also at the GWPF . on July 16, 2021: Kachelmann on the flood in Germany: "Such things can always be prevented"

Article on ntz on July 17th, 2021: Criminal Negligence? Authorities Failed To Heed Flood Warnings… ”Let People Drown”… ”Monumental System Failure”

Flood statistics of the Ahrweiler district : The Ahr and its floods in old springs From Dr. Karl August Seel


The Ahr is the northernmost tributary of the Rhine in the Rhenish Slate Mountains. With a length of 90 km and a catchment area of 900 km 2, it has a relatively small river system compared to the other tributaries that flow into the Rhine from the low mountain ranges. However, this is very branched and cut deep into the mountain body. This is mainly due to the relatively large height differences and short flow lengths between the sources and mouths of the main river and its tributaries. Click here for the flood statistics .

Die Welt on July 18th, 2021: Flood: Incredible ignorance made the catastrophe possible Politicians, authorities and the media point to climate change as the cause of the flood disaster. Severe weather warnings were not taken seriously. And our disaster control is at the level of a developing country. The risk was known: There have been amounts of rain like this week in Germany time and again, historical chronicles read like blueprints for the current flood disaster, and hazard maps show the flood risk. But politicians, authorities and the media point to climate change as the cause - and disaster control in Germany is on a par with a developing country. An unbelievable scandal. At least 156 people died because it rained heavily in Germany. There had been amounts of rain that had always been expected in Germany and that have always occurred occasionally. The same places that were ravaged by torrential rains this week have been hit similarly in the past, as chronicles show.

Wikipedia : The Magdalen flood of 1342 was a devastating flood catastrophe that hit the surrounding area of numerous rivers in Central Europe in July 1342 . The name goes back to the then common naming of the days according to the saints calendar , here on St. Magdalene's Day on July 22nd . During this event, the highest water levels ever recorded were reached on many rivers. Possibly it was the worst flood of the entire 2nd millennium in the Central European inland. [1] You can find more articles on the topic of floods from the Kalte Sonne blog of recent years here . If you prefer to watch videos, then here are the flood reports from the climate show . +++ 4

Readers mail from Dipl. Ing.Martin Krohn: Dear ladies and gentlemen, Today I would like to make a few comments on current events. The heavy rainfalls and the resulting floods in West Germany are outstanding. The events are tragic, especially the more than 100 people that are to be lamented. But I feel all the more dramatic that a number of "experts" want to make a name for themselves once again with climate change. So yesterday (15.07.21) the meteorologist Mojib Latif commented on the SAT1 news and claimed that such events would now be normal. It's great how an increasing frequency of such events can be deduced from a single extreme weather. Greta Thunberg and Luise Neubauer also commented and of course attributed the storms to climate change. It's nice that truant can become such an expert. However, I fear that the same tenor is taught in school. Politicians announced that the fight against climate change must be stepped up. There seem to be no other ideas left. But politics can ruin the whole country, driving can be banned, the economy can be shut down. All conventional power plants can be shut down and the whole republic can be crammed full of wind turbines, regardless of the nature of the species (red kite, sea eagle, ...) or the health of people through infrasound. The country could become poor, Germany will be catapulted back into the Middle Ages. But it wouldn't change anything. There will be practically no reduction in CO2 emissions; other countries are more likely to be encouraged not to follow the German example. If the climate were to lead to an increase in such extreme weather, there would have to be a lot of reports from the Middle Ages on such weather disasters. But as far as I know, this is not the case. The warm periods in history have always been good times for humanity. Cold times, on the other hand, brought hunger, misery and misery. Another reason is the new EU proposal on climate protection. According to this, new vehicles with internal combustion engines are to be banned by 2035. Homeowners are asked to pay, building a house becomes significantly more expensive. Flying and cruising are also becoming more expensive. This is clearly an entry into the two-class society. There are those who have enough money and can afford a house and travel. The others live in prefabricated rental apartments. A great future. One hears or reads in the media that camping holidays have increased significantly after the corona pandemic. How should that work with an e-car, especially if a caravan is to be carried. Travel is then only possible in a small radius. I almost think the famous hockey stick, the curve has its place. However, this does not represent the rapidly rising temperature, but the increase in human stupidity. Best wishes Dipl. Ing. Martin Krohn 5


Reader's Post: The Amazon region already gives off more carbon than it absorbs For decades, the rainforest withdrew large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. That has changed. Climate change and land use put the region under double pressure. A description of the situation is in the Berliner Zeitung completed. Everything in this report is extremely tragic. An ecosystem is allowed to be destroyed with open eyes. But it is like so often: A solution to the problem is unfortunately not offered for discussion. Wouldn't it be worth considering the proposal by H.-W. It makes sense to seriously advise, in which climate activists and the international communities of the world should endeavor to contractually "rent" or even buy the rainforest in order to make its use climate-positive? This measure alone could actively protect the climate to a certain extent. Is apparently not wanted. It's a shame, actually. +++

Reader's Post: Now it has happened: Ms. von der Leyen presented the draft of the EU climate package on July 14th, 2021 with the assistance of Frans Timmermanns (world report behind the payment barrier). Because of the flood disaster, history has inevitably faded into the background. So far, nothing has been decided in the EU Parliament. Nonetheless, with regard to the scope of all EU decisions, we should always be aware that after every measure decided by the European Parliament, EU law always takes precedence over any national law. Also above the Basic Law. The individual nations in the EU are virtually disempowered step by step. It will probably take at least months, if not years, for all EU states to agree on the measures on the “Fit for 55” energy program presented on July 14, 2021. The implementation of CO2 reduction does not seem to be that important or urgent after all. But we can assume that the "puller" Frans Timmermanns and his vassals will not miss any opportunity to achieve the set goal of the "Great Reset". The following NZZ report is a recommendation for any difficulties that may arise in implementing the program presented . +++


Reader's Post: On July 15th, 2021, Kontraste sent a PR report on wind energy that left me stunned. It contains a multitude of unreal arguments that can hardly be topped. For example: Wind power plant operator Mangels from Lower Saxony complains that its old plants in need of repair can no longer be operated economically due to a lack of follow-up financing. Note: If my old washing machine is defective, I have to pay for the repair myself without having received any money in advance to purchase and operate the unit. And the former Green politician Hans Josef Fell finds the big words in this film report as the grand finale: “ We could have shown humanity how we can get 100% green electricity by 2020. That would have succeeded if instead of prevention = acceleration had been organized. And we knew how to do it . ”Dear Mr. Fell, Apparently it is not enough to know how to do it. It's more effective when you know how to do it. Your party co-ruled in the federal government from 1998-2005 and is also still represented in many state parliaments. There is great creative potential to provide evidence. Apparently, all of this is not so easy if the implementation is to take place at the promised price of a scoop of ice cream.

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NOTE from John Shanahan, civil engineer Editor of website This unnecessary loss of life flooding disaster in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands was due to heavy rain from a very slow-moving weather event on July 1415, 2021 combined with failures to respond to warnings from well-functioning severe storm warning systems. It has nothing to do with 400 ppm, 800 ppm, 1600 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere.


Since the 1950s, Germany has rebuilt wonderful cities, transportation networks, nationwide bicycle paths, parks, schools, universities, and cultural centers. Germany is suffering from tremendous, unjustified fear of carbon dioxide, the molecule of life, and fear of fossil fuels and nuclear power that will be used by the rest of the world for a long time. Germany is heading for disaster in its love affair with wind, solar, and the media and politicians who are leading in this direction. Germany could stop all use of fossil fuels tomorrow and it would make no difference with what the climate will be in the future. Climate is in the hands of Mother Nature. Only she controls the most wonderful climate system in the universe. The Shanahan family has lived five years in Germany in the 1960s and five years in Switzerland in the 1980s. We have vacationed for several weeks in Europe nearly every year since 2004. We love Europe and its people. Here are photos of Europe’s climate.

Southern Germany in winter. Does this look like catastrophic man-made global warming?

Forsythia in Hamburg in the spring. The long-term average blossoming date has remained about the same for seventy years. No sign of catastrophic man-made global warming that would make the blossoming date earlier. No climate reason to abandon fossil fuels for generating electricity. They are only a fraction of Germany’s total use of fossil fuels.


A beautiful private garden near Bochum, Germany that has grown entirely since the 1970s. Atmospheric carbon dioxide, sunshine, rain are the prime reasons for this beauty.

Another spectacular private garden near Bochum, Germany created with the help of atmospheric carbon dioxide, sunshine, and rain. Does Germany have a catastrophic man-made global warming problem? Must Germany abandon fossil fuels and nuclear power for very dilute, variable, frequently-notworking-at-all wind and solar power?

If all of Europe and North America were to abandon fossil fuels completely, climate will continue to change the same way. It is mostly natural. Climate change has little to do with 400 ppm, 800 ppm, 1600 ppm atmospheric carbon dioxide. Alarmist organizations, extreme environmental organizations and their kept-in-pocket politicians have little to say in how climate changes but everything to say about destroying essential energy for the modern world and causing most of humanity to suffer terribly. Does it get any worse than this? Are domestic and foreign enemies incredibly happy? 9

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