184th year No. 240
S A T U R D A Y, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
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Today’s final edition of the daily afternoon News-Sentinel is not the end of this newspaper, which remains the oldest continuously operating business in Allen County. It is, rather, the beginning of something new. Readers will continue to receive great news coverage, enterprise, commentary, features, images and more every day at news-sentinel.com as well as in print in the Journal Gazette Monday through Saturday. This special section takes a look back at what this newspaper has been since its birth in 1833. W H AT ’ S
HISTORIC PAGES War, terrorism, stunning elections, sports, local events — nothing delivers the news to you better than picking up that paper and scanning the front page. And boy, did we have some stunning presentations! See them throughout the section.
We reached out to former editors Stewart Spencer, Joe Weiler, Linda Austin and current editor Kerry Hubartt to look back at the newspaper they all called home.
We’ve won a few awards over the years, but none bigger than the top prize — the Pulitzer Prize. See page 2L
See photo collections from some of our best staff photographers.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
A flood of teamwork and lessons learned earned Pulitzer for The News-Sentinel WAY BACK IN the dark ages — you know, before email — News-Sentinel editors often communicated with their staff A column by through paper Kevin memos like the Leininger one Executive Editor Stewart Spencer distributed the morning of April 18, 1983: “Let’s gather around the copy desk for a brief meeting at 3 p.m. today,” he wrote. “Just a piece of news I think you’ll find interesting.” A few hours later he compounded the suspense by telling us “We have very good reasons to believe we’re a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.” “I guess they’re not merging the papers after all, eh?” I told fellow reporter Brian Smith — a quip that turned out to be more premature than wrong. Finally, at 3:07, the United Press International ended the tension with words all journalists hope to hear but few ever really expect: The News-Sentinel had won the highest award in American journalism for its coverage of Fort Wayne’s devastating flood the previous March. For the first and only time in my 38 years with this newspaper, we celebrated with champagne in the newsroom. Which is only appropriate, since our coverage began with a hangover. When I reported for work on Saturday, March 13, water from melting snow and an overnight thunderstorm was already covering the Calhoun Street-Tillman Road intersection and other low-lying areas, with officials predicting the flood could surpass 1978 levels to become the second-worst in city history. I’d been out late on a date the night before and felt like it, but somehow cobbled together a decent but not very compelling first-day story about possible evacuations, weather forecasts and whom to call in case of emergency. Mike Hanley shot a couple of Hanley routine photos and that was it. Then, because The News-Sentinel didn’t publish on Sunday, our “award-winning” coverage virtually stopped for nearly two days. With the internet’s ability to provide instantaneous and around-the-clock news, that would never happen today — and it shouldn’t have happened even then, as the editors began to realize as the flood grew to rival 1913 for devastation. What happened? When Jim Quinn interviewed editors and fellow reporters about our coverage shortly after winning the award, the consensus was that although our work was indeed the best in town, it could have been much better. “We started slow,” Managing Editor Lou Heldman told Quinn. “It took time to realize the magnitude of what we had. No one is used to working that way.” By Tuesday, President Ronald Reagan was planning a visit, prompting Heldman and Spencer to make it clear “good enough” coverage wasn’t nearly good enough. “We finally knew this was a national story that we were covering like a local flood ... (we) made a commitment to cover this
News-Sentinel file photo
Executive Editor Stewart Spencer, right, raises his arms in celebration on April 18, 1983, after learning The News-Sentinel had won the Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the Flood of 1982.
“We started slow. It took time to realize the magnitude of what we had. No one is used to working that way.” — MANAGING EDITOR LOU HELDMAN
Former N-S staffers remember the Pulitzer:
President Ronald Reagan visited Fort Wayne’s flood in March 1982, passing sandbags in an “emergency” staged for reporters. News-Sentinel reporter Kevin Leininger is taking notes in the background (left), and the paper won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage. Mike Hanley’s photo of Roger Walker rescuing his dog Sadie from flooding along West Main Street in 1982 was printed in newspapers across the country. Walker moved to Alabama in 1984, where Sadie was killed by a bear in 1986. Walked died of an apparent suicide two years later.
like we’d never covered anything before,” Assistant Managing Editor Mike Smith told Quinn. That meant all news reporters would cover the flood almost exclusively, with members of other departments filling in as needed while also trying to concentrate on regular duties that seemed mundane by comparison. The result was immediate and
dramatic, with coverage becoming more compelling and thorough through the rest of the week. Reagan did show up that Tuesday, dodging a tornado at the airport to pass sandbags near the Sherman Street Bridge. And because I just happened to arrive even before the president’s security detail, “flood-fighters” and other journalists, I overheard how the entire
episode was staged for the cameras — and so far as I know was the only journalist to report it as such. But it was Hanley who provided the flood’s iconic image the day before: a photo of Roger Walker carrying his dog Sadie through the chest-deep water covering See PULITZER, Page 4L
Barb Wachtman, who was assistant Features section editor during the 1982 flood, remembers wishing she was on the news team after the newspaper began its flood coverage. “I finally went up to (Managing Editor) Lou Heldman and said, ‘What can I do?’” Heldman came up with the idea to write short items on everyone who was helping flood victims, Wachtman recalled. That package ran on the Saturday the week after the flood began and filled about 100 inches of space in the newspaper. Connie Haas Zuber, who then was arts editor, was sent to cover the ABC television network’s “Nightline” news program broadcast about the flood. On the day the Pulitzer Prize awards were due to be announced, Ken Ward, an editor in charge of wire news stories, kept checking his computer screen to see when the Associated Press wire service reported the award announcements. “Finally, his hands lay on the keyboard and he said, ‘That’s it. We got it,’” Wachtman recalled. Champagne on carts just outside the newsroom were wheeled in, and the celebration began. “We had all of the champagne gone before the mayor got there, and the mayor didn’t take long to get there,” she added. — Kevin Kilbane
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
The times are still a’changin’ for News-Sentinel Technology continues to push us forward. ON SEPT. 15, 2007, barely more than 10 years ago today, I wrote a A column by column on Kerry the last Hubartt day The News-Sentinel would be printed on a printing press that had been used for this newspaper for 50 years. The following Monday one more huge change was to take place with the introduction of a new-sized, new-look News-Sentinel that would be printed on a brandnew, state-of-the-art printing press installed in a beautiful new building on West Main Street. I began the column this way: “The times, they are a-changin’. “While that was the title of Bob Dylan’s third album back in 1964, for journalists like me, it’s been a catch phrase for careers spanning the decades since then. The changes I’m referring to have taken place in the newspaper industry, have been technology-in-
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duced and have in some significant way changed my life and the lives of my colleagues along the way. And they’ve changed our products in positive ways for our customers.” That’s the same message I bring this time as today the final edition of the daily afternoon News-Sentinel comes off the press for delivery to its subscribers and single-copy venues. But as I did 10 years ago I point to Monday as the start of something new and bold that reflects technology and the times — a news product devoted to being the best it can be digitally at www.news-sentinel.com, while maintaining The News-Sentinel’s conservative voice in print Mondays through Saturdays within the morning Journal Gazette. Not only are we still the oldest continuously operating business in Allen County (founded as The Sentinel on July 6, 1833), we’re an important institution representing the First Amendment from a time not long after it became a part of our Constitution. Think about it: 1833 was only 42 years after the
News-Sentinel file photo
Sterling Sentinel Awards judges News-Sentinel Editor Kerry Hubartt, left, John Stein, second from left, and Editorial Page Editor Leo Morris, second from right, take part in interviewing a journalism student during the 2009 Sterling Sentinel competition.
Bill of Rights was adopted (1791), guaranteeing, among other things, freedom of speech and of the press. It is based on those rights that we continue to operate this newspaper to serve as a bastion of truth, a clarion of information and the public’s right to know, a sounding board for freedom of expression, and a watchdog against abuses from
government and business. When I was hired at The News-Sentinel in 1971, we were still using typewriters. There were still noisy teletype machines spewing reams of paper with the latest stories from The Associated Press or United Press International. We edited stories by making marks on paper, then sending the edited versions through a pneu-
matic tube to the “composing room.” There someone retyped the entire story on a linotype machine that reproduced it all in hot metal type. Those “slugs” fit into
heavy galleys that were carried to a composing table where a printer would arrange all that metal type and picture plates onto a page according to the design on a penciled-in layout sheet. Photographers had to develop their pictures in a darkroom. Oh, and everything was black-and-white. The digital age has forced us to continually relearn what we do. More important, though, changes have enhanced the final product to a level that makes the newspaper of today something you can even read on your smart phone. And we hope you’ll stay with us as we move further into the 21st century to embrace the even more new ways of telling stories and letting you know what’s happening in our ever-changing world.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
News-Sentinel file photos
Reporter Jim Quinn checks out a failed dike during the flood of 1982.
PULITZER Continued from Page 2L
West Main Street. And Hanley was there only because, unlike the rest of us, he didn’t wait to be told to do something. He just did it. It’s an example I’ve tried to follow ever since. “Man, nobody knows all the things we missed,” Hanley told Quinn. Now an associate professor of journalism at Ball State University in Muncie, Hanley had been forced from his apartment Saturday but was on the streets by 8
a.m. Sunday. “If I’d had a reporter he’d still be writing.” Eventually, though, plenty of writing was done: stories about the teen-aged sandbaggers who won Fort Wayne the national title of “The City that Saved Itself”; the drama over whether the squishy Pemberton Dike would or would not fail forcing the evacuation of thousands; a comparison with the 1913 flood and analysis of flood-prediction techniques; stories about cleanups and costs; life in the shelters for displaced residents and much more — including
they wouldn’t leave. From that moment my attitude was we were covering a big story and better not screw it up.” And despite our initial lapses we didn’t, according to Pulitzer Committee member John Strohmeyer. “The thing that stood out was your superlative team effort,” he told Quinn. “We knew you don’t have the resources of some of the larger papers, but you must have sensed your mission. It looked to us as though everyone at your paper, including the janitor, turned out to cover that story. The papers you produced show
personal and often-touching vignettes about formerly ordinary people whose courage never wavered even as their lives were changed, possibly forever. Quinn, now an adjunct writing professor at the University of Akron in Ohio, covered Reagan with photographer John Stearns from a boat in the St. Joseph River. But as he told me recently, his most lasting memory of the flood was provided by the “astonishing” things he saw later that day along West Main. “People were living on their upper floors. There was incredible devastation but
Much of the area just north of downtown Fort Wayne was under water in March 1982 — the second-worst flood in city history.
OCT. 4-10TH
a newspaper doing its job in fine tradition.” From now on that newspaper will be mostly electronic, but the medium need not be the message. The internet poses many serious challenges to the kind of journalism The News-Sentinel produced in 1982, but also its share of opportunities. It’s up to us to minimize the problems and realize the potential. But no matter what happens, serving with the reporters and editors who produced a Pulitzer was a privilege and the highlight of my professional life. They were more than top-
notch journalists willing to admit and learn from their mistakes; they were my friends. Many of them later parlayed the award into jobs elsewhere. And even though I chose to stay in my hometown, perhaps I profited from the Pulitzer most of all — and not just because I earned 31 hours of overtime pay, some of which went to repair my car after exhaustion caused me to drive over a parking-lot barrier. The News-Sentinel used the $1,000 prize to throw a hangover-inducing but unforgettable party, and I invited someone I had just met to enjoy it with me. We’re still married. This column is the commentary of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The News-Sentinel. Email Kevin Leininger at kleininger@ news-sentinel.com or call him at 461-8355.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Editor whose staff won 1983 Pulitzer Prize recalls talent, determination and friendliness in crew Stewart Spencer returned to North Carolina to pursue publishing venture.
Our photographers nailed human stories in picture after picture. Our word people were right in step. The staff’s coverage was so complete and so good that they themselves were sometimes surprised. One reporter asked me if we’d hired extra help. Another cried when he read one of his own stories.
News-Sentinel staff report
people were right in step. The staff’s coverage was so complete and so good that they themselves were sometimes surprised. One reporter asked me if we’d hired extra help. Another cried when he read one of his own stories. Our folks won the Pulitzer for their work that week, and they richly deserved it. And while we’re all proud of the prize, I hope that in looking back we’re also proud of giving our community, dayin-day-out, a pretty good newspaper. Spencer left The News-Sentinel in 1988. After leaving Fort Wayne, he
Cutline credit goes right here
Observer; and an associate editor of The Charlotte Observer. “In retirement, I blog and play with my grandchildren,” Spencer said. His blog, Stewartview, is at stewartview.blogspot.com.
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And the biggest was the story of the 1982 flood. Record winter snowfall had been followed by an early, rainy spring. The flooding was huge. Thousands had to evacuate. Dikes were tested. People of all ages rallied to fight the flooding and help each other. Our photographers nailed human stories in picture after picture. Our word
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get gave us full mileage out of every nickel. Nancy Nall’s vivid phrasemaking gave us some of those touches of personality that distinguish good newspapers from ordinary ones. Restaurant reviews by Jonathan Probber (himself a trained chef) were fair but incisive. When Jonathan left us for another job, a local restaurant owner showed up for his newsroom going-away party. He gave Jonathan the biggest butcher knife I have ever seen. I think we were all a little relieved when the guy put it down. Of course, some stories were a lot bigger. Our staff won national praise for documenting abnormal death rates and illegal burial practices in a religious sect that opposed medical treatment.
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A page from Tuesday, April 19, 1983’s newspaper in which the News-Sentinel announced it’s Pulitzer Prize win.
Stewart Spencer became executive editor of The News-Sentinel in 1981 — the first editor chosen to lead the paper after it was purchased by Knight-Ridder Newspapers. He had worked previously at the Detroit Free Press and The Charlotte News in Charlotte, N.C. He was the editor of the Charlotte News from 1971 to 1980. Here he shares a few memories from his days as the top editor of The News-Sentinel. First, I remember the people. I was the new guy in town — the first editor sent in by new corporate owners. I wanted to get off to a good start with the staff. Early on we had Spencer a full staff meeting. No big agenda, just get-acquainted stuff. The exchanges were smooth enough, a bit stilted, as conversation among strangers can be. Then Connie Haas Zuber raised her hand. With a twinkle in her eye, she asked, “Are you for Indiana or Purdue?” I weaseled, and there was a scattering of grins, and a little bit of ice was broken. I’ve always been grateful to Connie for that gesture of welcome. I remember John Stearns’ steady good humor, and Roger Metzger’s answer to my plaintive question: “Do you really like snow?” Roger said, “Yes. The first one and the last one.” I remember Gary Graham’s patience with my comprehensive misunderstanding of baseball. A lot of my memories are focused in the day-to-day. Joe Sheibley’s deft management of our newsroom bud-
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Columnist reflects on newspaper’s history And she has lived through 100 years of it. By SHERYL KRIEG skrieg@news-sentinel.com
The News-Sentinel has always been an integral part of Betty Stein’s life — whether she’s reading the newspaper or sharing interesting tidbits of information in her By The Way editorial and Page Turner book columns. Stein, who has lived 100 of The News-Sentinel’s 184 years in existence, said the newspaper was a staple for her parents and for her once she moved out on her own. “It was always there,” she
said. When she was about 10, she began reading the comics. Katzenjammer Kids and Harold Teen, in particular, she enjoyed reading. Stein and her husband lived in Texas for five years before returning to Fort Wayne in 1945. Her mother had died and she moved in with her father. “The paper continued with my parents, even though I was gone,” she said. President Franklin D. Roosevelt also had died, and the newspaper provided valuable updates relating to the war under the direction
“It’s like a very necessary part of life. It’s like a crutch. ... all these wonderful stories. Way back when it was the source of the news.” of the county’s newest president, Harry S. Truman. “It’s the way we got news,” she said. “Now, people sit there with their gizmo and get the news.” She became a columnist for The News-Sentinel’s editorial page by chance when then- Executive Editor Stewart Spencer came to Memorial Park Middle School to see if it would be a good fit for his daughter.
“We just hit it off beautifully,” she said. “He loved the school, and he liked me.” Editorial Page Editor Leo Morris named the column By The Way. Stein said she didn’t realize how many times she wrote that in her columns, but the name stuck. Stein expanded her contributions to The News-Sentinel with Page Turner, a book column, in which she interviewed people in the community about what they were reading. “I love talking to people about what they’ve read,” she said. “It’s so easy to become friends when you talk books. The contact has been so wonderful for both columns.” Stein said the end of publishing the daily afternoon News-Sentinel is “heartbreaking” for her. “It’s like a very necessary part of life,” she said. “It’s like a crutch. ... all these wonderful stories. Way back when it was the source of the news.”
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Photo by Sheryl Krieg of The News-Sentinel
Betty Stein, age 100, has read The News-Sentinel since she was a little girl and has contributed to the newspaper’s editorial content with her By The Way and Page Turner columns.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
News-Sentinel staff reports
he News-Sentinel got its start 184 years ago and remains Allen County’s oldest continuously operating business. Its genesis was as Fort Wayne’s first newspaper, The Sentinel, owned by Thomas Tigar and S.V.B. Noel, and was first published July 6, 1833. The paper remained neutral in politics for nearly one year, at which time Noel sold his interest to Tigar. Under the latter’s management, The Sentinel became a Democrat newspaper politically. Tigar sold The Sentinel to George W. Wood in 1837, and the paper became a champion of Whig policies. In 1840, The Sentinel was sold to I.D.G. Nelson, who returned the editorial leanings to the Democrat interests. Nelson held The Sentinel for one year before selling it back to its founder, Tigar. From the beginning, The Sentinel was published with “considerable regularity” until Jan. 1, 1861, when Tigar issued the first edition of the Daily Sentinel. Tigar retired in 1865 after selling the Daily Sentinel to W.H. Dills and I.W. Campbell, who owned the Times. The Times and the Gazette were the other two newspapers operating in Fort Wayne at the time Tigar retired. Dills and Campbell merged their two papers under the name of the Fort Wayne Times and Sentinel. On Jan. 15, 1866, Dills and Campbell sold the Times and Sentinel to E. Zimmerman and Eli Brown who changed the newspaper’s name to the Democrat. Between that date and Jan. 30, 1873, several individual companies directed the Democrat. In 1873, however, the firm of Dumm and Fleming (R.D. Dumm and William Fleming) restored the name of The Sentinel to the newspaper. In April 1874, a corporation known as The Sentinel Publishing Company was formed to manage the newspaper. In 1877, Fleming became the sole proprietor of The Sentinel. Fleming owned the newspaper until April 16, 1879, when he sold it to William Rockhill Nelson and Samuel E. Morss. Nelson and Morss sold The Sentinel to Edward A.K. Hackett on Aug. 1, 1880. They then left Fort Wayne to found the Kansas City Star. Hackett held The Sentinel
A Fort Wayne Daily News is shown from June of 1874. The first edition of the News-Sentinel appeared on January 1, 1918.
until his death. The News Publishing Company took over The Sentinel from Hackett’s estate and combined it with the Fort Wayne News under its present name, The News-Sentinel. The first edition of The News-Sentinel appeared on Jan. 1, 1918. The Fort Wayne Daily News was started on June 1, 1874, by William D. Page and Charles F. Taylor. The Fort Wayne Daily News became known as ‘the people’s paper’ because of its local interest emphasis. It remained politically unaffiliated until 1892 when a company headed by C.F. Bicknell purchased it. The paper then became a strong advocate of Republican policies. Bicknell was in charge at the time The Sentinel was taken over by the News Publishing Company, and remained in charge of the merged newspapers until his death in 1920. On Bicknell’s death, Oscar G. Foellinger became president and general manager of the News Publishing Company. He directed The News-Sentinel until his death Oct. 8, 1936. Upon his death, his daughter Helene R. Foellinger became publisher of The News-Sentinel and president of the News Publishing Company. At age 25, she was the youngest publisher in the
nation and one of the few women to lead a newspaper. On March 3, 1950, Foellinger also became president of Fort Wayne Newspapers, Inc., an agency corporation formed when Fort Wayne’s two daily newspapers, The News-Sentinel and The Journal Gazette, became partners in a merger of business and mechanical departments. The News-Sentinel and The Journal Gazette continue to be separately owned and separately edited papers. In 1957, The News-Sentinel and The Journal-Gazette news departments and the Fort Wayne Newspapers business, advertising, marketing, circulation and production departments moved into their current office building at 600 W. Main St. The News-Sentinel had previously been located at Barr Street and Washington Boulevard in a building built in 1926 that then became the Foellinger Center for United Community Services. On Feb. 20, 1980, Foellinger announced that an agreement had been reached to sell The News-Sentinel to Knight-Ridder Newspapers Inc. The sale became final April 9, 1980, and The News-Sentinel became the 34th newspaper in the Knight Ridder group. Foellinger continued as publisher of The News-Sentinel
while Phil deMontmollin, former president of the Lexington Herald and Lexington Leader, (also Knight-Ridder newspapers), became president and chief executive officer of Fort Wayne Newspapers, Inc. Foellinger remained as publisher of The News-Sentinel until her retirement on Oct. 13, 1981. Peter Ridder and Rick Sadowski followed deMontmollin as president and CEO of Fort Wayne Newspapers in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, but Knight Ridder did not name another publisher for The News-Sentinel for more than a decade. The next on-site publisher of The News-Sentinel was a woman, Scott McGehee, who was given the additional responsibility and title of publisher of The News-Sentinel when she was named president and CEO of Fort Wayne Newspapers in 1992. Upon McGehee’s retirement, Mary Jacobus took over as president and CEO of Fort Wayne Newspapers and publisher of The News-Sentinel in 2001. Before going out of business, Knight Ridder sold The News-Sentinel and its other newspaper properties to McClatchy Newspapers in 2006. McClatchy quickly sold The News-Sentinel to Ogden Newspapers of Wheeling, W. Va., that same year and named Michael J. Christman publisher of The
News-Sentinel and president and CEO of Fort Wayne Newspapers. In 2007, Fort Wayne Newspapers completed a building to house a new printing press – a $35 million project. The press, which can print 90,000 papers an hour, was one of the fastest in the country. Among its numerous awards through the years, The News-Sentinel can count the 1983 Pulitzer Prize, journalism’s highest honor. The News-Sentinel won the 1983 Pulitzer for general local reporting, for its extensive coverage of Fort Wayne’s heroic response to the Great Flood of 1982. In keeping with trends toward new technology, The News-Sentinel launched its website, News@ Sentinel (www.news-sentinel. com/ns) in 1996. In 1998 and 1999, the website was named the best among the largest Indiana newspapers by the Hoosier State Press Association. The News-Sentinel also won nationwide Editor & Publisher EPPY awards for its website in 2012 (for best Daily Newspaper website with under 1 million unique monthly visitors) and 2013 (for best news or event feature on a website with under 1 million unique monthly visitors — for a special project commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Flood of 1913).
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Timeline January 1833 • Six Fort Wayne entrepreneurs invite two Indianapolis printers to start The Sentinel, Fort Wayne’s first newspaper.
July 6, 1833 • The first issue of The Sentinel is published by S.V.B. Noel and Thomas Tigar.
1861 • The Sentinel becomes The Daily Sentinel
1865 • The Daily Sentinel is sold to owners of The Times. The two papers are merged into The Fort Wayne Times and Sentinel.
1866 • The Times and Sentinel is sold and becomes The Democrat.
1873 • The Democrat is sold and renamed The Sentinel.
June 1874 News-Sentinel file photo
News-Sentinel Editor Ernie WIlliams, left, looks over a newspaper with Helene Foellinger, publisher.
Williams influenced national politics as well as local life News-Sentinel staff reports
personal friend. He was also a man who I sought out for counsel and advice. He was dedicated to being a great newspaperman. He believed in reporting the facts, giving his readership the information so that the people of Fort Wayne could put their collective wisdom to work solving problems and making community decisions. He loved Fort Wayne, and he gave his substantial energies freely toward improving the city and the environment that was dear to him. “For all his professional and civic accomplishments, he was a family man first, dedicated to his wife, Hildreth, his children, Ellen, Elizabeth, Timothy, Mark and John, and his grandchildren, and I will forever be grateful for the seminal role he played in starting me off in public service. I’ll miss him, as will the people of Fort Wayne, who he loved dear-
ty-minded editor, and a champion of downtown Fort Wayne. He also wielded considerable influence in state and local Republican politics. His influence in the community was underscored in September 1978 when his rival newspaper, the Journal-Gazette, published the results of a five-month scientific study of power in Fort Wayne. That study showed Williams to be the most influential person in city affairs. Williams was a founder of Fort Wayne Future and served as its first chairman from 1968 to 1970. He was also a member of the Quest Club and was its president 1978-79. He was a member and a former director of Fortnightly, a cultural discussion group. In 1979, then Lt. Gov. Robert D. Orr named Williams to the state’s Tourism Information and
Former NewsSentinel editors
Former News-Sentinel Editor Ernest E. Williams was im• Clifford B. Ward 1945-65 mortalized with the Ernest E. Ernest E. Williams 1966-82 • Williams Theatre on the IPFW • Stewart Spencer 1981-88 campus. He was honored at the • Joe Weiler 1988-2003 White House. And he was cred• Linda Austin 2003-06 ited with helping begin the polit• Kerry Hubartt 2007-Present ical career of a vice president of the United States. Williams was editor of The Fort Wayne Newspapers Inc., the News-Sentinel from May 1966 agency corporation serving both until his retirement Oct. 1, The News-Sentinel and the Jour1982. He joined the newspaper nal-Gazette. in October 1945 and served as A year after retiring from the its business, industry and labor newspaper, Williams returned in editor from 1946 until 1964. He the fall of 1983 to active involvealso had been an editorial writment in journalism as coordinaer, columnist and editor of spetor of IU’s plans to expand and cial sections. In August 1964 he improve its journalism program was named assistant editor to at Indiana University-Purdue Clifford B. Ward, whom he sucUniversity Fort Wayne. He held ceeded as editor in 1966. that position until retiring from Williams won the Fort Wayne it at the end of the 1987 academPress Club’s second annual newsic year. man of the year Trevor Brown, award in 1958. dean of the IU “Ernie WilSchool of Jourliams was a counalism, said rageous, honest, Williams was a independent, good teacher who hard-driving worked hard to professional, but — JOSEPH A. WEILER, WHO WAS EXECUTIVE EDITOR OF THE NEWS-SENTINEL AT THE TIME OF WILLIAMS’ DEATH create an interhe was also a est in journalism warm and conamong local high siderate human Promotion Grant Fund Review school students. ly.” being who always thought about Through Williams’ efforts, Others paid tribute following Committee. other people,” Vice President his death as well. As chairman of Fort Wayne’s IPFW sponsored an annual day Dan Quayle said upon Williams’ “Ernie Williams worked tire- Rivergreenway Consortium, Wil- for high school students to visit death on April 9, 1989, at age 72. lessly as an editor and a commu- liams was honored in 1988 at a the campus and learn about the “It was Ernie’s idea that I run nity leader. His ideas were lofty, White House ceremony as one of journalism profession. for Congress,” said Quayle. “He and his goal for a better Fort the finalists in the second annual “I think that was the measure was a close friend, and he will be Wayne stretched well into the Take Pride in America national of Ernie’s concern about his promissed.” fession,” Brown said. future,” said Joseph A. Weiler, awards program. In 1976, Republicans franti- who was executive editor of The For more than 20 years, WilAn activist in and fierce decally were searching for some- News-Sentinel at the time of Wil- fender of his profession, Wil- liams served as vice president body to challenge veteran U.S. liams’ death. “Our city will miss liams was inducted into the Indi- and a director of the Foellinger 4th District Rep. J. Edward him greatly, even as it enjoys ana Journalism Hall of Fame on Foundation, the organization creRoush when Williams suggest- many of the benefits he worked March 26, 1988. During his ten- ated by former News-Sentied the party recruit the young so hard to guarantee.” ure as editor of The News-Sen- nel owner Helene R. Foellinger newspaper executive from HunWalter P. Helmke, an attor- tinel, he was a member of the and her mother, Esther. He betington. He won the election and ney who had a long association American Society of Newspaper came chairman of that foundawent on to become vice president with Williams, said he was ``an Editors and past president of the tion in early 1987, after Helene under George H.W. Bush 1989- outstanding editor who served Indiana Associated Press Manag- Foellinger’s death. Williams con93. his community well ... and un- ing Editors. He was made a life tinued to be active in foundation Quayle sent a letter that was derstood its needs. I thought very member of the Indiana APME or- matters until his death. read by the Rev. Charles Evan- highly of Ernie.” On April 16, 1993, then-IPFW ganization upon his retirement. son, pastor of Redeemer LutherA native of Logansport, WilFor many years before the Chancellor Joanne Lantz chrisan Church, at Williams’ funeral liams graduated from South Side sale of The News-Sentinel to Mi- tened the Ernest E. Williams service following his death at Lu- High School in Fort Wayne and ami-based Knight-Ridder News- Theatre on the IPFW campus. theran Hospital after suffering received a bachelor of arts degree papers Inc. on April 1, 1980, As chairman for the Foellinger complications related to heart by- in English from Indiana Univer- Williams was vice president and Foundation, Williams was inpass surgery several weeks earli- sity in 1939. a director of News Publishing strumental in having a $3 miler. In the letter, Quayle said: Williams was known as a vis- Co., which owned the newspa- lion bequest earmarked for the “Ernie Williams was a close ible, outspoken and communi- per, and was a board member of theater.
“Ernie Williams worked tirelessly as an editor and a community leader. His ideas were lofty, and his goal for a better Fort Wayne stretched well into the future.”
• The first copy of The Daily News was printed.
1892 • C.F. Bicknell buys The Sentinel.
Jan. 1, 1918 • Fort Wayne’s two evening papers, The Sentinel and The Daily News merged, creating The Fort Wayne News and Sentinel under Bicknell.
1920 • Bicknell dies; Oscar Foellinger becomes president.
1926 • The News-Sentinel moves into a new building at Washington and Barr streets.
1936 • Oscar Foellinger dies, and his daughter Helene Foellinger becomes president and publisher.
1950 • The News-Sentinel and The Journal Gazette form Fort Wayne Newspapers Inc.
1957 • The News-Sentinel moves to its current offices at 600 W. Main St.
Feb. 20, 1980 • Helene Foellinger announces her decision to sell the newspaper to Knight-Ridder Newspapers Inc. for $36 million.
1983 • The News-Sentinel wins the Pulitzer Prize for local reporting for coverage of the flood of 1982.
1992 • Scott McGehee is named publisher of The News-Sentinel and president and chief executive officer of Fort Wayne Newspapers.
1996 • The News-Sentinel’s website is launched.
2001 • Mary Jacobus is named publisher of The News-Sentinel and president and chief executive officer of Fort Wayne Newspapers.
2006 • Knight-Ridder sells The News-Sentinel and its other newspaper properties to McClatchy Newspapers. McClatchy quickly sells The News-Sentinel to Ogden Newspapers of Wheeling, W. Va., that same year and names Michael J. Christman publisher of The News-Sentinel and CEO of Fort Wayne Newspapers.
2007 • Fort Wayne Newspapers completes construction of a building next to the newspaper on West Main Street to house a new $35 million printing press.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
As circulation dwindled, The News-Sentinel experimented boldly During Joe Weiler’s years as executive editor, the newspaper embraced new technology and opportunities. By BOB CAYLOR bcaylor@news-sentinel.com
Joe Weiler’s tenure at The News-Sentinel encompassed a period of pivotal, even irreversible, change. The afternoon paper still had more readers than the Journal Gazette when he joined the staff as metro editor in 1982. By the time he retired as executive editor in 2003, The News-Sentinel had dropped well below the Journal Gazette in circulation and was retrenching in staff size and circulation area. In between, ambition and experimentation flourished. As an example, in the first year Weiler was in Fort Wayne, the paper carried out an investigation that gained national notice: It showed that at least 52 people died while they or their parents were involved in the Faith Assembly, a northeast Indiana church that put great stock in faith healing. In 1986, when Weiler, then managing editor, was in charge of developing a more in-depth weekly business section, Knight Ridder provided money for two new staff members to produce “Business Monday.” There was enough money available that The News-Sentinel could hire the Community Research Institute at IPFW as a contractor to produce analysis of business sectors in northeast Indiana, from auto sales to commercial real estate. “We conceived of the idea of taking a big part of the budget we had for this project and spending it with (CRI) to generate business data for Fort Wayne. “We’d get it first,” he told the CRI under the deal. “After that, it’s public information, and you distribute any way you want.” In 1988, he became executive editor, and the experimentation continued. The popularity of Business Monday spawned other tabloids and special sections: Net, devoted to college and pro basketball; PrepSports, on high school sports; even a one-off section on child safety after a little girl was murdered, he recalled. In 1992, when a features reporter proposed writing a story about an entire basketball season by following a single team, he agreed to publish the 9,500-word story and dozens of photos as a special section instead of a multi-day series. The key was a powerful commitment from Knight Ridder, which had purchased The News-Sentinel and a controlling interest in Fort Wayne Newspapers in 1980, to keeping the afternoon paper robustly competitive. “We had only one overarching command from corporate, and it’s kind of sad to say today. We were in a (joint operating agreement) with the Journal Gazette, and we were the managing partner, and all KR wanted to do was to have a paper healthy enough at the end of that to do whatever they wanted to do,” he said. “That was my job, to keep that paper healthy and competitive until the end of that JOA.” Under the terms Knight Ridder negotiated in 1980, the Journal Gazette got 45 percent of the profits from both newspapers and Knight Ridder got 55 percent. That agreement extended through 2020. The most striking and probably the most successful
innovation was his decision in the early 1990s to convert the paper to an all-local front page. Weiler and the staff stuck to the principle tenaciously. As he recalls, it was more than a month into the all-local front before The News-Sentinel published a non-local story on its front page. The intrusion of national or international news onto the front page remained rare throughout the rest of his time as executive editor. The payoff was swift. For years, The News-Sentinel had ranked at the bottom of Knight-Ridder newspapers in reader satisfaction. Soon after the introduction of the all-local front, its ratings climbed into the middle of the pack of Knight Ridder papers. The ’90s brought technological opportunities. The News-Sentinel built a website in the mid-1990s, ahead of many publications. The paper used fax machines to
send longer versions of news stories to readers who sent in requests. The staff even startWeiler ed recording news updates for public radio. “We were trying to reach out to every medium we could touch in every way we could,” Weiler said. “It seemed like a time of great challenge but also of great opportunity. We tried to make the most of it, and we had the staff to make the most of it.” But by the end of the 1990s, Knight Ridder’s erratic boosts and cuts in staffing had turned into steady cutting pressure. At the beginning of 2003, Weiler said, he lost his taste for competition that wasn’t being supported the way it once was. “I’d stopped telling (the staff), ‘Do more with less.’ I told them, ‘Let’s do the best we can with less.’ It had just worn me down,” he said. “By the time I left, they
were already starting cutbacks in the staff, cutbacks in the circulation area, cutbacks in the newshole (the number of pages devoted to news stories). It had already begun. It seemed to be a decline we’d lost interest in stopping,” he said. In May 2003, four months after Weiler retired, Knight Ridder announced that it had bought a larger stake in Fort Wayne Newspapers, so that it would receive 75 percent of the papers’ combined profits. The new JOA was extended to 2050. In 2006, Knight Ridder was sold, and many of its newspapers were resold to an array of buyers. Ogden Newspapers bought The News-Sentinel and Fort Wayne Newspapers, including that renegotiated JOA, in 2006. “I’ve got the greatest respect for the people who have stayed and who’ve continued to work to do the best job they can,” Weiler said. “And when I hear about how some people’s jobs are designed and the things that they’ve been asked to do, it’s mind-blowing. You’ll take pictures, you’ll write blogs, you’ll report — a lot of these things continuously. That’s a lot to ask of people.” Weiler now lives in South Orange, N.J. In a move that might surprise politicians who were grilled relentlessly by him and readers of ardently conservative editorial positions he shaped, Weiler has delved into a new inter-
“I’ve got the greatest respect for the people who have stayed and who’ve continued to work to do the best job they can.” — FORMER NEWS-SENTINEL EDITOR JOE WEILER
est in retirement. “I’m actually an elected official now. I am the male District 13 leader (each district has a male and female
leader) on the South Orange Democratic Committee. … I wanted to see, I wanted to get a look inside how party politics work,” he said.
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We are wishing much success to the News Sentinels next chapter!
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Reporting job at The News-Sentinel set novice journalist on Pulitzer Prize-winning path The News-Sentinel was the very best place a cub reporter like me could have landed in 1983.
Tony Horwitz, now a best-selling author, recalls finding his footing in journalism with tough mentors and warm camaraderie. News-Sentinel staff report
The first newspaper job
Tony Horwitz landed after Columbia University’s Graduate School of Jour-
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nalism was in Fort Wayne, covering education at The News-Sentinel in 1983-84. He went on to cover conflicts in Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans for a decade for The Wall Street Journal. In 1995, he won the Pulitzer Prize for national reporting at The Wall Street Journal and wrote for The New Yorker before devoting himself full time to writing books. He recalls breaking into journalism in Fort Wayne. The News-Sentinel was the very best place a cub reporter like me could have landed in 1983. I was a snot-nosed, East Coast kid, fresh out of Columbia Journalism School, with zero experience as an actual reporter (I hadn’t even worked at a high school or college paper). I also knew nothing of the Midwest. But The News-Sentinel (which had just won a Pulitzer for its flood coverage) offered me a few weeks’ tryout and then hired me on the metro desk. My beat was education, but I also did a lot of general assignment. Sometimes several stories in a day. As a result, I was quickly thrust into a world very new to me: local school politics, factory closings, Hoosier hospitality, Hoosier ice and snow. I grew up inside the D.C. beltway but saw, for the first time, how national and international trends and policies play out in people’s lives. One story I recall vividly was about a 45-yearold man with a high school education who had been laid off by Harvester after 26 years, and then after only a
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Tony Horwitz year from his next blue-collar job. He felt he couldn’t compete in a changing economy, feared he had no future, and found it degrading to be unemployed, on meager benefits. That was 1984 but spoke to issues that are still very much with us today. I also recall writing about Laotian and other refugees in Fort Wayne. What struck me was the warm welcome they received, particularly from churches, and the hard work and education it took for them to adjust and survive in a world very remote from rural Indochina. I’d be curious to know how they, their children, and others in Fort Wayne look back at that experience in light of the current debate over immigration.
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I only stayed at The News-Sentinel for 14 months (my Australian fiancée dragged me off to Sydney), but felt I’d got my footing in a wide range of journalistic subjects and styles, including investigative (I even went undercover, so to speak, posing as a client to expose the full range of services on offer at Fort Wayne’s “massage parlors”). By contrast, most of my journalism school classmates who had found jobs at big-city papers – and whom I’d envied at the time – were lucky if they got a byline to themselves, or a chance to write a story outside their narrow beat. Best of all were my colleagues and editors – Richard Battin, Charlene Mires, Joseph Weiler, Bill Zla-
tos, Kevin Leininger, Ellen Bugher, Jon Probber, many others – who taught me the ropes with tough love They barked like drill sergeants when I made rookie blunders, and rewarded me with lots of laughs and beers after work, which helped make up for the lousy pay. In retrospect, I’m also grateful that we had stiff competition from the morning paper, not to mention a city of readers willing to buy both. That seems almost quaint today. Thanks, News-Sentinel, and Fort Wayne. I don’t miss your winters but recall the rest of my experience with tremendous gratitude and affection. Horwitz’s books include the national and New York Times bestsellers, “Confederates in the Attic,” “Blue Latitudes,” “Baghdad Without a Map” and “A Voyage Long and Strange.” His latest book, “Midnight Rising,” was named a New York Times Notable Book; one of the year’s 10 best books by Library Journal; and won the William Henry Seward Award for Excellence in Civil War Biography. He has also been a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and a history columnist for Smithsonian magazine. He is currently the president of the Society of American Historians. Horwitz lives in West Tisbury, Mass., with his wife, Geraldine Brooks, their sons Nathaniel and Bizu, three dogs and three alpacas.
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Editorial page community doesn’t just argue; we share values, common history HOW DO YOU chronicle the “highlights” of an editorial page’s history? A column by It’s not Leo Page 1, Morris where the grand achievements and grotesque follies of human history are recorded. It’s just a place where people congregate to exchange opinions. It’s the backyard fence where we gather to shoot the breeze. However wonderful or awful the things we harangue each other over, our moods seldom alter. Slightly piqued, mildly irritated, we look at the passing parade with the certain knowledge that the world would be a much better place if only we were in charge. Not that I don’t have a lot of intense memories of what we chose at some point to call the Evening Forum. I do. I was here for just a few weeks when I got The News-Sentinel picketed. Some news story about the plight of Vietnam veterans irritated me (mildly, of course), and, thinking of my own adjustment in returning from overseas, I wrote an editorial that basically told the vets to lose the fatigue jackets and go look for real jobs. I had not realized that the Vet Center was just up the street from Fort Wayne Newspapers, in the lobby of what was then the Poagston Arms on Berry Street. The vets assembled, made their signs and walked back and forth in front of our building until the TV crews showed up. Thank goodness it was in the pre-social media age. Then there was the
infamous Bill Clinton endorsement, something the readers of a traditionally conservative editorial page weren’t quite prepared for. The editorial board was split 50-50, and I talked myself into being the tie-breaking vote because I was so angry at George H.W. Bush for forgetting his “Read my lips – no new taxes” promise. Bush was no conservative, I reasoned, but was doing damage to the conservative cause by pretending to be one. Clinton at least sounded moderate. Our readers, of course, didn’t see it that way, and let us know about it, vehemently. Clinton, you will recall, turned out not to be much of a moderate, so just a few months into his presidency, we rescinded our endorsement, the only time (as far as I know) the editorial page has ever done such a thing. I have good memories, too. We snagged a Pulitzer finalist citation for a series of editorials on abortion. Fort Wayne has had only one Pulitzer Prize, in 1983 — The News-Sentinel’s award for its awesome coverage of the Flood of 1982 — and two finalist designations, one each for our editorial page and The Journal Gazette’s editorial page. I’ve always been proud of that (and the JG’s editors should be, too). Then there was “In a Pig’s Eye,” the booklet I wrote to tell people “how to argue with the editorial page.” It included tips on opinion writing and grammar pitfalls and how to build an essay with a chain of logic. We handed them out to interested readers and also took them with us when we talked to middle and high school students about how to make good arguments.
For years, we sponsored a letter-to-the-editor writing contest for students that English teachers loved. The booklets contained some pretty esoteric stuff about logic faults and fallacies, and it always impressed me that the kids generally got it, even the middle school students. And, never content with just publishing one-shot editorials, we also produced a lot of editorial series over the years. One was called “First Principles,” in which we outlined the conservative-libertarian philosophy behind our positions on the issues of the day. “Outcome Based Education” tore apart that then-fashionable teaching trend that has since thankfully disappeared. For our 10-part series on the Bill of Rights, I remember spending weeks going through all the documents the country’s Founders had available to them; that was back in the day when “research” meant going to the library instead of merely going to Google and hitting a few keystrokes. A lot of people in northeast Indiana — especially the politicians — might remember the report card we did on this area’s delegation to the General Assembly, a project spearheaded by my boss here when I first started, Associate Editor Craig Ladwig. Our Republican senators and representatives must have been shocked when it was the conservative editorial page in town, not the liberal one, that gave them a mostly failing grade. It was an important lesson for me: It is not the job of an honest and dedicated commentator to comfort his friends and afflict his enemies. He holds his friends to a higher standard.
Mostly, though, I remember the people who have visited our page over the years and decided to become contributors to our little viewpoint community. I firmly believe that they have brought in far more readers than any of the wisdom we thought we were dispensing. They are the ones who have made the Evening Forum a vibrant destination. There has been Thelma, who wrote wonderfully happy letters when she was on her medication and sad, dark ones when she wasn’t; sometimes we were so worried about her we called her family to let her know. There was Jack, whose columns also centered on what a wonderful human being he was but also imparted a wealth of knowledge about World War II-era history. There was Patty, my high school freshman English teacher who became a contributor and, of all the delicious ironies, had to submit her compositions to my judgment. (”Be kind,” she said, and, of course, I was.) There is Bob, who laments the passing of tradition. And Terry, who rails
against Bigness (capitalist and otherwise). And Patti, who shares with us the torments of each stage of her dementia. And always there has been Betty Stein, the retired teacher who has graced our pages from the day I started. She was already in her mid-60s then and gave our page more respect than it probably deserved simply because she knew everybody in town and was trusted by all. She just turned 100 and still writes two columns a month for us. I used the word “community,” and I firmly believe that’s what an editorial page and its followers are. We don’t just exchange opinions and argue with each other. We have shared values and a common history. We all love the same place and have the same high expectations for it, and the same disappointment when it falls short of those expectations. Even when we are at our most contentious, so peeved at one another that the fence we share doesn’t seem nearly high enough, there is a mutual respect born of the knowledge that
we are on the same path, face the same obstacles and have the same dreams and opportunities. It sounds so quaint and old-fashioned, doesn’t it, this blather about “respect” and “common values”? There is still plenty of opinion to be found out in today’s digital forums, but there is nothing close to a common history and the sense we are all on the same path. There is no enlightened arguing. No informed debate. There are anger and divisiveness and posturing and preaching. People jump in and out of commentary just to leave behind their stink bombs of certitude. They have no interest in trying to persuade others to their point of view and certainly no disposition to be swayed from theirs. People believe what they believe, and people who don’t also believe that are just not worth bothering about. The sense of community is gone. Our loss. Our profound loss. Leo Morris is editorial page editor of The News-Sentinel.
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
When do you last recall receiving an authentic “thank you”?
NortheasterN INdIaNa
When do you last recall giving Without expectation of receiving?
Who invested in you by offering their selflessness?
When did you last offer your genuine attention to a stranger?
has a loNg aNd colorful hIstory.
our past Is Not possIble.
together toWard a better future Is possIble.
individuals and organizations invest in northeastern indiana daily.
NeW, uNkNoWN challeNges Is a dIffIcult task.
be aN example of What our hometoWN caN be.
oNe aNother eveN If We do Not receIve respect.
but every investment bears risk. they risk losing their reputation. our
future Is lImItless If We lIve together.
they risk losing their money. they risk losing their time. lost time cannot be regained. please give and receive thanks With sincerity.
help If
shoW the World Why We call
Northeast INdIaNa
your World Needs some fresh color We’re here to serve you.
commercIal, resIdeNtIal, aNd custom paINtINg solutIoNs,
our goal Is to paINt your vIsIoN.
please invest this reneWable resource into our community. it only takes a moment of your time.
have our Word.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
When do you last recall receiving an authentic “thank you”?
NortheasterN INdIaNa
When do you last recall giving Without expectation of receiving?
Who invested in you by offering their selflessness?
When did you last offer your genuine attention to a stranger?
has a loNg aNd colorful hIstory.
our past Is Not possIble.
together toWard a better future Is possIble.
individuals and organizations invest in northeastern indiana daily.
NeW, uNkNoWN challeNges Is a dIffIcult task.
be aN example of What our hometoWN caN be.
oNe aNother eveN If We do Not receIve respect.
but every investment bears risk. they risk losing their reputation. our
future Is lImItless If We lIve together.
they risk losing their money. they risk losing their time. lost time cannot be regained. please give and receive thanks With sincerity.
help If
shoW the World Why We call
Northeast INdIaNa
your World Needs some fresh color We’re here to serve you.
commercIal, resIdeNtIal, aNd custom paINtINg solutIoNs,
our goal Is to paINt your vIsIoN.
please invest this reneWable resource into our community. it only takes a moment of your time.
have our Word.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Stories shared make for great memories The people who have told them have educated and inspired us all. By KEVIN KILBANE kkilbane@news-sentinel.com
My favorite memories of working at The News-Sentinel involve the many people who have shared their stories with me and our readers. You have taught us to persevere against tough
You’re Invited!
times, disease and relocation to a new country. You have inspired us with your stories of faith, compassion and generosity. You have made us better by offering advice about living well, how to accomplish tasks and the history on which Fort Wayne is built. I’ve also had the privilege
of working with some very talented and fun people here at The News-Sentinel. Kilbane Thanks to you and my co-workers, it’s been a pleasure to share Fort Wayne’s stories and to try to make this a better community.
Come see the ALL-NEW...
The News-Sentinel published pictorial books about the Flood of 1982, and images of Fort Wayne through the 1950s.
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Reporter/columnist hopes the best is yet to come WHEN I THINK back on my time with the traditional afternoon daily print A column by version Reggie of The Hayes News-SenTwitter: tinel, I’ll @reggiehayes1 think selfishly of the places it took me. I sat in an Olympic stadium in Sydney, Australia, with the world’s greatest athletes on parade, a warm breeze and peace in the air. I rode in a pace car around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway with legendary driver Emerson Fittipaldi at the wheel, a lump in my throat as the speedometer flirted with 150 mph. I stood in a jam-packed postHall of Fame Induction tent in Canton, Ohio, with Rod Woodson’s friends and family, as they celebrated Fort Wayne’s finest being
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My hope is that News-Sentinel readers felt like they were there alongside me as they read stories and columns about games, milestones and controversies that I was able to witness firsthand.
immortalized. I floated (like a butterfly, naturally) as Muhammad Ali shared a small piece of his aura in a visit to the Summit City. My job has certainly allowed me to name drop over the years. My hope is that News-Sentinel readers felt like they were there alongside me as they read stories and columns about games, milestones and controversies that I was able to witness firsthand. My hope, too, is that connection will continue through our new online emphasis. The job has afforded me and News-Sentinel readers to catch a glimpse of the sports and sports personalities we most care about.
Some of the names will never be forgotten, such as Ali. Some will fade, on the radar for a flash, a brief moment in time. Some will remain in the mix, in a different capacity. Great example: It’s fun to write about South Side basketball coach J.J. Foster. I first covered Foster when he was a high school player. Then I covered him when he became a coach. Then I covered his son. One of us is getting older. People often ask me to name the greatest event I ever attended. I lean toward the Olympics opening ceremonies because of the energy, the worldwide scope and the positive vibe of that night. Seeing the
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Colts beat Tom Brady in the AFC Championship game, finally, was pretty fun, too. The News-Sentinel, in an era before smart phones and Twitter, made sure to take its readers places where they couldn’t go. So the paper spent the money to send me to Australia, where I followed Lloy Ball around as he paid his dues with a losing USA volleyball team (he experienced the winning side in later Olympics) and DeDee Nathan as she competed for the title of world’s greatest female athlete. The News-Sentinel sent its reporters to stories near and far because those stories connected to the readers’ lives. Times change. Greater online connectivity brings sports and postgame interviews and stories to people in one quick click. As we move forward, we’ll work to find ways to take readers someplace new, whether that’s introducing a young talent in high school sports, or reconnecting with an old, familiar name who hasn’t been heard from lately. The greatest event I’ve ever covered for The News-Sentinel? Given sports’s unpredictable nature, it might be yet to come.
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Former police reporter remembers blast that killed two in 1966 By SHERYL KRIEG skrieg@news-sentinel.com
Most people remember the first day they settle into a new job. For Sam Satterthwaite, he will never forget
his second day on the job at The News-Sentinel in which a natural gas explosion at Phelps Dodge in New Haven killed two people. Satterthwaite was hired on Aug. 22, 1966, and began
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rounds the very next day. Living in Huntington at the time, he said he’d stop at the Indiana State Police post at Time Corners first before stopping at the jail in what is now the History Center, as well as visiting the vice squad and courts in the downtown area. That Tuesday, however, his rounds were interrupted by word that there was an explosion at the Phelps Dodge building in New Haven. Satterthwaite went to a pay phone to tell his editor what he was working on when a man pulled up in a car that looked as if it had been shot up. He asked if Satterthwaite was a reporter. When Satterthwaite said yes, the man said he’d give Satterthwaite a first-hand account of the explosion after he called his wife to let her know he was alive.
Satterthwaite gave the pay phone to the man and ran across the street to use another pay phone to inform his editor what was happening. The man said he had gone to lunch with a friend and was standing by the car talking to each other when the natural gas explosion took place, Satterthwaite recalled. The two men ducked underneath the car as glass penetrated the exterior of the car. Satterthwaite said he worked on front-page coverage of the explosion that killed two people until 9 p.m. — his byline misspelled by the copy desk may be due to his just being hired. When he retired 20 years ago, he received a framed copy of that Aug. 23, 1966 front page. During Satterthwaite’s
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By Sheryl Krieg of The News-Sentinel
Sam Satterthwaite shows one of two Reporter of the Year awards from the Fraternal Order of Police and a framed front page of the second day that Satterthwaite worked at The News-Sentinel that he received when he retired 20 years ago.
seven years of covering public safety, he garnered the Fraternal Order of Police’s Reporter of the Year in 1967 and 1970. Later he became a jackof-all-trades — typing obituaries and TV listings and working in the library. He hobnobbed with celebrities at newspaper conventions in New York and Minneapolis, which included stars who fought to keep their show on the air. When “Barney Miller” was dumped its first year, Abe Vigoda, Hal Linden and Gregory Sierra gave a pleth-
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ora of newspaper interviews to save the show. “They got enough newspaper coverage to stay on the air,” he said. Times were simpler in the 1960s as he recalled only one murder in 1967 and officers were a bit freer with showing him evidence that would be presented in court or speaking more freely about crimes that had taken place. He said it was not unusual to see vice squad officers watering marijuana plants as they waited for trial. Another time an Indiana State Police trooper pulled him aside to tell him about a counterfeiting operation that had just been busted. Two or three men were counterfeiting company checks with various company logos. Their downfall? “The ink wasn’t dry when they took a check to the Brass Rail,” he said. “The check smudged when the bartender touched it.”
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Carl Hartup trained his lens on newspaper subjects for 36 years One of The News-Sentinel’s first staff photographers saw floods, fires and Nixon By LISA M. ESQUIVEL LONG lesquivel@news-sentinel.com
News-Sentinel file photo
Carl Hartup, who was among The News-Sentinel’s very first photographers, is seen back when cameras had flash bulbs and film.
Carl Hartup doesn’t own a camera – at least not one of the digital kind. Hartup, 87, spent decades as a News-Sentinel photographer, when hurrying back to the newspaper on deadline meant factoring in time to process film in the darkroom. Hartup, who now lives in Columbus, Ohio, had been working for a photo studio in the 1950s. At that time, the newspaper and its competitor, The Journal Gazette, contracted with the studio to take their photos, at $3.50 a photo, according to a Fort Wayne Newspapers publication for Hartup’s 1990 retirement. Just like in the movies, photographers used cameras with flash bulbs. Then in 1953, The News-Sentinel created its own photo department and
Hartup joined as a staff photographer along with the late John Stearns and a third photographer. Another longtime staff photographer, the Hartup (2015) late Argil Shock, joined them in the 1960s and the trio served as the stalwarts of the department for decades. Hartup first got interested File photos by Carl Hartup of The News-Sentinel in photography at Central High This photo of an ice-covered Fort Wayne firefighter taken by retired School. He entered the 1948 na- News-Sentinel photographer Carl Hartup in 1982 is one of his personal favortional Scholastic Magazine pho- ites. tography contest for high school seniors and won a two-year schol“In his early days he had 4-by- Sept. 21, 1960. The Republican arship to the Fred Archer School 5(-inch) press cameras” with a Party incumbent was on the presof Photography in Los Angeles. He flash bulb, said Keith Hitchens, idential campaign trail against joined the Army during the Kore- who replaced Hartup as head of Democratic then-Sen. John F. an War in 1951, where he didn’t the photo department. The large Kennedy. Hartup positioned himget to use his photo skills. Instead, sheets of film captured so much self to the side of Nixon, who looks he served two years as an anti-air- that photographers could cut their out over a crowded Berry Street craft gunner and battery clerk. Af- images to include three separate in the panoramic view as thouter that he joined the Fort Wayne photos, Hitchens said. Getting a sands of well wishers take movies photo studio. photo would require sliding the or watch through windows of the In 1955 Hartup became The film holder into the camera, get- Lincoln National Bank. News-Sentinel’s chief photogra- ting the photo, then turning over Hitchens detailed what Hartup pher, and in 1974 was given the the film holder to the other side told him about how he got so close title of photo-graphics editor. With for the next shot. Then photogra- to Nixon. A co-worker distracted the sale of the newspaper by He- phers had to replace the film. The security and Hartup slid next to lene Foellinger to Knight Ridder labor-intensive job meant Hartup Nixon on the stage. “He talked to Newspapers, he was promoted to and other photographers had to Nixon to explain what he was dodirector of photography in 1981. ing. ... Nixon said, Go for it. Nixon make every shot count. “We were busy most of the Hartup built himself into a was in on that picture.” time,” Hartup said of his years as photographer who was respectAnd likely it was while listening a staff photographer, “either with ed statewide, said Hitchens, who to the scanner of Fort Wayne Poassignments or enterprise pictures came to The News-Sentinel based lice calls that he first heard about to fill up the paper.” the Wolf & Dessauer department on Hartup’s reputation. Photographers in Hartup’s day store fire. would have to return to Hartup’s photo capthe newspaper and protured firefighters sitcess their film, which inting on hoses as they cluded putting the film shot water on the into an enlarger, printbuilding while a truck ing it on photographladder disappears into ic paper and putting it the smoke. into a developer, a skill “It drew quite a — FORMER NEWS-SENTINEL PHOTO EDITOR KEITH HITCHENS that required timing to few people to watch ON CARL HARTUP get the image just right, and was probably one before placing it into a of the biggest fires we fixer to set the image and drying it, “It’s the eye, being able to see had,” Hartup said. and then handing it off to an edi- the picture” that made Hartup so One of the most dangerous astor. After that the newspaper press good, Hitchens said. signments was the derailment of a staff would use a special camera Hartup’s abilities earned him train with tankers that were carryto copy the image and shrink it the 1958 and 1960 Indiana News ing vinyl chloride that caught fire to size on another piece of paper Photographer of the Year and a on Fort Wayne’s east side on July that was cut out, fed through hot 1963 runner-up title for the award. 20, 1973. wax and pasted up on a board con“It burnt for quite a while and Hartup oversaw the photogrataining a newspaper page to go phers during The News-Sentinel’s it finally exploded,” Hartup said. It through another process before it Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of created “a mushroom cloud like an went to the press. atom bomb.” the 1982 flood. Being a photographer required About 3,000 Fort Wayne res“The Pulitzer was the high carrying heavy bags filled with point, of course,” he said, when idents had to be evacuated from camera bodies and several met- asked about his photographer near the derailment. al-cased detachable lenses to suit career. Another important event After Hartup retired he and his the photo subject, not to mention was then Vice President Richard wife, Mickey, traveled and he took film canisters. M. Nixon’s stop in Fort Wayne on several photos.
“It’s the eye, being able to see the picture” that made Hartup so good.
Retired News-Sentinel photographer Carl Hartup described the effect of a vinyl chloride explosion after a 1973 train derailment as “a mushroom cloud.”
File photo by Carl Hartup of The News-Sentinel
As a News-Sentinel photographer Carl Hartup sneaked up beside then-Vice President Richard M. Nixon as he spoke in downtown Fort Wayne on Sept. 21, 1960, so Hartup could get this up-close-andpersonal photo of the presidential candidate and the crowd.
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Longtime editorial cartoonist had award-winning cartoons News-Sentinel staff reports
News-Sentinel file photos
During the 175th anniversary of The News-Sentinel readers Gus and Linda Burrell gave us a look at this News-Sentinel thermometer dating back to the 1920s or 1930s.
News-Sentinel produced more than just newspapers
News-Sentinel staff reports
The News-Sentinel didn’t just publish newspapers. Over the years the newspaper had giveaways of recipes booklets, needle books, thermometers, foreign language records, calendars, Christmas cards and books. Most of the items were given as incentives for people to subscribe to The News-Sentinel.
This calendar was printed for The News-Sentinel’s centennial anniversary in 1933. The photo is the former Allen County Courthouse.
Fort Wayne resident Phil Close owns a News-Sentinel plaque that his great Uncle Frank Hessert had. Hessert was a pressman at The News-Sentinel nearly 85 years ago. For several years, former NewsSentinel designer, Brenda Mann, created holiday cards with a NewsSentinel newspaper as part of the artwork.
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William S. Sandeson was a longtime editorial cartoonist for The News-Sentinel. He retired in 1982 at age 68 after more than 30 years of service. Sandeson was honored in 1961 with the Fort Wayne Press Club’s newsman of the year.
He also received the Indiana School Bell Award and was honored more than 20 times by the Freedoms Foundation in Valley Forge, Pa., for his cartoons based on the values of the American way of life. “Bill invested nearly half his life in The News-Sentinel ... He served faithfully and enthusiastically,’’ said former Executive Editor Stewart Spen-
cer in a 1982 article about Sandeson’s retirement. Before coming to The News-Sentinel, Sandeson had worked at a newspaper in New Orleans and one in St. Louis. He attended the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. Sandeson was born Dec. 16, 1913, in Mound City, Ill. He died in 2004 at the age of 90.
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Austin brought global reach to local coverage in The News-Sentinel Local journalists traveled to Burma, Thailand, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan By BOB CAYLOR bcaylor@news-sentinel.com
During her years as executive editor of The News-Sentinel, Linda Austin spread the reporting reach of the paper to the other side of the world. More than a decade later, Austin remembers sending photojournalist Steve Linsenmayer to southeast Asia as the project that made her prouder than any other. Austin, who is now teaching at a university in China, shared a few thoughts in an email recentAustin ly about her time leading The News-Sentinel, from 2003 to 2007. “The package of stories I’m most proud of resulted from photojournalist Steve Linsenmayer’s trip to Burma and Thailand in 2006. He tracked down the family News-Sentinel file photos by Steve Linsenmayer members – stranded in Asia – of This 2006 photo from a refugee camp in Thailand is part of a package that former News-Sentinel photojournalist Steve Linsenmayer produced from a journey Burmese refugees in Fort Wayne. through Burma and Thailand. Former Executive Editor Linda Austin said Linsenmayer’s work in Southeast Asia is the project she remembers most proudly from His reporting led to radio and TV her years at The News-Sentinel. documentaries in collaboration “I remember coming back after with the local public stations. Plus, we created a multimedia website interviewing for the job and tellin collaboration with IPFW, and ing everyone about the staff at The the entire staff contributed to a News-Sentinel. They were bright32-page color magazine inserted eyed and eager and ready to commit great journalism,” she said. in the paper. Another story that stands out “Just recently, I learned from the leader of the successful Sis- in her memory of her years in ter Cities effort to con“The future of news is mobile, nect Fort Wayne social and visual. Digital publicaw i t h M a w tions also need to have a relentlamyine in Burless focus on audience, analyzing ma that he first and learning from how people learned t h e r e consume their news.” w e r e Burmese — FORMER NEWS-SENTINEL EDITOR LINDA AUSTIN refugees in Fort Wayne from those stories,” Austin Fort Wayne was an effort to raise money for gift packages to send wrote. Before she was hired to lead to members of the military in AfCeremonially decorated bullock carts pause during a noviciate ceremony for young monks and nuns in 2006 in MandaThe News-Sentinel, Austin had ghanistan – as well as a reporting lay, Burma. been managing editor in Greens- effort that brought readers into Business Journalism. boro, N.C. She began her career as the experiences of those neighbors we were one of the smallest U.S. without a full-size print version. “I moved back to the lake coun“The future of news is mobile, a staff writer at the Winston-Sa- serving with the National Guard papers to have journalists embedlem (N.C.) Journal, then worked at in that country. Photojournalist ded with our troops in Afghani- social and visual. Digital publica- try north of Fort Wayne in 2014 tions also need to have a relentless and have been active in journalism the Dallas Times Herald as educa- Aaron Suozzi and reporter Dan stan.” Even during Austin’s tenure as focus on audience, analyzing and education since then,” she wrote. tion writer and, later, government Cortez spent a month with troops executive editor of The News-Sen- learning from how people consume “I’m the project director for a traineditor. In 1987, she joined The in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. ing program for professional jour“Our efforts to raise money tinel, there were discussions about their news,” Austin wrote. Philadelphia Inquirer, which, like Austin left The News-Senti- nalists called NewsTrain, sponThe News-Sentinel, was owned for holiday gifts for Fort Wayne the possibility of eliminating the at that time by Knight Ridder. reservists who were in the first print edition of The News-Sentinel. nel in 2007 to become editor of sored by Associated Press Media She worked in a number of assis- wave to go to Afghanistan real- Now that the daily afternoon edi- the Lexington Herald-Leader in Editors. I also was a Fulbright tant editor positions before being ly captured people’s imagination. tion ends with today’s paper, with Kentucky. In 2009, she went to Scholar, teaching journalism to unOur goal was $14,000. We raised a condensed version to be delivered Arizona State University’s Walter dergraduates in Yangon, Burma, named business editor. She recalled being impressed by $21,000. The drive caught fire in with the morning Journal Gazette Cronkite School of Journalism and and I’m a visiting professor in the the staff she would take over when part because we had two staffers Monday-Saturday, she offers some Mass Communication to become Global Business Journalism masshe came to Fort Wayne to inter- embedded with the local soldiers, advice for publications trying to executive director of the Donald ter’s program at Tsinghua Univerview for the job of executive editor. telling their stories. At the time, prosper and develop readership W. Reynolds National Center for sity in Beijing, China.” This 2006 photo of a woman embroidering in Mandalay, Burma, is part of a package that former News-Sentinel photojournalist Steve Linsenmayer produced from a journey through Burma and Thailand.
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FROM 1990-2010
BRIAN TOMBAUGH Brian Tombaugh was a staff photographer, and later director of photography, at The News-Sentinel from 1990-2010. Here he shares a few of his favorite photos from his time at the paper. He is now a senior technical support advisor for Apple.
News-Sentinel file photos by Brian Tombaugh
Lightning struck St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Sept. 2, 1993, sparking a fire that destroyed the 1887 structure. Fort Wayne Komets goalie Pokey Reddick, MVP of the 1993 International Hockey League playoffs, is lifted onto his teammates’ shoulders after the final buzzer of the Turner Cup-clinching 6-1 victory over San Diego. The Komets were a perfect 12-0 during the playoffs that year.
Mayor-elect Tom Henry accepts the cheers of his supporters on election night 2007, when he won the first of three terms (so far) as mayor of Fort Wayne.
ABOVE: Franke Park Day Camp staff member Phil Helser performs the Fire Hoop Dance in 2007 with a Quadruple Fire Hoop during the Franke Park Day Camp’s 61st Annual Big Pow-Wow. RIGHT: Wendell Hansen lets one of his birds show how to go to church in your finest Easter bonnet during a “Hansen’s Bible Birds” gospel show at Harvester Avenue Missionary Church in 1994.
Fort Wayne Mayor Paul Helmke shows off his shaving-cream-covered hands to 3-year-old Shelby Hoy during a 1996 visit to Children’s Educare Center as part of the Month of the Young Child.
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Talented staff provided great service to community The newspaper also gave back through training aspiring journalists By KEVIN KILBANE kkilbane@news-sentinel.com
Eunice Trotter, a 2017 inductee into the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame, has good memories of her years at The News-Sentinel.
“When I came, it was such a strong newspaper with innovations that big newspapers hadn’t even embraced,” such as video, audio and interactive features on The News-Sentinel website, said Trotter, who worked at the newspaper
from 1997 to 2002 as enterprise editor and associate editor. One of her best memories results from working on “South Side Trotter Pride,” a special report about the south side of Fort Wayne.
The whole purpose of the project was to encourage pride in the south side, not only by neighbors but also city officials, said Trotter, who now is communications specialist with American Senior Communities in Indianapolis. She also enjoyed the people she worked with at The News-Sentinel. “We’ve had a lot of very talented
people who provided great service to Fort Wayne and training to up-andcoming journalists,” Trotter said. That included hosting “boot camp” training for young journalists when the newspaper was owned by Knight-Ridder, she said. “We were a scrappy, lean machine,” Trotter said. “We went for the gusto. We had a great team culture. We weren’t in silos.”
Greetings News-Sentinel subscribers, Our staff welcomes you to The Journal Gazette daily starting Monday, Oct. 9. We are proud to partner with our colleagues from The NewsSentinel to sustain your print readership routine. Our mission is to deliver the news and information you and your friends will be talking about and do so every morning prior to 6 a.m. The inclusion of content Monday through Saturday created and produced by The News-Sentinel staff will only further that mission. Locally owned since 1863, we believe in the future and strength of Fort Wayne and northeast Indiana and will continue to invest our resources to keep you informed and involved. Thank you for your continued support and engagement in our community. We welcome your feedback and input as you get to know the reporters, photographers and editorial staff of The Journal Gazette.
Publisher 461-8490 jinskeep@jg.net
Editor 461-8201 sskufca@jg.net
Managing Editor 461-8629 jtouvell@jg.net
Asst. Managing Editor/ Local News 461-8200 lisagreen@jg.net
Editorial Page Editor 461-8206 kfrancisco@jg.net
Sports Editor 461-8260 mjaworski@jg.net
Manager of News Technologies 461-8377 tpellegrene@jg.net
Features Editor 461-8304 trich@jg.net
Visual Editor 461-8771 crowand@jg.net
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Mike Dooley found comical footnotes in the news for years THANK YOU
for your patronage and continued loyalty
746 N Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN
News-Sentinel file photo
The late Mike Dooley is seen in a 2004 portrait to accompany his “Dooley Noted” column in The News-Sentinel.
From The News-Sentinel archives: ‘Dooley Noted’ excerpts
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One of the most-loved storytellers in Fort Wayne newspapering was Mike Dooley, who retired from The News-Sentinel in 2006 and died in 2011. Dooley worked at the Journal Gazette from 1979 to 1992 and at The News-Sentinel from 1992 to 2006. For most of the time he reported for The News-Sentinel, Dooley wrote a weekly column called “Dooley Noted.” It became a venue to highlight oddities of crime and punishment, to circulate tales politicians wanted to squelch, to poke fun at other news outlets and to share stories that made Dooley laugh. Below, we share a few nuggets from “Dooley Noted.”
Man armed with turkey and dangerous This tale of turkey terror has undoubtedly happened to other would-be Thanksgiving chefs. We offer this example, however, because we saw it with our own eyes. We still don’t believe what we saw, but we saw it nonetheless. The individual in this culinary fiasco had decided he’d give his better half a break from her customary routine of roasting the gobbler. He had purchased a plump 20-pounder, and when Thanksgiving morning arrived, he arose extra early to get started. He put the turkey in the pan, shoved it into the oven and set the temperature at the recommended level. A while later, he opened the oven door, pulled out the pan and basted ol’ Tom liberally. A few hours later, the main course was done. He removed it from the oven, covered it with a foil tent and set it aside to rest. A while later, he was ready to carve the bird.
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He removed the foil, and much to the amazement of those who had gathered around for the ceremony, began slicing. We say “to the amazement” because when the guests got a look at the bird, they couldn’t help notice the pattern of small blue squares that covered the turkey. What the (pick an expletive) was their reaction? “That smells like plastic.” As well it should have. Our friend had neglected to remove the blue plastic netting in which the bird was packed before he put it in the oven. “I thought it was like one of those roasting bags,” he said. “I never thought to take it off.” His guests were pulling on their coats to go forth and see if they could find a store open that had frozen turkey dinners for sale when he urged them to stop. The ultimate male solution to any food tragedy had just crossed his mind. “We can still eat this,” he said. “Just scrape off the blue stuff.” — Nov. 28, 2005
The new face of school discipline Want to know how much school’s changed since the days not so long ago when some of us were students?
Consider the conversation that took place a couple of weeks ago between a local resident and a teacher he knows. The teacher mentioned he’d just wrapped up the first week of the new school year. “How’d it go?” his friend asked. “Not too bad,” the teacher replied. “We only had three kids arrested.” And we thought nuns carrying rulers were bad. — Sept. 5, 2005
Mars wants coverage! Fear not, America. Mars wasn’t coming to get us after all. For some time, a story had been making the rounds that said Mars would be closer to Earth last Saturday than it had been for quite a while. It was being passed off as fact, and those who told it insisted the Red Planet would have been about the same size as the moon in the night sky. People fell for the tale like crazy, and a while back, even the folks who put together the newsletter for the Acres Land Trust here in northeast Indiana took it as gospel. They included it in the newsletter, a copy of which eventually found its way to Linda Austin, The
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News-Sentinel’s executive editor. Austin figured the paper could provide some astronomical utility to its readers if it mentioned the event, and she asked Metro Editor Mary Lou Brink to check into it. Brink did, spending a morning last week trying to find details of the historic occurrence. Try as she might, Brink couldn’t locate a single mention of what would certainly be a noteworthy event. Finally, one skywatcher referred her to the NASA website for the definitive word. And that word, it turned out, was h-o-a-x. Mars will be a bit closer to Earth than usual in late October, but it’s hardly going to fill the sky. If that were the case, NASA suggested, it would probably be time to follow that famous piece of cinematic advice and “Run, Forrest, run!” Mars appearing as big as the moon would hardly be a good omen for the Earthlings among us. — Aug. 29, 2005
Supper for the swells As a native Hoosier, we’ve long believed life in Indianapolis is nothing remotely like life in the real world, also known as the rest of Indiana. Now we have proof. We were traveling south on Meridian Street in the Circle City a few days ago on our way to the state fairgrounds. As we passed a well-known house of worship, we noticed a large sign promoting yet another church supper. Remember, though, this was the north side of Indianapolis. The sign wasn’t advertising a fish dinner. It was for a lobster dinner. And yes, they had takehome if you desired. — Aug. 29, 2005
Hazardous when dry Alarming numbers of pre-teens are drinking alcohol–which makes it urgent to find every opportunity to talk to your kids about the dangers of underage drinking. For tips on how–and when–to begin the conversation, visit:
Brought to you by Indiana Division of Mental Health & Addictions supported by Allen County DAC.
So just how dry was northeast Indiana getting before the remnants of Hurricane Dennis finally brought parts of the area some badly needed rain this week? Pretty doggone dry, apparently. We offer as proof an exchange from a few days before the rain arrived See DOOLEY, Page 31L
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DOOLEY Continued from Page 30L
between a police officer and a dispatcher who sent the officer to check a report that a woman was about to jump into the St. Marys River from the Bloomingdale bridge. “Is there any water in the river?” the dispatcher asked. — July 18, 2005
Even a killer has standards We don’t remember seeing anything about it in the wedding announcements, but one of Fort Wayne’s most notorious residents has taken a bride. He’s Joe Corcoran, best remembered for shooting and killing his brother and three other men at a home on Bayer Avenue in July 1997. Corcoran was convicted of four counts of murder, and has been calling Death Row at the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City home since August 1999. The new Mrs. Corcoran, we’re told, is from Fort Wayne and makes her living as a dancer at an, um, gentlemen’s club here. We didn’t hear many details, such as how the couple met or where they tied the knot, but an acquaintance of Corcoran’s reported Joe’s not too crazy about her choice of careers. Let’s see. A mass murderer who’s upset with a topless dancer. Mass murderer. Topless dancer. Mass murderer. Topless dancer. Mass mur... Try as we might, we just can’t find a way to share his concern. The marriage certainly isn’t the first involving a Death Row inmate, and it likely won’t be the last. And while we don’t know a lot of the fine points involved, there is one thing of which we’re sure:
They didn’t elope. — May 14, 2005
The curse everyone wants Given the evidence, we always figured as much. Now, though, you can put us firmly in the category of Those Officially Convinced: There most certainly is a God, and he, or she if you choose, is a righteously just one. The final bit of evidence we needed to solidify that belief came to us just after Christmas, while we were transacting some business in a local government office. Engaging in every reporter’s favorite sport of eavesdropping, we heard one employee telling her cohorts about a friend of hers who’s pregnant. “Her husband was one of the lucky ones who got one before they ran out,’’ the woman said. “But now, every time she hears the darned thing, she gets nauseous and throws up. Every time.’’ That, needless to say, piqued our interest. So we stuck our nose where it didn’t necessarily belong and inquired about the source of the woman’s malady. What was it, we asked,
she found so repulsive that she upchucked every time she encountered it? To our soul, which long ago grew weary of this toycraze-of-the-year madness, her simple two-word reply was a genuinely beautiful thing to hear. “A Furby,’’ she said. — Jan. 21, 1999
Duck and cover Given the circumstances, it may not seem all that funny, but we hear that in light of all the shots fired at their Creighton Avenue headquarters recently, there’s a new joke making the rounds of the local con-
stabulary. “What’s the first thing an officer should do when leaving the building?’’ it asks. The answer: “Call for backup.’’ —Feb. 26, 1997
Besting two bandits What does a police officer do when he finds himself face-to-face with two masked intruders? If you’re Officer Joe Lyon, you stare one down until she flees the scene, then use a sheet to capture the second. At least that’s what happened Sunday, when Lyon
was dispatched to a home on Winston Drive. Lyon found the pair holed up in a bedroom closet, and when he tried to flush them out, one “sat up on its hindquarters and hissed menacingly at me,’’ he reported. So the officer said he “stared down suspect No. 1 until it realized my superior evolutionary status,’’ and took off. The second suspect was an easier catch, Lyon reported. “Using a bedsheet, I was able to capture the suspect on a shelf in the closet,’’ he wrote. “Suspect No. 2 was then transported out the
back door by myself into the back yard.’’ A further check of the house turned up no more intruders, and Lyon reported the homeowner “did not press charges against either suspect.’’ Which made sense. Since they were both raccoons. — May 22, 1996
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Foellinger legacy helps children and families
Former publisher Helene Foellinger and her mother created a foundation to fund programs By LISA M. ESQUIVEL LONG lesquivel@news-sentinel.com
elene Foellinger contributed to Fort Wayne not just as publisher of The News-Sentinel, but by improving its quality of life as a philanthropist. Those contributions continue decades after her death and will likely well into the future, thanks to the Foellinger Foundation, created by her and her mother, Esther. The Foellinger family’s connection to The News-Sentinel began in 1921, when Oscar Foellinger bought The News-Sentinel and became its publisher. By 1926, newspaper offices were at 227 E. Washington Blvd., later home to the United Way of Allen County and now Brightpoint, formerly Community Action of Northeast Indiana. Helene and her sister, Loretta, both attended South Side High School. Helene worked on the school newspaper and graduated in 1928 as valedictorian. After graduating from the University of Illinois with a math degree, she returned to Fort Wayne to work for her father at The News-Sentinel. She became the editor of its “Women’s Page,” filled with items such as charity information and recipes. In 1936, when Oscar Foellinger died unexpectedly during a trip News-Sentinel file photo in Canada, instead of selling the Former News-Sentinel publisher Helene Foellinger left millions of dollars to the community through the Foellinger Foundation, which provides grants to help newspaper as he had suggested children and families of Allen County. upon his death, Helene decided to take it over. At age 25, she became one of the first women publishers in the country. As publisher, she increased readership, profits and size. “Looking back on it, people, I guess, thought I was out of my mind. As I look back now,” she said in a 1985 interview, “maybe I was. — FORMER NEWS-SENTINEL PUBLISHER HELENE FOELLINGER IN A 1985 INTERVIEW You know, when you’re young, you sometimes think you can do anyTo prepare for the Foellinger Foellinger-Freimann Botanical its assets have increased through Helene, who was inducted into thing if you have the right people Foundation’s 50th anniversary in Conservatory opened in 1983. Its investments. Dipping a couple the Indiana Journalism Hall of working for you. I was very, very fortunate to have an extremely loy- 2009, current foundation Presi- 25,000 feet of indoor gardens in- of million dollars during the re- Fame in 1974, was the last survident Cheryl Taylor read all of the clude an area for tropical plants cession that started in December vor in her immediate family. al group of people.” At the Fort Wayne Museum of During her first five years as board meeting minutes from all near a waterfall and an arid room. 2007, its assets have slowly built Art is a plaque dedicated to her sispublisher, News-Sentinel circu- that time. She discovered that in It hosts an annual exhibit of live back up. As the foundation’s assets ter, Loretta Teeple, who was killed lation increased from 56,700 to the 1960s, Esther Foellinger had butterflies. It welcomed its 1 mil67,800. In 1950, Foellinger reached the idea of building a downtown lionth visitor in 1996, according to grew, so did the amount it gave in in a plane crash with her husband grants. As of Aug. 31, the end of and another Fort Wayne couple its website. a joint operating agreement with garden. its fiscal year, the foundation had in 1950, 30 miles northeast of La Helene and her mother started Helene Foellinger and Bill the then-ailing Journal-Gazette. She formed Fort Wayne Newspa- Sowers, a local attorney and the Foellinger Foundation in 1959 $202.7 million in assets and had Crosse. Wis., as they were returnpers Inc. to provide advertising trustee, who often visited gar- with a gift of nearly $5,000. After awarded more than $8 million in ing from a fishing trip, according to the Terre Haute and printing services to Tribune. both newspapers. Eight E s t h e r years later, she built the Foellinger died newspapers’ present ofin 1969. fices at 600 W. Main St. In 1985, HeMany in Fort Wayne lene, who nevalso know the Foellinger er married, family through two atexplained, “I tractions that bear their married my job. name, both of which are I was perfectly under the control and willing to sacrioperation of the Fort fice a great deal, Wayne Parks and Recwhich I’m sure I reation Department. did.” In August 1949, HeWith no famlene Foellinger spoke ily left to sucat the dedication of the ceed her in the Foellinger Outdoor Thebusiness, she atre, which she funded sold The to honor her late father, News-Sentinel Oscar Foellinger. Courtesy of the Foellinger Foundation Courtesy of the Foellinger Foundation and her conThe family enjoyed Oscar Foellinger, former publisher of The News-Sentinel and father of his successor, Esther Foellinger, left, and her daughter Helene Foellinger trolling interest Helene Foellinger, is seen with the airplane the newspaper used to own. created the Foellinger Foundation to help children and families the outdoors, Taylor in Fort Wayne in Allen County. said, noting “they fished, Newspapers to camped and rode horses.” Oscar Foellinger “was very dens around the world together, Esther’s death and then Helene’s, grants so far this year, according Knight-Ridder Newspapers Inc. in 1980 for about $37 million. The much about families coming to- made Esther’s dream a reality. the foundation got infusions of to unaudited figures. newspaper is now owned by Ogden money from their estates, Taylor After finding funding from the About 90 percent of the grants, gether.” given three times a year, go to ben- Newspapers of Wheeling, W.Va. The original theater was de- city of Fort Wayne, the Foellinger said. With those being the only dona- efit children and families, Taylor Foellinger died of cancer March stroyed by fire in 1972, and it was Foundation, the Freimann Trust, 25, 1987. She was 76. rebuilt with an added roof in 1976. and Lincoln National Corp., the tions to the foundation, since then said.
“Looking back on it, people, I guess, thought I was out of my mind. As I look back now, maybe I was. You know, when you’re young, you sometimes think you can do anything if you have the right people working for you. I was very, very fortunate to have an extremely loyal group of people.”
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Tenny helped establish sports department standards Seven News-Sentinel sportwriters have been named hall of famers News-Sentinel staff report
When Ben Tenny retired from The News-Sentinel in June 1972, there wasn’t a grand proclamation on the front page honoring his accomplishment. Instead, the man who wrote more stories for the paper than anyone ever simply said in a column, “It’s going to be fun to just be a fan — to sit at a game, not have to score it or look for leads or consider the high spot for a story.” Over 47 years, 43 as sports editor, Tenny established a standard for the paper that the athletes are the focus of the story, not the person writing it. Tenny taught that style to Bud Gallmeier and Costin Jim Costin, who taught Kerry Hubartt and Steve Warden who passed it on to the current generation that included Reggie Hayes, Pete DiPrimio and Gallmeier Blake Sebring. With the exception of Costin who was from South Bend, all the rest grew up in the Fort Wayne area and decided to stay home to join the profession. Tenny graduated from Central, Gallmeier from Concordia, Hubartt from Leo, Warden from New Haven, Hayes from Southern Wells, DiPrimio from Snider and Sebring from Harding. Tenny was also the first president of the Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association and was inducted into the group’s Hall of Fame in 2004. Gallmeier and Costin actually preceded him in 2002, Warden was inducted in 2012 and was followed by Sebring in 2015, DiPrimio in 2016 and Hayes in 2017. Gallmeier followed Tenny as sports editor from 1972 until 1988 when he was replaced by Hubartt. Though his career began at the Journal Gazette at age 21 in 1947, Gallmeier moved to The News-Sentinel in 1952. It wasn’t until 1955 when he took over the beat that he became best known for covering the Fort Wayne Komets after Rob Renner left to take a position with the Ladies Professional Golf Association. Gallmeier followed the Komets until his retirement in 1990 when his name was added to the team’s retired banners. He was also known for covering the Indianapolis 500 31 times, along with the Fort Wayne Pistons and Fort Wayne Daisies during his early days. During his farewell column, Gallmeier wrote, “Not many people get paid for doing what they love. I’m one. It’s been fun. I haven’t made a lot of money, but I know I’ve been the envy of many people who have made a lot more.” Costin also started his stint with The News-Sentinel in 1952. His first assignment was to help Gallmeier cover the more than 100 high school basketball teams in the area. He was also well
Photo by Alice Hayes
Living News-Sentinel and Indiana Sportwriters and Sportscaster Association Hall of Fame members from left are Steve Warden, Blake Sebring, Reggie Hayes and Pete DiPrimio seen at Hayes’ April induction ceremony.
News-Sentinel file photo
Then-Bishop Luers High School boy’s basketball coach J.J. Foster speaks with Reggie Hayes during the area boy’s basketball media day event at Northrop High School prior to the 2013-14 season.
“Not many people get paid for doing what they love. I’m one. It’s been fun. I haven’t made a lot of money, but I know I’ve been the envy of many people who have made a lot more.” — BUD GALLMEIER
known for his coverage of Notre Dame football and high school football, but he was best known as a golf writer. Costin covered the Masters seven times — playing the Augusta National course twice — the U.S. Open five times and the PGA five times. “I guess most people who know me well agree that golf is my favorite sport,” Costin wrote during his 1993 retirement column. “I didn’t play much golf before moving here, and I soon found out just about everyone I knew was
a golf bug ... Probably there are many golf enthusiasts who would love to pay to do what I was able to do for free.” Tenny died in 1987, Gallmeier in 1992 and Costin in 2000. Hubartt joined The News-Sentinel in 1971 and worked his way up to executive sports editor in 1982, news editor in 1995 and the paper’s overall editor in 2007. Warden joined the paper in 1972 and stayed until 1999, perhaps best known for his coverage of high school baseball and Indiana
News-Sentinel file photo
Komet defenseman Guy Dupuis, left, is presented with the Bud Gallmeier Cup by Blake Sebring in 1998.
basketball. After joining The News-Sentinel as a part-time sports clerk in 1983 at age 21, Hayes joined the sports department on a full-time basis in 1985 where he continues to write columns and cover high school and college sports. Though he recently left the paper after 17 years, DiPrimio started in Fort Wayne in 2000 and was known for his coverage of IU and Purdue sports. Like Hayes, Sebring started at The News-Sentinel as a part-time clerk at age 15 in 1979. He has
been a full-time employee since 1988, succeeding Gallmeier on the Komets beat in 1990. Another integral, longtime Converset member of the sports department has been assistant sports editor Don Converset. The Bishop Luers graduate has been with The News-Sentinel for 34 years, mostly working the overnight shifts to design each day’s section.
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News-Sentinel file photo
The News-Sentinel Boys’ Band.
Strike up the News-Sentinel band News-Sentinel staff reports
In the 1920s, bandmaster John Verweire formed a band of mostly news carriers and composed “The News-Sentinel March.” The rhythmic tune written in 1926 by Verweire even got some national exposure not too long ago. It’s one of 18 newspaper marches selected for a CD produced by Centre College in Danville, Ky. George Forman, a Centre College music professor, uncovered 175 marches before picking the best for the CD, “The Washington Post & Other American Newspaper Marches.” Verweire, a Belgium native who settled in Indiana with his parents,
emerged as a prominent band leader in Fort Wayne. Among other gigs, he spent three years directing the Fort Wayne Symphony Orchestra. In 1924, he rounded up young musicians to start a band of mostly news carriers. The News-Sentinel Boys’ Band flourished until the mid-’40s. The song was still being played as of 1996 by original members of The News-Sentinel Boys’ Band, as members of the Mizpah Shrine and American Legion Post No. 47 bands. Sometimes Verweire would take the band to surrounding towns, park a few miles from the bandstand and march the boys through town.
Fall Savings Spectacular!
Grisly murder painful to News-Sentinel staff By KEVIN LEININGER kleininger@news-sentinel.com
The News-Sentinel has observed and recorded Fort Wayne’s triumphs and tragedies for 184 years, but its involvement in what remains one of the most gruesome crimes in city history was much more intimate — and painful. When Deputy Editorial Page Editor Dan Osborne didn’t show up for work on the morning of Sept. 19, 1983, a co-worker went to his house on South Harrison Street, peered in the window and recoiled at the bloody sight. Inside police found the body not only of Osborne but also of his wife, Jane, and 11-year-old son, Ben. They had all been beaten to death. Even today, a triple homicide involving family members would be big news. But the Osborne killings were rendered especially poignant and macabre by the fact that the couple’s 2-yearold daughter Caroline had somehow been spared — and was left to wander around the house for two days before she and the bodies of her parents and brother
were finally discovered. Reporting on such tragedies is difficult even from an objecDan Osborne tive distance. For News-Sentinel employees, however, covering the murder of a friend and co-worker and his family was personal, as was the well-being of a girl everyone prayed was too young to remember what she had seen. And because of that proximity, many newspaper employees were interviewed by police who hoped even the smallest tidbit might lead them to a motive and the killer. Four months later, however, police arrested an 18-year-old man who lived nearby. Calvin Perry III confessed not only to killing the Osbornes but also to 14 other assaults, rapes and burglaries. A few days later, however, he was found hanged in his Allen County Jail cell, along with a note saying he hadn’t killed anyone.
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News-Sentinel file photos by Chip Somodevilla
This photograph of Jack Brewer being helped from the wreckage of his home-built airplane near Albion in 1996 won first place in the Indiana Associated Press Managing Editors photo contest. It was taken by former News-Sentinel photographer Chip Somodevilla during his first year on the job in Fort Wayne.
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Photojournalist remembers Fort Wayne as fertile ground for learning his craft Chip Somodevilla now shoots news events around the world for Getty Images By BOB CAYLOR bcaylor@news-sentinel.com
When you see gripping images of disaster, chaos or politics from around the world, former News-Sentinel photographer Chip Somodevilla may be the man behind the camera. In recent weeks, Somodevilla’s photography of racists and anti-Semites fighting with anti-racists in Charlottesville, Va., and the impact of hurricanes in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and the U.S.
Virgin Islands have been seen around the world. Somodevilla got his start at The Somodevilla News-Senin 1999 tinel, where he worked 1996-2000. In a recent email, he reflected on his early work at The News-Sentinel. “The News-Sentinel was the rich loam where I was lucky enough to be planted right out of school. I learned
literally everything about newspapering at the N-S,” Somodevilla wrote. “I remember sometimes sneaking away from the newsroom and going down to the presses to watch one of my images come off the rolls and getting stacked for distribution. It was the most thrilling feeling in the world to know that my perspective was being shared with thousands! “I will never be able to pay back to The News-Sentinel and Fort Wayne what they gave me,” he said.
Somodevilla aslways had a keen eye when shooting an assignment. Here, he found neighbors Betty Roat, 86, left, and Bob Eltzroth, 60, shop together during the early business hours at Target when they gave a discount to senior citizens and disabled people. There, he found Eltzroth pulling Roat’s wheelchair with his own powered chair. And he topped his picture off with a zinger quote from Eltzroth: “I haven’t got my quota of hit pedestrians today. It’s still early.”
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Jerry Stewart shared ‘Life’s Little Moments’ He was the first minority hired by The News-Sentinel, starting out as a copy boy in 1946 By LISA M. ESQUIVEL LONG lesquivel@news-sentinel.com
“Gospel bird.” Jerry Stewart created his own flavor in his “Cookin’ With Jerry” recipe column, which ran in The News-Sentinel, in which he often referred to chicken as “gospel bird,” a term he described as “soul lingo for chicken every Sunday.” Born in Pine Bluff, Ark., he moved to Fort Wayne a year later. He grew up on Horace Street and attended St. Peter’s Catholic School before going to Central High School. ‘‘My interest in art showed up early,” he said in a 1994 interview. “Already in the first grade, I drew all the time. ... While I was Stewart in high school, I also took some courses at the Fort Wayne Art School on Berry Street.” Stewart, who died in October 1995 at age 72, served in the Air Force during World War II. ‘‘I was working as a cartoon artist on the camp newspaper,” he said in the 1994 interview. “We were in the panhandle of Texas. I developed a cartoon character, Private Panhandle. He was just an ordinary soldier experiencing drill, KP and the like.” ‘‘Two good things resulted from my service years in Texas — my wife and my career. While I was in Texas, I met Amanda Gibson. We were married in 1946 when I got back to Fort Wayne. I got out of the service in February 1946 and went to work at The News-Sentinel about a month later.” He was the first minority hired by The News-Sentinel, starting as a copy boy and being promoted three months later to a staff artist
News-Sentinel file illustrations
An illustration by The News-Sentinel’s Jerry Stewart shows shocked viewers, including a donkey and elephant, at a woman’s “Vote for me for president” sign.
position. He spent 40 years here before retiring, but continued writing his cooking column. His work included a single-panel cartoon called “Life’s Little Moments,” later called “Little Moments,” which he started in 1976 and continued until his retirement. The News-Sentinel has some of his original illustrations. Among them, a woman holds a sign that says, “VOTE FOR ME for President” with a shocked elephant and donkey nearby. In another, possibly a “Life’s Little Moments” panel, a mother points to her young scamp with a bow-and-arrow set and tells the salesman, who has an arrow suc-
tion-cupped to his forehead, “Vitamins for him — tranquilizers for me!!” He also created illustrations for his column, even after retirement. A haloed chicken accompanied a recipe for chicken asparagus pie in a September 1989 column in which he explained, “In Soul Food America, the venerable bird was elevated to ‘cloud nine’ status and given the tag line ‘gospel bird’ because of being the featured attraction on countless Sunday down-home eating binges.” Stewart liked soul food cooking. “Soul cooking is the ultimate experience that has to be tasted and enjoyed,” he wrote in a 1988
News-Sentinel illustrator Jerry Stewart shared lots of humor through his work.
column about Southern-fried chicken. However, his column provided recipes for culinary variety: mincemeat spareribs, potato casserole, a “high-on-the-hog eating treat” of Italian pork chops, and egg foo young. Indiana University-Purdue Fort Wayne honored him in 1989 with its Lifetime Achievement Award in Journalism during the university’s second annual Media Awards dinner. He also received the Indiana Journalism Award from the Ball
State University journalism department in 1986 for his lengthy career as an illustrator and cartoonist. Stewart and his wife often visited the Disney complex in California where he was personal friends with some of Disney’s top illustrators and cartoonists, according to his obituary. He ran a Saturday cartooning school at St. Peter’s, where many illustrators and artists learned their skills from Stewart, his obituary said.
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“Lu Ann Post strikes a pose for News-Sentinel photographer Argil Shock wearing a Mod outfit from Purdue-Indiana Theatre’s “Earnest in Love,” in which she took part” in this June 17, 1967, cover of Roto. The Saturday section featured high-quality photos and illustrations not available in the daily section of the newspaper.
Roto highlighted images Rotogravure sections in the early 20th Century were preprinted with finer quality photos By LISA M. ESQUIVEL LONG lesquivel@news-sentinel.com
For decades, The News-Sentinel’s Roto section served as a place to highlight quality photos and illustrations not available elsewhere in the newspaper at the time. Michael P. Smith, who grew up in Fort Wayne, became a News-Sentinel intern and copy editor and later editor of Roto 197280. “Back in the early part of the last century many papers had rotogravure sections – preprinted sections with finer-quality photos,” said Smith, who retired as executive director of Northwestern University’s business school in 2012
and now lives in Evanston, Ill. In rotogravure, photos were printed by using a rotary cylinder. Early 20th-century sections of The Smith News-Sentinel were photogravure sections, which were printed using copper plates with the images etched into them. Back in the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s The News-Sentinel’s rotogravure section highlighted a lot of bridal photos. During World War I, sepia-toned images gave readers a look at the war effort as well as social highlights. An Oct. 19, 1918, section contains a photo of two lo-
cal airmen’s mothers. Art “Birdboy” Smith had brought home in his warplane the suitcase of fighter pilot Lt. Paul Baer, who had been captured by the Germans. The photo shows Smith’s mother handing the grip to Baer’s mother. Around the late 1960s the printing system changed to offset printing, but the “Roto” from rotogravure was kept as the name. The Saturday supplement’s covers provided a palette for the newspaper’s photographers to showcase color images. A young woman in a “mod outfit” of an orange minidress and yellow raincoat with matching ankle boots and Carnaby Street hat balances atop a tree stump on one foot
Architect Louis Kahn looks at a model of his $10 million design for the Fort Wayne Fine Arts Center in this April 16, 1966, Roto of The News-Sentinel. The weekly section gave space to high-quality photos and illustrations that weren’t available in the daily newspaper.
On stage at 3pm with meet and greet immediately following
to promote a 1967 university theater production. Inside an April 16, 1966, Roto, famous architect Louis Kahn is shown looking at a model of his $10 million design for the Fort Wayne Fine Arts Center that was yet to be constructed along Main Street. Rough sketches show his idea for an archway to connect the proposed Philharmonic Hall to the building to house scenery and costume workshops and Fort Wayne Ballet space. That same issue provided space for a look at the construction of the Allen County Public Library downtown at Washington Boulevard and Wayne Street, with a portion of Wayne later made into a plaza.
It originally opened in 1895 as Fort Wayne Public Library in City Hall. As the 1980s came around more graphics were available for the rest of the newspaper as Knight Ridder took over ownership from Helene Foellinger. “It sort of lost its distinctiveness,” Smith said. Also, “the baby boomers generation was coming of age,” and the late editor Ernie Williams wanted a more youth-oriented product, which would be the newspaper’s weekender section, Smith said. Smith moved on to become a News-Sentinel assistant managing editor, helping with coverage of the Flood of 1982, for which the paper won a Pulitzer Prize.
Photos in the April 16, 1966, Roto of The News-Sentinel show the construction of the Allen County Public Library. The weekly section gave space to high-quality photos and illustrations that weren’t available in the daily newspaper.
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Neighbors sections took news coverage to the neighborhood and town level By KEVIN KILBANE kkilbane@news-sentinel.com
The News-Sentinel’s popular Neighbors sections were a two-way street.
Started in 1982, the tabloid sections brought the day-to-day newspaper into the lives of people in neighborhoods and small towns in Fort Wayne and Allen Coun-
ty, former Neighbors Editor Barb Wachtman said. Working on those stories and in those communities also enriched the lives of the Neighbors staff.
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Wachtman, who was assistant Features section editor before leading Neighbors 1984-1988, said her work with the section gave her a real understanding of what it takes to keep the quality of life going in a small community. For example, she used to view town festivals as entertainment events. Through her Neighbors work, Wachtman learned that festivals raise the money needed to keep up a town’s park, offer youth activities or make other enhancements in the town’s quality of life. For Zuber, working in Neighbors “totally revolutionized my life as a journalist.” When a newspaper shows people who the readers know and writes stories that help people deal with a problem, people read it and trust it, she said. When she went to
Neighbors originally consisted of four separate weekly sections, with each section focused on a quadrant of Fort Wayne and Allen County. Stories and photos in each section featured the people and issues from that quadrant of the community. Staff reporters and freelance writers wrote about all kinds of neighborhood and community issues, but it was done from the viewpoint of real, local people doing something about it, said Connie Haas Zuber, who started work as a senior reporter with Neighbors in 1983 and served as Neighbors editor from 1993 to 2001. The sections also reported a variety of other information not provided in the regular News-Sentinel, ranging from listings of births, marriages and divorces to bowling league results.
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do interviews for Neighbors stories, people frequently said, “I love that section!” and gave her story ideas. Wachtman and Zuber said the Neighbors staff made a great team. “I was lucky to have Connie to be the senior writer and often to be the voice of reason,” Wachtman said with a grin. “Connie helped me see what it takes to be a better manager.” Wachtman helped develop a process and rhythm to produce the sections that really worked well, Zuber said. Both have a good sense of humor, which only added to the fun of working in Neighbors. The late Marilyn Karst kept Neighbors rolling after Wachtman left in 1988 and before Zuber became the section’s editor in 1993. The Neighbors section was discontinued in October 2001, but it was revived in a new form in fall 2004 and continued for about another decade. Wachtman and Zuber said they really enjoyed getting to know all of the people they met while working on the Neighbors sections. “These are the people who cared deeply, and I got to meet them,” Wachtman said. Zuber said she now can drive anywhere in Allen County and know why something is located where it is or why people care about it. “It gives me a real respect for people and places,” she said.
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Foreign correspondent found ‘room full of mentors’ when he started career in Fort Wayne Ashraf Khalil wrote a book on the Egyptian revolution. News-Sentinel staff reports
Ash Khalil’s first job after he graduated from Indiana University was as a Neighbors reporter at The News-Sentinel in 1994, where he worked until 1997. He left Fort Wayne to report in the Middle East, based in Cairo. His work appeared in newspapers including The Los Angeles Times, Times
of London, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe and San Francisco Chronicle, as well as magazines including Time, Rolling Stone, Foreign Policy and The Economist. He also wrote “Liberation Square: Inside the Egyptian Revolution and the Rebirth of a Nation,” about the last days in power of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and the Egyptian Revolution. He is now a reporter for The Associated Press in Washington, D.C.
I showed up at The News-Sentinel fresh out of college in 1994 with no idea just where I Khalil was moving or, in retrospect, exactly what journalism meant to me and what kind of journalist I wanted to be. What I discovered was a room full of mentors who taught me lessons about the profession that stick with me to this day.
My first editor, Connie Haas Zuber, taught me a crucial perception shift in terms of how I regarded my role in both the profession and the community: We were storytellers. That’s a small distinction, but a crucial one. Journalism as a word and a concept is probably something that was invented with the advent of newspapers. But STORYTELLING predates not only newspapers, but modern paper – dating back to the days of the town crier, pharaonic scribes or
Aesop’s fables. It’s a crucial function, hardwired into any successful community. Technology may change the delivery systems, but the need for storytelling doesn’t change. And newspapers like The News-Sentinel serve the community on a storyteller level in a way that far outstrips just stringing together quotes. I also had a chance to learn from some amazing storytellers at work, in particular Bob Caylor. The work of Bob and others was
where I learned the value and the beauty of narrative non-fiction, combining the writing flair of fiction with a solid reportorial heart and a basis in accurate facts. I loved watching the way Bob in particular dug down deep on a profile and wrote up a factual story with all the wit and humanity of a novelist. It’s a model that I continue to carry with me, 20 years after I left Fort Wayne to start wandering the Middle East searching for stories to tell.
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FROM 1990-2006
KEITH HITCHENS Keith Hitchens was the third director of photography for The News-Sentinel photo department. He started at the newspaper in 1990 and remained as photographer through 2006. He is still currently employed by Fort Wayne Newspapers in the IT department as an online systems specialist. He says The News-Sentinel’s reputation for excellence in photo journalism was what lured him to the newspaper.
News-Sentinel file photos by Keith Hitchens
Lightning struck St. Mary’s Catholic Church during the afternoon of Sept. 2, 1993. This set of photos shows the collapse of the church steeple.
ABOVE: Jean-Marc Richard celebrates getting the winning goal in the third period with Colin Chin and Scott Gruhl as Dave Capuano of the Atlanta Knights checks out the time left on the board for the third period during this May 1993 game. LEFT: This photo of clasped hands was used for a News-Sentinel project on aging and elder care. The crowd reacts with emotion to Bette Middler’s song, “Wind Beneath My Wings,” during the Prayer for America on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001 at Yankee Stadium in New York City
During the 1992 Indianapolis 500, cars crashed during the first turn.
John Blocher passes Joshua Armas a box of items gathered from the tornado-destroyed offices at 24 and 25 Papermill Office Park on May 27, 2001. Both are employees of Steamatic
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Change in professions led to long career Stone had planned to teach English, chose newspaper instead. By KEVIN KILBANE kkilbane@news-sentinel.com
Susan Archibald Stone’s best memories of her 29 years at The News-Sentinel involve the people she met.
Stone, now 85, originally planned to be an English teacher. She discovered she didn’t enjoy teaching, however, and she was hired at The News-Sentinel initially to help with the newspaper’s coverage of women’s and society news. One of her duties was to report on women’s club meetings and speakers.
A favorite memory came from covering a women’s club meeting just after the 1968 Stone Broadway debut of the musical “Hair,” which features some nudity.
Noted local actress Jayne Spillson was asked if she would ever take off her clothes on stage, said Stone, who retired from the newspaper 20 years ago. Spillson replied, “Of course not. What would I do for an encore?” a comment Stone said has stayed with her all these years. She also remembers a
co-worker, who covered the weddings of prominent people and their families, returning from one event and talking about how a woman wearing false eyelashes, which were popular at that time, had one fake eyelash fall into her drink. Stone, whose roles at The News-Sentinel included serving as food editor,
Better Business Bureau & The News-Sentinel
remembers taking part in a variety of experiences while working at the newspaper, such as attending food product conferences and riding on a volunteer fire department truck on a fire run. She also recalls great friendships with co-workers. “The people were great to work with,” she said.
Celebrations worth sharing!
Celebrations is a paid announcements page that appears every Saturday in The News-Sentinel, The Journal Gazette and online at fortwayne.com.
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Cost for your Celebrations announcement will be determined on a per-line basis. Six-line engagement, wedding, and 50th anniversary announcements can be published without a photo free of charge. To submit your Celebrations announcement, complete the submission form at www.fortwayne.com or pick one up in the lobby of Fort Wayne Newspapers. Contact Dawn Rork at 260-461-8408 or send an e-mail to celebrations@ fortwayne.com with any questions or to have a form mailed to you.
So Many Stories Told. So Many Stories Yet To Tell. Over 184 years ago, the history and culture of Fort Wayne and the surrounding area began to be chronicled by a newspaper that eventually became The News-Sentinel. Through momentous changes, good times and bad, war and peace, Fort Wayne and the surrounding area has benefited from the dedication and hard work of its staff writers, artists, photographers, and others - in preserving the stories, tales and times in which they lived, providing their own and future generations with a record and an understanding, of the unique events of the day and directions for the future. Today, this award-winning institution evolves once again, taking its tradition of journalistic excellence into the digital age. All of us at PBS39 honor The News-Sentinel for the their dedication to informing generations of area citizens. We are looking forward, with them, as they carry these traditions of excellence forward into the future.
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News-Sentinel file photo
For 25 years, the Bud Gallmeier Award, named after the sportswriter who covered the Fort Wayne Komets for 35 years for The News-Sentinel, has been awarded at the end of the season to the player who best exemplifies the spirit of Komets hockey. In 2001, Doug Teskey, right, won the award presented by another longtime Komets beat writer for the paper, Blake Sebring.
By JUSTIN KENNY jkenny@news-sentinel.com
Since the franchise’s inception in 1952, no media entity has covered the Fort Wayne Komets with more vigor and objectivity than The News-Sentinel. And to clarify, that unrivaled coverage will continue at www.news-sentinel.com long into the future. Rob Renner covered the team through its first few years in the International Hockey League before Paul “Bud” Gallmeier took over the beat in 1955. Gallmeier got his start in sportswriting at age 21 in 1947 with The Journal-Gazette. In 1952 he moved to The News-Sentinel, where he began covering college and professional sports. When he took the Komets beat over for Renner in 1955, little did anyone know that he would carry The News-Sentinel’s coverage of the hockey franchise for the next 35 years. “The thing that was always nice about Bud is that he was always fair to you, win or lose,” said former Komets goalie Robbie Irons upon Gallmeier’s passing in 1992. “He knew when you had a bad game, but he didn’t build his stories around the negative. He built around the positive. He was very fair and good to all the players that I’ve ever heard of.”
“Nobody remembers the score two weeks from now, but there’s a chance they might never forget the story behind how and why something happened if I do my job well enough.” — LONGTIME KOMETS BEAT WRITER BLAKE SEBRING
Gallmeier was fair in his assessment of the team, coaches and players, but never went out of his way to attack an individual. “If he did get after you, you knew there was something happening,” said longtime Komet Len Thornson in 1992. “It would be the whole team in general. I think the guys liked him because (if) he did an article on you, it was a whole article and it was something you could send home to mother and be proud of.” Honing his skills in the days before much in the way of media technology, Gallmeier never used a tape recorder, yet never misquoted anyone. “During an interview, he had the uncanny ability to enjoy a bottle or two of beer without taking notes and write a column the next day and quote you verbatim,” said former Komet Lionel Repka in 1992. “I thought there was no way in hell he could write anything, and boom, the next day he never missed a lick. “His memory bank was like a steel trap.” Gallmeier retired in 1990, covering three Komets
Turner Cup champion teams in 1963, 1965 and 1973, although he returned to the pages of The News-Sentinel on occasion, filling in to cover Komets and writing an occasional feature. He died in 1992 at the age of 67. He is still a big part of Komets hockey despite being gone a quarter-century. Since 1992, Gallmeier’s name has adorned a banner that hangs from the press box in Memorial Coliseum, alongside fellow media legend Bob Chase and retired Komets jersey numbers. T h e Gallmeier Cup is presented at the end of every season to the Komets Sebring player who best exemplifies the spirit of Komets hockey. Upon Gallmeier’s retirement, Blake Sebring took over the Komets beat, covering the team from 1990 to 2002 when he was promoted to assistant sports editor. Three years later, Sebring returned to the dayto-day coverage of the fran-
chise, a position he has held ever since. Sebring’s ability to both connect with the players on a personal level while simultaneously holding them responsible when needed is a trait rarely appreciated or replicated. In 2015, Sebring was inducted into the Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association Hall of Fame. In his interview with News-Sentinel colleague and fellow ISAA Hall of Fame member Reggie Hayes, Sebring noted how much Gallmeier has influenced his Komets coverage over the years. “He was really the one who helped shape my philosophy that you’re not writing about the game as much as about the people who are playing the game,” Sebring said. “Nobody remembers the score two weeks from now, but there’s a chance they might never forget the story behind how and why something happened if I do my job well enough.” The Komets have been a staple of the northeast Indiana sports community for over 65 years, with The News-Sentinel along for the ride the entire way.
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S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
LISA DUTTON Two decades later, photographer still moved by love, caring for boy at funeral News-Sentinel file photo by Lisa Dutton
News-Sentinel staff reports
bove all, one photo stands out among the thousands that former News-Sentinel photographer Lisa Dutton shot while she worked at the newspaper during the 1990s. In 1994, Detective Phil Hochstetler of the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department was killed by a suspected triple-murderer in Warsaw. Dutton photographed Hochstetler’s funeral. “My best image and the hardest image to take was during the funeral of Kosciusko County detective Phil Hochstetler,” she wrote in an email last month. “The image was taken when the flag that draped the coffin was handed to the young son of Hochstetler. So many hands reached out to him — it was an incredible moment showing love and caring. I feel honored that the image is on the memorial page of the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department.”
At the 1994 funeral of Kosciusko County Detective Phil Hochstetler, Jan Knipsel, wife of Steve Knipsel, who was Hochstetler’s partner on the police force, consoles one of Hochstetler’s sons after the service. Steve Knipsel has his hand on the boy’s head, and the boy is holding the flag that covered his father’s coffin.
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FROM 1993-2016
News-Sentinel file photos by Ellie Bogue
Indiana State Police Special Operations members arrest three anti-Ku Klux Klan demonstrators after things got out of hand in 1996 in Angola after a KKK rally. Fifteen people were arrested.
Ellie Bogue was a photojournalist at The News-Sentinel from 1993 to 2016. These are among her favorite images she took while at the newspaper. She is now marketing and special events manager for the YWCA of Northeast Indiana. Fort Wayne native Kathryn Gentz kisses the case holding the flag that covered the coffin of her husband, 58th Air Force Rescue Squadron Lt. Joel Gentz, of Michigan, during the military ceremony after his 2010 funeral at Aldersgate United Methodist Church.
A young Haitian boy looks through a hole in a wall into a medical clinic in 1997 at Cap-Haitien, Haiti. The clinic was set up in the heart of a ghetto. Helio Castroneves was back for his second Indianapolis 500 in 2002. He finished first for the second year in a row at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Celebrating with him by climbing the grandstand safety fence are his pit crew members.
The Chicago Cubs’ Sammy Sosa was known to put up impressive home-run numbers as well as strikeout totals. Here, he takes a mighty cut, breaking the bat during the team’s home opener in April 2004. Mi Jedar performs a Mon traditional dance in 2015 during the 68th anniversary of Mon National Day at South Side High School.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
A GROUNDBREAKING IDEA The story of The News-Sentinel’s PrepSports section
News-Sentinel tile photo
Snider’s Erin Morris capped an outstanding high school career by winning her second state title in the 100-yard backstroke and with it the PrepSports 2002-03 Girls Swimmer of the Year title, an honor that she earned in all four of her high school seasons.
The News-Sentinel has always been willing to take a chance on a new idea, but a proposal in mid-1993 was truly groundbreaking. How popular would a weekly tabloid insert in The News-Sentinel be that focused solely on high school athletics? Sure, basketball and football were already being covered significantly, but what about the other sports that did not garner as much media coverage? The idea jointly put together by Executive Editor Joe Weiler and Executive Sports Editor Kerry Hubartt published its first issue on Aug. 26, 1993, one week after the traditional high school football preview section. The PrepSports section, which covered everything from volleyball and golf to tennis and cross country in addition to the two main sports of hoops and football, varied in size from eight pages to 12 to as many as 16 in some issues. No newspaper in the region, and arguably the state, dedicated more time, effort and newspaper space to covering the stories, topics and issues affecting thousands of local high school student-athletes. “It was supposed to be an avenue to go deeper into the prep landscape, with features and enterprise and addressing broad issues, with everything in one section,” Hubartt said. “We wanted to put the emphasis on all the sports, not just football and basketball.” Also groundbreaking was the first leader of the new PrepSports initiative. When Monica Denney was hired to be the first News-Sentinel PrepSports Editor in 1993, she became the first female sportswriter ever at the paper. “PrepSports is not just a place to put the high school sports news every week,” wrote Hubartt in the first PrepSports issue. “There will still be high school news in the regular sports section throughout the week. PrepSports will be something extra — a commitment every week to give readers something special.” PrepSports ran throughout the school year from August to June, taking a twomonth break in the summer as the staff geared up for the annual football preview section and stockpiled ideas and features to fill the next year of the section. When PrepSports returned each year, its high school football preview was unrivaled in the area. As recently as 2017, The
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The cover of The News-Sentinel 2016 prep football preview, designed by Dan Vance and featuring Bishop Luers’ Dashon Bussell and East Noble’s Andrew McCormick.
“It was supposed to be an avenue to go deeper into the prep landscape, with features and enterprise and addressing broad issues, with everything in one section.” — KERRY HUBARTT
News-Sentinel’s football and basketball preview sections were the most detailed and visually appealing prep newspaper publications put out anywhere in Indiana. While PrepSports editors came and went, the goal was always the same — to shine light on the sports that sometimes get lost in the shuffle and highlight the stories and personalities of high school athletics. The News-Sentinel did
that with its PrepSports section until 2008. For eight years thereafter, special “PrepSports” pages were dedicated to high school athletics in the regular sports section. While The News-Sentinel’s coverage of high school athletics will continue to be superb in its online product at www.news-sentinel.com, its origin will always be tied to the unique idea of Weiler and Hubartt almost 25 years ago.
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Despite early miscalculation, PrepStats delivered the scores Since the system wasn’t ready, first day’s statistics were calculated by hand. By DON CONVERSET dconverset@news-sentinel.com
In 1991 News-Sentinel Executive Editor Joe Weiler decided that the newspaper was going to develop its own Sports Statistical Tracking System. We were calling the system PrepStats. I was selected to be the PrepStats Systems Manager. We were to have an entire page dedicated to high school football, then basketball and eventually baseball and softball. A programmer and I started the wheels in motion to develop this system, which was scheduled to be ready by the start of high school football season in August 1991. Or so we thought. Since we were starting from scratch, the system took a long time to develop, and it wasn’t anywhere near ready for the first week of the football season. However, since we had promised the coaches, players and readers that we would have the football stats page every Thursday throughout the season, we were going to deliver it. And it was my responsibility to do so. So the first week of the season with the system not ready, I had to figure out all the statistics/ leaders for 43 schools (five conferences) in our circulation area with the help of a calculator. To have it printed for Thursday’s edition, I came into work at
The News-Sentinel’s PrepStats calculated leaders and other season information about Fort Wayne high schools’ football players.
7 a.m. on a Wednesday to start on the page. I took an hour break for lunch and supper and then worked throughout the night into Thursday morning. I worked from 7 a.m. Wednesday until 10 a.m. Thursday with just two one-hour breaks and no sleep. I met the 10 a.m. deadline
and the first PrepStats Page was printed. It got easier each week and eventually the PrepStats System was developed and the job became very rewarding for me. But I will never forget that first week and what it took to get the page published.
Open Letter to Fort Wayne Citizens
From Dr. John Crawford, City Councilman
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John Crawford 2805 Chichester Lane Fort Wayne, IN 46815 or jncrawfordmd@gmail.com
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Paid for by Marcia Mitson Crawford, concerned citizen and authorized by Crawford for Council Committee, Tom Cottrell, Treasurer
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Old newspapers serve as historical artifacts Faith Assembly coverage was our best work. By KEVIN LEININGER kleininger@news-sentinel.com
To refresh my memory about the big stories I’ve covered for The News-Sentinel over the past 38 years, I pulled stacks of old newspapers from the closet and carefully flipped through the increasingly brittle and fast-yellowing pages. T h e shooting of Leininger National Urban League President Vernon Jordan by a white supremacist in 1980, the Pulitzer Prize-winning flood coverage of 1982, the closure of the International Harvester truck plant in 1983 and the arrival of General Motors’ truck plant less than two years later. And some of my favorite exclusives: video of political skullduggery that led to a shakeup in the city clerk’s office; a 1982 expose on how uranium for the World War II atomic bomb had been processed in Fort Wayne; an interview with the seriously ill Phil (Santa) Steigerwald not long before he died that generated hundreds of get-well cards that provided much-needed joy to his last Christmas; re-
cent stories about turmoil at Lutheran Health Network. There were even old papers stuffed in there going back to the 1965 Palm Sunday Tornado and the moon landing in 1969. Then it hit me: What will people save to remember important news and events after The News-Sentinel goes mostly digital, as other papers have and more inevitably will? Even if they have an electronic file or hit the “print” button it won’t be the same as a newspaper printed at the actual time of the event. An historical artifact, in other words. I do worry about this potential loss of our societal collective memory. My home photo albums are full of pictures taken with film; relatively few taken digitally. We’ve been too lazy to download or print them. Will the same happen as printed newspapers vanish? Will anybody save email the way people used to save love notes or service members’ letters from the front? How can anybody write history without such things? That’s for others to decide, but I should say that over the last 38 years the best single piece of journalism at The News-Sentinel was the series by Jim Quinn and Bill Zlatos about
the Faith Assembly, a religious cult that resulted in the death of hundreds of
people, mostly children, because it taught members to believe in divine healing but
not doctors. I didn’t save any of those papers because I had noth-
ing to do with the story. I guess we should all get used to it.
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ore than a century ago, Father John Francis Noll, founder of Our Sunday Visitor, set out on a mission: to educate Catholics on the principles of the Faith, not only as a lasting bulwark against the temptations of the world, but also as a powerful and positive witness and an expression of true Christian joy. His primary vehicle for the mission was the OSV Newsweekly which is still being published today. Today Our Sunday Visitor produces hundreds of products and services for individuals and parishes -- books, digital books, pamphlets, Vatican documents, Bibles, religion curriculum, magazines, webcasts, online giving, offering envelopes, and so much more. Plus, for every purchase made, lives are changed through grants provided to support the work of the Church in the world. Located in the community of Huntington, Indiana, Our Sunday Visitor carries Archbishop Noll’s message and mission to Catholics worldwide to serve the Church and help Catholics encounter Christ and live lives of discipleship.
For more information, visit OSV.com.
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Find out how well you understand conversational Exp. 11/30/17 $1,000 OFF speech 1 year of FREE BATTERIES MSRP of premium 3. Familiar Voicewith Test purchase of premium hearing technology technology hearing aids Bring a loved one to your appointment: we’ll check Exp. 11/30/17 Exp. 11/30/17 your hearing and understanding of his or her voice Exp. 11/30/17
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To submit your Celebrations announcement, complete the submission form at www.fortwayne.com or pick one up in the lobby of Fort Wayne Newspapers. Contact Dawn Rork at 260-461-8408 or send an e-mail to celebrations@fortwayne.com with any questions or to have a form mailed to you.
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4. Baseline Audiogram Find out which sounds you’re hearing and which P R E M I E R E D AT E S sounds you’re not
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Newspaper has provided an unrivaled education AS THE NEWEST active member of The News-Sentinel’s staff, A column by initially Dan Vance the idea of jotting down a memory from my time at the paper seemed somewhat absurd. But being born and raised in Fort Wayne, I came to realize that The News-Sentinel has been a part of my life significantly
Current NewsSentinel staff
Currently working at The News-Sentinel, listed alphabetically with years of service at the paper. • Natalia Bethea - 36 • Bob Caylor - 30 • Don Converset - 32 • Sheryl Krieg - 24 • Leo Morris - 34 • Kerry Hubartt - 46 • Tom Davis - 9 • Lisa Esquivel Long - 30 • Reggie Hayes - 33 • Justin Kenny - 4 • Kevin Kilbane - 31 • Kevin Leininger - 38 • Brad Saleik - 19 • Blake Sebring - 32 • Dan Vance - 4 • Laura Weston-Elchert - 26
You’re Invited! Come see the ALL-NEW...
24/7 updates –– Video diaries –– Audio podcasts –– Photo galleries –– Sports –– News –– Investigative Pieces –– Local –– National ––––––––––– Everything you love and all available on
longer than the four years that I have come to the newsroom every day. In 2003, I covered my first game for the paper as a freelancer, an uneventful and forgettable football game between North Side and Bishop Luers. By that time, I had been involved in journalism at a scholastic level for five years and had seen my name in print in a byline several times. But, the first time it was in a professional daily newspaper, I was officially hooked to the industry. That same night, Elmhurst
ended its record losing streak by upsetting Bishop Dwenger, arguably the biggest prep sports upset in the history of our city. So not only did my byline hook me in to newspapers, that night also taught me — more than any other night — that truly big news will happen anytime and anyplace. After that, while in college, I was able to continue my education of the business in several classes, none more molding than a features writing class taught by the editor of The
News-Sentinel Kerry Hubartt. I knew I could write, I knew how to tell stories, but Kerry taught me how to mold my words to their full potential. That learning has never stopped with The News-Sentinel, whether it’s learning how to polish my storytelling from the words written by Blake Sebring (who was there when I freelanced for it in 2003), how to finely walk a line of controversy and self-comfort the way Kevin Leininger can or the focus and poise that Brad Saleik
has taught me in the design department. As for my best memory from the last four years, that personally came during the series that Justin Kenny and I did about high school basketball officiating in 2016. During the course of that series while compiling many interesting interviews, I was able to interview Glenn Heaton, the former North Side boys basketball coach. Heaton was my very first interview subject, writing for the school newspaper as a high school
freshman in 1998. Circling back to him was a great example of the places that newspapers will take you. The News-Sentinel has always taught me since I started picking it up as a teenager and perhaps subconsciously before that as I would flip through a copy of my dad’s or great grandma’s. I may have only been sitting at my desk in the newsroom for four years, but my memories of The News-Sentinel have and will continue to literally last a lifetime.
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MAY 7, 1945 AND DECEMBER 8, 1941
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You have the chance to win a Dream Remodel worth $25,000 and meet Ty Pennington at She Expo on October 21, 2017. To enter please complete the following information and provide 2-3 photos of the area(s) you would like to remodel. Digital submissions and photos can be sent to events@fortwayne.com, or you can drop this form along with photos to Windows, Doors & More Showroom,1121 W. Washington Center Road or Fort Wayne Newspapers, 600 W. Main Street. A downloadable version of this form is also available online at: www.fortwayne.com, www.journalgazette.net, www.news-sentinel.com
Read the contest rules at www.fortwayne.com, www.journalgazette.net, www.news-sentinel.com or get your copy at the Windows, Doors & More Showroom, 1121 W. Washington Center Road or Fort Wayne Newspapers, 600 W. Main Street. Full Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________ State: _________ ZIP: __________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Alternate Phone: _____________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to win? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What Dream Remodel improvements would you complete with $25,000? q q q q
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No purchase necessary. One entry per person per address. Must complete all information to be officially entered in the contest.
Presented by
Simply Her Experience
OCTOBER 21, 2017 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Located at:
Special Guest Keynote SpeaKer Mayor tom Henry
Event is held at the
2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Enter at Crescent Avenue, Parking Garage 2.
Thursday, October 26 @ 6:00 PM AND/OR
Saturday, October 28 @ 9:00 AM The 2017 FINANCIAL EXPO will be held at IPFW in the WALB INTERNATIONAL BALLROOM (Enter at Crescent Avenue, Parking Garage 2). A must attend event specifically catered to area residents who have a specific interest in financial education as it relates to retirement, legal, insurance and more! There is not an educational fee to attend this event. The 2017 Fort Wayne Financial Expo will feature a keynote address by Fort Wayne’s long-time Mayor Tom Henry. Mayor Henry understands the importance of planning first and investing second as is evident in his many well planned initiatives showing returns for Fort Wayne. He knows that the success of the city is highly correlated with the successes of residents. A business man and family man himself, he will address the importance of a comprehensive financial plan for long term financial stability.
Jordan Fields
Heather Foster
Greg Thomas
Martin Carbaugh
James Reecer
John Redmaster
Aaron Anspach
Joe Bonahoom
Mike Albertson
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26 • INTERNATIONAL BALLROOM Key Note Speaker: Mayor Tom Henry on the Main Stage - 6:00 PM Booth 1 - Mike Albertson - Tax Strategies & Retirement: 6:30 PM - 6:50 PM | 6:55 PM - 7:15 PM | 7:20 PM - 7:40 PM | 7:45 PM - 8:05 PM | 8:10 PM - 8:30 PM
Booth 2 - Heather Foster - Financial Plans & Annuities: 6:30 PM - 6:50 PM | 6:55 PM - 7:15 PM | 7:20 PM - 7:40 PM | 7:45 PM - 8:05 PM | 8:10 PM - 8:30 PM
Booth 3 - John Redmaster - Social Security: 6:30 PM - 6:50 PM | 6:55 PM - 7:15 PM | 7:20 PM - 7:40 PM | 7:45 PM - 8:05 PM | 8:10 PM - 8:30 PM
Booth 4 - Martin Carbaugh - Medicare & Health Insurance: 6:30 PM - 6:50 PM | 6:55 PM - 7:15 PM | 7:20 PM - 7:40 PM | 7:45 PM - 8:05 PM | 8:10 PM - 8:30 PM
Walb G21 - Joe Bonahoom - Elder Law: 6:30 PM - 6:50 PM | 6:55 PM - 7:15 PM | 7:20 PM - 7:40 PM | 7:45 PM - 8:05 PM | 8:10 PM - 8:30 PM
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 • INTERNATIONAL BALLROOM Key Note Speaker: Mayor Tom Henry on the Main Stage - 9:00 AM Booth 1 - Jordan Fields - Long Term Care: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Booth 2 - Heather Foster - Financial Plans & Annuities: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 11:55 PM - 12:25 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Booth 3 - Greg Thomas - Mortgage: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Booth 4 - Martin Carbaugh - Medicare & Health Insurance: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 11:55 PM - 12:25 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Booth 5 - Mike Albertson - Tax Strategies & Retirement: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 11:55 PM - 12:25 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Booth 6 - James Reecer - Real Estate: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Booth 7 - John Redmaster - Social Security: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 11:55 PM - 12:25 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Booth 8 - Aaron Anspach - Structured Products: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Walb 114 - Joe Bonahoom - Elder Law: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM | 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM | 11:15 AM - 11:50 AM | 11:55 PM - 12:25 PM | 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM | 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM | 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Mike Albertson, Martin Carbaugh, John Redmaster and Heather Foster are investment adviser representatives of, and advisory services are offered through, USA Financial Securities Corp., a registered investment adviser. Additionally, Martin Carbaugh and John Redmaster are registered representatives of USA Financial Securities. Member FINRA/SIPC. 6020 E Fulton St., Ada, MI 49301. Tradewell Tax & Financial, First Trust, Ruoff Home Mortgage, Keller Williams Realty, One America, WOWO, Bonahoom Bobilya Attorney’s and Star Financial are not affiliated with USA Financial Securities.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
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Celebrations worth sharing!
Celebrations is a paid announcements page that appears every Saturday in The News-Sentinel, The Journal Gazette and online at fortwayne.com.
WE BUY OLD COMICS! Coming to Fort Wayne in 2 weeks we buy most old comics published from 1930-1979
The Celebrations page is dedicated to the celebrations of our readers. Celebrations allows you to announce those events in your life worth celebrating such as weddings, anniversaries, engagements, commitment ceremonies, birth announcements, birthdays, graduations, or any accomplishment you wish to share! Celebrations paid announcements will appear every Saturday in The Journal Gazette and The News-Sentinel and online at FortWayne. com. You can personalize your announcement, submit any size photo and share your celebration in your own style!
What we buy? • Comic Books Pre-1980 • Ball Cards Pre-1970 • Comic/TV Related Toys • Original Comic Book Art And – some comics after 1980 • Boxed Video Games 1980-90s
Cost for your Celebrations announcement will be determined on a per-line basis. Six-line engagement, wedding, and 50th anniversary announcements can be published without a photo free of charge. To submit your Celebrations announcement, complete the submission form at www.fortwayne.com or pick one up in the lobby of Fort Wayne Newspapers. Contact Dawn Rork at 260-461-8408 or send an e-mail to celebrations@ fortwayne.com with any questions or to have a form mailed to you.
Saturday & Sunday October 21 & 22
We Buy Original Art & Old Ball Cards!
Is it worth your time to come in? Can’t Make it? Large Collection? Maybe we can come to you... Please CALL US at 1-888-526-6427 or 1-847-513-2666
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No items for sale
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
FROM 1833-2017
Over The News-Sentinel’s history, sports have played a major role with the city, producing impactful and Hall of Fame athletes and coaches. In 1999, Blake Sebring and Reggie Hayes brought a series together of Northeast Indiana’s Top 50 Athletes of the 20th Century. In 2016, many of those athletes were highlighted as part of The NewsSentinel’s Fort Wayne’s Greatest series that focused on football, basketball and baseball. The athletes featured here are some of the very best.
News-Sentinel file photo
While becoming the first American male to play in four Olympics, Woodlan High School and IPFW graduate Lloy Ball led the USA to the 2008 gold medal.
News-Sentinel file photo
Bill Wambsganss, who grew up in Fort Wayne, pulled off the only triple play in World Series history.
News-Sentinel file photo
Sharon Wichman won an Olympic swimming gold medal as a 16-year-old Snider sophomore in the Mexico City games. News-Sentinel file photo
Lashanda Harper of Harding won 11 state track and field championships in 11 attempts.
Associated Press file photo
South Side product DaMarcus Beasley became one of the first American players to play in four World Cups.
Associated Press file photo
Kevin Kiermaier, Bishop Luers product, won back-to-back Gold Gloves as a center fielder with the Tampa Bay Rays. Associated Press file photo
Snider graduate Rod Woodson turned a 17-year NFL career into inclusion into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
News-Sentinel file photo
News-Sentinel file photo
Johnny Bright, a Central High School graduate, led the nation in total offense at Drake University and was later inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.
News-Sentinel file photo
Before Lou Gehrig set baseball’s all-time consecutive games-played streak, Bluffton’s Everett Scott played in 1,307 straight games.
Swimmer Matt Vogel, a Snider graduate, shocked the world by winning two gold medals at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal.
News-Sentinel file photo
After an all-American career at Notre Dame, Bishop Dwenger graduate Tyler Eifert became an all-pro tight end with the Cincinnati Bengals.
S A T U R D AY, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 1 7
Over 150 years of the News-Sentinel: Together our roots run deep.
Butler Flat Roll Division, Butler, Indiana.
A community is only as strong as the roots from which it grows. We are proud to call Northeast Indiana home and support it alongside such pillars as the News-Sentinel. When we broke ground 24 years ago in Butler, Indiana, we did so with a dedication to the people who live and thrive in our community. The News-Sentinel has maintained that same dedication for over 150 years, sharing our stories and bringing us closer together. For that, we applaud and congratulate you.
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News Sentinel Goodbye Old Friend
We will miss reading you! E E R F T E G ! T C U D O PR