All About Energy Newsletter 2021 Issue 3

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Graphic from South Africa NEWSLETTER - 2021 Issue 3 Editor: John Shanahan Website: This newsletter is sent to students, teachers, parents, people in many industries, and leaders in business and government in 124 countries. We discuss energy, energy by-products, the environment, people who use energy and politicians who make energy decisions. Vaclav Smil said: Energy is the only universal currency. Other currencies are just words, pictures, and mysterious symbols on paper.

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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology



Five days a week, for millennia, hundreds of millions of single occupant cars will creep along in clogged highways around the world going to work and returning home. Billions of hours of lives that could do more rewarding things. Billions of liters of petroleum that could be used in the future. The map shows dedicated pedestrian / bike paths in the Netherlands as of April 2018. The total length of the network is over 35,000 km. 36% of people in the Netherlands list cycling as their most frequent mode of transportation compared to 45% for cars and 11% for public transit. With 27% of all journeys occurring by bicycle. If cities were designed so that families could find nice housing and good schools near centers of employment and there were plenty of dedicated pedestrian / bike paths, life would be better, and the environment cleaner and healthier.

WHAT'S HAPPENING? - March 2021 Europe and North America are moving toward centrally controlled governments that are making a wide range of arbitrary policies based on unsound reasoning and little regard for realities of technology and science. Some teachers and professors are concerned about thought control than creative thought development. Fewer students learn subjects that can help them have good careers. Russia and China train their students and foreign guest students for leadership in practical fields to use in the real world. See examples in the PEOPLE Section below.


ENERGY - This section discusses the best energy sources: fossil fuels, hydro-electric, and nuclear power, and politically popular energy sources: wind and solar photo-voltaic. THE UNITED STATES IS FOR WIND & SOLAR ENERGY America is working to have large wind and solar electric generating systems. It is determined to abandon fossil fuels and advanced nuclear power. Wind and solar are the most vulnerable to severe storms. They will never enable governments to "control" climate. Certain politicians will force them on America anyway. CHINA IS FOR NUCLEAR POWER AND FOSSIL FUELS China is going along with "green" energy programs for the distant future. But for today and the near future, they are developing nuclear power and fossil fuels. Unfortunately, China's coal plants have minimum pollution control systems compared to coal plants in Germany. China maps Out Its Nuclear Future. China Promotes Climate Goal, and Builds New Coal Plants.

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ENERGY BY PRODUCTS - This section is about by-products from fossil fuels, and radioisotopes and radiation from nuclear sources. They make the modern world great. BY-PRODUCTS FROM NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NUCLEAR MEDICINE There are two types of nuclear medicine: diagnostic and therapeutic. Diagnostic nuclear medicine enables doctors to see problems in your body much more clearly so they can plan better treatment. Therapeutic nuclear medicine treats diseases locally with small amounts of radioactive nuclides. This is better than massive radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery when it is an option. Molecular Imaging. The photo on the far right shows you can see tremendous progress in treating a disease. BY-PRODUCTS FROM COAL Coal byproducts showing basic chemicals as branches and derivative substances as twigs and leaves. All the by-products from coal that are very important to your modern world are represented by the green leaves on the tree. To see the byproducts from coal click here.


ENVIRONMENT - This section is about how our use of energy influences the environment and wildlife. GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM NINE YEARS TO THE END OF THE WORLD American President Joe Biden appointed John Kerry as United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Kerry told the United Nations that there are only nine years left until the end-of-the-world is locked in because of catastrophic man-made climate change from use of fossil fuels. Who are these politicians really serving? Kalte Sonne


UNDERSTANDING REAL CLIMATE CHANGE USING THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD The Scientific Method says study the real world closely. Postulate a model or set of equations. If any observation of the real world disagrees with the model or set of equations, the model must be abandoned. This applies to all catastrophic climate change end-ofworld-in-a-few-years predictions. Here are reports that the sun and solar system control Earth 's climate, not mankind's CO2: CO2 COALITION ROGER HIGGS To receive this monthly newsletter, send you name, email address, and country to:


PEOPLE - How people behave and how governments rule determine if use of energy ends up being good or bad. All About Energy presents examples of people contributing to the good of mankind and the planet and people working to defeat progress for the modern world.

PEOPLE CONTRIBUTING TO A BETTER WORLD FLORENCIA RENTERIA DEL TORO - MÉXICO She earned a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in her native Mexico and a M.Sc. in Nuclear Power Engineering, Nuclear Core Design from KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School in South Korea. Currently, she is studying for a Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Technology at Harbin Engineering University in China. Florencia is getting an outstanding technical education and developing a network of nuclear power colleagues around the world.

EDWIN SIMFUKWE - ZAMBIA In 2019 the Zambian government decided to establish a nuclear research center to find solutions for food production, clean drinking water, cancer treatment, production of electricity, and other civilian problems. Edwin is pursuing a B.Sc. in nuclear power engineering and thermal physics at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.


CONCLUSION Most people and honest leaders want reliable, affordable energy for electricity and many other applications in the modern world. Alarmists and their politicians have been working since the 1950s to prevent the use of nuclear power and fossil fuels. Russia and China will have nothing to do with anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear power alarmists. What kind of a world do you want?

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