Floods in Europe over the last 1,000 years are not caused by carbon dioxide from fossil fuels. Earth’s climate change is caused primarily by variation of energy from the sun, dynamics of the solar system, and energy from the universe. John Shanahan Editor of website: allaboutenergy.net, civil engineer August 9, 2021 There are 1.4 additional molecules of carbon dioxide in 10,000 parts of atmospheric gases over the last 200 years. (Increase from 280 ppm to 420 ppm.) How much of the additional CO2 is natural and how much is from fossil fuels is not certain. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, UN IPCC, national and regional politicians, extreme environmental organizations, and individual alarmists are working frantically to force free people to abandon use of fossil fuels. They are the energy sources that created the modern world. Fossil fuels have many important byproducts for medicine, clothing, home furnishings, toys, winter, summer, and water sports, highways, parking lots, roofing, etc. They enabled the West to defeat terrible enemies in the 20th Century. They contributed to getting us to the moon, Mars, and beyond. Today there are just 4.2 carbon dioxide molecules per 10,000 molecules of air components. In 1800 there were about 2.8. The increase of 1.4 molecules of carbon dioxide per 10,000 molecules of air components is not causing catastrophic man-made global warming, climate change, climate disruption, climate collapse like President Biden, U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, the UN IPCC, leaders in the UK, Germany, and other countries claim. On another point, there are already enough CO2 molecules to capture most infrared photons from sunshine that are headed back to space. Later these CO2 molecules reemit other photons that make their way out to space. Adding more CO2 will have less and less effect in capturing infrared frequency photons but is beneficial for all life. We must continue to use fossil fuels or go back to much smaller world population and a primitive lifestyle with heavy manual labor for most. Like history up to the 1800s. “It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You into Trouble. It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So.” – Attributed to Mark Twain High school sophomores, given a good explanation, will understand that those additional 1.4 molecules out of a total of only 4 CO2 molecules in 10,000 oxygen, 1
nitrogen and other molecules in the air cannot possibly cause the climate turmoil U.S. President Biden, his envoy, John Kerry, U.K. Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel are sounding the alarms about. Their alarmism is causing children to have nightmares about man-made climate change.
North American and European politicians are marching off to the UN IPCC COP26 meeting in the UK in November 2021 to shut down the use of fossil fuels in two or three decades, a mission as delusional as the Children’s Crusades to Jerusalem in 1212 AD.
Children’s Crusade to Jerusalem in 1212 AD
The European floods in 2021 are like floods across Europe in the last 800 years. See historic woodcutting art and photographs of previous terrible floods.
Flood in Pomerania, Germany in 1304
Floods in Germany in the 1400s.
Flood in St Elizabeth’s, Netherlands in 1421
Flood in Bavaria, Germany in 1651
Flood in Ermuehle, Germany in 1854.
Flood in Glauchau, Germany in 1854 6
Flood in Saxony, Germany in 1854
Flood in Cologne, Germany in 1920
What are North American and European catastrophists really doing to Africa, Australia, Europe, India, and the Americas? They are weakening strong economies and causing the poor to suffer even more. They want to force population reduction, suffering, poverty, subservience for most people, and gain power, control, wealth for themselves and their partners. 7