AFL-CIO Persuasion piece

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EDUCATION CUTS JEOPARDIZE OUR FUTURE In 2011, Governor Snyder passed a budget that cut nearly $1 billion from our local community schools.1 As a result, local schools have been forced to lay off great teachers, increase class sizes, and cut key programs like advanced placements classes and athletics.2 District by district, student by student, the real numbers are jarring. In all, Governor Snyder cut more than $500 per student throughout Michigan.3 We need to stop the cuts, and elect leaders who invest in education because our future will only be bright if our kids are prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. CHECK THE FACTS: 1. SFA Analysis, MLive, 2/5/14; 2.


7.7 Billion

6.3 Billion

FY 13 NEW New Tax 2013 TAXCode CODE FY 13 OLD Old Tax 2013 TAXCode CODE

4 2 0

2 Billion

Personal Income Income Tax Personal

“While CEOs pay less, middle-class families pay more.”

343 Million

Business Income Corporate IncomeTax Tax

Middle-class families and seniors have struggled for years with stagnate wages and declining retirement accounts. In 2011, things got even harder, when Governor Snyder gave $1.8 billion to big coporations and pushed the burden onto middle-class families and seniors.1 For some families and seniors this tax shift has cost thousands.2 Now, many folks throughout Michigan are making decisions about whether to buy food or medication, and others are struggling to keep food on the table for their family. CHECK THE FACTS: 1.MLPP Budget & Tax Issues Presentation–7/24/14 -; 2. Ann Arbor News, 2/27/11

RIGHT TO WORK WRONG FOR PATIENTS DISASTROUS FOR THE MIDDLE-CLASS Time after time, Govenor Snyder’s policies have taken from the middle-class to line the pockets of wealthy CEOs. Right to work is no exception. Right to work hurts workers ability to collectively bargain, lowering wages and making workplaces less safe.1 This is true for nurses and patients. NURSES NEED BARGAINING POWER TO ENSURE PATIENT SAFETY Nurses need bargaining power to bargain not just for middle-class wages, but also for patient safety. In so many hospitals and health care facilities throughout Michigan, nurses are expected to care for far too many patients at once. These impossible circumstances leave nurses exhuasted, and force them into situations that risk patient safety.2 Nurses consistently bargain for safe staffing levels to ensure that patient safety is not comprimised. ‘‘Rick Snyder’s deep funding cuts affect my ability to safely do my job of protecting our community. Departments are struggling and can’t afford to replace equipment, and often can’t provide adequate staffing levels. to replace equipment, and often can’t provide adequate staffing levels. Firefighters are forced to use outdated equipment in unsafe work

CHECK THE FACTS: 1. EPI Right to Work Report, 9/15/11; 2. 2002 Journal of the American Medical Association

FiREFIGHTER CUTS HAVE MADE US LESS SAFE COSTING JOBS, AND LIVES Cuts to local community funding by Governor Snyder and Lansing politicians, mean that 1,800 less firefighters are protecting our communities than just 10 years ago.1 In communities across Michigan cuts have meant unemployed firefighters and slow response times that can cost firefighters and Michigan citizens their lives. OUTDATED EQUIPMENT MAKES EVERYONE LESS SAFE We ask firefighters to risk their lives to save ours, but throughout Michigan, firefighters are asked to do their jobs with inadequate tools. Firefighters risk their lives for us, but old equiptment also increases the risk that they will lose their life. Simply put, outdated equipment makes everyone less safe.2 ‘‘Rick Snyder’s deep funding cuts affect my ability to safely do my job of protecting our community. Departments are struggling and can’t afford to replace equipment, and often can’t provide adequate staffing levels. Firefighters are forced to use outdated equipment in unsafe work environments every day. In our line of work, our equipment is our lifeline. If it fails, people get hurt or worse. Snyder’s cuts are dangerous for Michigan firefighters and the communities we serve.” -Joe Dubay, Grand Rapids Firefighter CHECK THE FACTS: 1. Michigan Professional Firefighters Union internal data; 2. 2012 Documentary “Burn”

GARY PETERS FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY AND MICHIGAN Born, raised, and educated in Michigan, Peters served our country in the U.S. Naval Reserve, where he spent time in the Persian Gulf and rose to the rank of lieutenant commander. Peters has served Michigan in Congress since 2008, working to strengthen manufacturing and grow small businesses.1 ADVOCATING FOR WORKERS AND JOBS In Congress, Peters worked to help secure the loans that kept Chrysler and GM going, which saved hundreds of thousands of good paying Michigan jobs.2 Peters, also, co-sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.3 PROTECTING MIDDLE-CLASS FAMILIES AND SENIORS Peters fought to protect Medicare by opposing the radical Ryan budget, which would end Medicare as we know it.4 He also voted to ensure the wealthy pay their fair share.

GARY’S PLAN 1.) Ensure government does more with less. 2.) Support middle-class families and small businesses to help them create the jobs of tomorrow. 3.) Stop tax giveaways to billionaires. Source: Most Recent Gary Peters commercial runnig as of 8/28/14

CHECK THE FACTS: 1.; 2. Associated Press, 3/3/14; 3. H.R. 377, introduced 1/23/13; 4., 4/25/14

MARK SCHAUER A LIFETIME OF WORKING FOR MICHIGANDERS The son of a teacher and a nurse, Schauer grew up in Livingston County and worked his way through Albion College. When Michigan’s economy was hurting, Schauer ran a nonproft dedicated to helping seniors, children, and unemployed workers. Schauer is a member of Laborers Local 355 in Battle Creek, and knows how important unions are to the middle class.1 PROTECTING GOOD MICHIGAN JOBS Mark Schauer has dedicated his career to public service. He has always made his top priority improving the lives of middle-class families and seniors, voting to close tax loopholes for corporations that ship American jobs overseas,2 and working to secure auto rescue loans that saved Michigan jobs.3 ALREADY PROVIDING LEADERSHIP Early in his candidacy for Governor, Schauer proposed a reasonable minimum wage increase that was adopted and became law.4

MARK’S PLAN 1.) Cut taxes on middle-class families. 2.) Reverse Gov. Snyder’s education cuts, and truly invest in public education. 3.) End tax breaks for coompanies shipping jobs overseas. Source: Most Recent Mark Schauer commercial runnig as of 8/28/14

CHECK THE FACTS: 1. as of 8/28/14; 2. MLive, 6/17/14; 3., 2/7/14; 4., 5/15/14


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