The Greenhouse Effect Delusion - TC

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The Greenhouse Effect delusion Terigi Ciccone 24 Nov 2021 I see this discussion centering on three vital points. First, there is the question of CO2 saturation. Second, what happens when we double CO2, and third, is any heat generated when CO2 absorbs IR radiation? Saturation and doubling CO2. Heinz Hug, a German physicist, did a laboratory measurement of carbon dioxide absorption of infrared radiation at the 15 mm range when the CO2 level was 357 ppm. This article is a summary and is substantially based on the following articles. The reader is encouraged to read them at these sites., and , and The experiment found a saturation distance of 10 meters from the land or sea surface up the atmosphere. To be clear, saturation means that the 357 ppm of CO2 absorbed all available and absorbable IR radiation in this 15 mm range. In his report, Hug stated: "As the transmission T = 10-3.21 is 0.6 per mile, we conclude that the relative absorption around the 15 mm peak (Q-branch) is 1-T = 99.94% which takes place already within a 10 meters layer near the ground." Then the experiment was repeated after doubling the CO2 to 714 ppm. The increased absorption is represented with this second graph: It showed that doubling the amount of CO2 shortens the peak saturation height from 10 meters to 5 meters. Note that this shortening of the saturation height did not increase any heat. But Heinz Hug was not allowed to publish his results in any significant journal; his test/report/paper was effectively "CANCELLED." The apparent reason for his tests being suppressed is that no measurable global warming was demonstrated with this doubling of CO2, contradicting the popularized view.


This third sketch shows the striking simplicity of the doubling of CO2. If there are twice as many CO2 molecules, and CO2 is a heavier gas, we would expect it to concentrate at the lower elevations. Thus, the more abundant CO2 can absorb the limited and fixed amount of absorbable IR radiation at an even lower altitude, and again with no detectable heat generated. Reaction. To contradict these results, the alarmists attempted to create the view represented by the image on the left, where some radiation would go through. At first, they said molecules on the shoulders (R and P branches) of the absorption peaks are thin and do what is shown in the image on the left. But that claim would not stand up to the response as demonstrated by the image on the right panel. The IPCC/alarmists switched their focus to the higher altitudes, where the molecules are much thinner. But the molecules didn't get sparse enough until they were far beyond the top of the troposphere. That presented them with another insurmountable problem: when the molecules get thin enough to allow radiation through, they spread the heat so thinly, so diluted that no significant temperature increase can occur. But for that to happen, the molecules would have to be one-thousandth as dense as near-surface. That also means one-thousandths as much temperature change. Heinz Hug showed that only one part per thousand on the edge of the shoulders is relevant to an increase, which would create a thousand to one ratio for center effect compared to shoulder effects. The final numbers for the absorption height for the entire range are summarized in this table. Showing even at the extreme 0.1% of the shoulders, the saturation height of 10 Km is cut to 5 Km with a doubling of CO2. The simplicity of this conceptual-visual argument takes away all the manufactured complexity that is now built into the Radiative Transfer Equations. Thus, the need to bury the Heinz Hug experiment. The saturation of CO2 is nothing new. Years ago, the UN/IPCC and alarmists admitted that saturation occurs, but they never specified the saturation height. Here's how saturation was described in the 2001 IPCC report (AR3): "Carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation in the middle of its 15 mm [sic] band to the extent that radiation in the middle of this band cannot escape unimpeded: this absorption is saturated. This, however, is not the case for the band's wings. It is because of these 2

effects of partial saturation..." But the UN/IPCC dropped the subject of saturation entirely after the 2001 IPCC report and made saturation disappear in the "Radiative Transfer Equations." It's not valid to make saturation disappear, which shows the corruptness of the Radiative Transfer Equations. How is the Atmosphere Heated? On average, about 99% of the atmosphere is composed of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Argon, CO2, and all other gasses make up the remaining 1%, of which the much-maligned CO2 is currently a miserly 0.042%. All greenhouse gasses combined total less than 0.05%, a very tiny fraction of the earth's atmosphere. All gasses are well mixed in the atmosphere from sea level to the top of the stratosphere. But water vapor, the gaseous form of water, is generally limited to the troposphere, that is, from sea level to about 6-7 miles up the sky. Water vapor in the atmosphere is what a wild card is in poker. On average, global water vapor is less than 0.3% of the atmosphere, but in the hot tropical regions, it can be up to 4.0% and nearly 0.0% in the polar areas. On average, nature produced WATER VAPOR ACCOUNTS FOR 95% OF THE SO-CALLED GREENHOUSE EFFECT, total C02 about 3.6%, and humanmade CO2 less than 0.2%.[i] Nearly 100% of the powerful incoming solar UV rays are absorbed by nitrogen (78% of the atmosphere), oxygen (21%), and all other trace gasses in the atmosphere about 1%. These gasses heat the atmosphere in two ways; photodissociation of all the gasses, and for oxygen, there is also photoionization of oxygen molecules. In Figure-4, we see the images of the molecules of these two primary gasses. Each molecule has two atoms and a bond that hold the two atoms together like rubber bands. When these molecules absorb UV radiation, the additional energy is stored in these molecular bonds, making the bonds oscillate with greater amplitudes and in many oscillating forms, including tortional and stretching the bond lengths. In Figure-5, we see an illustrative model of one of these oscillations. When a photon is absorbed, the yellow amplitude grows to the green amplitude. But there is no change in any of these frequencies, and the increased energy is stored in the bonds as chemical energy and NOT THERMAL ENERGY. These molecules are also photon emitters and release new photons very quickly, and when they do, the green arrow amplitude shrinks back to about the yellow arrow. But when a minimum threshold amount of energy is absorbed, the molecular bonds break. The atoms then fly apart at very high velocities and in random directions, raising the gas's kinetic energy. The increased kinetic energy of each atom is equal to half the mass of the atom times the acceleration squared, and we call this movement "Brownian Motion." These liberated atoms smash everything in their trajectories 3

like molecules, ions, aerosols, etc. These collisions convert their kinetic energy of motion to thermal heat, which we measure as temperature, and the atmosphere warms up. Oxygen also undergoes a second type of heating, called photoionization. This is when the oxygen atom gains or loses an electron, converting the oxygen atom into an oxygen ion. All the accumulated energy is stored in the internal electron bonds. When these electron bonds break, the chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy like the above described increased collisions and conduction. The earth's surface also cools by releasing heat to the atmosphere by "Sensible" of 20 W, and "Latent Heat" by 84 W, and by some quantity IR radiation of about 40W going directly from the surface through the atmosphere to space, calling it an "atmospheric window." This atmospheric window radiation does not add any heat to the atmosphere. The global warming alarmists claim that 79% of the surface cools by IR radiation. At the same time, skeptical scientists estimate that it may only be a few percentages. So, effectively the atmosphere is heated by solar irradiation of 79 W (Watts per meter^2), plus 84 W latent, plus 20 W of sensible heat for a total of 183 W [ii]

The greenhouse illusion. Yet, inside the yellow free-form collective, we see two odd numbers appear. First, we see 342 W of heat coming from the atmosphere to heat the surface. Did somebody repeal the first law of thermodynamics, the conservation of energy? Where did this mystery heat of 159 W (342-183) come from? It came through the magic of the above-described elimination of the physical CO2 saturation and replacing it with the "Radiative Transfer Equations." The story goes like this, CO2 absorbs the weak-longwave IR radiation from the surface and stores the energy in the molecular bonds that increase the amplitudes of their vibrations that induce additional kinetic energy and increased collision energy resulting in increased heating of the atmosphere. This is all very plausible but highly unlikely for several reasons, one of which is dilution. For example, in Figure-6,[III] we see a 4

sample of the atmosphere, an array of 2,500 air molecules, of which one is CO2. Alarmists tell us that at 400 ppm, this one CO2 molecule will heat up the other 2,499 molecules by an alarming amount! That is the equivalent of saying ONE CUP OF HOT COFFEE HEATS THE OTHER NEARBY 2,499 CUPS OF COFFEE TO AN ALARMING AMOUNT, REALLY? Second point, how exactly does the CO2 molecule heat up by absorbing the low-energy IR radiation emitted by the surface? Again, figure-6a [IV] reveals the absurdity. We are told that one green CO2 atom is energized by absorbing one blue weak IR photon. But CO2 absorbs IR radiation and emits IR radiation, and usually, this immittance occurs within tiny fractions of a second, returning to its initial low energy state. So it is only during that small fraction of a second, before emitting its purple photon, that one of two things happen. First, it may emit its photon and return to its previous low energy state with zero heat gain. Alternatively, it may bump an adjacent molecule or two. And unlike the powerful UV-induced collisions, these are tiny and short-lived, weak collisions, and any heat released is nearly zero. Bottom line, this process prevents the atmosphere from trapping or holding any IR heat, and ALL THE ENERGY ABSORBED DURING THE DAY FROM THE SUN IS LOST TO SPACE DURING THE NIGHT. So ultimately, all heat must be changed to this longwave radiant energy form to exit the earth. [i] use%20System.htm Water vapor Rules the greenhouse system, F Singer. [ii] Oddly enough the earth energy budget (IPCC AR5) states the sun as the only source of heat for the earth. It does not include other sources of heat, like: • Human-made fires, cars/trucks, factories/industrial machinery, power plants, ships, airplanes, nuclear and fossil plants, etc. • Also ignored is the natural warmth of fermentation by the Earth's biomass and animal respiration. • But most strange IS THE MISSING HEAT RELEASED BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF ACTIVE VOLCANOES AND VENTS, 85% of which are unseen and unaccounted for at the bottom of the darkest and deepest oceans and under ice sheets and glaciers. [III] , See article Heat Trapping.

[IV] , See article Heat Trapping.


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