Sample on Health And Social Care
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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................4 1.1.................................................................................................................................................4 1.2.................................................................................................................................................5 1.3.................................................................................................................................................6 TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................7 2A.................................................................................................................................................7 2.1 (2B) ........................................................................................................................................9 2.2 (2C) ........................................................................................................................................9 2.3 (5a) .......................................................................................................................................10 2.4 (5b) .......................................................................................................................................11 2.4 (5C) ......................................................................................................................................12 TASK 3 ..........................................................................................................................................12 3.1...............................................................................................................................................12 3.2...............................................................................................................................................13 3.3...............................................................................................................................................14 TASK 4 (IN PPT) ..........................................................................................................................14 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................14 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTION Personal and professional development within health and social care sector is generally concerned with development of individual personalities towards health care and social attributes. When a person undertakes his or her own personal development plan, then he polishes himself to be able to take care of those people who are need of some or the other kind of physical or moral support (Calnan and Rowe, 2006). This also helps in making a personal empathetic enough to understand sufferings of people. Being part of a training module, researcher here will undertake a discussion about the attributes to be followed within healthcare settings. Different case studies have been provided within research paper which will allow researcher to provide clear understanding of general healthcare practices and also about the ways to develop an individual personality. Different styles and theories of learning will also be studied within along with development of a personality development plan and self assessment.
TASK 1 1.1 Being a part of health and social care organization, it is very important for each and every individual to understand the manner in which they are supposed to treat people suffering from different illness or physical deformity such as HIV, Tuberculosis, etc. So, in order to handle patients with such critical illness, I as a care worker need to follow some moral, ethical and personal attributes which will help me in providing better care to these patients. The factors that will help me further on focusing on better healthcare aid are as mentioned below: Own culture and experience Being just a pass out from college, I am not that good in handling people suffering from Tuberculosis or HIV in that good manner. Although these are not infectious diseases, but does create a kind of hesitation in me while going closure to them as their physical conditions get very poor when they are in their critical stage. This cannot be said as a discriminatory element but yes generates a hesitation in me. But I am a spiritual person and do believe in serving humanity and Toll Free :+61 879 057 034 Instant Assignment Help is dedicated towards providing best assignment help service by experts writers tob unicersity scholors at affordable price
maintaining equality. This personal attribute might help me in being familiar with these patients with passage of time. Thus it is quite significant for service providers to keep their motives and priorities towards serving humanity and also practicing moral characteristics while serving patients with such complex health problems. Personal cultural values and right of equality needs to be adhered while serving people. On the basis of comparison between personal values in the context of HSC settings and own personal values, it has needed to said that the service providers have required to developed the various skills like as communication, core competencies, knowledge and ability to deal with the patients. The own beliefs of the social car workers has affected the personal values of HSC such as diversity, individuality, self-esteem, culture etc in may be positive or negative manner. From the above comparison, it has been found that the the care workers of HSC has not the proper knowledge to handle the diversified culture of patients and use the effective method to deliver the quality services to the customers. 1.2 Personal values within healthcare settings: When the personal values are brought into comparison with the principles of general support and care that is required to people with such critical illness, there will always exist a gap. The reason because of existence of this gap is that every individual has his own ways of performing (Dhanam, 2008). If a person is new to healthcare industry, then he might behave immaturely in handling certain patients or situations, but if he is aware then he is likely to showcase great deal of self control and patience. I have been brought up with good family culture where I have always been taught to treat people with respect and care for their sufferings. These values and beliefs will definitely help me in supporting patients with these illnesses within healthcare settings. Manners and etiquettes will further help in interacting with patient and understanding their problems to provide them best of the assistance without complaining. Toll Free :+61 879 057 034 Instant Assignment Help is dedicated towards providing best assignment help service by experts writers tob unicersity scholors at affordable price
Although these values are inbuilt, but can be taught through training and development sessions organized for service providers so that they can learn the ways to serve critical cases (Zaccaro and, 2001). The personal culture and experience has influenced the support which has provided by the care workers of HSC to the service users. For example as care provider is more religious and emotionally attached with the patients. Therefore, in the context of delivering the care support to vulnerable and diversified culture patients, the personal values of social worker may be create a issue and affect the quality of services. It has created the barriers for care worker to understand the background of the patients and unable to handle the diversified people. These work ethics and values will help not only me but all the people working within the sector to monitor and enlighten themselves towards theirs as well as patient’s emotional side. This will lead to providing needful assistance to the sufferers, both physical and emotional. 1.3 Legislation, policies and other fundamental laws I have to first understand the legislative and regulatory aspect of different laws and policies which will help me in being familiar with norms to be followed while serving these patients. National Health Service of UK drafted a Health and Social Care Act in 2012 which is followed within all institutions serving people with different medical needs. Such acts bring a very optimistic impact on the work culture and general healthcare practices that I and other service providers will follow. Other legislations that have been passed in this regards are as mentioned below: -
National Health Service and Community Act of 1990.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Place, 1999.
Health and Social Service and Social Security Adjudication Act of 1983 (Publication policy and guidance, 2011) Other than this, there will be some internal conflicts that I will be facing with my
personal practices and healthcare values. But being a social person, I have to make efforts to Toll Free :+61 879 057 034 Instant Assignment Help is dedicated towards providing best assignment help service by experts writers tob unicersity scholors at affordable price
overcome those internal tensions and concentrate more on serving humanity. There have also been many new up gradation and developments that have taken place within this sector so as to teach service providers the ways in which they can behave in a self oriented manner (Kelly and Norwich, 2013). Trainings for the same can be provided by using visual and digital methods, seminars and meetings, demonstrating live examples, and also conducting regular patient-doctor interactions. Other than this, government in UK have also undertaken different initiatives along with other nonprofit organizations to come up with strict policies and rules to avoid any kind of discrimination or social abuse of the patients (Evans, 2003).
TASK 2 2A Key influences on learning The influences on learning in health and social care can be different within the course that I a undertaking with regards to development of some of the key influential skills. This is a foundation level course within HSC and does require certification to be able to treat patients with different healthcare needs. There are also different mentors, tutors and peers who are providing their constant support in successful completion of the project (Brown, Miller and Eason, 2006). Other than this, there are also numerous opportunities that are available for learning which helps an individual to develop skill competencies in a better manner within healthcare sector. The skills that are required to be able to work within this sector are: research skill, numeracy, social, motivational, leadership, etc. on the other hand, skills required for undertaking research work are browsing internet, reading articles, monitoring own performance, etc (Locke, 2013). all these have wide range of influences on learning processes which can be better explained as mentioned below:  Past learning experiences: Within healthcare sector, there are different researches that have been conducted on different types of illness and disabilities. These sources can serve as a great source of learning for the person who is new to the industry (Wolper, 2004). Toll Free :+61 879 057 034 Instant Assignment Help is dedicated towards providing best assignment help service by experts writers tob unicersity scholors at affordable price
The only drawback of this style is that the theory a person might have come across might not be feasible or practiced in present.  Learning styles: learning styles can be self learning using modern means or using theories. Modern means that can offer great learning can be internet, healthcare online seminars, and direct communication with professionals or use of Google glass (Scott and Spouse, 2013). Their drawback is that they are not all the time feasible to provide right information as there is no authentication for the same. While on the other hand, theoretical learning style can be like Henry and Mumford learning (Elkins, 2008). This model comprises of four stages where first stage talks about having experience, second expects a learner to review that experience himself. In third stage, learner needs to conclude his learning from the experience and lastly plan his further steps on the basis of weaknesses in his learning that he has experienced (May, 2009).
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Figure 1: Henry and Mumford Style of Learning (Source: Mumford, 2000) Formal vs. informal learning: Formal learning can be conducted by taking proper course within college or university while informal learning is a self learning through self observations and learning from own failures and experiences. The former method always helps a person to get authentic and formal knowledge of the course that he has pursued while the later might lead to development of certain misleading conception and beliefs (Mary, 2011). Ways in which personal learning and development benefits others It helps in understanding different issues in better way and also helps in improving intellectual level of personal communication, attitude, behavior and general code of conduct. A person is able to perform different tasks for his and organizational benefits. If any attribute is left to be learned, then it can also be put into learning process (Mumford, 2000). A continuous development practice within health and social care will also help in keeping track with the changing organizational practices and also provide improved services to the users of same. Lastly, it will also help in providing better employment opportunities for future leading to enhanced standard of living (Henderson, 2002). 2.1 (2B) SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS I have good interactive skills and am confident in my communication. This will help me in having good grades in college. I also undertake sound research and analytics on different subject matters. OPPORTUNITIES
WEAKNESSES The overall industrial experience is quite limited which can be a drawback. Other than this, I am unable to deal with critical conflicts which further increase my overall level of stress. THREATS
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I can attend seminars and conferences held by professionals so that I can learn new developments taking place within HSC. Moreover, I am also working as an intern with a renowned college which will help in gaining real-time experience.
There are many people who are quite professionals and knowledgeable in this field and they are generally provided preference at many places. Other than this, recession has also impacted the employability scales within the country.
Assessment of own skills, knowledge and practices AREAS Technical skills
Personal skills
Team work
AREAS TO BE IMPROVED My practical skills are quite weak, so I need to have an specialization within this area with special regards to HSC I need to boost my level of confidence as I am new to HSC
I have undertaken a professional degree course and can operate basic office automations. I am presentable enough and have good sense of communication with proficiency in language I have always worked solely I need to make more efforts because of which I have a to improve my team working quite restricted personality skills.
2.2 (2C) PPD Plan ACTIVITY (3MONTHS) Short term I can undertake online classes with help of different professionals and also read out online books and journals ACTIVITY (6MONTHS) Medium term Networking, attainment of team goals and gaining proficiency in communication
Build confidence and 6 weeks improve strategic communication. Time management skills also need to be improved SKILLS REQUIRED TIMESCALE Delegation and management 12 weeks skills
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TIMESCALE ACTIVITY (1YEAR) Long SKILLS REQUIRED term Managing personal as well Leadership, delegation and 20 weeks as team work, become management skills efficient leader and control actions (Genkeer and, 2002) 2.3 (5a) Reflective account ALWAYS APPROPRIATE Physical appearance Willing to take √ initiative Understand and follows given responsibility Able to communicate with others in appropriate manner Health and √ safety conscious
(Boyatzis and Kolb, 2005) a. What have you attained from your placement? – Professionalism, conflict and stress management, problem solving skills. b. Which target have you achieved? – Improved communication, working within time frame, higher motivation, about HSC regulations and policies. c. What have people related with you have learned? – Controlling anxiety, temper, empathy.
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2.4 (5b) Organizational structure and job roles
Figure 2: Organizational Structure (Source: Goel, 2009) 2.4 (5C) DATES
19-1-2014 to 26-1-2014
8am- 3pm
ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN Attend seminars, lectures
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27-1-2014 to 2-02-2014
3-2-2014 to 13-2-2014
14-2-2014 to 20-2-2014
Regular attend staff meetings and keep track with changes in regulations Communicate ethical and social practices to be followed within healthcare and ways to improve medical services for older people Meet business clients and ensure timely delivery of projects undertaken (Boyatzis and Kolb, 2005)
TASK 3 3.1 According to the requirements of case, I am supposed to be a part of multidisciplinary team (MDT) to take care of a 60 year old patient who is into depression, is visually impaired and also suffering from dementia. This MDT will hold a meeting every six months to keep a regular check on quality of care provided within healthcare institution. This 60 year old male also is in need of adequate motivation because he exhibits the need for challenging behavior. With regards to his case, there are different professional relationships that can be created to resolve different issues that exist with regards to service users. There also exists a need for carrying out an explicit attitude so as to provide required care to the patient in order to let him recover from his ill condition. As witnessed, there are proper teams of professionals and service providers, physicians and psychologists who are taking care of the patient (Perks and, 2001). They are taking care of him and monitoring his stages and recovery on a regular basis. These professionals consider it their first and foremost responsibility to take care of their service users and help in his recovery. Moreover, a team of doctors and health professionals are regularly examining the routine activities of the patient and improvements in his physical conditions. This has helped them to track all the improvements that he has made since the start of his treatment (Anderson and Keller, 2002).
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Other than this, the old man also requires a regular check from psychological end so that he can monitor the mental conditions of him also make initial efforts to stabilize the same. Dementia and depression are two major and critical mental situations for the person at this age and it is very important to keep a regular eye on him as he might also hurt himself or others if found a chance (Moriarty, Manthorpe and Cornes, 2014). Psychologists in this case will help in dealing with his mental state in an effective manner. He can be provided different meditation sessions, relaxation therapies, etc which will help him in forgetting about the mis-happenings that might have occurred with him in past and will also provide him in having a relaxed mind. This will further help in lowering down the overall mental stress situation (Corlett, 2013). Doctors with this specialization by the time will better understand the corrective measures that can be taken for minimizing the negative impacts of ill situations on his mind and body. This level of assistance thus has created a sense of relaxation in minds and heart of people about the kind of service that is being provided to him (Wigfield and, 2013). 3.2 As per the given case, this 60 year old person has dementia as well which is a kind of mental illness where a person after certain age suffers memory loss and visual impairment. Thus both social and medical models can be used within this situation. Medical model is the one that sees a disabled person as a problem while social model is the one believes in the fact that impairments and chronic diseases do exist and might pose a real difficulty. As per the case scenario, the suffering of 60 year old person might be considered as a problem for medical model but social model might consider it as a chronic issue. As the beliefs of both these models are different, the comparative table given below will further help in understanding this difference in a clear manner: MEDICAL MODEL Dementia is an abnormality.
SOCIAL MODEL Dementia or any kind of disability is a difference. If a person is disabled, then it is a negative This model considers dementia or any other state of mind and body disability as neutral. Toll Free :+61 879 057 034 Instant Assignment Help is dedicated towards providing best assignment help service by experts writers tob unicersity scholors at affordable price
The only remedy for dementia is providing The remedy is to bring changes in interactions cure for the same to the individual with society and individuals (Smith, 2012) 3.3 Being a part of MDT, I have performed my part in quite effective manner and have taken due care to check if all the care and necessary assistance is being provided to the patient within the given set of time and resources. It was witnessed that this 60 year old man was provided close assistance and every service provider executed his part of responsibility in effective manner. I also maintained all the confidentiality of data and information related to the client and this entire course of action was taken through regular collaboration with the other clients and team members. In current situation, all the industrial laws and policies were effectively followed because this patient was a critical case of dementia and depression and any kind of ignorance would have cost heavily (Calnan and Rowe, 2006).
TASK 4 (IN PPT) CONCLUSION The overall attribution that can be drawn out here is that health and social care is a sector that requires special care and treatment to the people suffering from different physical and mental illness. It is thus very much expected that service providers follow proper time scales and measures so that they can provide required services to the people associated with the same. A proper personal development plan has been undertaken demonstrating different activities that are required for personal betterment and the ways in which an individual can mold himself to become suitable to the industry.
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REFERENCES Journals Anderson, S. and Keller, C., 2002. Examination of the transtheoretical model in current smokers. Western Journal of Nursing Research.
Boyatzis, E. R. and Kolb, A. D., 2005. From learning styles to learning skills: the executive skill profile. Journal of management psychology.
Calnan, M. and Rowe, R., 2006. Researching trust relations in health care: Conceptual and methodological challenges – an introduction. Journal of Health Organization and Management.
Corlett, S., 2013. Policy watch: accessing a reformed care and support system. Mental Health and Social Inclusion.
Genkeer, L. and, 2002. Who Cares? Examining the Health and Social Care Workforce. Journal of Integrated Care.
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