Articles, authors, and organizations claiming that CO2 from fossil fuels is causing unacceptable man-made global warming. They are against fossil fuels, and some are also against nuclear power. NOTE: The authors mentioned here may not themselves be against fossil fuels and nuclear. They may have written an article that falls in this category. AAAS -AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of SCIENCE, USA – The Reality, Risks, and Response to Climate Change, USA Rod Adams, USA – Commencing a new phase as a venture capitalist Rod Adams, USA – Fighting climate change skeptics in the pro nuclear community Rod Adams, USA – Fighting climate change skeptics in the pro nuclear community - continued Rod Adams, USA – No longer a skeptic Wade Allison, UK – Climate change and the third energy revolution
George Chilingarian, USA – Carbon dioxide doesn’t cause (catastrophic) global warming CLIMATE COALITION, USA CLIMATE COUNCIL, Australia – Land Carbon – No substitute for action on fossil fuels Matt Clinch, USA, UK – COP26 – Alarmists lament that we are still on the road to hell James Conca, USA - COP26 – Another failure for the planet James Conca, USA – COP26 – Managers of 40 trillion dollars make plans to decarbonize the world Judith Curry, USA – Pope Francis, climate change, and morality
Russ Babcock and Thorpe Watson, Canada – Alice in Wonderland deceptions and lies Russ Babcock, Canada – The cause of global warming – Hype versus Reality William Briggs, USA, Vatican – Declaration to the Vatican about manmade climate change
Angela Dewan, USA – John Kerry warns that time is running out Jack Dini, UK – John Kerry – Climate Doom Zealot Paul Driessen, USA – Destroying the environment to save it Paul Driessen, USA – Europe’s unprecedented floods
Revision January 24, 2022
Articles, authors, and organizations claiming that CO2 from fossil fuels is causing unacceptable man-made global warming. They are against fossil fuels, and some are also against nuclear power. NOTE: The authors mentioned here may not themselves be against fossil fuels and nuclear. They may have written an article that falls in this category. Paul Driessen, USA – The real climate science deniers
Kerry Emanuel, USA – Climate science and climate risk – a primer
James Hansen, USA – James Hansen takes stage at COP21 to explain carbon fee and dividend Howard Cork Hayden, USA – NonClimate Non-Summit COP21 Howard Cork Hayden, USA – Precise Guesswork
Valerie Gardner, USA – Nucleating our carbon-managed future. Michel Gay, France – COP22 : la COP d l’action? Michel Gay, France – Désastre de la croissance verte GREENPEACE, World GREENPEACE, World – Climate change GREENPEACE, World – Fossil fuels GREENPEACE, World – James Hansen GREENPEACE, World – President Obama
James Hansen, USA – James Hansen proved right on man-made climate change Revision January 24, 2022
Howard Cork Hayden, USA – The Marrakech, Morocco Climate Summit COP22 Marjorie Mazel Hecht, USA – Where the global warming hoax was born - AAAS Tony Heller, USA – Hansen’s predictions for 30 years Roger Higgs, UK – Critique of Geological Society of London Roger Higgs, UK – Mann’s hockey stick ironically proves the Sun – not CO2 drives climate Roger Higgs, UK – Incompetent IPCC persists
Articles, authors, and organizations claiming that CO2 from fossil fuels is causing unacceptable man-made global warming. They are against fossil fuels, and some are also against nuclear power. NOTE: The authors mentioned here may not themselves be against fossil fuels and nuclear. They may have written an article that falls in this category. degrees C – analyzing the global warming target
Dave Lowe, New Zealand – Humans already have the tools to combat climate change but we lack leadership Rich Lowry, USA – Don’t listen to Greta Thunberg
Kelvin Kemm, South Africa – Climategate ten years later Andrew Kenny, South Africa – Perspective of climate change from South Africa John Kerry, USA – Earth has 9 years to avert worst consequences of climate crisis John Kerry, USA – We are in trouble Joel Kotkin, USA – Green Pope Francis goes medieval on planet Martin Krohn, Germany – Brainwashing our children
Donna Laframboise, Drieu Godefridi, Canada, Belgium – Climate activists aren’t joking – The Green Reich James Lovelock, UK – Climate change James Lovelock, UK – Enjoy life now – by 2028 global warming will hit the fan James Lovelock, UK – Worry about climate not COVID Revision January 24, 2022
Matt McGrath, UK – EU unveils sweeping climate change plan Matt McGrath, UK – Hothouse Earth Michael Madsen, Austria – Dealing with carbon and climate change through nuclear Alistair Miller, Canada Christopher Monckton, UK – The climate ugliness of generation moronic
NRDC, NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL, USA NRDC, USA – Burning oil, gas, and coal endangers people’s health and causes climate change NRDC, THOMAS COCHRAN, USA NRDC, JAMES HANSEN, USA 3
Articles, authors, and organizations claiming that CO2 from fossil fuels is causing unacceptable man-made global warming. They are against fossil fuels, and some are also against nuclear power. NOTE: The authors mentioned here may not themselves be against fossil fuels and nuclear. They may have written an article that falls in this category. NRDC, MICHAEL MANN, USA NET ZERO NEEDS NUCLEAR Herve Nifenecker, France – Can we meet global energy demands with nuclear power?
POTSDAM INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE IMPACT RESEARCH (PIK), Germany – Hans Joachim Schellnhuber – Causes and consequences of climate change
Benny Peiser, UK – Mugged by reality, Germany’s climate consensus is collapsing Pope Francis, Paul Driessen, Vatican, USA – A conversation or lecture on climate change Pope Francis, Vatican – Climate Change, a Catholic Perspective Pope Francis, Vatican – Pope Francis attacks scientists skeptical of serious man-made global warming Pope Francis, Vatican – Pope Francis sounds an urgent alarm Pope Francis, Vatican – The world is near suicide on climate change - It is now or never POTSDAM INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE IMPACT RESEARCH (PIK), Germany POTSDAM INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE IMPACT RESEARCH (PIK), Germany – Hans Joachim Schellnhuber Revision January 24, 2022
Matt Ridley, UK – Eco apocalypse justifies carbon zero government mandate William Ripple et al., USA, Australia – Warning of a climate emergency ROYAL SOCIETY, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, UK, USA – Climate change evidence and causes Emil Royrvik, Norway – Consensus and Controversy
Stephan Savarese, France – Changement climatique : de l’état de catastrophe (pas très) naturelle? Thomas Schmid, Germany – False reverence for Greta Thunberg or here in English SIERRA CLUB, USA SIERRA CLUB, USA – Climate change 4
Articles, authors, and organizations claiming that CO2 from fossil fuels is causing unacceptable man-made global warming. They are against fossil fuels, and some are also against nuclear power. NOTE: The authors mentioned here may not themselves be against fossil fuels and nuclear. They may have written an article that falls in this category. SIERRA CLUB, USA - Coal SIERRA CLUB, USA – Nuclear power SIERRA CLUB, USA – Oil and gas
Greta Thunberg, Sweden – Greta and the world is green Greta Thunberg, Sweden – Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade
SIERRA CLUB, USA – Sea Level Rise
Ronald Stein, USA – Greta preaches many of the first Earth Day’s failed predictions
Thorpe Watson, Canada – Are kids pawns in climate change debate Thorpe Watson, Canada – The escalation of the war on CO2, part 1 of 3
THE GUARDIAN, UK – Ghastly future of mass extinction THE GUARDIAN, UK – Greta Thunberg condemns world leaders in emotional speech at UN THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES ENGINEERING MEDICINE, USA – Climate change THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES ENGINEERING MEDICINE, USA – Climate communication initiative
Thorpe Watson, Canada – The escalation of the war on CO2, part 2 of 3 Thorpe Watson, Canada – The road to global serfdom Thorpe Watson, Canada – U. N. predicts disaster if global warming not checked Seth Wynes and Kimberly Nicholas, Sweden, Canada – The climate mitigation gap: education and government recommendations miss the most effective individual actions
Greta Thunberg, Sweden – Climate crisis lecture to UN Greta Thunberg, Sweden – Speech at the UN Climate Action Summit Revision January 24, 2022
Elizabeth Yore, USA – Papal propaganda: Lies of the Compassionate Utopian