Index AAJ 1929-2010 (Word format)

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The American Alpine Journal Index 1929-2010 Compiled by Ralph Ferrara and Eve Tallman

INTRODUCTION This index covers the years 1929-2010. Book Reviews are in another document: AAJ Reviews. These compile all previous American Alpine Journal indexes. Included are three cumulative indexes: 1929-1976, 1977-1986, 1987-1996, and the individual volume years 1997-2010. This index is based on the work of the original indexers from the original volumes; as such, inconsistencies exist throughout the years. The 1987-1996 index was used as the standard in both format and content. In all references the year is indicated in bold type, followed by page numbers. References to photographs are listed at the end of each entry. The following abbreviations are used: Obituary: obit.; Illustration: ill.; Portrait: port.; Bibliography: bibl.; Plate: pl.; Mountains: Mts. Standard abbreviations are used for state names. Mountains are listed by their official names and ranges; quotation marks indicate unofficial or alternate names. Book reviews are listed separately following the main index.

CORRECTIONS The comprehensive index contains errors and inconsistencies. We would like to improve this index as the years go by. Please send brief notes about errors you discover to or; fax: 303-384-0111; or by mail to AAJ Index, 710 Tenth St. Suite 100, Golden, CO 80401, USA. By email, write “index correction” in the subject line. Please follow these guidelines: 1. Identify error/inconsistency as shown in the Index; 2. Make your suggested correction; 3. Tell us why you believe that your version is more accurate than the published version; 4. Provide your name and contact information (land and email); 5. Accept our gratitude for your help in improving the index for the benefit of history and future climbers! Corrections are also welcome for any information published in the AAJ 1929-present; please use the same format for sending the corrections. Please do not telephone corrections. Thank you!

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