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Return Checklist
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I enclose a cheque for the full amount of new kit I require at the discounted price I enclose a my damaged kit or a photo of the damaged kit I enclose the completed form with all the relevant details for QSW to process my order
Copyright © QuestSportsWear2013
Terms and Conditions Please read these terms and conditions before sending your form, kit and payment back to Quest Sports Wear. 1) The crash replacement scheme is available on ALL Quest Sports Wear purchased anywhere but not available on any other products by any other manufacturers. 2) This crash replacement scheme is NOT available on any custom kit. 3) There are no restrictions on the age of the damaged kit you are replacing. 4) We require the completed returns form with ALL crash replacement scheme kit. 5) We require that you send ALL damaged kit to us for the scheme to work. We recycle your kit and in some cases, where damage is less severe, are able to pass it on to those less fortunate than ourselves. Note: If you are unable to return the kit for any reason please supply a photo of the damaged goods either with the form and payment or via email to 6) There is NO postage charge for this service. 7) We require a cheque for the amount of the kit you wish to receive at the 50% off discounted price. 8) On receipt of your damaged kit we will endeavour to send out your new replacement kit within 2-3 working days. 9) Quest Sports Wear reserve the right to refuse the replacement of any returned kit. In such instance the customer will be notified by email and offered an explanation as to why. Please send the completed form, damaged kit and payment by cheque to: FAO: Crash Replacement Scheme Quest Sports Wear 15 Roehampton Gate London SW15 5JR UK Please make cheques payable to ’RGA Sports Ltd’ For any further questions about our crash replacement scheme please contact at: Telephone: + (0) 7593 546 189 Email: Website: Copyright © QuestSportsWear2013