Behavior of various Groups in Organization

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Organization and Behavior

Introduction In this presentation, discussion is done within the context of team dynamics and behavior. In this regard, Top Shop is taken into account that aids in applying the concept in desired manner. Areas that are covered in this report are nature of group behavior, factors affecting team work and role of technology on the organizational purpose.

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1.1 Nature of Groups and Group behavior Top Shop is one of the prominent company within apparel sector and possess different types of groups within the organization. In this context, there are basically two types of group: • Formal group: This groups are developed by the hierarchy in the company upon which roles and responsibilities are transferred. With the help of it, function in the mentioned company is completed and hence ultimate objective is attained. Interaction in such groups are done in systematic manner with the help of emails, telephone, report, presentation and other related. • Informal group: This group setting is developed by the employees of Top Shop itself. Majorly, employees that work at same place develops into informal group and makes friendly interaction at café, pantry etc.

Purpose of team Team act as a base in which whole work is divided in small portion so that it can be completed in optimum manner. Team includes all employees that unites for attaining common and shared objectives of company. Through team, critical task can also be completed in effective manner. Within the context of Top Shop, different team are developed that all works on different project which helps in attaining common objective of developing product that meets the needs of customers. Designing team make design of apparels, stitching team focuses on using raw clothes in optimum manner by cutting and stitching, quality check ensures finishing, marketing team makes efforts to promote products and so on. Hence, it can be articulate that team aids in attaining business objectives.

Group formation Formation of group is a systematic approach within the context of Top Shop. It is been done in following manner: • Forming: Here, group is formed by the company for particular objectives so that it can be attained in desired manner. • Storming: At this stage, interaction among formed group are done where each member are able to know peer member. This helps in developing healthy relations. • Norming: After making interaction, strategy and tactics are developed by members so that they can lead towards the shared objectives in effectual manner. • Performing: After developing strategies, actual work initiates at this phase of group formation.

Team roles

Following are the 9 roles of team as explained by Belbin Theory: • Plant: Creative and good in problem solving • Resource Investigator: in depth knowledge on the opposition • Coordinator: It focuses on team’s goals and objectives • Shaper: takes necessary actions to attain objectives

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Monitor evaluator: Provides a logical eye sand takes decisions Team worker: Identifies the work required to be done Implementer: Developing working strategy Complete Finisher: It completes tasks and assess quality of work Specialist: Brining in-depth knowledge towards specific area

1.2 factors promoting team work • Communication: Communication need to be proper as it helps in developing healthy relations among team member • Diversity: By managing diversity, innovative and unique culture can be developed at the workplace of Top Shop. • Leadership: Style of leadership is proper at cited company that helps in boosting team work. Middle level staff are leaded by participative style where as lower level workers are managed through autocratic leadership.

Factors hindering team work • Poor Training: Poor training affects team work and same is then reflected in company performance as well. Hence, proper training need to be offered to employees. • Motivation level: If employees at Top Shop are not motivated then it affects team working. • Conflicts: Internal conflict and disputes develops negative environment and this certainly leads to poor team working. • Work environment: Safe work environment is very much necessary and in the absence of it, team work is hampered.

Dysfunctional team

Following are the factors that are responsible for dysfunctional team: • Employee rivalry • Poor accountability • Low trust among team members • Poor commitment level

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1.3 Role of technology on team functioning • • • • • • •

Through technology, following benefits are attained to Top Shop Effective communication Works get completed within due time Employees can work from different places as well It aids in taking effectual decisions Change can be impart in company with ease Employees can work with employees that are at different end of world through technology


Based on this presentation, it has been found that groups are framed on the basis of different factors namely leadership, communication, commitment and coordination. Through this, employees are able to work with full zeal and hence are able to attain business objectives in an effectual manner.

References • • • • •

Fleck, J., 2008. Technology and the business school world. Journal of Management Development. 27(4). French, R., 2011. Organizational Behaviour. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. Northouse, G. P., 2010. Leadership: Theory and Practice. SAGE. Schepers, J., Wetzels, M. and Ruyter, K., 2005. Leadership styles in technology acceptance: do followers practice what leaders preach?. Managing Service Quality. The impact of technology in business. 2012.

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