Choosing a school – what to consider However much a school may appeal at first sight, you still need sound information to form your judgement Schools attract pupils by their reputations, so most go to considerable lengths to ensure that parents are presented with an attractive image. Modern marketing techniques try to promote good points and play down (without totally obscuring) bad ones. But every Head knows that, however good the school prospectus is, it only serves to attract parents through the school gates. Thereafter the decision depends on what they see and hear. Research we have carried out over the years suggests that in many cases the most important factor in choosing a school is the impression given by the Head. As well as finding out what goes on in a school, parents need to be reassured by the aura of confidence that they expect from a Head. How they judge the latter may help them form their opinion of the former. In other words, how a Head answers questions is important in itself and, to get you started, we have drawn up a list of
points that you may like to consider. Some can be posed as questions and some are points you’ll only want to check in your mind. They are not listed in any particular order and their significance will vary from family to family, but they should be useful in helping you to form an opinion. Before visiting and asking questions, check the facts – such as which association the school belongs to, how big it is, how many staff etc. Is there any form of financial pie chart showing how the school’s resources are used? The answers to questions like these should be in the promotional material you’ve been sent. If they aren’t, you’ve already got a good question to ask! Check the website. Is it up-to-date? Look at the school’s social media feeds and videos. What type of tone do they set? That first impression is very important. When you get to the school you will want to judge the
Leighton Park School – see editorial on page 12 28