Koblin Creations plansbook

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Copywriter: Erica Plotas

Media Specialist: Lauren Semrau

Planner/Human Behaviorist & Director of Photography: Nicole Cottrell

Account Services: Jason Funk

Public Relations Specialist: Laurie Link

Art Director: John Flynn

We are a group of college students at Michigan State University with small budgets and big dreams. Our ideas are developed in libraries and small apartments, with visions of them making it to the big time stages of the business world. We are bringing fresh ideas straight to market.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------Client History 3-------------------------------------------------------------Executive Summary 5-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------SWOT 7------------------------------------------------------------------------------Research 13-----------------------------------------------------------------Target Audience 15-------------------------------------------------------Goals, Strategy, Tactics 19---------------------------------------------------------------Creative Strategy 37-----------------------------------------------------------------Public Relations 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------Media Plan #1 41-------------------------------------------------------------------Media Plan #2 43-------------------------------------------------------------------Media Plan #3



Carolyn Koblin is a Michigan State University alumnus with 15 years of experience in marketing and sales. She is known as the Queen of Trinkets and Trash, and uses her creativity to design custom promotional products for multiple Fortune 500 companies. Her vision is to have

personal customer service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. She is committed to generating business through building relationships with her clients and guaranteeing face-to-face interaction. She has done work for companies such as Serta, Expedia, PepsiCo and Zulilly.


Executive Summary BigFish Media has prepared an integrated media campaign to help Carolyn Koblin’s business continue to thrive in a continually evolving marketplace. Ms. Koblin, partnered with Pulse 220, is tasked with remaining recent and relevant in a competitive environment. Ms. Koblin provides customized service in the business-to-business promotional product industry. She directly interacts with nearly all of her clients and prides herself on providing personal service, timeliness and innovative solutions. Compared to many of her top competitors, Ms. Koblin’s staff is small and her Internet presence is minimal. Many industry leaders, such as HALO Branded Solutions, have Internet ordering options and call centers with hundreds of employees. This allows companies like HALO to handle larger orders and provide constant customer service. However, they cannot match Ms. Koblin’s level of personal service and individual dedication to clients. A key competitive advantage that Ms. Koblin maintains is her ability to create custom solutions for her clients that help them promote and grow their business. Many in the industry provide “cookie cutter” plans for clients that don’t allow businesses to distinguish themselves with the promotional dollars they are investing. This is what she sees as her biggest asset; being an innovator in the field and helping clients in ways they may not have expected. Ms. Koblin voiced concerns over her use of social media and other Internet options in vying for business with others in the industry. Ms. Koblin’s goal is to remain active in an increasingly social business landscape while not revealing current clients and projects to the public. This is a tall task in an era with so many eyes and ears monitoring all types of media vehicles. BigFish’s media plan focuses primarily on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook as it pertains to social media platforms. The plan will also involve print advertising as well as


direct mailing promotions. Driving these social media vehicles will allow Ms. Koblin to keep up-todate and interact with her clients in even more ways than before. Her activity on social media will also make her more visible to those in search of her services. The target market for the campaign is middle executives and event planners in Fortune 500 companies. This target will allow Ms. Koblin’s business to expand with high profile clients. To begin using these different media platforms, BigFish Media proposes a rebranding of Ms. Koblin’s business into Koblin Creations. The new branding of Koblin Creations would aim to make her individual brand recognizable among the aforementioned target market of Fortune 500 executives. Koblin Creations would also allow for individual strategic executions when it comes to social media platforms. The separation would allow Ms. Koblin to continue to work with Pulse 220 as a partner, while increasing brand awareness for Koblin Creation’s very personalized services. The basic campaign would primarily focus on LinkedIn and Twitter, with secondary focus directed at YouTube and Facebook. The primary function of this increased usage is to remain active on each platform, thus generating inquiries and activity from customers and prospects alike. In addition to the spike in activity, paid advertisements will be placed on each site in order to generate new traffic to Koblin Creations’ new social media pages. In more extensive plans, the campaign could potentially incorporate the use of guerrilla marketing, among other components. BigFish Media believes the use of these additional tactics will allow Koblin Creations to more effectively hone in on the target market and create more business opportunities. It will also create a more diverse portfolio of promotional efforts, allowing Koblin Creations to reach prospects in a variety of ways and create greater brand awareness in the industry.


STRENGTHS • Customer service • Creativity • Availability • Personal selling • Attached to well-known brand • Fortune 500 Clients


WEAKNESSES • No online purchasing options • Low brand awareness • Low brand preference

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Create presence on multiple platforms of social media • Gain awareness and brand preference over competition • Make connections with potential clients through social media

• Competition offers online purchasing options • Competition is available via Internet 24 hours a day • Bigger companies have more mman power and more consumer trust



INDUSTRY TRENDS Business-to-business marketing is currently in a state of flux because of digital advances, but it is not changing as quickly as many people believe.

B2B firms reporting that they’ve gained new customers from LinkedIn. Because of its prevalence and targetability, it provides an excellent online location for marketers.

Businesses may be moving toward digital and away from print, but 52.5% of B2B revenue still comes from print advertising. Because of this, it’s important to create materials such as newspaper advertisements, catalogs, and direct mail pieces. In fact, direct mail is still one of the most effective lead-generating tools. However, almost half of B2B revenue now comes from digital, and as such, it is equally important to focus on digital and social media.

After choosing the media locations, marketers must consider how to communicate with potential customers. Customers want to know exactly how a product or service will make a difference to their business. Marketers have the opportunity to go into detail with specific customers, because customers are open to fewer, more meaningful interactions. They don’t want a barrage of useless information.

When using digital advertising, it’s important to spend marketing dollars intelligently. Marketers must specifically target the industry they are trying to reach because 75% of people do not scroll past the first page of search results. To aid in targeted B2B marketing, it’s crucial to use LinkedIn, as it’s easy to target specific industries. LinkedIn is the top social platform for B2B social media interactions with 61% of

In addition to knowing how a product will make a difference to their business, customers think that price and product aspects are the most important factors of a supplier’s performance. However, it’s more about the product and service features and the overall sales experience. The marketers must then engage in being cost effective, but more importantly, in engaging in a relationship with the consumer to create high customer satisfaction.



As an international promotion product company, 4imprints spends much of their marketing efforts online. Their online presence is extensive. They maintain a strong presence on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These pages are updated regularly with updates about the company, industry trends and their products. 4imprint also has a very detailed online ordering system. Their website is divided into many different categories for easy usability. 4imprint positions themselves as a company with many employees who are willing to help with every aspect of the business. Their President, Kevin Lyons-Tarr, is the spokesperson of the brand. He emphasizes saving time, effort and money through using 4imprint. The brand mentions that there is a creative team to assist customers, however there are no examples of their past work.



HALO Branded Solutions is one of the largest promotional product distributors in the country. HALO serves over 40,000 clients each year, including top Fortune 500 companies. HALO has a presence on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. These sites are updated semi-regularly with company information, industry trends and promotions. HALO’s website makes it possible for clients to place their logos on any of the thousands of products they offer online. They also employ over 900 account executives to assist customers nationwide. HALO positions itself as an eager company willing to provide assistance to clients, as well as a large company that has the power to get even the biggest jobs done. However, in contrast to Carolyn, HALO does not explicitly offer any services to assist in providing creative ideas to help the client. Also, while they are available for online chat service 24 hours a day, it is only possible to speak to an actual person during regular business hours.


B2B vs. B2C social media usage. B2B marketers are focused on Facebook at 89%, LinkedIn at 88%, Twitter at 86% with YouTube at 52%.

Audience involvement and engagement are important in social marketing programs, with 69.4% of respondents reporting they encourage and/or recognize customers that talk about their organization on social networks.


Brand Awareness is the main business objective across the most commonly used social networks (39.2%), followed closely by the goal of Brand Preference (29.0%).



This is Jeff, a 28-year-old event planner for a Fortune 500 company in Chicago. Jeff is a decision-maker in charge of planning and executing large-scale events.




Jeff’s main concern is getting results and bringing success to his company. Jeff is sophisticated, confident, and focused on high quality.




BigFish Media’s goals for Koblin Creations are straightforward and attainable.

1. Increase brand awareness.

Koblin Creations is the name and every Fortune 500 company should know it. From Michigan to Washington, Koblin Creations’ services are relevant across the entire country.

2. Increase brand preference.

Collaborating with Koblin Creations goes beyond picking a flimsy pen with the company logo on it. The personalized service Koblin Creations provides is much more coveted than the competitors’ impersonal, jam-packed web pages of junk.

3. Obtain a lead for a Fortune 500 company. Ultimately, BigFish Media hopes to gain Koblin Creations a new client through the implementation of this campaign. The ideal client? A Fortune 500 company looking for continual promotional products and a long-lasting partnership with Koblin Creations.



Strategy Statement:

The target is middle executives and event planners in Fortune 500 companies. The goal is for the clients to envision success through Koblin Creations’ products and services. The tone is confidence.


BigFish Media plans to use multiple social media platforms to create a consistent brand image. The emphasis is on Koblin Creations’ personalized service in an industry full of indifferent computers handling the majority of business. BigFish Media views middle executives and event planners as the primary target. These employees are ambitious and eager for success.


TACTICS: Social Media Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Digital Advertisements Direct Mail Public Relations Newspaper Print Advertisements Video Advertisements Website/Landing Page



Creative strategy title


LinkedIn BigFish Media plans to use LinkedIn as a central form of social media for this campaign. Koblin Creations can benefit from connections with major companies—both current and potential clients. LinkedIn facilitates the business-to-business communication on which Koblin Creations thrives. Research shows that in 2014, 77% of business-to-business marketers plan to significantly increase their use of LinkedIn. BigFish Media intends to seize this as an opportunity to gain Fortune 500 awareness of Koblin Creations and its services.


LinkedIn allows for the perfect balance of exposure and concealment. BigFish Media aims to increase Koblin Creations’ online presence without sparking competitor notice.




Koblin Creations places high importance on personal interactions and close relationships with clients. Strong online relationships form the foundation of successful marketing on Twitter. According to research, Twitter currently produces 82% of business-to-business leads. Additionally, Twitter’s analytics dashboard would enable Koblin Creations to monitor social media efforts in order to evaluate components that contribute to success. Through the utilization of Twitter, BigFish Media hopes to strengthen relationships with Koblin Creations’ present clients and open communication with companies who require promotional services. Koblin Creations can follow Fortune 500 companies and initiate valuable interactions. Through implementing a social media strategy that places an emphasis on Twitter, Koblin Creations would expand its capacity for communication.




BigFish Media recognizes that Facebook maintains its position as the most popular social media platform for marketing. However, this platform is mainly used for businessto-consumer marketing efforts with 97% of business-toconsumer marketing utilizing Facebook. In addition, only 34% of marketers believe that their efforts on Facebook are effective. To maximize marketing efficiency, Koblin Creations can use Facebook as a secondary platform. Similar content can be posted on Facebook that is utilized on the other social media platforms such as promotions and industry updates & trends. Additionally, BigFish Media suggests posts that direct Facebook users to Koblin Creations’ Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts, as well as the main website.


YouTube Ad Storyboard


BigFish media suggests creating a short, 30-second advertisement featuring our witty, confident spokesman in an office setting. This will quickly explain to viewers what it is that Koblin Creations does in a fun and visual way. It will be short enough to keep the attention of our target audience, who will most likely be pressed for time. This ad can be placed in front of competitors videos and should also be featured on the Koblin Creations YouTube page.



HIGH CLOSE UP actor at his desk

(Music In) Actor: You’re not stressed, you’re in the zone.

ZOOM OUT, WIDE SHOT actor standing left of the desk

Actor: We don’t care about stress either. We care about getting stuff done.

STAY IN WIDE, BACKING UP actor walks down hallway

Actor: You need 100,00 catalogs by tomorrow? We got that. (tosses stress ball).

CUT POINT Turn corner, actor behind wall. Once back in the shot,

Actor: You need a whole lot of mustache-shaped piñatas?

actor picks up a stack of paper off the counter and throws them in the air after speaking. Actor turns another corner. Actor picks up bat and breaks piñata

Actor: We’ve got it covered.

CUT POINT Actor walks into new hallway

Actor: You name it, we can do it.

Actor walks into new room with wall of crazy stuff behind him. Actor

Actor: We’re Koblin Creations. We’re focused on creating victories for you.

walks off camera toward table

So go ahead. Choreograph your victory dance.

New room, actor walks in from right and starts walking toward camera. Camera zooms in on robot on the table


Robot dancing Blur with ending tag; Koblin Creations. Go Ahead. Give us a call. 248 227 8060 www.KoblinCreations.com


KoblinCreations.com BigFish Media suggests that the official website be a place where Koblin Creations displays its principle value of personal connection with clients. All social media platforms direct a user to this site. The Koblin Creations website can guarantee that clients are not fed through a generic online ordering system, but instead are directly connected to Carolyn. BigFish Media aims to provide a user-friendly website that promotes personal contact with Koblin Creations by phone and by email. A major component of the website that BigFish Media believes will set Koblin Creations apart is the implementation of interactive video chat. This feature would personalize the online experience, thus ensuring that Koblin Creations maintains its strong customer service while still embracing an online presence.


Ads Landing & Display Ads BigFish Media knows that an effective digital campaign must include a series of targeted digital display ads as well as an ads landing page. When a user clicks on a display ad, they will automatically be directed to the ads landing page. Here, they will be able to fill out a contact form so that Carolyn can contact them directly. Google Adwords will also be implemented to ensure that the display ads show up as frequently as possible to further reach the goal of brand awareness.




Koblin Creations can handle the promotional items; all a Fortune 500 event planner has to do is make the call. BigFish Media intends to run these newspaper advertisements in the Detroit and Chicago areas, where many Fortune 500 companies are headquartered. The confident tone is intended to put a company at ease when Koblin Creations is on the job.




BigFish Media recommends sending direct mail pieces to potential clients as a way to catch their attention, inform them about Koblin Creations, and motivate them to make the phone call. These pieces will focus on the ways that Koblin Creations sets itself apart as a business. This will be executed in three parts. First, to spark interest, the client will be sent a postcard notifying them that something is on its way. A week after the client receives the first postcard, either a PR kit or a personalized catalog will be sent (these are described in detail in the following pages). One week later, a follow-up postcard will be sent encouraging the client to take action and call Koblin Creations. This method utilizes the rule of three. This rule states that in order for a consumer to actively think about purchasing a product or service, they need to be exposed to the idea at least three different times.








Carolyn Koblin does more than provide promotional products; she provides ideas. BigFish Media plans for this catalog to function as direct mail that targets Fortune 500 companies around the country. This catalog will be customized for each specific organization. The products featured will be those that Carolyn believes will be the best options for the company. Each product will have the company’s logo on it, so they are able to get a complete idea of what each product will look like. Each description will inform the viewer about the product and how it will benefit their organization.






Airline Promotions Because Koblin Creations is a promotional product company, it is crucial that BigFish implements promotional products within the marketing plan. To specifically target business professionals, BigFish plans to utilize professional lounges in airlines in both the Detroit and Chicago areas. Free samples are widely used in these business lounges. BigFish plans to take advantage of this and present mini-bottles of champagne to potential clients. This is intended to be an extension of the current campaign. The copy on the bottles will emphasize the efficacy of the promotional product and will display Koblin Creations’ contact information.


EXTRAS If the budget were to ever expand, these are other ideas that BigFish would suggest implementing. These include:



To take advantage of the Chicago and Detroit landscapes, BigFish Media suggests sponsorship of sporting events in these areas. This could include anything from creating promotional products for the executive suites at the home stadiums to providing the teams with sporting equipment.

BigFish Media suggests transforming street objects in the Detroit and Chicago areas in the vicinity of Fourtune 500 companies into promotional products. For example, a lamppost could turn into a pen, or a manhole cover could turn into a yo-yo. Each streetscape would display the Koblin Creations logo.

Trade/Expo Shows


BigFish Media suggests participating in expos and tradeshows in which potential cliental attend. To gain vendor interest, three tactics should be implemented. First, the vendor booth must be designed to draw attention. Second, BigFish Media suggests having a 3-D printer at all of the events. The printer would be used to create promotional products on the spot for attendees. This would enable the potential clients to get an idea what Koblin Creations is capable of as well as Ms. Koblin’s creativity. As a third tactic, BigFish Media also suggests bringing already printed examples of products that Koblin Creations has previously made, since 3-D printing will take time.

There are many races in the Detroit and Chicago area that Koblin Creations could use as an avenue for guerilla marketing. Either a spokesperson or Koblin Creations employees would go to the various races to hand out promotional products that the runners would need, such as water bottles and sweat bands. These items would display Koblin Creations branding to further the goal of brand awareness.



BigFish Media plans to deliver this media kit to business publications and Fortune 500 companies located around Detroit, MidMichigan and Chicago. To stand out, the media kit will be in the form of a faux-briefcase which will contain actual components, which are listed below. Target publications include dbusiness.com, Crain’s Detroit and Crain’s Chicago. Fortune 500 companies to consider include Boeing; United Continental Holdings, Inc.; Dow Chemical; Stryker Corp.; and Kellogg Co. To initiate a relationship between Koblin Creations and the potential clients, BigFish Media intends to send each recipient a postcard one week before the media kit arrives. To remain relevant, a follow-up postcard can be sent one week after the media kit. Components included in the media kit: • Fact sheet designed as a nameplate • Business card designed as a luggage tag • Feature story on Carolyn Koblin • Catalog of customized products • Instructions on ordering from Koblin Creations


Media Kit Briefcase Business card luggage tag

Outside of Nameplate

Inside of Nameplate Business card


Plan #1: $10,000 Budget


Flighting Schedule:


Plan #2: $25,000 Budget




Plan #3: $50,000 Budget





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