Festival guide 2017 digital

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THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE Festival Guide 2017



WELCOME TO SM2017 Welcome to Summer Madness 2017! We are so glad to have you with us at the festival. As we gather together from across Ireland, across backgrounds and across dominations to worship, to learn, to grow and to have plenty of laughs along the way, we’re excited to see what God may do at Summer Madness.

THE GUIDE TO THE GUIDE On each of the pages that follow, every venue has it’s own colour: be that on the map, in the seminar pages or on the programme guide. For example, the Big Top is shown as a red circus tent on the map. To see what’s happening in the Big Top, look out for the red page.

Many of you are here with friends and in groups so we hope that you take time to share your experiences and learning from the Main Stage and Seminar programmes. There’s space in the programme each morning so you can meet as a group to discuss what’s going on.

DNA Tent

We have a packed line up of seminars and workshops in the afternoons and a bountiful supply of musicians and venues to keep you entertained in the evenings. We’ve also ramped up the fun activities and sports to get the competitive spirit flowing! Once again we expect God will do wonderful things at the festival and we look forward to hearing many stories of changed lives and renewed faith. So, relax, have fun, be open to God and enjoy the festival! CONNECT WITH US If you’re tweeting or Instagramming about this year’s festival, don’t forget to tag us and use the hashtag #SM17

CONTENTS 4-7 8-9 13-19 20-25 26-27 32-33 34-35 36-37 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 56-57 65-73 75

Maps Ground Rules Programme Guide Seminars Guide Speakers & Worship Leaders Big Top Tearfund DNA 24-7 Prayer Campus Seminar One Seminar Two Seminar Three The Hatch Activities CIYD The Journal Prayer Ministry



SM Vintage Café



Glenarm Estate


There is a 5mph speed restriction on-site. Entrance to the site is only via the Munie Road entrance. One way system is in operation at all times.








1. Please show care and consideration for everyone on-site and for the site itself. 2. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on-site.

In the case of an emergency, please contact your sub-camp leader or the campsite office. Medical help is available 24 hours a day. If you need medical help just ask at the St. John Ambulance area or any member of staff.

3. Alcohol must not be brought into or consumed on-site.


4. No-one who is intoxicated will be permitted to either enter or remain on the site.

PLEASE be quiet at night. If you want to stay up late, please respect those who are trying to sleep. Noise carries across the campsite at night. A strict quiet curfew will be enforced in the camping area from 01:00 onwards.

5. Wristbands or passes must be worn at all times to obtain entrance to all events. 6. No mixed sleeping (unless married). 7. Tents must be at least 3 metres apart and should not be pitched without permission from the sub-camp leader. 8. Do not cook inside tents other than the designated cook tents. 9. No camp fires or disposable barbeques to be used on the grass.

EVENT CREW Our Event Crew work long hours to make your festival experience trouble-free and enjoyable as possible. They have volunteered their time for you, so why not give them a smile (or a couple of your sweets) to let them know they’re appreciated?

ACCESS TO THE BIG TOP Access to the Big Top is solely available via the Tearfund Café.


11. Valuables left in tents or cars are left entirely at the owner’s risk.

If you lose your wristband the cost of a replacement is £5.00. These will only be replaced if verified by your leader (in person) and if ID is presented at the Admin Tent.

12. Litter must not be left around the site as there are plenty of bins available. Please use them!

Crossing into any area demarcated by red and white tape is forbidden (this will constitute trespassing).

13. No pets to be kept on-site. This is a festival run by humans for humans. Pets are not humans.

Summer Madness wishes to make it clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytizing within the Christian fellowship and anyone involved in these practices will be escorted off-site. This means that any group or individual which uses the SM Festival and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event and could face a ban from future events.

10. No unauthorised vehicles allowed in the festival village area.

LEADERS’ RESPONSIBILITIES Those who are identified on bookings as leaders are responsible for their group. Leaders should not allow campers under their care to go off-site without their permission or without a specific time at which to report back. Leaders should not go off-site without leaving some other adult responsible for their group and should inform the sub-camp leader of this change. In the case of an emergency, we need to be able to contact the leader as soon as possible.

Summer Madness reserves the right to cancel any booking (be it that of any individual or group) that the organisers deem necessary and escort all concerned parties off the premises if these ground rules are not observed.



The Guide

Friday 30th June



Mark & Abi Wells

Play it By Ear/Gareth Bell

Mainstage Worship Overflow Live Stream of the mainstage session

DJ Billy Fyffe

Mainstage Worship Doors open at 18:30

SM:TV Live





Before you leave Summer Madness put your unopened food in The Larder van in the sub-camp, and it will make its way to people who could really use it.







Late Night Worship

The Larder is a food bank based in St Christopher’s, in Inner East Belfast. 2200

Food is donated by churches, community groups, businesses and individuals and is used to help many families and individuals at times of crisis and emergency. The summer months can be particularly difficult financially when children are not getting school meals. The Larder has provided food for over 6000 people in three years. This ministry is part of growing a new community of faith called Boring Wells. If you would like to be a supporter of the food bank or the wider ministry please visit:














SATURDAY Saturday 1st July

Saturday 1st July

Youth Youth Leaders Leaders Breakfast Breakfast

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Overfl Overfl ow ow Live Live Stream Stream ofof the the mainstage mainstage session session Group Group Time Time Journal Journal onon page page 5555 Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Doors Doors open open atat 09:30 09:30

0800 0800

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

0900 0900

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1000 1000

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45













Drama, Drama, It’s It’s What What We We Do Do Play Play It It ByBy Ear Ear

Mad Mad Lab Lab #1#1 - Putting - Putting Christ Christ into into Christianity Christianity Mike Mike McCann McCann && Steve Steve Ames Ames

Illustrated Illustrated Faith Faith

Now Now is is the the Time Time toto Seek Seek Justice Justice IJM IJM

Matt Matt Chandler Chandler Q&A Q&A Matt Matt Chandler Chandler

The The Canvas Canvas Collective Collective

Cinematic Cinematic Superheroes Superheroes Neil Neil Sedgewick Sedgewick

Church Church Versus Versus Poverty Poverty Hannah Hannah Douglas Douglas

What’s What’s Your Your Black Black Bin Bin Bag? Bag? Various Various

Soul Soul Sista Sista #1#1 - Girls - Girls Just Just Wanna Wanna Have Have Fun Fun Judith Judith Camblin Camblin

Do Do Science Science and and God God Compete? Compete? David David Glass Glass

Lowden Lowden Competition Competition

Alternative to Mainstage

Engaging Engaging with with anan Unreached Unreached Generation Generation #1#1 Urban Urban Saints Saints

AA Question Question ofof Sport Sport Chris Chris Grant Grant

Dating Dating && Attraction Attraction Matt Matt Chandler Chandler

Mainstage Worship Overflow Live Stream of the mainstage session

Men Men Madness Madness #1#1 - Fallow - Fallow oror Fall Fall Oh! Oh! Jasper Jasper Rutherford Rutherford

Alpha Alpha Youth Youth Lounge Lounge Jonny Jonny Campbell Campbell

Mental Mental Health Health #1#1 - Stress - Stress DrDr Paul Paul Millar Millar

Mainstage Worship Doors open at 18:30

1400 1400

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1500 1500

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1600 1600

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

Jazz Jazz Evening Evening






Super Super Saturday Saturday Shaun Shaun Hover/Johnny Hover/Johnny Wilson Wilson

Movie Movie Screening Screening

Joel Joel Mawhinney Mawhinney

2000 2000

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

2100 2100

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

2200 2200

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45





Late Night Worship

Folding Folding Lights Lights












SUNDAY Sunday 2nd July

Sunday 2nd July

Youth Youth Leaders Leaders Breakfast Breakfast

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Overfl Overfl ow ow Live Live Stream Stream ofof the the mainstage mainstage session session Group Group Time Time Journal Journal onon page page 5555 Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Doors Doors open open atat 09:30 09:30

0800 0800

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

0900 0900

Break Break a Leg a Leg #1#1

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1000 1000

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45













Photography Photography Workshop Workshop Simon Simon Hutchinson Hutchinson

Graffi Graffi ti ti Workshop Workshop (continues (continues until until 17:00) 17:00)

Mad Mad Lab Lab #2#2 - Love - Love Wins Wins Mike Mike McCann McCann && Steve Steve Ames Ames

The The Justice Justice Sessions Sessions IJM IJM

The The Canvas Canvas Collective Collective

Now Now is is the the Time Time toto Love Love Mercy Mercy CEF CEF

Spiritual Spiritual Gifts Gifts Derek Derek McKelvey McKelvey

Mind Mind the the Gap Gap THe THe Big Big House House

The The Drama Drama ofof Scripture Scripture Stu Stu Bothwell Bothwell

55 Steps Steps toto Ethical Ethical Living Living Hannah Hannah Douglas Douglas && Kerri Kerri Todd Todd

Lowden Lowden Competition Competition

Soul Soul Sista Sista #2#2 - Slay - Slay Girl, Girl, Slay Slay Judith Judith Camblin Camblin

Why Why Bother Bother with with the the Bible Bible Simon Simon Lennox Lennox

Mental Mental Health Health #2#2 DrDr Paul Paul Millar Millar

Alternative to Mainstage

Engaging Engaging with with anan Unreached Unreached Generation Generation #2#2 Urban Urban Saints Saints

Dance Dance Workshop Workshop Don Don King King Rongavilla Rongavilla

Your Your Story Story Matters Matters Jasper Jasper Rutherford Rutherford

Mainstage Worship Overflow Live Stream of the mainstage session

Men Men Madness Madness #2#2 - Tooled - Tooled Up Up && Ready Ready toto Go Go Jasper Jasper Rutherford Rutherford

I’ve I’ve Got Got Your Your Back Back Mark Mark Kernohan Kernohan

When When God God Disappoints Disappoints Alain Alain Emerson Emerson

Mainstage Worship Doors open at 18:30

1400 1400

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1500 1500

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1600 1600

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45





Late Night Worship


The The Great Great Big Big Super Super Fun Fun Not Not Very Very Diffi Diffi cult cult and and wth wth Loads Loads ofof Great Great Prizes Prizes Quiz Quiz ofof the the Year! Year!


DJDJ Jack Jack SS Watson Watson

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

2100 2100

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45



1987 1987 Acoustic Acoustic Night Night

2000 2000


2200 2200

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45













MONDAY Monday 3rd July

Monday 3rd July

Youth Youth Leaders Leaders Breakfast Breakfast

Alternative Alternative toto Mainstage Mainstage

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Overfl Overfl ow ow Live Live Stream Stream ofof the the mainstage mainstage session session Group Group Time Time Journal Journal onon page page 5555 Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Doors Doors open open atat 09:30 09:30

0800 0800

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

0900 0900

+15 +15

+30 +30

1000 1000

+45 +45

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

Break Break aa Leg Leg #2#2

Prophetic Prophetic Art Art Workshop Workshop

My My Job, Job, My My Calling, Calling, My My Life Life and and How How They They All All Relate Relate Peter Peter Lynas Lynas

Understanding Understanding Trans Trans Peter Peter Lynas Lynas

The The Canvas Canvas Collective Collective

Now Now is is the the Time Time toto Walk Walk Humbly Humbly Fields Fields ofof Life Life

Ask Ask UsUs Anything Anything Panel Panel Discussion Discussion

Can Can We We Talk? Talk? Will Will You You Listen? Listen? Panel Panel Discussion Discussion

What What Happens Happens After After You You Die? Die? Bishop Bishop Fanta Fanta Clarke Clarke

Instagram Instagram Ruined Ruined My My Life, Life, But But Now Now I Love I Love It It Hannah Hannah Cribb Cribb

Lowden Lowden Competition Competition

Soul Soul Sista Sista #3/Men #3/Men Madness Madness #3#3 - You You Never Never Walk Walk Alone Alone Judith Judith Camblin Camblin && Jasper Jasper Rutherford Rutherford

Love Love Actually Actually Rachel Rachel Gardner Gardner

Fake Fake News, News, Does Does the the Truth Truth Matter? Matter? Panel Panel Discussion Discussion

Song Song Writing Writing Workshop Workshop Nathan Nathan Jess Jess

Spoken Spoken Word Word Workshop Workshop Joshua Joshua Luke Luke Smith Smith

Engaging Engaging with with anan Unreached Unreached Generation Generation Young Young Life Life

Reformation Reformation Reformed Reformed Who? Who? Father Father Martin Martin Magill Magill && Rev. Rev. Phillip Phillip Benson Benson

New New Christians: Christians: Following Following Jesus Jesus After After Madness Madness Stephen Stephen Whitten Whitten && Xplore Xplore

Entertained Entertained oror Equipped? Equipped? Rick Rick Hill Hill

1400 1400

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1500 1500

+15 +15

+30 +30

1600 1600

+45 +45

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45









Late Night Worship

Monday Monday Madness Madness - Keepin’ - Keepin’ ‘er‘er Country Country

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Overfl Overfl ow ow Live Live Steam Steam ofof the the mainstage mainstage session session

PTYK PTYK Party Party

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship

YFC YFC Wrap Wrap Up Up Party Party

+30 +30

+45 +45

Tuesday 4th July

2100 2100

+15 +15

+30 +30

Group Time 08:45 - 09:45

+45 +45




Live Live Music Music && Open Open Mic Mic

+15 +15


2200 2200

+15 +15

+30 +30

Mainstage Worship 10:00 - 11:30

+45 +45









LZ7 Concert

1987 1987 Disco Disco

2000 2000



Mainstage Overflow 10:00 - 11:30











SATURDAY SEMINARS 14:00 SOUL SISTA #1 GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN? Judith Camblin | Seminar One Yes, of course. Duh! But could there possibly be more? Could you, as a young woman of God, have a deeper, eternal destiny on your life? Do you dare to dream for more? Come along and discover with Judith more of the adventure God has for you. CINEMATIC SUPERHEROES AND WHAT THEY CAN TEACH US Neil Sedgewick | Seminar Two Superheroes are clogging up cinemas like never before. A cinematic universe has been created and we are all invited. What value do these films hold? Can they teach us anything to restore our faith other than the age old lesson of good triumphing over evil? By examining films like Captain America, The Incredible Hulk and Marvel’s Civil War, Neil Sedgewick from Films and Faith will discuss this and much more! MEN MADNESS #1 FOLLOW OR FALL OH! Jasper Rutherford | Seminar Three I like to do things. I like to be in control. If I am being honest I haven’t quite got this whole following Jesus thing figured out. Following is much harder than I first thought! Is being called the same as following? How do I know it’s really Jesus I am following? Jasper explores how, as men, we try and follow well. NOW IS THE TIME TO SEEK JUSTICE IJM | Campus In a world full of suffering, injustice and pain, we constantly meet the God of justice in the pages of the bible. There

are countless verses which speak of God’s heart for justice and his care for those who are oppressed, How can we, as young Christians, respond to what we see in the world and when compared to what we read in the bible? Our suggestion and challenge is that by looking at the world through the lens of the bible, out perspective begins to change. Rather than being overwhelmed by the enormity of injustice, we see countless opportunities to practically show the love of Jesus and the gospel to others. Join us as we share stories of the greatest light shining in the darkest of places. ENGAGING WITH AN UNREACHED GENERATION #1 Urban Saints | DNA Come and join us for a series of workshop seminars from different agencies exploring the issue of engaging with an unreached generation. 95% of children and young people in the UK and Ireland remain unreached by relational Christian youth and children’s work – rejecting Jesus out of ignorance, not rebellion - a missional challenge! The Urban Saints team will be exploring launching new missionary groups in your area. MAD LAB #1 PUTTING CHRIST INTO CHRISTIANITY Mike McCann & Steve Ames | CIYD “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christianity.” What did Gandhi mean by this? Does he have a point? What happens when following Christ goes against following Christianity? In this Mad Lab we put Gandhi’s words to the test and ask what we can learn from the results.

15:15 DO SCIENCE AND GOD COMPETE? David Glass | Seminar One Whether it is creation vs evolution, faith vs evidence, science vs miracles or the general progress of science, does science compete with God? Or could it be that science supports belief in God? The talk will also consider whether artificial intelligence shows that we are just sophisticated computing machines. CHURCH VERSUS POVERTY Hannah Douglas | Seminar Two Today’s culture doesn’t always remember the 1 in 9 who go to bed hungry every night. The question is can the church change this? What if God used the church to help people who are living in poverty? We all make a change in the world everyday, but we get to decide what that will look like. Together we are the Church...and together, the Church can take on poverty. ALPHA YOUTH LOUNGE Jonny Campbell | Seminar Three Want to share Jesus with your friends but worry about how they’ll respond? Convinced that evangelism must be about grace and truth together? Try Alpha. With stories of transformation from here & around the world come and explore how easy and exciting it is to #runAlpha for your friends, school, youth group & world! A QUESTION OF SPORT Chris Grant | DNA Should I train on a Sunday? What if my coach tells me to break the rules? Should I be going to the gym just to make myself look good? These are some of the questions young Christians involved in sport are asking. I aim to look at these issues from a Biblical perspective and to shed some light on how sport should be viewed.

MATT CHANDLER Q&A Matt Chandler | CIYD We’re delighted to have Matt Chandler with us at SM17. In this special session, Stu Bothwell will be interviewing Matt and giving space for you to ask your own questions.

16:30 DATING & ATTRACTION Matt Chandler | Seminar One Does God care who and how we date? What about attraction? In this seminar Matt Chandler will walk through the first chapter of Song of Solomon and look at the keen wisdom of Solomon as we consider, pursue and desire romantic relationships. MENTAL HEALTH #1 STRESS: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UNBEARABLE Dr Paul Millar | Seminar Three Some would say that there is an impending mental health crisis amongst our young student age group. A Christian Pscyhiatrist shares some insights into the best habits and defences that ‘emotionally healthy’ spirituality can offer. WHAT’S YOUR BLACK BIN BAG? Madlug, Proud, Aspire NI, Outside In | CIYD What does it take to start a movement, business or charity to deal with an issue of injustice? Come along and hear the stories of Madlug, Proud, Aspire NI and Outside In. You will leave inspired to make a difference.









SUNDAY SEMINARS 14:00 SOUL SISTA #2 SLAY GIRL, SLAY! Judith Camblin | Seminar One Suit up. Boot up. Get your armour on. Let’s make a move and slay some giants for the Kingdom of God. The time is NOW to fight the good fight. Are you ready? Come along and find out how you can get equipped for battle. THE DRAMA OF SCRIPTURE: OUR STORY IN SIX ACTS Stu Bothwell | Seminar Two We’re going to attempt to work through the whole of the Bible in less than an hour! In this seminar, Stu will share how the Scriptures tell a great story, a story that we have been invited to be a part of. MEN MADNESS #2 TOOLED UP AND READY TO GO Jasper Rutherford | Seminar Three Armour is not just used to help us defend – it’s also to help us advance. As a young man how do I use what I have already been given? I want to get tooled up for the fight, but how do I get my hands on some gear? Well, come and find out! NOW IS THE TIME TO LOVE MERCY CEF | Campus What does it mean to love mercy and how can we actively show this to others? Join us as we explore how we can show mercy by not only living out the gospel, but by sharing it. We will unpack how we can share the gospel in an exciting way to our friends and family in a way that is full of grace and mercy

ENGAGING WITH AN UNREACHED GENERATION #2 YFC | DNA Come and join us for a series of workshop seminars from different agencies exploring the issue of engaging with an unreached generation. The YFC team will be looking at drop in centre ministries. MAD LAB #2 LOVE WINS? Mike McCann & Steve Ames | CIYD Religious people talk a lot about something called salvation. This is just a fancy way of talking about how humans are rescued by God - and it can get very complicated! But what would happen if we took a strictly Jesus approach to the subject? What did Jesus say himself and teach about salvation - does love really win in the end?

15:15 WHY BOTHER WITH THE BIBLE? Simon Lennox | Seminar One Do we really need to engage with the Bible to follow Jesus? How does God speak to us through words written thousands of years ago? How are we even meant to read, understand and apply the Bible? In this seminar we are going to tackle these questions and more by remembering why God gave us the Bible. We’ll do this by sharing our experiences, taking part in Q&A and getting equipped with bible study tips for a deeper encounter with God.

affect people all over the world. We are a generation that loves our global neighbours and builds equality. That means we choose to live differently. Join us for a practical seminar exploring everyday ideas to help you live more ethically. “I’VE GOT YOUR BACK!” HOW CAN I HELP MY FRIEND? Mark Kernohan | Seminar Three We’ve heard “It’s OK to not be OK”, but how do we support our friends when they are not OK? What should we do? Who should we speak to? How can we bring God’s hope when things are tough? Come along to this helpful seminar by The Big House team to learn, listen and join the discussion about the important role we have to play as friends. SPIRITUAL GIFTS Derek McKelvey | Campus This seminar will consider how to pray with people for healing wholeness and freedom. In particular we will look at the role of ‘hearing God’ and seeking to speak and pray what is on his heart into the situation. There will be opportunity to practice as well as teaching.. THE JUSTICE SESSIONS IJM | CIYD Calling all youth leaders - what is your responsibility in empowering a generation to seek God’s heart for justice? Hear from a panel who have encountered the devastating effects of modern slavery in India. Join us for the exclusive launch of a new UK youth bible study resource for groups, The Justice Sessions, and receive your free copy.

16:30 MENTAL HEALTH #2 THE PETER PAN SYNDROME Dr Paul Millar | Seminar One Knowing how to cope with those big transition moments in life is something that none of us can take for granted. Dr Paul Millar helps us explore this as part of our mental health stream. WHEN GOD DISAPPOINTS Alain Emerson | Seminar Three Through Alain’s personal story of tragedy, and his journey with others, come and learn how we can process times of great suffering in our lives, journeying into restoration and hope. YOUR STORY MATTERS Jasper Rutherford | DNA We give this seminar space over to you. Come prepared to this seminar to share your story of how you gave your life to Jesus. We want to hear your story and let other people hear your story. You get 3-5 minutes so come prepared. MIND THE GAP The Big House | CIYD What is our responsibility as youth leaders for the pastoral care of our young people? Where are the gaps? Youth leaders, volunteers and the church as a whole has vital role to play - come along to learn, listen and join the discussion.

5 STEPS TO ETHICAL LIVING Hannah Douglas & Kerri Todd | Seminar Two We live in an incredibly connected world. From the stuff we buy to the waste we throw out, our lifestyles here









MONDAY SEMINARS 14:00 SOUL SISTA #3 / MEN MADNESS #3 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE Judith Camblin & Jasper Rutherford | Seminar One We are not built as men or women to do this thing called faith on our own. We are called to strengthen one another. This joint seminar with Soul Sista and Men Madness will look at how we can strengthen one another in our faith. We are not built for solo runs. How can we champion one another and call out the things of the Kingdom. Plenty of time for ministry and praying for one another. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER YOU DIE? Bishop Fanta Clarke | Seminar Two Many of us try to avoid thinking about death; it seems too far away or too unknown. The truth is, through Christ’s resurrection, we as Christians have nothing to fear. In fact, we can find remarkable hope in death. Bishop Ken Clarke will explore the hope we can experience now and in the future. REFORMATION REFORMED WHO? Father Martin Magill, Rev Philip Benson and Stu Bothwell | Seminar Three How does a Catholic Priest see the benefit of the Protestant Reformation? How does a Protestant Minister see the benefit of Roman Catholicism? Martin and Philip talk about how “the other side” views on faith impacts their own faith and the faith of their wider community. Stu will host this session with time for questions at the end. NOW IS THE TIME TO WALK HUMBLY Fields of Life | Campus As we walk each day following Jesus we are encouraged to walk humbly with God,

but what does this mean? Join us as we share stories about how God is using his people around the world to help those who are in the greatest need and how you, as a young person can continue this story of humility and service as you continue to follow Jesus. MY JOB, MY CALLING, MY LIFE, AND HOW THEY ALL RELATE Peter Lynas | CIYD So often ‘our calling’ can get mixed up in our exam results and the jobs we work. Is this really how we are to look at it? Peter will help us explore this area and unpack more about how God wants us to view our jobs, our callings and our lives.

15:15 LOVE ACTUALLY Rachel Gardner | Seminar One This is your one, wild life. The only way to live it well is to live well in love. The only way to live well in love is to let God love you, and others through you. Don’t settle for being defined by glamour, social media status or anything else. You are worth so, so, so much more. INSTAGRAM RUINED MY LIFE, BUT NOW I LOVE IT! Hannah Cribb | Seminar Two I spent so much time on social media but it crushed my confidence, stole my identity and distracted my focus. Luckily, I gave it a second chance and now I love the huge stage it is giving our generation to fight poverty. Come and hear how we can use our phones to make a global impact.

NEW CHRISTIANS: FOLLOWING JESUS AFTER MADNESS Stephen Whitten & Xplore | Seminar Three The Christian walk is supposed to be just that – a walk! Making a decision to follow Jesus is just the start. This seminar is to help you grow in your relationship with God when you get back home. It’s a must if you have come to faith at the festival and for youth workers if young people in your group have come to faith. ASK US ANYTHING Lisa Kernoghan, Judith Camblin, Simon Lennox, Jasper Rutherford and Rick Hill | Campus Sit round a table, with a recognised leader, with a cup of free coffee and ask them anything you want! Put them on the spot or glean some wisdom. You will have 10-12 minutes at each table and then move to the next prisoner, sorry we mean leader. This seminar only has space for 35 people and is on a first come first served basis. UNDERSTANDING TRANS Peter Lynas | CIYD It’s hitting the news in one form or another on a more frequent basis and the ‘Trans’ issue is one which can easily confuse and befuddle the church. So maybe this is a good time to get ahead of the conversation and ensure that you know how to characterize grace and truth!

16:30 FAKE NEWS, DOES THE TRUTH MATTER? David Blevins, Ruth Dudley Edwards, Danny Morrison and Peter Lynas | Seminar One Sometimes there are competing versions of a story or a history and sometimes there are stories based on

little or no evidence. How do we find the truth in all of this? Indeed, nowadays we are often told that there is no objective truth just ‘my’ version and ‘yours’. Our panel will help us to explore these issues. ENTERTAINED OR EQUIPPED? Rick Hill | Seminar Three You’re living in an age of opportunity; a time full of potential for growth as a disciple of Jesus. Yet, sometimes we can find ourselves being more entertained than equipped. In this interactive seminar, Rick will be exploring the foundations of discipleship and what it looks like for us to experience growth through the Church, Mission, Disciplines and Relationships. CAN WE TALK, WILL YOU LISTEN? Young People, Laura Whinnery, Catherine Simpson, Thomas McConaghie and Stuart Douglas | Campus Are you keen to bring your questions regarding Christian faith in current culture to those in Christian leadership and discuss among your peers? You are invited to a unique gathering where young people will be central to the conversation. Young people will lead and facilitate your questions, thoughts and opinions across a panel of young people and those in church leadership. ENGAGING WITH AN UNREACHED GENERATION #3 Young Life | DNA Come and join us for a series of workshop seminars from different agencies exploring the issue of engaging with an unreached generation. The Young Life team will be explaining their model for ministry.













MICHAEL SHANNON Originally from Belfast, Michael is on staff at Causeway Coast Vineyard where he has been leading worship and overseeing communications for the past three years. Before moving to the North Coast he trained for a year with Hillsong Australia. Michael loves nothing more than sun, snow and gets genuinely excited about morning coffee. He’s passionate about doing whatever it takes to create environments where hearts can be free.

LISA KERNOGHAN Lisa is a worship leader at CFC Belfast. She is involved in the Songwriting and Creative teams, passionate about creating an atmosphere where people encounter the Holy Spirit in worship. She is also founder and director at Vibe Academy and lives in Belfast with husband Pete and two kids, Poppy and Leo. LZ7 LZ7 are on a quest to perpetuate music that bypasses the intellect and speaks straight to the soul. With their infectious melodies, huge drops and back to back anthems, LZ7 know how to rock a crowd. From the start, LZ7 has kept a relevance and honesty about their music which comes from a heart that sees the best in young people. The band draw on experiences from their own lives, giving the listener a deeper perspective of where they come from, what they are all about and where they are heading with their music. Fronted by Lindz, Saint Louis and Lily Jo and backed by the sickest live band LZ7 live is not to be missed!




RACHEL GARDNER Rachel is the Relationship Lead at Youthscape meaning she is responsible for pioneering new ways to engage young people in healthy relationships. Alongside this she is president of the Girl’s Brigade and a volunteer youth worker in her local church. Married to Jason, they have 1 daughter Daisy. CRAIG COONEY Craig is married to Becky and they have one little boy, Elijah. An ordained Church of Ireland minister, Craig has led churches in Lurgan and central Dublin. He currently serves as Teaching Pastor at Causeway Coast Vineyard and is passionate about communicating the Bible with passion, clarity and practical application. In his spare time he enjoys running and eating cake.


MATT CHANDLER Matt is the lead teaching pastor of the Village Church and also president of the Acts 29 network. He is married to Lauren and they have 3 kids: Audrey, Reid and Norah. Matt is an excellent speaker and author and we’re delighted he’s coming to share with us in Glenarm.


SIMON LENNOX Simon is married to Amy and he leads Word in the City, an in-depth Bible study programme aimed to help young people experience the Bible, know God, serve the church and benefit the city. Alongside this he leads BreakFit which enables communities, workforces and school children to be healthy and fit for family, work and life.


STU BOTHWELL Stuart is 29 and married to the lovely Emma. Together, they live in East Belfast and are passionate about seeking the flourishing of the city. There’s little Stuart loves more than sharing meals with friends both old and new. He is constantly searching for new music to wrap his ears around.



The Venues



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Worship, Community & Outreach across Belfast - and beyond


thehubbelfast.org @thehubbelfast



DNA Tent We love gathering together in the Big Top. There may be well over a 1000 people in it, but it offers such an intimate worship space where God encounters us uniquely with His love and grace. We keep the Big Top for our worship gatherings so there’s more time and space to engage with God without being rushed away. Access to the Big Top is available via the Tearfund Venue only.

FRIDAY 19:00 - 21:00 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 18:30) Speaker: Craig Cooney Worship: Michael Shannon

MONDAY 10:00 - 11:20 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 09:30) Speaker: Rachel Gardner Worship: Lisa Kernoghan 11:20 - 11:45 MINISTRY RESPONSE

SATURDAY 10:00 - 11:20 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 09:30) Speaker: Matt Chandler Worship: Michael Shannon 11:20 - 11:45 MINISTRY RESPONSE 11:45 - 12:30 Q&A WITH SPEAKER 19:00 - 21:00 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 18:30) Speaker: Matt Chandler Worship: Michael Shannon

SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:20 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 09:30) Speaker: Simon Lennox Worship: Michael Shannon 11:20 - 11:45 MINISTRY RESPONSE 11:45 - 12:30 Q&A WITH SPEAKER 19:00 - 21:00 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 18:30) Speaker: Simon Lennox Worship: Lisa Kernoghan

11:45 - 12:30 Q&A WITH SPEAKER 19:00 - 20:00 LZ7 CONCERT 20:00 - 21:30 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 18:30) Speaker: Rachel Gardner Worship: LZ7 & Lisa Kernoghan

TUESDAY 10:00 - 11:30 MAINSTAGE WORSHIP (Open from 9:30) Speaker: Stu Bothwell Worship: Lisa Kernoghan



DNA Tent Tearfund is a Christian international aid and development agency working globally to end poverty and injustice, and to restore dignity and hope in some of the world’s poorest communities. The Tearfund Café is located in the first courtyard and is a great place to hang out, learn more about their work and buy hot drinks and baked goods from Belfast-based coffee shop Cafe Smart. Seminar Two venue is located beside the Tearfund Café. Exhibitors Come to browse and discover opportunities and ways to engage with various agencies and charities. During Mainstage worship, there will be a live video link from the Big Top shown in the Seminar 2 venue.

PHONE CHARGING This year, give your phone what it needs in the Tearfund café. £1 for 1 hour

FRIDAY 21:30-23:00 Opening Night Join Tearfund for the opening night. SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Cinematic Superheroes Neil Sedgewick By examining films like Captain America, The Incredible Hulk and Marvel’s Civil War, Neil Sedgewick from Films and Faith will discuss what value these films hold. 15:15 - 16:15 Church Vs Poverty Hannah Douglas What can we do as young people to fight injustices in this world? 16:30 - 17:30 Lowden Competition Each afternoon the festival will be on the hunt for the next singer songwriter to join the long and distinguished list of Lowden musicians. 21:30-23:00 Open Mic Bring your song.

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 (Seminar Two) The Drama of Scripture: Our Story in Six Acts Stu Bothwell We’re going to attempt to work through the whole of the Bible in less than an hour! Stu will share how the Scriptures tell a great story, a story that we have been invited to be a part of. 14:00 - 15:00 (Tearfund café) Youth Leader Happy Hour Take a break: come and grab some coffee and cake on us. This is a great chance to hang out with other youth workers like you, meet the Tearfund Youth Team and hear about our upcoming Celebrations which you won’t want to miss…

15:15 - 16:15 5 Steps to Ethical Living Hannah Douglas and Kerri Todd Join us for a practical seminar exploring everyday ideas to help you live more ethically. 16:30 - 17:30 Lowden Competition Each afternoon the festival will be on the hunt for the next singer songwriter to join the long and distinguished list of Lowden musicians. 21:30-23:00 Open Mic Bring your song.

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 What Happens After You Die? Bishop Fanta Clarke Many of us try to avoid thinking about death; it seems too far away or too unknown. We discuss how we can find remarkable hope in death. 15:15 - 16:15 Instagram Ruined My Life Hannah Cribb I spent so much time on social media but it crushed my confidence, stole my identity and distracted my focus. Come and hear how we can use our phones to make a global impact. 16:30 - 17:30 Lowden Competition Each afternoon the festival will be on the hunt for the next singer songwriter to join the long and distinguished list of Lowden musicians. 21:30-23:00 Open Mic Bring your song.





FRIDAY 21:30 - 23:00 DJ Billy Fyffe A long time favourite at Madness! DJ Billy will be smashing out the big tunes at our opening night disco in DNA.

DNA Tent Inspired by the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, the DNA of Urban Saints lies within the 111-year-old Crusader model of volunteer leaders gathering young people into groups and then loving, discipling and launching them into the world to make a difference for Christ. We all long for community, belonging and for real rather than virtual adventure. Whether we know it or not, we crave the purpose and love that only Jesus can fulfil. Come to DNA and enjoy a FreakShake in our hospitality area that is staffed by a team of committed volunteers from Urban Saints. We are here to chat, pray and hangout. At Urban Saints it is our belief that the Christian faith works today and that Jesus Christ was speaking the truth when He said that He offers the very best, most fulfilling life. To this end, our passion is to see young people… •

Come to faith, and then share that faith with others

Experience the greatest hope, and then become bringers of that hope to their peers • Respond to the love of God, and then become activists in their world through the practical demonstration of that love. Come and see what we’re doing all over Ireland.

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Engaging An Unreached Generation Urban Saints Join us for a series of workshop seminars from different agencies exploring the issue of engaging with an unreached generation. 15:15 - 16:15 A Question of Sport Chris Grant Chris looks at issues facing Christians in sport from a Biblical perspective. 16:30 - 17:30 Free Space We want you to have space to breathe during the festival so we’ve intentionally left some free space throughout the weekend. 21:30 - 22:15 Folding Lights One of the most exciting acts to come out of the local music scene, Folding Lights will be headlining the DNA venue tonight. 22:20 - 23:45 Movie Screening Join us for a one night only special screening with some of your favourite superheroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Engaging An Unreached Generation YFC Join us for a series of workshop seminars from different agencies exploring the issue of engaging with an unreached generation.

15:15 - 16:15 Dance Workshop Don King Rongavilla Come and learn some moves from one of the best names in the game. Have a go at hip hop, break dancing, and commercial dance.

The Activities

16:30 - 17:30 Your Story Matters Jasper Rutherford Come prepared to this seminar to share your story of how you gave your life to Jesus. You get 3-5 minutes, so come prepared. 21:30 - 23:00 PTYK A long time favourite at Madness, PTYK will be dropping some huge tunes and rocking the venue.

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Song Writing Workshop Nathan Jess We’re delighted that Nathan is going to take us through some lessons in song writing. Nathan is a songwriter and worship leader based in Northern Ireland. 15:15 - 16:15 Spoken Word Workshop Joshua Luke Smith Come and join Joshua for a workshop in how to practice the art of spoken word and hear his story of how God is using him across the world. 16:30 - 17:30 Engaging An Unreached Generation Young Life Join us for a series of workshop seminars from different agencies exploring the issue of engaging with an unreached generation. 21:15 - 23:00 PTYK Party One DJ, lots of big tunes.



YOUR IDEAL YOUTH GROUP? Tell us at the DNA venue! Urban Saints deeply believe in the power of quality youth and children’s groups. Come and find out more from the venue team.

A film series that tackles the tough questions about Christianity

8 episodes 4 countries 50 locations 30 contributers 9 training videos

For further information, contact Wilson ireland@URBANSAINTS.org @irelandUS www.URBANSAINTS.org/ireland URBAN SAINTS is the operating name of The Crusaders’ Union, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales, company number 07771037, charity number 1144923 and in Scotland, charity number SCO39313.




24-7 Prayer

The Campus

Right now different people, from different nations all around the world are praying in 24-7 prayer rooms in all sorts of different locations! Churches, schools, prisons and high streets to give just a quick sample. So why should Summer Madness be any different? During the festival we’ll be praying from 8am to midnight (we know, not quite 24 hours!) The prayer room is a creative and interactive space for you to come and spend time chatting with God through words, art, music, activity and silence. Our desire is that the prayer room will be a place where you can meet with God, where you can process what He is saying to you throughout the festival and pray big prayers for your family, friends, church and the nation! You are so welcome to make use of the prayer room. Sign yourself up for a slot and get along with God or gather up some of your friends and come spend an hour praying for one another and seeking God. The prayer room will be closed during the Main Stage Sessions. There are two entrances to the prayer room; one through the Campus venue and one via the building attached the Campus courtyard. For more information on prayer rooms or 24-7 Prayer, please call in and say hello to us during the festival or check out our website: 24-7prayerireland.com

YFC Drop In

Info Point

Calling all children’s or youth workers, teachers and students? Prayer Spaces in Schools is on the move in Ireland and we would love you to join with us in our vision and see this take off in every school across the land. Since 2007, Prayer Spaces in Schools (an initiative of 24-7 Prayer) has supported well over 1000 prayer spaces in countries all over the world, enabling over 500,000 young people to experience prayer – many for the very first time. For a few days, a space within a school is transformed into a safe, hospitable place that includes a range of creative activities encouraging students of all faiths and none to reflect on issues as wide ranging as identity, forgiveness, injustice and thankfulness. So how about your local schools? If your interested in getting a prayer space in your school speak to one of the team at the 24-7 prayer venue or check out the website www.prayerspacesinschools.com



The Campus

YFC Drop In

Hosted by the Church of Ireland & Methodist Chaplaincy with help from our friends at University Christian Outreach Belfast, Campus aims to bring a taste of student life to Summer Madness! The venue’s cafe has a great selection of drinks, milkshakes, and hot and cold food available, with plenty of folk around to ensure you’re well looked after. We have space to chill and take time out from the busy festival, and also space to join the banter. This year we are hosting SM:TV live each evening- come along for your chance to win prizes, have a laugh and gunge your youth leader! Pop in and say hello! We would love to see you.

Info Point

FRIDAY 21:30 - 23:00 SM:TV Live Join NI’s own Ant&Dec for your chance to win prizes by taking part in our game show inspired show. Live music, pizza and nachos and a whole lot of laughs.

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Now is the Time to Walk Humbly Fields of Life As we walk each day following Jesus we are encouraged to walk humbly with God, but what does this mean?

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Now is the Time to Seek Justice IJM Join us as we share stories of the greatest light shining in the darkest of places.

15:15 - 16:15 Ask Us Anything Lisa Kernohan, Judith Camblin, Simon Lennox, Jasper Rutherford and Rick Hill Sit round a table, with a recognised leader, a cup of free coffee and ask them anything you want! Put them on the spot or glean some wisdom. You will have 1012 minutes at each table and then move to the next prisoner, sorry we mean leader.

15:15 - 17:30 Free Space We want you to have space to breathe during the festival so we’ve intentionally left some free space throughout the weekend. 21:30 - 23:00 SM:TV Live

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Now is the Time to Love Mercy CEF What does it mean to love mercy and how can we actively show this to others? 15:15 - 16:15 Spirtiual Gifts Derek McKelvey This seminar will consider how to pray with people for healing wholeness and freedom. 16:30 - 17:30 Free Space 21:30 - 23:00 SM:TV Live

This seminar only has space for 35 people and is on a first come first served basis. 16:30 - 17:30 Can We Talk?...Will You Listen? Laura Whinnery, Catherine Simpson, Thomas McConaghie and Stuart Douglas Are you keen to bring your questions regarding Christian faith in current culture to those in Christian leadership? Then, let’s talk. 21:30 - 23:00 Live Music and Open Mic We’ll be hosting some live music and giving you the chance to get involved in the action on the last night.



FRIDAY 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship

The Activities

We have three dedicated venues at this year’s festival. These are spaces to learn and gain some insight on various topics and areas. Seminar One is our biggest seminar venue and is located diagonally across from the Tearfund venue. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings, Seminar One will be open for late night worship from 23.00

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Soul Sista #1 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun? Judith Camblin Come along and discover with Judith more of the adventure God has for you. 15:15 - 16:15 Do Science and God Compete? David Glass Whether it is creation vs evolution, faith vs evidence, science vs miracles or the general progress of science, does science compete with God? Or could it be that science supports belief in God? 16:30 - 17:30 Dating and Attraction Matt Chandler Does God care who and how we date? What about attraction? In this breakout Matt Chandler will walk through the first chapter of Song of Solomon and look at the keen wisdom of Solomon as we consider, pursue and desire romantic relationships. 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Soul Sista #2 Slay Girl, Slay! Judith Camblin The time is NOW to fight the good fight. Come along and find out how you can get equipped for battle. 15:15 - 16:15 Why Bother with the Bible Simon Lennox By sharing our experiences and taking part in Q&A we will get equipped with bible study tips for a deeper encounter with God.

16:30 - 17:30 Mental Health #2 The Peter Pan Syndrome Dr. Paul Millar Knowing how to cope with those big transition moments in life is something that none of us can take for granted. 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Soul Sista #3/Men Madness #3 You Never Walk Alone Judith Camblin & Jasper Rutherford This joint seminar with Soul Sista and Men Madness will look at how we can strengthen one another in our faith. 15:15 - 16:15 Love Actually Rachel Gardner Don’t settle for being defined by glamour, social media status or anything else. This is your one, wild life. Live it well. 16:30 - 17:30 Fake News: Does the Truth Matter? David Blevins, Ruth Dudley Edwards, Danny Morrison and Peter Lynas How do we find the truth in all the noise of the media. Is there such a thing as ‘objective truth’ or just ‘my’ version and ‘yours’? 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship



The Activities Seminar Two is a dedicated seminar space situated beside the Tearfund venue. It also hosts the Lowden Competition and the Tearfund entertainment programme. Lowden Competition Summer Madness, Tearfund & Lowden Guitars proudly present The Lowden Acoustic competition. For the last 40+ years George Lowden has been honing his craft, making hand made guitars to the highest a standard that are sought after around the world, by the likes of Foy Vance, Gary Lightbody and even Ed Sheeran. Each afternoon the festival will be on the hunt for the next singer songwriter to join the long and distinguished list of Lowden musicians. Come along and watch as contestants dazzle us with songs they have crafted themselves and another song where they give us their take on someone else’s song. At the end of the festival, Lowden will gift one of their beautiful guitars to the winner. This is not to be missed.

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Cinematic Superheroes Neil Sedgewick By examining films like Captain America, The Incredible Hulk and Marvel’s Civil War, Neil Sedgewick from Films and Faith will discuss what value these films hold. 15:15 - 16:15 Church Vs Poverty Hannah Douglas What can we do as young people to fight injustices in this world?

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 The Drama of Scripture: Our Story in Six Acts Stu Bothwell We’re going to attempt to work through the whole of the Bible in less than an hour! Stu will share how the Scriptures tell a great story, a story that we have been invited to be a part of. 15:15 - 16:15 5 Steps to Ethical Living Hannah Douglas and Kerri Todd Join us for a practical seminar exploring everyday ideas to help you live more ethically.

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 What Happens After You Die? Bishop Fanta Clarke Many of us try to avoid thinking about death; it seems too far away or too unknown. We discuss how we can find remarkable hope in death. 15:15 - 16:15 Instagram Ruined My Life Hannah Cribb I spent so much time on social media but it crushed my confidence, stole my identity and distracted my focus. Come and hear how we can use our phones to make a global impact.



Seminar Three

24-7 Prayer

The Campus

Seminar Three is a dedicated seminar space situated beside the food court where you can enjoy great food from our friends at The Fatted Calf all festival long!

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Men Madness #1 Follow or Fall Oh! Jasper Rutherford Is being called the same as following? How do I know it’s really Jesus I am following? Jasper explores how, as men, we try and follow well.

16:30 - 17:30 When God Disappoints Alain Emerson Through Alain’s personal story of tragedy, and his journey with others, come and learn how we can process times of great suffering in our lives.

15:15 - 16:15 Youth Alpha Jonny Campbell With stories of transformation from here & around the world come and explore how easy and exciting it is to #runAlpha for your friends, school, youth group & world!

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Reformation Reformed Who? Father Martin Magill, Rev Phillip Benson & Stu Bothwell Martin and Philip talk about how “the other side” views faith and how this impacts their own faith.

16:30 - 17:30 Mental Health #1 Stress - The Good, The Bad and The Unbearable Dr. Paul Millar Drugs, suicide and dysfuntional lifestyles can all be the result of our inability to cope with many of today’s pressures. Dr. MIllar shares some insights into the best habits and defences that ‘emotionally healthy’ spirituality can offer.

15:15 - 16:15 New Christians - Following Jesus after Madness Stephen Whitten & Xplore Making a decision to follow Jesus is just the start. This seminar is to help you grow in your relationship with God when you get back home.

YFC Drop In

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Men Madness #2 Tooled Up and Ready to Go Jasper Rutherford Armour is not just used to help us defend – it’s also to help us advance. As a young man how do I use what I have already been given? I want to get tooled up for the fight, but how do I get my hands on some gear? Well, come and find out! 15:15 - 16:15 I’ve Got Your Back Mark Kernohan We’ve heard “It’s OK to not be OK”, but how do we support our friends when they are not OK? Join the discussion about the important role we have to play as friends.

Info Point

16:30 - 17:30 Entertained or Equipped? Rick Hill Rick will be exploring the foundations of discipleship and what it looks like for us to experience growth through the Church, Mission, Disciplines and Relationships.



SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Drama, It’s What We Do Play It By Ear Come and find out if drama’s the thing for you; maybe you’ve never set foot on stage or perhaps you’re always up there, either way this workshop will be loads of fun with a variety of games which will help to build confidence and give you a taste of how you can use drama in your own church or youth fellowship.

A brand new space has emerged at Summer Madness Festival 2017. The Hatch, a place to imagine, create, inspire, connect and learn. The Hatch features for the first time at Summer Madness. A hub of creativity, hosted by an enthusiastic team of resident artists. Join us at The Hatch and explore your faith through the arts and creativity.

15:15 - 16:15 Illustrated Faith Join the Illustrated Faith team and explore your faith creatively. Painting, lettering, collage, scrapbooking – it’s messy, it’s fun, it’s whatever you want it to be! 16:30 - 17:30 The Canvas Collective We are inviting 9 youth groups to be part of ‘The Canvas Collective’. Workshops will collectively create and personally respond to the theme of ‘What is Church?’ Each group will given a large canvas they can get creative with! These 9 canvases will be displayed together at the end of the festival, as a celebration of 30 years of Summer Madness. All they need to bring is a picture of their tent and a spirit of creativity.

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Break a Leg #1 Play It By Ear Fancy performing at Summer Madness this year? Play it by Ear drama company are looking for a group of young people who will take part in two workshops with the aim of putting on a short performance during the festival. No previous experience required! 14:00 - 17:00 Graffiti Workshop Dean Kane Fancy yourself as the next Banksy? Come down and learn some techniques from Dean in the art of graffiti. Spaces

are limited so come early to avoid disappointment. 15:15 - 16:15 Photography Workshop Simon Hutchinson Are you a budding photographer? We are privileged that local photographer Simon Hutchinson is joining us for a workshop around developing your skills. This really isn’t one to miss! Simon will have some cameras for demonstration but please bring your own as well. 16:30 - 17:30 The Canvas Collective We are inviting 9 youth groups to be part of ‘The Canvas Collective’. Workshops will collectively create and personally respond to the theme of ‘What is Church?’

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Break a Leg #2 Play It By Ear Fancy performing at Summer Madness? The second workshop from Play it By Ear. No previous experience required! 15:15 - 16:15 Prophetic Art Workshop Lynsey Grierson This workshop will equip you in hearing what your Heavenly Father wants to say to you and to others through the use of art. By the end of the workshop you will have received a personal piece of prophetic art and also will have blessed someone with a piece of art drawn by your own hand. We welcome all who are interested in trying this, especially for the first time. No need for any level of drawing ability, if you can draw a stick man you can do this!

16:30 - 17:30 The Canvas Collective We are inviting 9 youth groups to be part of ‘The Canvas Collective’. Workshops will collectively create and personally respond to the theme of ‘What is Church?’



The Activities Salt Factory Sports will again be running lots of games, sports and competitions during this year’s festival. Based in the activities field, we will be open from 2pm to 5pm each afternoon – come along and let your competitive streak out, or just have some fun playing with your friends. For the competitions you can catch our sign-up team around the site or in the activities field. If you are an individual or part of a small group who wish to take part but don’t have a full team, come on down and we’ll make up the numbers. Lots of great prizes to be won! FUN ACTIVITIES / SPORTS / GAMES No sign-up required - just come along and play! Tug-of-war Rounders Golf Disc Golf Beach Volleyball Tennis Tag American Football Spikeball



FRIDAY 21:30 - 23:00 Opening Night Enter The Stadium for an exciting performance from the duo at Play it by Ear followed by an amazing show from our resident magician Gareth Bell.

SATURDAY 14:00 - 17:30 Football Competition (5-aside, max 10 teams) Dodgeball Competition (6-aside, max 10 teams) Climbing Wall Skateboard and BMX demos feat pro skaters Shaun Hover and Martin Tuson Graffiti Wall Giant Slippery Slide

SATURDAY 14:00 - 17:30 Breakdancing Demos and Instruction Giant Garden Games 21:30 - 23:00 Super Saturday An evening with Shaun Hover (USA pro skateboarder) with music by the talented Johnny Wilson.

SUNDAY 14:00 - 17:30 Breakdancing Demos and Instruction Giant Garden Games 21:30 - 23:00 The Great Big Super Fun Not Very Difficult and with Loads of Great Prizes Quiz of the Year! Pretty much does what it says on the tin. A firm favourite at the festival.

MONDAY 14:00 - 17:30 Breakdancing Demos and Instruction Giant Garden Games 21:30 - 23:00 Monday Madness Keepin ‘er Country: come on down and see how long you can stay on the rodeo bull!

SUNDAY 14:00 - 17:30 Giant Treasure Hunt (8 per team, max 10 teams) Volleyball competition (6-aside, max 10 teams) It’s A Knockout Messy Games Skateboard and BMX demos feat pro skaters Shaun Hover and Martin Tuson Graffiti Wall Giant Slippery Slide

MONDAY 14:00 - 17:30 Ultimate Frizbee Competition (7-aside, max 10 teams) Tag Rugby Competition (7-aside, max 10 teams) Skateboard demos and workshops feat pro skater Shaun Hover Grafitti Wall Giant Slippery Slide



DNA Tent



BA (Hons) Youth and Community Work with Practical Theology (JNC)

The Activities


The only Christian faith-based degree course in Ireland specifically for those working with young people and communities. Choose a degree that combines study and practical work, explore how theology informs work with young people and communities, is tailored to the context of Northern Ireland and will open up doors in a range of youth work and community development roles. You will be:  Working in a continuous placement with young people in a church or community setting whilst getting experience in alternative contexts locally or abroad.  Mentored by established practitioners to develop new skills.  Learning with lecturers who are experts in their fields and experienced educators.  Studying a range of modules in discipleship, mission, management, justice, chaplaincy, counseling, peace and reconciliation that are underpinned by biblical principles.

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FRIDAY 21:30 - 23:00 Opening Night Join us for an acoustic gig with Mark and Abi Wells.

Imagine a space of calm amongst the Madness. If you are a youth leader, youth worker, committed in your role among young people and you are craving a quiet place to escape, feel free to drop in, flop into a comfy sofa, enjoy FREE coffee and freshly baked goods. CIYD welcomes you and your team to enjoy the comfort and calm of this great space.

SATURDAY 08:30 - 09:00 Youth Leaders Breakfast Are you a youth leader? Join us for a free breakfast and a chat. 14:00 - 15:00 Mad Lab #1 Putting Christ into Christianity Mike McCann & Steve Ames “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christianity.” What did Gandhi mean by this? Does he have a point? 15:15 - 16:15 Matt Chandler Q&A Stu Bothwell & Matt Chandler Stu Bothwell will be interviewing Matt and giving space for you to ask your own questions.

Working with young people is both a privilege and a challenge, we experience many highs and lows which can bring our leadership into sharp focus. Over the course of the festival we will be providing FREE coaching sessions for youth leaders who desire growth in their leadership or have a significant challenge they want to overcome. Call Vinty Firth on 07832902559 to book your appointment

16:30 - 17:30 What’s Your Black Bin Bag? Madlug, Proud, Aspire NI, Outside In What does it take to start a movement, business or charity to deal with an issue of injustice? 21:30 - 23:00 Evening Programme Join us for a relaxed evening of nibbles and jazz.

SUNDAY 08:30 - 09:00 Youth Leaders Breakfast 14:00 - 15:00 Mad Lab #2 Love WIns? Mike McCann & Steve Ames What did Jesus say and teach about salvation - does love really win in the end?

15:15 - 16:15 The Justice Sessions IJM/CIYD Description Needed 15:30 - 16:30 Mind the Gap The Big House What is our responsibility as youth leaders for the pastoral care of our young people? 21:30 - 23:00 1987 Acoustic Night Mark and Abi Wells will be revisiting some classic tunes from the very first year of Summer Madness.

MONDAY 08:30 - 09:00 Youth Leaders Breakfast 14:00 - 15:00 My Job, My Calling, My Life Peter Lynas Peter will help us explore what we as Christians might ‘expect’ from work without being defined by it! 15:15 - 16:15 Understanding Trans Peter Lynas The ‘Trans’ issue is one which can easily confuse and befuddle the church. Get ahead of the conversation at this seminar. 16:30 - 17:30 Free Space 21:30 - 23:00 1987 Disco Party like it’s 1987 at CIYD’s retro disco!


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YFC Drop In

Info Point

Back by popular demand, we are very excited to have Youth for Christ Northern Ireland (YFCNI) join us again with their fully equipped pop-up drop-in centre. Youth for Christ Northern Ireland (YFCNI) are specialists in running local drop-in centres for young people across Northern Ireland, and invite you to come along and enjoy some drop-in banter during the festival. Every afternoon and evening you will be able to pop into the venue and enjoy a game of pool or table tennis, have a go on the X-box or PS4, grab a snack from the Tuck-Shop; or just hang out and have a chat with one of the YFC Team. Throughout the day, there will also be various competitions and events for those of you who are up for the challenge and in the evening you can spend some time relaxing on one of the sofa’s and enjoy some live entertainment from various local artists. As part of these sessions Johnny Farrell from Stand By Me will be sharing stories from his travels around the world, talking about his love for Jesus, and asking what it means to live a life of purpose. For more information on the alternative worship events, please speak to one of the YFC Team.

FRIDAY 21:30 - 23:00 YFC Variety Show

SATURDAY 12:30 - 17:30 Drop-In Open Join YFC for a host of games and activities throughout the afternoon including an acoustic set with Jonny Fitch 19:00 - 21:00 Alternative to Mainstage Johnny Farrell YFC will be hosting a small scale event as an alternative to the Mainstage. For more information on this event please speak to any of the YFC team. 21:30 - 23:00 Drop-In Open 22:00 - 23:00 Joel Mawhinney Joel will be headlining the YFC venue and his performance will leave you astounded. This is a night you won’t want to miss.

SUNDAY 12:30 - 17:30 Drop-In Open Join YFC for a host of games and activities throughout the afternoon. 19:00 - 21:00 Alternative to Mainstage Johnny Farrell YFC will be hosting a small scale event, as an alternative to the Mainstage. 21:30 - 23:00 Drop-In Open 22:00 - 23:00 DJ Jack S Watson Jack will be lifting the roof off the YFC venue with some fantastic dance tunes. Come and join the party!

MONDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Alternative to Mainstage Johnny Farrell YFC will be hosting a small scale event, as an alternative to the Mainstage. 12:30 - 17:30 Drop-In Open Join YFC for a host of games and activities throughout the afternoon. 21:30 - 23:00 YFC Wrap Up Party Join YFC for one last party as they get ready to wrap up the festival.



The Journal We believe God speaks to us and we’re praying that you will hear from Him at Summer Madness this year. With all that’s going on at the festival, it easy to forget so we wanted to create some space in your day and in the festival guide for you to pause, reflect and write down the things that God is speaking. Every morning, there’s time before Main Stage worship to get with your group, to pray, to open the bible and use this journal. Make this journal your own and feel free to cover it with your thoughts, takeaways, highlights and prayers.







Saturday Journal

Sunday Journal











Monday Journal

Tuesday Journal











Illustrated faith N.I is just a bunch of people who simply love Jesus and enjoy exploring our faith together using the creative arts. Painting, lettering scripture, collage, scrapbooking, whatever you’re into! It’s messy, it’s fun, it’s whatever you want it to be! Come along and get creative with us...

The Hatch DNA VENUE Saturday MONDAY3:15-4:30pm / 1.15pm–3pm (some materials provided / spaces limited / bring this handbook and use your blank page!) Find the group on facebook by searching for Illustrated Faith NI

This page has intentionally been left blank for you to have some fun with! Why not try lettering your favourite verse, or illustrating something that really stands out to you from scripture?





This year we are releasing all the Mainstage talks and seminars on one memory stick. Packed with all the sights and sounds of SM17, this little beauty will allow you to revisit all of those bits of the festival that you missed or don’t want to forget. All this for £10, it’s cheaper than a burger and chips for two, but far more filling for the soul.

The Prayer Team are a dedicated bunch of all-agers who are keen to help you connect with God and will be available after every Main Stage worship gathering (somewhere near the front). They’ll also be available in the 24-5 Prayer Venue during the afternoons and can be seen on site in their BLUE POLOS.

There will be a limited number available at the end of the festival. You can also order after the festival online at summermadness.co.uk/festival

There’s no funny business: your first name and what you want prayer for is all we ask. We keep confidences unless criminal or abuse issues, suspected or actual are raised.



THANK YOU We couldn’t run Summer Madness without the hundreds of volunteers who serve the festival so well. Thank you to each of you for your enthusiasm and commitment - you’re all legends. We’re also grateful for the following groups for their continued support: Antrim Estates Ltd Ardbarron Trust Boring Wells Box 42 Café Smart Chain Reaction Cycles Church Army CIYD Community Relations Council CJ Hire Cyril Johnston Trust David Cavan Photography Glenarm Baptist Church House of Vic Ryn J33 Trust Johnston Campbell Leeburn Financial Services Lowden Guitars Mid And East Antrim Council Maine Minerals Production House Group Scripture Union TBF Thompson Trust Watson Steel Wilson Tools Glenavy

We’ll be supplying tea, coffee and treats throughout the festival. Come and find us in the Tearfund Venue. You can also visit our coffee shop after Summer Madness on the Belmont Road, East Belfast. cafesmart.co.uk @Cafe_Smart



S A T U R D AY 1 6 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 | 7 : 3 0 P M


Featuring Ian Hannah & Friends | Andy Flannigan | Ryan Griffith & Lisa Kernoghan | Shankill Parish Church Lurgan | Ticket £10


Summer Madness is a registered charity in the UK t: +44 (0) 28 9067 3379 e: office@summermadness.co.uk The Old Rectory, 217 Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 2DH @smfestival /summermadnessni summermadnessinsta

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