This month, John Eric Home magazine unveils unique perspectives on home and design. The Cover Story features a fascinating piece by Julie Weber
and Joe Ireland, two of Washington's leading interior specialists and regular contributors to the magazine. The piece delves into the history of
furniture and how to implement pieces depending on taste and style. The magazine's second feature highlights an interview with Jessica Naresh of the Art Registry. The Art Registry is a specialized firm that guides clients in purchasing art for their homes.
Destinations sends the readers to the Florida Keys in the October issue and the magazine's Mixology section focuses on cocktails to celebrate Halloween. Marc Schliefer continues his series "Castles and Moats" which
educates readers on personal finance and James Cornwell, the magazine's Stylist contributor instructs how to use summer pieces in your winter wardrobe. And, recipes from Jack Rose Dining Saloon's winter menu are a
must read.