Link: OiJ5eHVPQiIsImlhdCI6MTY0MTMyNTE5OSwiZXhwIjoxNjQxMzI4Nzk5LCJpc3MiOiJ wdWItODQ4MzYiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.JL43OcYWFNz8nwd3SFU pcmjqCcb0yHNnkTmotKhGk64 Please see link above for source text, embedded hotlinks, and comments. This is some rich people BS. Secretary Pete Buttigieg @SecretaryPete Buckle up! We're kickstarting an American EV future ⚡
No one cares if you drive an electric car. Literally no one. Dana Loesch December 15, 2021 Just stop acting like you’re making some great sacrifice for the planet because you outsource your pollution and labor to China who couldn’t give a rat’s backside about your virtue-signaling fetish. 1
These kids in the Democratic Republic of Congo worked hard to hand-mine the cobalt in your electric virtue signal vehicle. If you want to buy an EV because you like the tech, you like Elon Musk (if anyone breaks the EV elemental dependency on China, my money is on him) or you just think EVs are cool, by all means, do it to it. I don’t dislike EVs. I think some of them are cool. I’m not even against owning one myself. What kills my soul is when people choose to use them as a measure of how much more they love then planet than you do.
Because this rare earth element mine is in China, it doesn’t count as pollution. I guess I’ll never love the planet so much that I’ll pay the CCP for some of the rare earth elements, on which they hold a monopoly, that they strip-mine from the planet with zero labor or environmental protections. Subscribe now The results are jarring: In mineral-rich regions of China, poisoned water and soil have caused abnormal disease rates in “cancer villages” from which impoverished residents cannot afford to move. Crops and animals have died around a crusty lake of radioactive black sludge formed from mining waste near a major mining site in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. It’s so large that it is visible by satellite.
I guess I’ll never love the planet so much that I’ll pretend that the power for my electric vehicle wasn’t produced in a coal-powered plant. Who cares about “excessive amounts of ammonia and nitrogen compounds” in water and the poor families eating toxic polluted food that gives them cancer when you can feel good about yourself by parking your Prius in the Whole Foods lot and skipping inside with your hemp bag to purchase questionably “organic” overpriced groceries as a substitute for going to the gym? High fives for you!!! You can feel good about yourself while lecturing others on their inability to afford such an exorbitant modern-day indulgence to atone for one’s environmental sin knowing that the tar and smell its creation causes is an ocean away.
The pollution doesn’t exist if you can’t see it. Similar to “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” you can inflate the legitimacy of your envirodedication with rare earth elements while sulfur, tar, mercury, and other toxins are dumped on the opposite side of the planet away from your sphere of influence. That’s the deal: you sell-out for a mostly (or partly, depending on the manufacturer) communist-made trophy to cement your status in society and China and its belt-androad partners hide the dirty work required to achieve it.
Drive what you want (I’d like ‘71 Challenger, thaaaaanks), don’t litter, avoid funding communists, and live your life without any regard for these smug rich socialists who wouldn’t be peddling this nonsense to you if they weren’t making a buck off it.
Junk yard for electric vehicles near Paris, France. It costs too much to replace worn out batteries.
How Lithium Ion batteries in EVs catch fire.