Index Compiled by Ralph Ferrara and Eve Tallman Mountains are listed by their official names. Ranges and geographic locations are also indexed. Unnamed peaks (eg. Peak 2,340) are listed under P. Abbreviations are used for some states and countries and for the following: Article: art.; Cordillera: C.; Mountains: Mts.; National Park: Nat’l Park; Obituary: obit. Most personnel are listed for major articles. Expedition leaders and persons supplying information in Climbs and Expeditions are also cited here. Indexed photographs are listed in bold type. Reviewed books are listed alphabetically under Book Reviews.
Åartun, Bjorn-Eivind 113, 221 Abbe, Mt., Massif (Fairweather Rg., AK) 131-2 Abrahams Tind (Norway) 223-5 Acha Kaeyndi Valley (Kyrgyzstan) 239-40 Ackerman, Jorge 180, 189-90 Aconcagua (Andes, Argentina) 178-80, 179 Acopan Tepui (Venezuela) 166-8, 167 Afghanistan 253-7 Africa 207-17 Agparssuit (Greenland) 151 Ak Tau (Kazakhstan) 247-9, 248 Akuliarusinguaq Peninsula (Greenland) 151-3 Alaska (US) arts. 58-63, 64-9; 110-35 Alaska Rg. (AK) arts. 58-63, 64-9; 112-25 Alberta, Mt. (Canadian Rockies, CAN) 143 Albrieux, Lionel 294 Alexey Turchin, P. (Antarctica) 199-200 Almaraz, Guillermo 177 Altai (Russia/China) 232-3, 329-30 Alvarez, José Maria 299-300 Amin Brakk 277-9, 278 Amotsang (Damodar Himal, Nepal) 304-5 Amqah Tower (Oman) 203-5 Anderson, Jerry 99 Andes (Argentina/Chile) 176-83 Andopshesten (Norway) 220-3 Anemaqen II (Qinghai, China) art. 78-86 Anglada, Oriol 148 Anige Chuli (Mukut Himal, Nepal) 302-3 Annapurna Dakshin see Annapurna South Annapurna Himal (Nepal) art. 48-51; 305-6 Annapurna South “Annapurna Dakshin, Modi P.” (Nepal) art. 48-51, 50; 305 Antarctic Peninsula 193-8 Antarctica 193-200 Anthamatten, Samuel 114-5, 312-3 Anthamatten, Simon 114-5, 309, 312-3 Antoine LeCoultre, Mt. “Jobo LeCoultre” (Rolwaling Himal, Nepal) 310-11 Aq Su Valley “Little Pamir” (Afghanistan) 253-5 Arenales, Cajon de (Argentina) 182-3 Argentina 176-80, 182-3, 187-90 Asan (Karavshin, Kyrgyzstan) 234-5
Asgard, Mt. (Baffin Island, CAN) 145-8, 147 Ashes P. (Acha Kaeyndi Valley, Kyrgyzstan) 239 Ashley, Mt. (South Georgia, Antarctica) 198-9 Aslaksen, Jeremy 101 Assassin Spire (Cascade Rg. WA) 91 At Bashi Rg. (Kyrgyzstan) 239-40 Auer, Hansjörg 190 Austin, Charlotte 371 Austria, P. (C. Real, Bolivia) 174-5
Babazadeh, Kiomars 272-3 Baffin Island (CAN) 144-8 Bailey, Jason 288-9 Baintha Brakk “Ogre” (Panmah Muztagh, Pakistan) 269 Balchen, Mt. (Hayes Rg., AK) 112-3 Baltoro Muztagh (Pakistan) 270-4 Bandalet, Nikolai 237-8 Baraiazarra, Jabi 176 Baranow, Richard 127-8 Baro, Oriol 311-2 Barrill (Alaska Rg. AK) 120-1 Baruntse (Mahalangur Himal, Nepal) 321-2 Batoux, Philippe 218-20 Batura Muztagh (Pakistan) 262-4 Bechtel, Steve 107-8, 383-4 Beckey, Fred 124-5, 135 Beckwith, Steve 357-8 Beitzel P. (Antarctica) 193 Beluga Spire (Baffin Island, CAN) 144-5 Benowitz, Jeff apple 116 Bertha, Mt. (Fairweather Rg., AK) 131-2 Bertulis, Alex 373-4 Bhagirathi II (Garhwal, India) art. 25-33; 291-2 Bhagirathi III (Garhwal, India) art. 25-33; 291-2 Bhagirathi IV (Garhwal, India) art. 25-33, 27; 291-2 Bijora Hiunchuli (Kanjiroba Himal, Nepal) 301-2 Billy Budd, P. (South Georgia, Antarctica) 198 Bingham, Dave 289-91 Bird, Bryan 104 Birnbacker, Eduard 153-4 Bizot, Henry 177-8 Black Canyon of the Gunnison (CO) 108-9 Blagus, Rok art. 25-33; 291-2 Blixt, Marten 220-3, 226