NEWSLETTER - 2021 Issue 4
Update on website. Team is growing to serve you better. Editors:
John Shanahan, Michael Hancock - USA, Hugo Kruger - France Website:
This newsletter is for students, teachers, parents, working people, and leaders in business and government. It is sent to subscribers in 124 countries. It is free. We discuss energy, energy by-products, the environment, people who use energy, and people who make energy decisions. Vaclav Smil a top global thinker and author in Canada says: "ENERGY IS THE ONLY UNIVERSAL CURRENCY". Paper currencies are only worth the trust people put in governments that print them and the strength of their economies. How much would a currency be worth in a country where the people did not work and there was no trade with other countries? The currency would be worthless. Today homes sell for over two million dollars that sold for five thousand dollars a hundred years ago. How much of that price increase is due to currency devaluation? How much is due to people thinking that government will solve all their problems for them? Having plentiful, reliable energy is very important. Otherwise, everything has to be done manually, by animals, or slaves like was done for all time before use of fossil fuels. To mine materials for manufacture, to transport, and to construct wind turbines without fossil fuels is impossible. Yet politicians are forcing the world to leave fossil fuels in the ground! Who trusts these politicians?
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UPDATE ON WEBSITE The website has had a major overhaul of background software to assure there will be no problems with outdated software versions and to enable us to work as efficiently and creatively as possible. All content is being reviewed to conform to new fields and options. There is a lot of editing to do of older articles for new hot links. It is an ongoing project. If some links don't work, we will correct them in the near future. Two ways to use the website: 1) Intuitive Search - use main topics at top of every page and the search box 2) Traditional Index Search - use Map - Energy, Map - Environment, Map Nuclear Science, Map - Radiation at bottom left of every page or the search box at the top.
The website is working for a better, more peaceful, and prosperous world for everyone.
The world can work together in harmony.
Young children in Lhasa, Tibet, 1996, focusing on math homework.
UPDATE ON LEADERSHIP - Three editors are working for you.
John Shanahan, website founder, civil engineer, Denver, Colorado, USA. Nuclear power plant design and licensing in the United States and Switzerland. Education about the importance of high energy density, reliable, environmentally friendly energy sources for electricity, transportation, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, space heating and cooling, education, Internet, vacations, sports events, entertainment, etc.
Michael Hancock, website technical director, software engineer, international information technology manager, musician, and music and film producer, Denver, Colorado, USA. Advisor on making large websites attractive for diverse global audiences. Advisor on how to engage the global public.
Hugo Kruger, civil engineer, global video interview host, Paris, France. Experience in design of many types of power production facilities. Video interview host for key topics worldwide. Advisor on how to engage younger audiences.
UPDATE ON BOARD OF ADVISORS See list of Board of Advisors, click here. There are 47 members from 21 countries. New members in the last two years are: Canada - Sherri Lange, France - Hugo Kruger, Guinea - Joseph Samoura, Kenya - Collins Wafula, Mexico - Florencia Renteria, Morocco - Abdelmjid Aiboud, Rwanda - Albert Rutikanga, UK - Roger Higgs, James Pindell, USA - Howard Lowe, Zambia - Edwin Zimfukwe
We need to work together for a peaceful, prosperous, healthy, happy world that includes respect for the environment and preservation of wildlife habitat.
NEWSLETTER FOCUS in October, November, and December 2021 An important event in November 2021 is the United Nations COP26 meeting in Glasgow, UK. Leaders in Germany, the UK, the USA, and other countries will make a serious attempt to force the world to stop using fossil fuels in a few decades based on unproven claims that carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is causing catastrophic man-made global warming. These precious energy resources created the modern world and enabled the population to grow from 1 billion to nearly 8 billion people. Anti-modernists and extreme greens with terrible hidden agendas are determined to force the world to go back to the way it was before the use of fossil fuels. This would be the worst human and environmental catastrophe in history. The world must continue to use fossil fuels and get new nuclear power construction going again as quickly as possible in order to have peace, prosperity and modenity.
Alarmists with terrible hidden agendas that will take away individual freedoms and prosperity must not prevail.
In 2022, after COP26 settles down one way or the other, we will return to covering all topics on including: ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, NUCLEAR SCIENCE, RADIATION, PEOPLE.
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Best wishes. John Shanahan - USA, Michael Hancock - USA, Hugo Kruger - France
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