Peace Education Initiative Rwanda - Activities 2021

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Introduction Peace Education Initiative Rwanda organization is a non-governmental organization that is more engaged and dedicated to preventing genocide and mass atrocities through education. It is an organization that heals the wounds caused by the 1994 Genocide of Rwanda against the Tutsi where it helps the Rwandan community in the reconciliation process, social economic develpement, peace Building, social cohesion and fight poverty among communities. It also empowers youth to develop critical thinking, empathy so that they can be agent of positive change in their respective communities and peace makers as well as human rights defenders so as to create a tolerant society with humanity. INTERVENTION (S) Title: Construction kitchen gardens


Support 50 households of widow’s survivors of Genocide and perpetrators who confessed and apologized for their role in the genocide. Implemented 54 kitchen gardens.

CURRENT STATUS (Results/ change due PEACEDU intervention(s)) with photos • Supported beneficiaries have access to affordable green vegetables •

Improved nutrition among the supported widows with a balanced diet

Improved farming techniques and knowledge about kitchen gardens among the supported beneficiaries

After the construction of the kitchen garden for one community member. Albert Rutikanga call upon to take good care of their kitchen gardens.


A widow of the genocide was admiring her garden. These are the kitchen gardens we implemented. They are now flourishing and benefiting from green vegetables.

Our beneficiaries are happy with their kitchen gardens and they started to harvest the vegetables


Title: Provision of goats to the most vulnerable Genocide widows Provision of goats to the most vulnerable beneficiaries. A total of 46 goats were given to the beneficiaries.

Access to milk and livestock

Acquisition of manure to use in farming

Increased socio-economic status due to the livestock and reproduction

beneficiaries receive their goats

Rukara Executive Secretary Nkunzurwanda John encouraging the beneficiaries to take good care of the livestock as it will add value to their life.


Providing health insurance

Genocide survivors are able to get treated whenever they are unwell.

Easy access to health care services at an affordable price

Supporting 150 beneficiaries to get Mutual Health insurance

Beneficiaries with Albert Rutikanga the Executive Director of PeacEdu after thedistribution of health insurance.

Providing hygienic materials and essential foods during Covid 19 50 community members were supported with essential foods types and hygienic materials. They also received information on best practices, safety measures, and regulations to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.

Vulnerable members flourish as their basic need is fulfilled with food.

Beneficiaries stay safe and protected against Covid-19.

The beneficiaries take part to reduce Covid-19 cases in their communities.


Beneficiaries receive hygienic materials. Albert Rutikanga call upon the beneficiaries to Protect themselves against Covid-19.

Beneficiaries receive foods during the lockdown


Beneficiaries receive foods during the lockdown

Beneficiaries receive foods during the lockdown.


Training about healing and storytelling.

70 community members received training about healing, storytelling, and counselling.

Compromised of youth clubs, Genocide survivors and perpetrators who confessed their role in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

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Improved social cohesion, unity and reconciliation. Increased knowledge about peace building among the community members. Youth receive tools to strengthen unity and reconciliation in their communities Promote solidarity and moral values.

Session on Healing and Storytelling where genocide survivors and perpetrators who confessed their role interact.

One of the perpetrators take time to share his One genocide survivor give testimony on her testimony and again apologize for the role he played story and the path to forgiveness. during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.


During the session on healing and story telling. After a training with the youth on healing and storytelling.


Training on saving and how to work in cooperatives.

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70 community members were mobilized to receive training on saving and lending groups. •

Widows survivors of the Genocide take part in well-functioning saving and lending groups. 100% of supported widows survivors of the Genocide, perpetrators who confessed their role and youth clubs in target districts have access to self-employment, microenterprise and credit. Women with basic skills gain financial literacy and start to work with microfinance institutions.

Participants during the training.

Participants attending the training.

Macari the Accountant at Rukara Sector training the participant about saving culture and how to work in cooperatives. 9

Title Organize and conduct training about peace building and genocide prevention. 400 youth club members and 70 community members participated in the sessions.

Youth attend peace building and genocide prevention training at Kigali Genocide Memorial.

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To improve social cohesion in the community. Enhance positive value Unity and the culture of togetherness in the communities.

A youth participant ask a question during the training.

Youth club members during a meeting in Rukara Sector One perpetrator Naason Karenzi tell the youth club members to revoke anyone who can encourage them to commit crime. He continue by telling them about the danger of hatred and call upon them to be peacemakers.


Community members, beneficiaries of Peace Education During a session about peace building. Initiative Rwanda were involved in peace building activities. During a session.

Youth during peace building session.


Youth during peacebuilding session.


Title: Training about human rights and Universal Declaration of Human rights.

300 youth were trained about human rights. • • •

Albert Rutikanga the Executive Director at Peace Education initiative Rwanda at APADE Secondary school getting ready to give a session.

Equip the youth with the knowledge about the past and inform them with essential tools to eradicate any sort of division, hate, and violence in their schools and communities. Help the students understand to understand and assert their own rights and to protect the rights of others. Create a community that is aware of their contribution to spread peace and stability. Contribute to the promise of “Never Again”.

Club members at APADE Secondary school during the training.

After a group work, the youth were presenting their findings about the Universal declaration of human rights.


Another goup from the Eastern Province in Rukara Sector presenting the learnings from the session about the Universal Declaration of Human rights. •

Organize and perform visits to Genocide memorial sites . 170 youth visited Genocide memorial sites. Rukara Genocide Memorial and Kigali Genocide Memorial.

70 community members comprised of genocide survivors and perpetrators who confessed their role visited Rukara Genocide Memorial.

Post-genocide youth get deeper understanding of the horrific situation and tragedy of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Student learn from physical evidence portrayed in the memorials and witnessed the consequences of the genocide. Promote social cohesion and unity among the beneficiaries

Youth club members at the flame of hope and remembrance at Kigali Genocide Memorial. Youth visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial


Youth visit the Rukara Genocide Memorial

Youth club members visit the Rukara Genocide Memorial in Kayonza District, Eastern Province of Rwanda

Community members compromising of genocide survivors Community members compromising of genocide survivors and perpetrators lay flowers to the massive and perpetrators visit the Rukara Genocide Memorial. grave at Rukara Genocide Memorial.


Rehabilitation of houses

Improved living conditions and welfare

Rehabilitating 3 houses of vulnerable genocide widows. Those houses in bad conditions were repaired, restored, and brought to a new life.

Improve the safety and protection of the widows

Empower the widows and help them regain the confidence and prosperity torn by the genocide

Contribute to a comfortable lifestyle.

After Before




Before After

After In action A cattle home was constructed for a widow of the genocide


Providing school materials to the 50 most vulnerable youth.

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Student got access to the necessary school materials Improved performance of the supported youth

Rukara Social Affairs called upon the youth to use the schoolmaterials well in order to succeed. During this activity of distributing school materials, Rukara Sector Administration was represented by The Social Affairs Bizimungu Com, who also distributed materials to the youth.


Title: Writing a book Start to write the book and conduct additional research to finalize the written content of book one.

The progress of the book is on editing and printing stage.

The history of the genocide against the Tutsi in former Rukara District will be known and especially the massacre that took place at Rukara Church.

Provide open documentation and inform people about the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda.


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