100 Years of American Photography Part 1 This worksheet is worth 10 points.
Photography is a spectacular "trigger" for memories. What is your oldest, or first, memory? Is there some sort of image or picture that goes along with your first memory? Do you think your early memories would be different if there were no photographs to remind you?
Why was the Box "Brownie" an important innovation?
What is a "Half Tone" and why was it important for newspaper and magazine publication?
What was the first major magazine to use photographs?
National Geographic pioneered technical advancement by being the first to publish what sort of photograph?
What was Edward Curtis famous for doing?
What was the goal of Alfred Stieglitz and the "Photo Secessionist Society"? What political cause did Lewis Hind advocate?
Paul Strand led photography into the modern age by starting what "modernist" movement?
Why were photographs censored by the US government during World War 1?
Why did photographs work in advertising better than drawings?
Why is the photograph a powerful scientific tool?
In 1936 what new Large format news magazine changed the way Americans looked at pictures?
What is a “photo essay”?
What, in general, did “FSA” photographers take pictures of?
What is in the background or Gordon Parks’ most famous photo?