Causes of death worldwide and relation to man-made CO2 - JS

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How does CO2 from fossil fuels fit in the statistics of deaths worldwide? John Shanahan July 27, 2021 Below is a graph of numbers of deaths worldwide in 2017 posted on the website Our World in Data.

How many of these deaths can be proven with certainty to be due to extra atmospheric carbon dioxide from fossil fuels? How can anyone justify forcing Africa, Australia, Europe, India, New Zealand, North America, etc. to stop using coal and oil for generating electricity, transportation, heavy industry, agriculture, space heating and cooling, etc.? 1

Followers of man-made global warming alarmism tell me that they understand that carbon dioxide is the base of plant life, which is the base of animal and human life. Plants produce oxygen for all animals, insects, birds, reptiles, marine life, and humans. They say with certainty that fossil fuels cause there to be too much atmospheric carbon dioxide. No proof given. But they are certain. Therefore fossil fuels must go. Never have enemies of the free world been so successful brainwashing free people as have the activist alarmists in the free world with claims that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. If enemies of these regions forced them to go without energy from coal and oil, it would lead to WW III like happened in WW II. Since the 1970s, it has been North American and European politicians, their scientists, well-funded extreme environmental organizations, the free press, TV, and gullible public that have insisted that the free world abandon fossil fuels in the name of supposedly saving the world from catastrophic man-made global warming, climate change, climate disruption. It has been well documented that carbon dioxide has a minimal role in determining climate change, therefore minimal role in causing deaths worldwide. Why are all these alarmists in the free world doing this? What should reasonable people do? What should our leaders be doing? Quick definitive action will be best. Don’t let this go on another fifty years. See photos of the beautiful real world supported by carbon dioxide below. The alarmist claim we have only ten years or so until we face irreversible, catastrophic global warming, climate change, climate disruption. Who believes them? Who will let them commit this crime against humanity?

Spring wildflowers in South Africa made possible by carbon dioxide.


Thousand year plus old olive tree made possible by atmospheric carbon dioxide.


Several thousand-year-old Sequoia made possible by carbon dioxide. The child also.


Birds made possible by carbon dioxide.

Animals and people made possible by carbon dioxide.


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