Ulrich O. Weber
Exploration Geophysicist
The alleged “natural” global mean temperature of -18° Celsius needs an “atmospheric greenhouse effect” to match the measured data. But this calculation is based on an incorrect inversion of the Stefan-BoltzmannLaw including non-illuminated areas (night side of the Earth): S = SIGMA * T4 (Stefan-Boltzmann-Law) with SIGMA=5,670*10-8 [W/m²K4] ( S-B-Constant) and S = P/A [W/m²] (specific radiation power) The Stefan-Boltzmann-Law (S-B-Law) is a physical “realtime” one-way link between the temperature [K] and the specific radiation power [W/m²] of a so called “Black Body”. The S-B-Law is not an arbitrary mathematical calculation formula and must not be applied to the time [s] averaged power [W] of an amount of energy [Ws=J]: Stefan-Boltzmann-Law: Temperature (primary) => Specific radiation power (secondary) In Words: A black body without any non-radiating areas “B” and a given temperature T (>0° in [K]) radiates instantaneous a temperature-related amount of radiation power [W] over his entire surface “A” [m²] as given by the S-B-Law. The SB-Law neither includes time [s] nor time-derived average power [J/s=W]. Any calculation of an instantaneous temperature (secondary) from a specific radiation power (primary) constitutes an inversion of the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law, which is only permitted if all said conditions of the S-B-Law are strictly met. Stefan-Boltzmann-Inversion: Specific radiation power (primary) => temperature (secondary) In Words: A given amount of specific radiation power [W/m²] illuminates a Black Body with a surface “A” in [m²] and generates there a related instantaneous temperature “T” in [K] according to the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law. Such a StefanBoltzmann-Inversion must neither include non-illuminated areas “B” nor time [s] or time-derived averages [J/s]. Consequently, the sun's irradiation can cause an instantaneous temperature only at the dayside of the Earth (=“A”) where the sun actually shines. And the temperature at the night side of the Earth (=”B”) is dominated by the temperature of the global energy storage systems atmosphere and oceans. The oceans alone contain an energy amount of more than 4.59*10^26 Joule or about 50,000 days of solar radiation. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not causing significant global warming. Solely the sun's irradiation and the global energy storage systems account for the Earth’s measured mean temperature of +15° Celsius. DGG 3/2016: “A Short Note about the Natural Greenhouse Effect” from page 19 DGG 1/2019: “Weitere Überlegungen zur hemisphärischen Herleitung einer globalen Durchschnittstemperatur“ from page 18. An English translation of this article has been published in my book „All What Matters“.