Sm15 appendix 6 event crew information

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EVENT CREW HANDBOOK 2015 Welcome to the Event Crew team at Summer Madness 2015! Thank you for volunteering to be part of this year’s team – we hope that you enjoy the experience and get a lot from it! Your personal contribution to Event Crew and the overall staff team at this year’s Festival is greatly appreciated. This handbook is your guide to Event Crew at Summer Madness 2015 and provides you with all the essential information that you need. It will hopefully help you to get the most out of the experience! INTRODUCTION What is the Event Crew? Hopefully, having signed up already, you know a little bit about Event Crew!! But just to make sure – Event Crew is one of the largest staff teams at Summer Madness and being part of this means that you get to work with about 80 people to help make the festival happen. Event Crew work alongside other more specialised staff teams and do a little bit of everything to help make the festival run smoothly. Our jobs include: hosting venues and artists, venue security, helping out with site traffic and festival health and safety to name a few!! So being part of Event Crew means that not only do you get to see every part of the festival, you also get to make it happen!!! Being part of Event Crew Event Crew is a large team and therefore each of you will be assigned to one of six teams, each with about 10 – 12 people, with your own Team Leaders. Each of these Team Leaders have been part of Event Crew at least once before so they will be able to help you out and guide you through the festival. The Event Crew are looked after by two Event Crew Coordinators – Sarah and Susan. Sarah has been part of the Event Crew for years (and years...) and Susan has staffed in other areas of the festival for many years and we are here to make sure you get the most from the festival and enjoy your experience so if

have you have any queries or problems or just fancy a chat please come and speak to us. Jobs and Rotas Each Event Crew team will follow its own rota of jobs throughout the festival. Your Team Leader will have a copy of this and these rotas will be on the notice board in the Staff Hospitality Venue – you will also be given a copy of your rota at Event Crew Training. All the jobs are shared out as fairly as possible with every team expected to work about 8 hours a day. Your Team Leader will arrange with you when and where to meet to start each of your duties to ensure that you are in the right place at the right time. They will also give you times for breaks and meals should your duty take place over a meal time. Please make sure that you know when and where to start your duty. You are a valuable and essential member of your team so make sure you turn up on time and in the right place! Remember that often you are taking over duty from others who may have been working for several hours and they are relying on you to relieve them. Your duty to your team is most important and always comes first but we do encourage you to make the most of the festival and experience what else is going on at Summer Madness when you are off duty. Event Crew are involved in a number of different jobs throughout the festival – here is some more information for you about what is involved: Hosting Venues Report with the appropriate number of team members, as directed by your team leader, to the appropriate venue for duty. Please report to the Venue Manager on arrival at the venue. The Venue Manager will give you a briefing of what you have to do and will share out the jobs required. This will include the following:

Checking that all persons entering the venue (including those who look like staff or clergy!) have appropriate armbands, passes or tickets. A copy of the appropriate armband colours / tickets etc will be posted on the Event Crew Notice board. You also need to check that all tickets are for the correct day. Please remember to always be pleasant and if people do not have the correct pass politely redirect them to Admin. The Venue staff will always back you up for challenging someone politely. If you have any problems with this talk to your Team Leader, Event Crew Co-Ordinator or the Venue Manager on duty.

Manning emergency access points in venues as directed by the Venue Manager.

Assist in ensuring that all aisles and fire exits are clear of obstructions and obstacles.

Check that all seating is secure and correctly spaced as directed.

Ensure that venues are tidy and free of rubbish especially before leaving duty! (Bin bags can be obtained from the Site Team / QM).

Clean toilets as directed.

Do not leave the venue until your team leader has checked with the Venue Manager that all tasks are completed.

Shower Duty There are two locations for showers on site – your team will be required to cover both of these locations when on shower duty. Please report with the appropriate members of your team to the showers as directed by your team leader. While on shower duty you will be required to carry out the following jobs: 

Collect keys and cash tin from Comms (if you are the first team on duty in the morning) and open the showers for use.

Collect cleaning materials from QM (again if you are the first team on duty in the morning).

Man shower blocks, collecting charge for showers from campers.

Remind campers that they only have 10 minutes in the shower!

Clean showers out at regular 30 minute intervals

Last team on duty should return keys and cash tin to Comms and cleaning materials to QM.


You may want to take a raincoat and some entertainment (such as a guitar!) with you.

Site Team When on Site duty your whole team should report to QM where your jobs for the day will be assigned! One tip: don’t wear your best clothes for this duty!!!

Entrance Gate & Car park You will be required to help out with Gate & Carpark duty on both Friday and Tuesday as the campers arrive and leave the site. Please report to members of the Security team, in appropriate numbers as directed by your team leader, at the entry to the carpark. It may be advisable to bring a raincoat with you for this duty. You will be required to carry out the following: 

Collect yellow bibs from Comms or from the team on duty before you. Yellow bibs should be worn at all times when on carpark duty.

Report to security at the carpark who will tell you where to stand and how to direct cars and help campers arriving on site.

Check passes of all persons entering the gate, escort those without a pass to the Registration tent.

Please remember to always be polite. If anyone tries to argue with you explain that you are following instructions.

If you have any problems please refer to the Security Team on duty or your Team Leader.

Admin You may be required to help out with the Admin team on Friday as the campers arrive on site. Your whole team should report to the Admin/Registration tent where jobs will be assigned. Subcamps You may be required to help out with the Subcamp leaders on Friday as the campers arrive on site. Your whole team should report to Subcamp Leaders where jobs will be assigned.

OTHER SUMMER MADNESS STAFF Event Crew is not the only staff team at Summer Madness – there are many other teams making up approximately 250 volunteers that make Summer Madness happen every year. We have listed some of the key staff members, team leaders and people that you may work with or come across during your

time on Event Crew below. They are very busy people during the festival and often don’t get much sleep or rest so please be kind to them!

Project Director Chairman of Board of Directors SM Administrator Logistics Manager Site Co-ordinator QM Admin Co-ordinator Venue Manager Co-ordinators Sub-Camp Co-ordinators Security Co-ordinators Catering Co-ordinator Hospitality Co-ordinator Event Crew Co-ordinator

John Kee Dolway Johnston Paul Meneely Richard Thompson Nigel Gilbert Colin Irwin Nial Miller Rick Scott / Dave McCracken Brian & Laura McGarvey Stephen Laverty / Michael Walters Louise Ferguson Ashleen Crowe Susan Walters

OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION This section of the Event Crew Manual gives you information on some important details that will be useful to know throughout your time on Event Crew. Staff Hospitality All Summer Madness Staff Members, including Event Crew, will have the use of their very own staffroom for chilling out in, meeting with your team, grabbing a coffee etc. This venue is beside the 'HUB' cafe. When you are off duty, please do use the venue. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits available at all times, so it makes a great place to hang out with your team and it makes Event Crew easier to find if they are needed urgently on-

site. It is also a great place to meet and chat to other staff members and to find out more about their roles at Summer Madness. The Event Crew Notice board will also be located in Staff Hospitality and it will contain a copy of all Event Crew rotas, timetables and urgent messages. Please check this Notice Board regularly in case there have been any changes to your rota etc. Staff Worship Every morning from Friday – Tuesday (except Sunday) during the Festival there will be a time of worship for all staff members in Staff Hospitality at 8.30 am. This is early but please try to make it along as it is a great way to start the day by focusing on God who is at the centre of all we do at Summer Madness. Our very own team of Event Crew Worship Leaders and our Event Crew Chaplain will lead this time. Staff Passes and T-Shirts When you register as a member of the Staff Team at Summer Madness you will be issued with a staff pass with your name, team and a lovely photo of you on it! Please wear this at all times throughout the festival as you will need it to gain access to venues and worship! You will be able to collect your Staff Pass when you arrive on site, please ensure you have paid your staff contribution of £35. As a member of Event Crew you will also be given an Event Crew team t-shirt. This year our team t-shirts are red and you must wear this t-shirt while on duty so that campers and other staff members can easily identify you as a member of Event Crew. You can wear it at other times too but bear in mind that it might get a bit dirty as the weekend goes on!!! If you lose your t-shirt or can’t stand the smell any longer, it may be possible to buy a spare one from the Event Crew Co-ordinators (first come first served though!).

PRACTICAL STUFF This section of the Event Crew Manual gives you some important practical information on what you should bring with you, when meals are served and where Event Crew sleep! Sleep Summer Madness is a very large event with around 3,000 people on the site each day and there is always something going on so it can be very easy to get caught up in the excitement of it all and forget to do important things like…..sleep! So we do suggest that you try and get as much sleep as possible every night - you will be kept very busy carrying out your team jobs so we suggest that you might want to use some of your spare time between jobs to catch ’40 winks’! Event Crew have their own camping area set aside from the general camping field although those who wish to camp with their own 'group' may do so. Lights Out Camp Curfew is 1am this year and there should be no talking around the staff campsite after the Event Crew who are trying to get some beauty sleep before an early duty the next day! Be warned: Event Crew Coordinators woken unnecessarily, between the hours of 1am and 7am, are not a pretty sight! Showers Event Crew has the privilege of FREE access to the staff showers (all the campers have to pay!). Event Crew can use these when they are not on duty between 7 am – 7 pm when they will be open, and can also use them outside these times when the key for the showers can be obtained from Comms. To make best use of this privilege it is helpful if a group of you can

arrange to borrow the key and all shower at the same time. Please ensure that you lock the showers and return the key immediately after use.

Meals All your meals will be catered for onsite during the event. Due to the increasing pressure placed on the kitchen, this year there will be a cost of £10 for all meals during the Festival. These will all be in the staff canteen near the Walled Garden. Meals will be served at the following times: Breakfast

7.30 – 9.00 am


12.30 – 2 pm


5.00 – 6.30 pm

Your duties will determine what time you get to go for these meals. If your duty is over the duration of a meal time, your team leader will ensure that the team goes at staggered times. Obviously the whole team cannot go at the same time for meals in this case!! Event Crew Team Times We would like each team to try and meet up together for a short time once a day to plan the day’s duties and spend some time praying together. Your team leader will arrange times that are most suitable for your team. Please try and attend these as it is important that your team leader knows how you are getting on and can then report this back to us as coordinators. Leaving Site If you need to leave site for any reason during the Festival you must speak to both your team leader and one of the co-ordinators before you leave and immediately after you return – so as they know your whereabouts at all times. Obviously you should not be off site at a time when you should be on duty unless in an emergency. Please also make sure that your team leader knows when you are going off site.

Unfortunately, due to Child Protection Regulations, those of you who are under the age of 18 are not permitted to leave site unless you have the relevant permission document signed before the event.

PACKING LIST Below is a Packing List of some things that we would suggest that you bring with you – although this list is not exclusive. Please note that you must bring a sleeping bag, pillow, blanket etc with you- these will not be provided by Summer Madness as in previous years. Sleeping Bag Pillow Blanket (to make sure that you’re nice and cosy as it can sometimes get chilly in the campsite!!!) Towel Torch (+spare batteries) Padlock Watch (so as you know what time it is to report for your duties!) Suntan Lotion Raincoat Sensible Shoes (!!!!) – trainers or hiking boots. Wash kit Clothes (including sensible clothes for site duties!) Money Bible Notebook & Pen Cuddly Teddy (!!!!)

SUMMER MADNESS - STAFF CODE OF CONDUCT UNDERTAKING As an organisation, Summer Madness is committed to the welfare and protection of Children and Young People and as such has put in place systems to ensure that Children, Young People and all working with them at Summer Madness are protected from any from of abuse or unwarranted accusation. You are asked to confirm your assent to the following:1.

If you have any concerns regarding the welfare and protection of Children and Young People, or any concerns are expressed to you by any person, these should be passed immediately to the SM Safeguarding Trust Panel, who can be contacted via the Duty Officer, located in Comms. This person will upon your request, contact the Panel. The Panel are available 24 hours per day throughout Summer Madness to be sure that any concerns are appropriately addressed. The Panel can also be contacted after Summer Madness via the Summer Madness Office (Tel: - 90673379)


We will reduce likely situations for abuse of children and help protect staff and volunteers by ensuring that all staff, and others on site NEVER: Allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged  Spend time alone with children or young people away from others  Let allegations a child makes go unchallenged or unrecorded  Make sexually suggestive comments about or to a child even in fun  Engage in rough physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay  Allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form  Do things of a personal nature for children that they can do for themselves


General code of conduct … team rules  During Festival we ask that no romantic attachments are pursued amongst the team.  No mixed sleeping arrangements are allowed on site other than married couples


Health and Safety  No one should behave in such a manner or undertake any activity or operation that would put others or themselves in danger of injury or harm.  All team members must follow out the Health & Safety instructions given by their team members and comply with instructions in the SM Health and Safety Policy Guide  If anyone has particular concerns about Health & Safety on site they should immediately inform their team leader or go directly to Comms and ask them to contact the Health & Safety Officer. As a member of staff at Summer Madness, I am happy to adhere to the above guidance. Signed




Address __________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Date


(Signed copy to be retained by Admin Team)

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