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Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Cools the Earth By O.R. Adams Jr. May, 2016 For the theory of man-made global warming, the letters AGW are used . The letters stand for anthropogenic global warming, and AGW is a general term used by writers on the subject. Because of what they claim is AGW, caused primarily by CO2, the Global Warmers want this country and the world to give up the best and most efficient energy sources we have – coal, gasoline, diesel, and natural gas; and replace them with wind and solar power, which is much less efficient and dependable, and much more costly. It has also never been explained how wind and solar power could replace the tremendous amount of energy now used. Their claims are both fraudulent and insane. It is true that the use of the better and more efficient energy sources, called fossil fuels, puts more CO2 into the atmosphere. The basis of the claim that CO2 causes global warming, as stated and depicted by the "Skeptical Science" website of one of the major global warming proponents, is1: The greenhouse gas qualities of carbon dioxide have been known for over a century. In 1861, John Tyndal published laboratory results identifying carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas that absorbed heat rays (longwave radiation). Since then, the absorptive qualities of carbon dioxide have been more precisely quantified by decades of laboratory measurements (Herzberg 1953, Burch 1962, Burch 1970, etc). The greenhouse effect occurs because greenhouse gases let sunlight (shortwave radiation) pass through the atmosphere. The earth absorbs sunlight, warms then reradiates heat (infrared or longwave radiation). The outgoing longwave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This heats the atmosphere which in turn rePage 1