Gusto Homes newsletter

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Gustolife Building a sustainable quality of life


• Award winning solar power •

New luxury homes pioneer cutting edge solar roof tiles The five luxurious, family homes at Gusto’s exclusive new Allington development were chosen as the first UK installations for solarcentury’s advanced new C21 photovoltaic (PV) roof tiles. moving parts and are silent and emission-free in operation. The system generates a proportion of the home’s electricity, switching surplus power back into the national grid when not required in the house. solarcentury’s CEO is award-winning scientist and former Greenpeace campaigner, Jeremy Leggett. He now serves on the UK Government’s Renewables Advisory Board. “Solar PV generated power could provide 10,000 times more power than the world currently uses – and it’s clean and free,” Jeremy underlines. “With UK homes accounting for a third of UK CO2 emissions, Gusto’s success is showing the government the future direction for its building regulations and policy guidelines. ‘Conventional’ housebuilders must use more sustainable technologies if the UK is to meet its 2010 CO2 targets.”

● Estate agents are reporting that unobtrusive, low-maintenance green features are increasing property values around the UK, creating an ‘eco-premium’ of at least 10%.

• sustainable thinking • • environmental excellence •

‘Better Buildings, Better Lives,’ says government task force

Supporting Lincolnshire’s Environmental Awards

Gusto continues to make high-level contributions to the government’s consultation on sustainable development and better buildings.

Popular naturalist and conservationist Dr David Bellamy received an honorary award for his longstanding support of the Lincolnshire Environment Awards, which recognise environmental excellence across the county.


he influence of the recent Better Buildings summit, instigated by the Office of The Deputy Prime Minister, Department for Trade and Industry and Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is already being felt. Steff Wright was among 190 industry leaders – CEOs from construction and energy companies, architects, planners and other interested parties – invited to contribute. At the summit, attended by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and Secretaries of State, Patricia Hewitt and Margaret Beckett, delegates split into specialist groups for detailed discussion. Steff presented a paper to the Building Services Workshop. Implementing sustainable technologies in construction

is becoming a high priority. Momentum has been building since the government published its Energy White Paper in February 2003 and, in the same month, announced a £22bn Sustainable Communities Plan. A key outcome of the Better Buildings Summit was the formation within a month of the powerful industry-led Sustainable Building Task Force. The publication, in May 2004, of its ‘Better Building’s, Better Lives’ document led directly to the government’s

announcement in July 2004 of plans for a ‘new code for sustainable building.’ It will cover such areas as practice standards on energy efficiency, flood resilience, water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions within construction.

For the twelfth year running, winners received their awards from Dr Bellamy. “I do this because Lindum Rotary Club and Lincolnshire Echo run an exemplary environmental awards scheme,” he applauded. This year’s Young Environmentalist Awards went to West Kesteven Wildlife Watch and Weelsby Primary School in Grimsby. Jacqueline Simpson won the adult section for Promoting Pride, a creative programme helping schools beat vandalism and litter. Kenwick Park Golf Club’s protection of its Lincolnshire Wolds environment was recognised, while Corus Construction and Industrial in Scunthorpe created a safe habitat for sand martins after discovering nests in stockpiles of olivine (a sand used in steel making). Gusto sponsored the 2004 Awards and Steff Wright was a judge for the third year.

Lincolnshire Echo

The ground-breaking specification for the substantial new homes – which also include underfloor heating, rainwater harvesting systems, solar water heating and super-insulation – has proved irresistible for Gusto CEO Steff Wright and his family. They moved into the first completed house – and three of the five homes have already sold. The cutting edge in roof integrated solar technology and winner of the Best Exterior Product at the 2004 Interbuild New Product Awards, C21 is designed for the UK market and climate. Covering 10 sq metres of the roof area it can be fitted by any roofing contractor like any other tile. “We’re excited to be pioneering solarcentury’s well-designed new product,” says Steff. “It integrates well with our standard roof tiles.” Solar PV panels convert light directly into electricity, have no

• new goals •

Governance of Lincoln City FC: influential groups praise club’s approach as ‘the way forward’ Gusto chief executive Steff Wright is part of the innovative management team at resurgent Coca Cola League 2 football club Lincoln City.

Lincoln City FC

In 2002, new owners at Lincoln City FC saw their financial investment, commitments of support and a sensible business plan sunk by the unexpected collapse of ITV Digital. The club was forced into administration. Little over a year after coming out of administration with a redesigned management structure, average gates have increased, the club has reached the lucrative play-off final at Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium and registered positive cashflow in two consecutive years – making a profit in the last financial year. “Steff’s been pivotal in our turnaround,” says the Supporters’ Trust’s elected chairman Rob Bradley, who represents the club’s footballing interests at board level – playing staff, manager and media relations. The investment made by Steff, Lincoln businessman Keith Roe and Kevin Cooke, representing the Lincolnshire Co-op, enabled the supporters’ trust to obtain a 30% stake in the club ensuring a long-term boardroom relationship with supporters. “Football’s emotional,” acknowledges Steff, “so it’s essential for the long-term success of any club that business decisions are detached from that emotion and that new ideas are brought into play.” Lincoln City FC Supporters’ Trust is working with Social Enterprise East Midlands (SEEM) on the feasibility of developing social enterprises at the club alongside Lincolnshire Learning and Skills Council, local head teachers and Football in the Community. This approach is applauded in The State of The Game 2003, from Birkbeck’s Football Governance Research Centre at the University of London. The ‘New’ Football Economics by the University of Leicester’s Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research agrees: “At Lincoln City, football’s old commercial model has been exchanged for one which extols democratisation, supporter involvement and longer-term, sensible financial management – a viable future. This ‘community-centred’ model seems likely to be the direction for many smaller football clubs.”

• seeing is believing •

• Steff says... •

A culture of innovation


Welcome to the first edition of Gusto Life, our newsletter for the Gusto group of companies. I hope you find it informative.

The Gusto group is made up of a number of diverse business interests all striving to excel in their sector and innovating to move forward. Three key issues are creating both threats and opportunities for our business. Climate change, the increasing cost of energy as demand outstrips available supply and the rapid progress of electronic communications. My aim for the Gusto group is to continue developing a culture that is able to see innovative opportunities in these threats which will benefit our customers and the communities in which we operate. This, in turn, will enable our businesses to grow. In our first newsletter, I wanted to highlight some of the activities we are involved in – and the company we keep. If any of the items interest you as a potential customer, supplier, future employee or trading partner please feel free to contact Ros in our head office. She will direct you to the right person.

’’ Steff Wright

☎ 01636 894900

Gusto champions Prince Charles’ RuralAction project


usto has signed up to Prince Charles’ Seeing is Believing programme following the launch of his Rural Action project and ongoing involvement with Business in the Community (BITC). Seeing is Believing brings rural business leaders face to face with problems faced by people in rural areas, raising awareness and understanding of the issues – and offering potential solutions. “Challenges in rural areas are as real as those faced in the inner cities,” The Prince explains, “and rural businesses can make a tangible difference in their own area.” Gusto is also a Rural Business Champion in a new scheme run by the East Midlands Rural Affairs Forum’ (EMRAF) and is committed to BITC’s Community Mark, a national standard recognising an organisation’s involvement in, and support of, local communities. It encompasses offering work placements and work experience to rural students, recruiting locally, strengthening links with rural schools and voluntary organisations, as well as protecting and improving the local environment. “We’ve always been a rural business with strong

local links,” confirms Gusto’s construction director, Jerome Wright (left). “I’m personally committed to several projects in Collingham right now, including replacing a burnt down Scout Hut and project managing the construction of a new Skateboard Park for local teenagers. We also strongly support a new local initiative to produce a Parish Plan for Collingham.”

Gustolife • harvesting rainwater •

Freerain backs successful UKRHA launch!

FUTERRA Sustainability Communications Ltd

The launch of the UK Rainwater Harvesting Association (UKRHA) at London’s Thames Barrier, chaired by impressionist Alistair McGowan, came as Thames Water announced unpopular plans to build another expensive, unnecessary desalination plant – and higher water prices.

Alistair McGowan at the Thames Barrier launch of the UKRHA

The resulting media coverage – on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Breakfast News, News 24, 6 o'clock News, regional TV, radio, press and internet outlets – put rainwater harvesting firmly on the current affairs agenda. Freerain, a division of Gusto Products Ltd which manufactures a rainwater harvesting system – use of which helped Gusto Construction to win the overall 2003 Environment Agency Water Efficiency Award for its Millennium Green development – helped to set up the association. It will promote rainwater harvesting and share specialist knowledge and expertise. Gusto Group managing director, Terry Nash, is also chairman of UKRHA whose membership includes similar companies producing and installing systems. It is also supported by organisations such as the Environment Agency. “Less than one per cent of the expensive water treated in public water systems is used for drinking and cooking,” Terry explains. “We could meet 50% of our domestic water needs by capturing rainwater. Flushing the toilet sends 8 litres of high quality drinking water down the

drain, while a washing machine consuming 65 litres of water in a typical cycle would last longer in ‘hard-water’ areas using rainwater because there would be no lime scale build-up.” Simon Heppell is Freerain’s technical engineer. He points to the enormous potential: “On the continent, 10,000 systems a year are fitted. But in the UK, which has higher rainfall, only 400 systems have been installed so far – many of those in Gusto homes! Terry Nash

Freerain has signed a UK Distribution Agreement with Naylor Drainage Ltd, manufacturers of a wide range of clay and plastic pipe systems. Founded in 1890, Naylor is offering Freerain as part of the range of a new Environmental Division, which also includes complementary water attenuation products. Naylor chief executive Edward Naylor is enthusiastic: “Water Management is a hot topic. We’re excited about working with Gusto Group to develop sales of Freerain.”

• valuable track record •

Community Relations Plan underpins new development With 14 new homes close to completion near Lincoln and Grantham and additional sites in negotiation, a further nine-property scheme underway in Reepham’s Conservation Area presents Gusto with a fresh challenge.

“Rainwater harvesting makes perfect common sense: it saves money, reduces demand on the mains water system, helps alleviate storm water flooding and reduces pressure on the environment. A typical tank sunk in the back garden would pay for itself within five years. Gusto fits them as standard.”


• consultation is the key •

An experienced local architect, Steve Palmer, founder of Lincoln’s Sustainable Development Forum, has been appointed to address the additional design constraints and planning consultants Lichfield Planning are facilitating a thorough consultation process with local people. Invitations were sent to every home in the village and 150 residents attended Gusto’s open consultation meeting. Draft designs were discussed and comments and ideas for improving the scheme were invited. Many have now been translated into positive action. “Open consultation addresses concerns from the outset and results in better schemes,” points out planning consultant Steve Kemp. “Gusto’s Community Relations Plan is tackling specific issues head-on, including concerns about flooding, traffic levels, parking, aesthetics and ecological issues, and has provided the opportunity to involve the entire village in the planning process.” Ideas to reduce parking and traffic congestion

Simon Heppell

outside the nearby school, for example, include offering a cash incentive to implement a competitive ‘Park and Stride’ scheme. Parents and children can earn points by walking or cycling to school, the cash prize going to the class with the most points. Similar schemes already work successfully in other schools.

Busy schedule for in-demand speaker Interest in Gusto Construction’s proven strategies and practical applications for sustainability has seen chief executive Steff Wright become a busy – and informed – speaker, sharing knowledge and best practice. “There’s nothing sustainable about going broke,” stresses Steff. “People want to hear from practitioners like ourselves with a successful track record. Seeing is believing. I listen to speakers for similar reasons.” A presentation on Energy Efficiency in 1998 fired Steff and Gusto on its current path. The speaker was architect David Pickles OBE, now energy manager for Newark and Sherwood District Council. “Steff was the only builder there and he grilled the panel with questions!” David recalls. “We met regularly as he developed his approach and became an authority on environmental building issues. Today, we share speaking platforms. “Millennium Green was ground-breaking, coming at a key moment when building regulations were under review. Gusto took

a green housing concept and, with zero public subsidy, worked on how far it could be taken commercially. All the houses were pre-sold and command a price premium today. The scheme’s influence exceeded expectations and has stood up under high-level scrutiny. It’s given building regulators the confidence to raise standards.” Steff is asked to speak by environmental groups, local authorities, regional development agencies, universities and construction industry bodies, alongside such influential figures as environmentalist Jonathan Porritt and architect Lord Foster. Gusto recently hosted a seminar on sustainable development at its own venue in Newark for CIRIA, the leader in providing performance improvement products and services to the construction industry.

• saving money...and the environment •

Location, sustainability, communities and service The popularity of Gusto homes can be attributed to the fact that each new development is successfully meeting our demanding criteria for success, believes head of customer liaison Craig Staples. being carried through to our new we’re happy to accommodate requests range of house types. where possible. “Gusto homes strive to deliver more “For environmental features, read of what customers want – generous ‘money-saving’. These include, as space, high quality build and finishes, standard, reduced water, gas and 21st Century lifestyle designs, along electricity consumption through with environmentally-friendly features rainwater harvesting, solar heating, and a healthier indoor environment.” efficiency features on household appliances and gas condensing boilers. Super-insulation, Low E double glazing Call Craig 01636 894918 along with natural light and heat from south-facing aspects all minimise the need to use central heating and lighting. “We instruct new owners on how to get the most out of these features – and continue to provide support under a warranty period. The many lessons learned and successful principles from our Millennium Green development are

‘Location, location, location’ is only part of the story. Certainly, each of Gusto’s four developments to date is in an attractive location. Popular villages such as Collingham, Reepham and Allington have a primary school, strong transport links and local facilities such as shops and a pub, as a minimum. “The Gusto brand, and everything it stands for, is a powerful tool in helping people understand what to expect from one of our homes,” says Craig. “As at Millennium Green, many homes at The Bee Field and West Meadow, Allington have been sold off-plan or within days of completion. Interest in Reepham is strong before a brick has been laid. Buying off-plan also enables buyers to include certain bespoke elements in their home and

Flower Time in full bloom! Click-click!

☎ 01636 611622

(l-r) Louise, wife of Newark Business Club chairman, Keith Girling, head florist Lynne Hull, managing director Nick Whiles and Steff Wright, chief executive of parent company Gusto Group at the opening of Flower Time.

breezeblocks ‘Only as good as our people’ Gusto Group is currently expanding and creating new positions in all of its companies. “Our business is only as good as the quality of our people, sub-contractors and business partners,” says Gusto managing director Terry Nash. “We’d like to hear from local people who feel that working for Gusto could be right for them or from businesses operating in the field of sustainable

development.” Opportunities include a broad range of positions for architects, project managers, site managers, design managers and those with general construction, sales or internet marketing skills. You could be based at our Collingham head office, in Newark or on-site. Gusto is constantly adding to its database of ‘everybody in the field of sustainable development,’ seeking out businesses which could provide products and services that ‘fit’ with Gusto’s core activities with a view to

Online party shop launches!

The launch of will complement Gusto’s established partyorganising, balloon and fireworks business Party Time, based at 33/35 Cartergate, Newark, near to Gusto’s Venue. The exciting online party shop went live in September 2004 with over 3,000 party products, from wigs, masks, hats, costumes and face paints, seasonal lines for Hallowe’en, Xmas and Valentine’s Day and an ever-changing product selection – all with a full, no-quibble, money back guarantee. “Stock levels are shown against each product,”

says Nick Whiles, “so customers know precisely what’s available at the point of ordering. It eliminates frustrating emails and phone calls and frees resources to help us secure same-day despatch on all orders placed before 3pm!”

• building people •

building long-term partnerships. We would like to hear from you. ●

Land required Gusto is always looking for potential development sites for purchase or to be developed in partnership. “We’re interested in sites of one acre and upwards, for a one-off build or with the potential for the full-scale development of a new community,” says Steff Wright. ●

• contact us • Gusto Life is published by The Gusto group of companies.

Building outstanding people to build exceptional homes!

Gusto Millennium Green Business Centre, Rio Drive, Collingham, Newark, Notts NG23 7NB Tel: 01636 894900 Fax: 01636 894909 Gusto Construction Ltd, house builders Gusto Products Ltd, sustainable technologies Gusto Venues Ltd, leisure venue operators Party Time Ltd, party goods, balloons, floristry

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Building exceptional homes in a highly competitive market calls for outstanding people across the entire range of construction site, head office and professional functions. Gusto invests heavily in its people, providing access to training and support enabling them to continue their profes-

sional development and improve their skill levels. A People Development System is based around an appraisal process developed in-house which helps employees identify and achieve personal development goals. The past year’s results are firstclass. Between them, Gusto personnel achieved a degree in Architecture, a diploma in

Business Management, five Site Manager Safety Scheme certificates, six Industry Accreditation cards, eight Health & Safety passes, a City & Guilds Diploma ICT module and three construction industry-related NVQs and other accreditations. In all, a remarkable 24 new awards among just 30 employees. Hard hats off to all of them!


Newark Advertiser

In the busy months following the launch of Gusto’s new event florist, Flower Time dressed large corporate launch events, summer balls and weddings. Employing fully-trained florists and a trainee, Flower Time is focused on producing high quality floral displays, funeral tributes and giftwork. “Our stock changes daily,” says managing director Nick Whiles, “and a purpose-built cold room ensures that we’re able to supply the freshest flowers possible for every occasion.” Flower Time also caters for national and international deliveries.

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