EFN-Canada (Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy)

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Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (Canada) EFN-Canada

See more information about EFN-Canada on the main EFN website: ecolo.org

Presentation of EFN-CANADA Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (Canada) Inc. is a Canadian federally incorporated not-for-profit organization whose objects are: - to provide complete and straightforward information about energy and the environment - to make known the advantages of nuclear energy, and especially the environmental benefits - to bring together persons favouring the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes with respect for the environment and with proper management of nuclear waste - to achieve its purposes through the publication of books, pamphlets and CDROM's; the conduct of lectures to the public; the participation in public and written debate; the contribution of scientific, technical, and generally

educational communications to the press, to the audio-visual media, and the public in general; the creation, operation and maintenance of multilingual internet sites; and appearances at public and professional fairs and exhibitions.

History of EFN-CANADA The international association of Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (EFNINTERNATIONAL) was created in 1996 by the famous environmentalist Bruno Comby(author of the bestseller: "Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy") (a Canadian edition is in print) after the publication of his book and the debate that followed in 1995. EFN-INTERNATIONAL currently gathers over 10.000 members and supporters, with 300 local correspondents throughout the world in 60 countries, on five continents. In 2006 some Canadian citizens and environmentalists decided to create EFN-CANADA to inform the Canadian public. The founding President of EFNCANADA is Rodney Anderson. The Honorary Chairman of EFN-CANADA is Dr Patrick Moore, the former director of Greenpeace international during many years.

The point of view of EFN-CANADA To stop polluting our atmosphere, prevent global warming, and replace dwindling supplies of oil, EFN-CANADA promotes energy conservation, renewable energies, sustainable lifestyles, and the use of clean nuclear energy. EFN-CANADA considers that environmental opposition to nuclear energy is a major mistake. If it is well designed, well built and well managed, nuclear energy is safe and clean, does not emit polluting gases into the atmosphere, uses few construction materials per kWh (compared to solar and wind

energy), produces very little waste (which is confined and can be recycled), and produces almost no carbon dioxide, therefore does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. EFN-CANADA works at informing the public of the environmental benefits of nuclear energy, the cleanest energy resource massively available to humanity. EFN-CANADA considers that environmental opposition to nuclear energy is the greatest misunderstanding and mistake of the century.

Who are the members of EFN-CANADA ? EFN-CANADA is independent of any political, religious, financial, and industrial groups. We are a group of people in favour of preserving the environment and of promoting nuclear energy. Any person who wishes to contribute to a cleaner world can become a Supporter, or a Sympathizing, Active or Donating Member of EFN-CANADA. The international association has local correspondents in many regions and throughout the world, and also has a Scientific Board and an Honorific Board, composed of VIPs and personalities who morally support our views. If you want to enjoy a cleaner planet... If you want your children and greatgrandchildren... to be able to breathe and live happily in a better world... then welcome to EFN-CANADA, the organization that contributes to a cleaner and better world for the future !

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