What Could Possibly Happen in a Big White Room

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Well, with an agreed ‘Exam Question’ you could...

Agree your strategic aims and ambitions‌

…and create the key metrics that drive those outcomes.

Then identify the barriers that may conspire to defeat you.

Build that elusive shared vision.

Agree the imperatives that will get you there.

Declare the strategies now that you know all these dimensions.

Create the roadmap‌

Redesign the operation to match the new requirements.

What else will I need to achieve that

Consensus on that ‘Exam Question’ – (What are you trying to do?)

The right people from your organization or eco-system.

A couple of weeks of preparation, analysis, architecting and thought (by us)

An open and passionate interest in solving the right problem (by you)

Impartial and sensitive facilitation (by us)

Oh and a big white room (we will help if you haven’t got one)

(if you don’t have one we can bring one for you)

What do I get as a result

A passionate and aligned team that can deliver

Ownership and accountability of what needs to be done, and by when

A clear and executable set of tools that helps you sustain delivery (that may take another week or so beyond the white room bit)

A solution that isn’t dependent on an expensive external resource

And eventually you get your big room back! (although you may want to keep the end result installed for a while)

What will it cost

A lot less than not doing it‌ (and of course that varies so ping me)

john@grouppartners.net call +44(0)7920759250 tweet @johncaswell email

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