How climate really changes Eric Jelinski Nuclear, chemical, mechanical engineer, project manager at nuclear power plant, university lecturer, farmer, inventor of farm equipment, observer of weather, climate, and agriculture Ontario, Canada October 23, 2021 The sun’s output can change at any time, and it has in the past, viz, North America covered by ice during that period known as the ice age. Later it warmed, it was warmer ~1000 years ago in Greenland and Labrador. Evidence of life by Viking explorer’s and settlers. Later again, it got cooler, they moved away, settlements became extinct, but the remains are now tourist attractions. Tourists marvel at the mud huts, but do not see the big picture. Tree stumps have been found in the arctic indicative of life. Trees, all vegetation and especially food crops for humans depend on photosynthesis that has a narrow temperature range between ~6 deg C and ~29 deg C, plus a commensurate soil temperature in the same range plus sufficient water, plus essential and sufficient nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Evidence of mankind is at least 20,000 years, but evidence of animal life may predate the Jurassic era. Their food source was back then the same as it is today driven by CO2 and photosynthesis out of the soil that is formed by decaying biota in the first place. The equation for growing food is:
Yes, we can laugh at the climate hysteria that build false arguments financed by taxes. But we could remind them in very simple terms the seasons of winter and summer, the associated temperature ranges are determined solely by the earth’s inclination relative to the sun. There is no CO2 component that creates the seasonal temperature swings. It is useless to worry about things we cannot control, however there is big money to be made by the “end is near” propaganda, and we can put a wrench into their message. The solution to counter climate hysteria is to confront it wherever and whenever, e.g. politicians and NGO’s pouting on social media, by posting our pieces of facts about climate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: John Shanahan, Founder of website: The amazing range of weather in Switzerland in one year as compared to alarmist’s false claims of catastrophic man-made global warming over two centuries. Switzerland is approximately 220 miles (350 km) east – west, and 135 miles (220 km) north to south. In the six years my family lived there in the 1980s while I worked at two nuclear power plant projects, I walked, snowshoed, cross-country skied with family and colleagues across this beautiful country several times in all directions, in all seasons. I enjoyed meeting friendly, reserved citizens. They often invited me into their circle of friends and homes. To best experience this, it is better to speak their language.
Alpine meadow. Note the solid wood water trough. Switzerland 2010 - 2020
Canton of Ticino, Switzerland 2010 - 2020 3
Lugano, Switzerland 2010 - 2020
Lugano, Switzerland 2010 - 2020
Versoix, Switzerland – Lake Geneva Ice Storm 2005 The lake is not frozen. Wind blown water froze instantly, it was so cold. 6
Versoix, Switzerland – Lake Geneva Ice Storm 2005 Ice coated boats from lake water freezing instantly in extreme cold arctic wind storm
Switzerland 2000 – 2020 The climate in Switzerland and Europe is a paradise. Life is good because of plentiful energy from fossil fuels and nuclear power which bring prosperity and peace. Politicians are sounding false climate alarms for their own selfish and devious purposes. 7