Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power.
John Brinker
Retired civil engineer, general contractor
Ellicott City, Maryland, USA
Mary Brinker
Retired general contractor
Ellicott City, Maryland, USA
Robert Bromm, PE
Retired Nuclear Engineer, with 40 years of experience in all phases of the nuclear fuel cycle
Simpsonville, South Carolina, USA
Paul D. Chamberlin
Retired extractive metallurgical engineer
Highlands Ranch, Colorado, USA
Terigi Ciccone
Retired engineer with career in gas turbine technologies for aviation, power generation, oil and gas industries, and ship propulsion. Educator of students and the public about climate, fossil fuels, and nuclear power.
Sarasota, Florida, USA
Clinton Crackel
Energy Consultant
Peoria, Arizona, USA
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA
Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Frank D’Ascensio
Chemist with career in the chemical industry and water treatment in charge of environmental enforcement
Pennsylvania, USA
John Droz, jr
North Carolina, USA
Timothy Ferris
Author, filmmaker, historian of science
San Francisco, California, USA
Viv Forbes
BScAppGeol, F AusIMM, FSIA – geological history, climate cycles, business models. Founder: The Saltbush Club
Washpool, Queensland, Australia
Tony Francomano
Middle school and high school teacher
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Howard Cork Hayden
Emeritus professor of physics, University Pueblo West, of Connecticut, Founder of The Energy Colorado, USA Advocate
Ed Hiserodt
Retired Aerospace Engineer
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA
Maumelle, Arkansas, USA 2
Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Walter Horsting
Owner – Director Business Development International (BDI). Develops large Technology projects for Smart Cities, Global Firms, Entertainment Venues, Energy, Higher Education, Government, Healthcare and High Tech industries. I Care Project – Don’t let the world go to waste. Municipal Waste to Clean Energy
Eric Jelinski
M.Eng., P. Eng. Stayner, Degrees in Mechanical, and Chemical Ontario, Nuclear Engineering. Thirty years Canada engineering and management for nuclear power. Ten years teaching nuclear engineering courses. Ten years specializing in agriculture science and nutritious food production. Advocate for phasing out chemicals dangerous to human and animal health and moving to methods of food production that are in synergy with nature.
Kelvin Kemm
Nuclear physicist. Owner of Technology Strategy company, Former Chairman: South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa)
Pretoria, South Africa
Joseph G. Kerwin
CEO Yoogli, Inc.
Costa Mesa, California, USA
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA
Sacramento, California, USA
Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Kenneth D. Kok
Retired nuclear engineer. Editor of the Nuclear Engineering Handbook.
Richland, Washington, USA
Jay Lehr
Water resource scientist and general science advisor
Ohio, USA
David Lester, PhD
Retired Engineer
Fox Island, Washington, USA
James M. Leverentz
Retired/Active Consultant/Teacher (UC Irvine)
Los Alamitos, California, USA
Maria Milagros Licier Nuclear medicine technologist
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
H. Douglas Lightfoot
Retired mechanical engineer. Founder The Lightfoot Institute
Baie-D’Urfe, QC, Canada
Howard R. Lowe
Retired Professional Engineer/Geologist
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Jeffrey Mahn
Retired nuclear engineer, producer of educational documents for engineering students, public, and interested officials
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA
Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. José Oreste Maldifassi Pohlhammer
Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias
Viña del Mar, Chile
Guillermo (Ivan) Maldonado
Professor of Engineering
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D., M.D.
Nuclear Medicine Physician and Radiation Biologist
Los Angeles, California, USA
Mary McCormick
Nuclear Medicine Technologist and Cyclotron Operator
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Richard McFarland
B.A. in Physics, University of California, Berkeley.
San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
Retired, Senior Scientist in charge of technology development for the largest motion simulator in the world (the Vertical Motion Simulator). 40 years for NASA at Ames Research Center.
Richard McPherson
Advisor to key U.S. government agencies and developers for small modular nuclear reactors. Program developer for improved water supplies and agriculture in the Third World.
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA
Idaho, USA
Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Peter R. McWilliams
B.Sc., M.B.A.
Palm Springs, California, USA
Mark L. Miller
Retired Certified Radiological Health Physicist. Member S.A.R.I. XLNT Foundation
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
International advocate, analyst for benefits CO2, fossil fuels, and nuclear power
Dyrham, Chippenham, UK
Patrick Moore, PhD
Ecologist, Greenpeace co-founder
Comox, British Columbia, Canada
Tom Moser
Founder, The Right Climate Stuff Research Team. Retired, NASA Senior Executive - Apollo, Shuttle & Space Station Programs
Texas, USA
James Peacock
Chairman, The Right Climate Stuff Research Team, TRCS, Founder, TRCS, Retired, NASA Apollo Program, USAF R &D
Houston, Texas, USA
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA
Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. James Pindell
Geologist and Founder and Director of Tectonic Analysis Ltd (UK)
Duncton, West Sussex, UK
Dr. Philip Pluta
Retired nuclear engineer
Saratoga, California, USA
Isabel Shanahan
Retired career counselor
Denver, Colorado, USA
John Shanahan
Civil engineer with career in nuclear power. Founder of website:
Denver, Colorado, USA
Kenneth Skrable
Professor of Radiological Science
Jensen Beach, Florida, USA
Prof. Dr. Andrzej Strupczewski
Nuclear safety expert of IAEA and EC
Warsaw, Poland
Ronald Stein. P.E.
Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure
Irvine, California, USA
David Tremain
Faculty industrial arts, UMSL. Supporter of nuclear power.
St Louis, Missouri, USA
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA
Signers of: “When will nuclear power get going again?” To be a signer: 1) Support carbon dioxide as an important molecule of life. Don’t think that it is causing catastrophic global warming, 2) Support use of fossil fuels. They created the modern world and will be important for a long time, 3) Support use of nuclear power, the best solution for the long-term future for electrical energy and as energy source to manufacture vast quantities of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels. Should not be a signer: 1) Doubt the requirements above, 2) Are not interested in fossil fuels and nuclear power and their by-products, 3) Are opposed to putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and opposed to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Alan Waltar
Retired nuclear engineer. Past President of the American Nuclear Society
Peshastin, Washington, USA
David Wojick
Civil engineer, mathematician, government and industry consultant
Washington, D.C., USA
Gerald Woodcock, MBA
Retired Nuclear Industry Administrator
Richland, Washiington, USA
Gregory Wrightstone
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Gary Young
Mechanical engineer, retired project manager for new product development that kept international technology company profitable.
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Status as of February 9, 2022 Signers come from: Australia, Canada, Chile, Poland, UK, USA