What Strategies are Implemented for International Marketing Management

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The finest quality flour and combine it with pure Dolomite Mountain spring water, which flows directly into our factory, without ever sitting in tanks or other containers. Felicetti is a Italian pasta manufacturer which due to its innovative approach towards pasta making and market approach has registered a high growth rate and a global outreach. They are able to achieve the required level which ensures that their functioning is able to fulfil the market needs. The company is currently aiming for a expansion in the major countries where pasta consumption is very high and the forecast predicts the same for upcoming years. It wants to spread its business into new areas as to ensure that it achieves its target of organic growth.




Supplier power

The market has many suppliers of raw material which will be required by the company. The supplier concentration is currently with existing companies. The volume has to be significant as to attract the supplier away from existing company.

The supplier number is less. It requires additional resources as to get supplier which can fulfil the company demand. There are some competitors which are using all the suppliers. Huge threat of vertical integration is there.

Buyers Power

The buyer concentration is

The buyers are still scattered

This is an analysis which assist the company in understanding the variables which have impact on the market attractiveness of the country. This is essential to ensure that the company chooses the right path to approach a country market. It also aids in comparing two market which are being analysed to know about the best market where the organisation can expand its operations. There are various factors which have to be measured as to do risk analysis: Political: A stable political environment is very essential for business and other economical activities. To analyse the political stability in Japan and Malaysia, we have to look at the BERI index which states about the business environment risk intelligence. Stability of market ensures a very good support to the business in the country. The global average is 72 for political risk index. Economic growth: The economic development of the country displays the growth aspect of companies which can nurture by entering into the market.

He stated about six factors which decide about a country or society culture and behaviour of people towards a situation. On the basis of the above factors and analysis, the company can measures the risk and enter the market. The Hofstede's method will help the company in understanding the cultural variables which forms the society and its values. It states and measures the type of society on the above mentioned factors.

Findings: The findings were astounding as out of 100 thousand people, 750 prefer pasta only 250 were not in favour.

Finding: Most consumers were from the group of 21-30. these people are mostly those who have started their new job at new place and prefer pasta over other staple food. Candidates from 10-20 years age group were second in liking the pasta. Finding: Mostly people consumed pasta twice a week or more. So the consistency of pasta consumption is very high.

Finding: 70% people said yes to the question as they stated in the interview that they consider pasta as healthy choice because of the ingredients it is made up of. Finding: The consumers wants the pasta at a efficient pricing or low prices but they can pay more for the quality and taste.

The Japanese market have much higher growth rate in the pasta industry. Also the country have a intense and fragmented population which can be targeted easily. The risk is less in the Japanese market as

It is most successful when the company wants to establish product in the market before it


physically set its facilities in it There are two types of exporting out of which the direct exporting method will be used. Direct exporting refers to the condition when the company focuses on production in home country and exports the product in the host country. It is able to control the distribution of its products and services in the other country in much better manner. The market also needs an approach where the company first establishes its name and product first and then it physically enters the market. The main characteristic of direct exporting model is that there are no intermediaries between the company and its market approach. There are two types of exporting which can be done: Sales representatives: These are the representatives which represent the foreign company in the host market. This person helps the exporter in advertising, identifying local sales opportunities, customs clearance formalities, assisting in legal requirements fulfilment. Importing Distributors: This is the type of distributor which will be used by Felicetti. These are the

Advertising: Advertising is process in which company calling public attention to something. It is a paid process. It is medium by which company can generate awareness about their product and services among people. It is one of the important activities which an enterprise take into consideration. Different organisation use different form of advertising such as newspaper, television, magazine etc. every firm makes its own strategy to promote its product in different manner. Different types of advertising methods Advertising involve thousand of modes to communicate its customers. Enterprise choose an y of the methods to promote its product in market. Following are some of adversing methods. Online advertising: One of the way to advertise product is online via internet. This advertisement is called online advertising. Company can promote their product by online sources. This source is used by most of companies because it is having large consumer reach. Firm can post their picture on Facebook, snap chat and twitter. It is one of famous way to promote goods and services. Cell phone advertising: This another way to advertise products. People use portable devices like phones, iPads, kindles and others. Company can use these devices and application which can be access in these devices to promote goods and services. Print advertising: There is one thing which is certain in advertising is being different is always good. This is an attractive manner to promote product. Some of the examples of print advertising is brochures, leaflets, flyers etc. Guerrilla advertising: This type of advertising method is growing day by day. In this enterprise invites customers to participate and interact with a firm. The concept of this type promotion way is creating new ideas and new innovations. This method doesn't incurred large cost. Outdoor advertising: This advertising is also known as out of home. The tools of outdoor advertising is billboards, bus shelter posters, fly posters etc. this way is cheaper way to promote company products. Its attract more customers because of its high visibility. Product placement advertising: It is form of advertising where company goods and services are promoted on shows and movies. Example in a particular show the celebrities are having pasta and expressing their views about product quality and taste. This influence people to buy product. Steps to developing and advertising strategy

Segmentation is a process where the company divides the customers in some major consumer types, sub groups, or market. As to divide or segment a market, the researcher looks for the common characteristics such as customer preference, lifestyle, demographic profiles, income group. To get better result it is very important for the company to segment the market so it can target it with a good strategy. The level of precision it have while segmenting the market will decide the positive or negative outcome. The company has to ensure that they are able to target the right population. This will help it in keeping the efficiency level at par with standards. The segmentation process will be done as per the results of research conducted by the the company for understanding customer preference and orientation towards the pasta and the industry. The industry have a intense customer fragmentation which is good for any company which ventures into the market. But what is difficult is to attract the customer from their preferred brand and make them loyal to the Felicetti brand. That is why exporting was chosen as a mode of entry in the market. Segmentation of population was done on two basis first age group and and purchasing capacity(appropriate price). The results provided basis as whom the company has to target. Most consumers of pasta were from the age group of 21-30 and 10-20 years old. The pricing which was

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