Management and operations

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Management and operations

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INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 4 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................ 4 a) Comparing different roles and characteristics of a leader and manager ................................4 b) Manner in which role of leader and function of manager is applied in different situations ..5 c) Applying theories and models of leadership............................................................................6 D) Analysis and differentiating among leader and function of manager.....................................7 E) Strength and weaknesses of varied approaches to situations in work environment............... 7 F) Critical analysis and evaluation of different theories. ...........................................................8 TASK 2............................................................................................................................................ 8 A Key approaches to operation management and role that leaders and managers play.............. 8 B Importance and value of operation management in achieving the business objectives........... 9 C Factors within business environment which impacts operational management and decisionmaking by leaders and managers............................................................................................... 10 D How leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational management............... 10 E Different factors affecting business environment and wider community.............................. 11 F Critical evaluation of operational management and factors impacting wider business environment............................................................................................................................... 12 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 13

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INTRODUCTION The individuals or experts within the business entity who possess the some special kind of talent, potential as well as capabilities which are essentially required. Along with this they are collectively regarded by the organization and they are termed as leaders. These are related to the operational activities and the functionalities which are to be performed by the experts. Further, the leaders having the ability of obtaining the goals which is known as leadership quality. The mechanism as well as techniques can be used by the business entity for the smooth and the flawless running of the business activities which can be complicated and complex (Barratt, Choi and Li, 2011). The leaders of the company having the ability which helps the employee in attaining the goals by doing the teamwork. The present scenario is focused on HP foods Limited which is formerly based in Birmingham and the company is the producer of HP, Lea and Perrins sauce brands. The parent company of HP foods Limited is H.J Heinz company. It was also having a licensee of Chinese food and condiment brand as well as Amoy food. The report has evaluated different approaches and theories of leadership along with the strength and weaknesses of the various approaches for the different situation which are occurred within the working environment.

TASK 1 A) Comparing different roles and characteristics of a leader and manager The role as well as characteristics of the leader in addition with the manager differs from one another but the entire operations which are being conducted by them are critical. In comparing actual roles played by leaders and manager within HP foods, it is being assessed that both plays crucial role in performing the responsibilities which is assigned to them. Leader's role is considered most important as person is required to handle team of greater number of people at place of work. Moreover, in order to solve the issues witnessed in the internal business, measures have been taken. Further, consideration has been given to several kinds of risks so that internal operations of the firm can be conducted in an effective manner (Ravi, 2008). In contrast to this, manager's role is significant in which they are involved into practices which is related with development that results in welfare of the business. In situation, if the policies are not devised in an effective manner then such acts as a hurdle in accomplishment of major goals as well as Get the best management assignment help service at affordable price from the professional writers of Instant Assignment Help.

objectives of the firm. Absence of recruitment of suitable leader and manager can increase difficult for HP food to lay emphasis over its desired targets and objectives. Leaders are holding responsibility towards developing suitable strategies for managing the workforce as well as with this requirement of the personnel they are delighted to a greater extent. Thus it assists in bringing favorable outcomes for the organization in the best possible way (Shetach, 2009). This helps in retention of staff as well. In order to lead individual, certain tool of motivation are being used like reward system in addition to introducing

certain kind of other benefits based on the

performance. Without managing the internal activities of employees,

firm cannot be conducted

with effectiveness. Thus with this it can be presented the leader's role is effective in comparison with manger of HP food. B) Manner in which role of leader and function of manager is applied in different situations The main aim of leadership is towards getting the work done through considering aspect that is related with team. Thus, according to this, the leader is required to adopt suitable style which can help in leading the individual so as to make them ready towards performance in accordance with direction determined. The leadership style has to be proper which implies that in case of any situation, it can entail motivation in employees and encourage them. Further, it has been determined that leader has to adopt situational leadership style so that management in each situation can be done in an effective manner. This has to be managed by the leader (SĂśderlund, 2012). Appropriate style of leadership can assist people in developing effective bond with the person and such act as an aid in enhancing their performance and productivity to a significant level. Moreover, manager's function is in relation with laying emphasis on organizational targets. Therefore HR food manager possess accountability towards creation of healthy work environment in the premises so that the set aim and objectives can be attained in an effective manner. At the same point of time, manager needs to focus on appropriate assignment of the duties and authorities. This is done in order to deliver quality services to the customers in accordance with their requirement. This is another perspective through which the business operations can be managed in an effective manner. Thus as per the discussion, it has been clear that both leader and manager have the accountability towards adopting several management style as per the situation (Olsen and SĂŚtre, 2007). For example, in order to manage conflict between Get the best management assignment help service at affordable price from the professional writers of Instant Assignment Help.

the leader and subordinates, manager needs to ensure that they pay attention towards issues of both parties. Further, with mutual consent solution can be determined. This is crucial for safeguarding the business from varied problems that are associated with work. C) Applying theories and models of leadership Situational leadership is considered as the leadership model that lay emphasis over the flexibility and simplicity. As per this leadership style, adjustments can be made as per the condition. Employment of situational leadership can be done in HP foods by analyzing the development level of employees. Following this, the leader and manager of HP foods need to adjust with the behavior. For example, in situation the employees to a significant level possess greater competency and commitment then leader needs to adopt delegating behavior (Pansiri and Temtime, 2008). This is because of the reason that personnel who possess competency and are committed have willingness towards working on the project in situation when less assistance and supervision is granted. System leadership is based on examination of interactions and association between the different components of system. There is existence of greater number of functional system in HP foods at different levels that includes lower, senior as well as middle. Implementation of system leadership can be made sure through collaborating with the managers across the several functional systems. Further, by enabling presence of collective intelligence within the firm this approach can be implemented in HP foods. This would require execution of appropriate procedure in relation with communication in the business so that there is unbroken flow at different levels. The approach of contingency demonstrates that there is lack of appropriate way with which business can be managed. Rather than this, the approach makes assumption that suitability depends on the interplay between the particular condition and behavior of management (Foropon and McLachlin, 2013). Such can be applied with respect to HP food by means of measuring Least Preferred Co-worker (LPC) score given by manager, leader and situational variables. The LPC scale can be used in determining the person with whom one can enjoy at minimum. The situational variable includes task structure, position power and leader-member relationship.

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D) Analysis and differentiating among leader and function of manager A leader is considered as person who affects group of individual in relation to attainment of target. Moreover manager is one who have been assigned with the responsibility towards controlling department in the organization (Heizer and, 2009). The firm such as HP foods has to carry out operations on wide basis because of which it needs to appoint both leader and manager. The major difference among the leader and manager's role has been enumerated as under: Leader


The play role of managing people in HP foods. Managers have the responsibility towards Leader takes the risk and make efforts in directing and controlling the group of meeting the expectations of the people individual attached with the firm.






coordination and harmonization of the group in order to attain main aim.

Risk taker

Averse risk

They adopt style such as transformational, They adopt style that includes autocratic, consultative and participative.

dictatorial, authoritative etc

Thus above table reflects that both manager and leader are significant for the firm in carrying out the operations and management of the people in an effective manner. E) Strength and weaknesses of varied approaches to situations in work environment Situational leadership is regarded as renowned and mostly used style of leadership that assist in training the leaders of HP foods. It is regarded as practical approach which is comprehensive and can be applied in several situations that exists in HP foods. With the help of this style, leader can gain information in relation to various ways that can be adopted in order ensure effectiveness in their roles. In contrary to such situational leadership can lead to alterations within the behavior in the employees. This can act as an aid in developing range of problems between the leader and follower (Johnston, 2005). Modifications on frequent basis can lead to creation of confusion in the individual and such can resist them in discussing the issue with leader. Thus it affects the entire productivity and performance of personnel. Get the best management assignment help service at affordable price from the professional writers of Instant Assignment Help.

F) Critical analysis and evaluation of different theories. At HP foods the approach which is used includes task oriented that assist in attainment of all task on time. For instance, this act as an aid in managing the services as per needs. The emphasis of task oriented leader is in relation with attainment of task. However in certain case for attainment of task leader takes hasty decision. Moreover it makes development of the potential in the employees with respect to managing diverse services with effectiveness (Ravi, 2008). Leader of HP food is concerned about the relationship approach in which greater efforts are made by leader in order build long term and appropriate relationship with employees. The approach possess greater effectiveness in relation with retention and satisfaction of employees in firm. Situational leadership assist leader of HP food in using different style and such results in enhancing the leader's skill. System leadership is beneficial for HP foods as it assist in focusing on the various components of organizational system. However this style is bringing appropriate collaboration among the individual of HP foods that assist them towards sharing of roles and responsibilities with effectiveness (Sรถderlund, 2012). Thus it is clear that leadership system is essential for increasing communication within HP foods.

TASK 2 A) Key approaches to operation management and role that leaders and managers play Different approaches to operation management are :Dynamic approach: This approach helps in analyzing and evaluating the operations management in HP Foods Limited. It deals with explicitly with the four elements which are knowledge, problem solving, learning and the contingencies (Brandon and Mullan, 2013). It helps in improving the knowledge and efficiency by using the new technology which helps in enhancing the rates of the improvement and adaptation of new situations. System approach: This approach helps in doing the collection of the interrelated parts which acts together so that the company members can achieve the goals which are decided by the higher authorities of HP Foods Limited which exist in the environment. System can be defined as a set of the objects and their attributes which is related to each other and to the environment. Role of leaders in operation management- The leader of HP Foods Limited helps in integrating and reconcile the personal goals with the organizational goals. The leaders helps in Get the best management assignment help service at affordable price from the professional writers of Instant Assignment Help.

co-coordinating the work by putting the more efforts for achieving the purpose and by that they can achieve the objectives and goals. Role of managers in operation management- By using the appropriate knowledge and skills, the manager of HP Foods Limited manage all the business activities (Chin, 2010). The manager of the company helps in managing the resources along with the appropriate financial management. They have to do the proper analysis which helps in maintaining the cost and improving the efficiency. B) Importance and value of operation management in achieving the business objectives Operation management is involved in converting the raw materials to finished the units of output. Department of operation management is important department which is compared with the other functional divisions with the business entity (Schyns and Schilling, 2011). Importance of operation management – Operation management helps in obtaining the required raw materials for carrying out the production procedure. Along with this they have to provide the necessary details or the information on required raw material and units for the production which are provided to the employees of HP Foods Limited after doing the analysis which is carried out by the production department. The company members have to do the appropriate research and on the basis of that they have to use the proper resources and by that they can done the modifications in the production process (Cho and Dansereau, 2010). Department of the operation management which gives the complete brief on the units of output that will be produced. Without the proper data and information on the units of out put to be produced and the organisation can not carry out the further activities. Value of operation management – Operational functions are of the tremendous value for HP Foods Limited. The task of obtaining the required input at the possible least cost which is accomplished by the department. Least cost of the resources which is extremely important for the business entity as it adds the value of the cost leadership to the business (Dekker, Bloemhof and Mallidis, 2012). Operational functions has enables HP Foods Limited to attain the differentiation as against the other rivals in the industry. Along with this they have to maintain the positive brand image throughout the whole world which belongs to the cultural background on the account of the cost efficient product provided at number of outlets in the whole world. Get the best management assignment help service at affordable price from the professional writers of Instant Assignment Help.

C) Factors within business environment which impacts operational management and decisionmaking by leaders and managers There are two factors which impact the business environment and the decisions which are taken by the leaders as well as managers of the company. Two factors are internal and external. Internal factors are those factors which having the impact on the success of HP Foods Limited and the approaches of the operations. It includes the different factors which are financial variable and internal relations. Financial variables includes the financial resources which are funding, opportunities for the investment and source of income. It is dependent on the transactions which is done in the business and the financial system (Haider and Riaz, 2010). For example, change in the interest rate on the one consumers which affect the business. Internal relations is that which helps in maintaining the relations with the employees and staff members so that they can not face any issues. External factors having the impact on each of the business which helps in increasing the handling of the different activities in the business. Suppliers are included in these factors and these are the person who provide the proper material to the business so that they can carry out the proper business activities. They have to provide the best quality of the products which helps in increasing the sales (Krajewski, Ritzman and Malhotra,2013). Competitors are also the part of the external factor which helps in providing the qualitative product at the reasonable price which helps in attaining the goals and objectives as well as helps in expanding the growth in the competitive market. D) How leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational management Management of operation is the field which is related to the multi-disciplinary and it helps in focusing on the different aspects of HP Foods Limited. The leaders as well as managers have to focus on the different functions which helps the employees ion doing the best and qualitative work. Leader and manager of the company have to do the more improvements along with the developments which helps in attaining the goals and objectives (Kuruppuarachchi and Perera, 2010). They have to do the proper supply of the product and these products are produced according to the needs and wants of the consumer. The staff members of HP Foods Limited have to put more efforts so that they can make the co-ordination while doing work which assist in improving the efficiency. Along with this the workers have to do work effectively so that the Get the best management assignment help service at affordable price from the professional writers of Instant Assignment Help.

manager and leader can not face any problem. Manager of

HP Foods Limited have to make the

appropriate decisions for the betterment of the company along with the proper strategy which helps in making the best products and on the basis of that they can attain the success and leading position in the market. Manager of the company helps in maintaining the quality of the product and the manager play a important role in total quality management so that they require the great amount in the planning as well as research (Lin and McDonough III, 2011). It acts as a facilitator at the workplace and manager of HP Foods Limited having a duty to assist the employees in implementing the total quality management. E) Different factors affecting business environment and wider community Different factors which having the impact on the business environment which creates the problem in attaining the success as well as expanding the growth in the market. Political factors is the main factor which affect the business entity and in this the government having the full support at the time of globalization. It helps in maintaining the political stability in the marketplace. Along with this regulatory bodies have to support HP Foods Limited for ecommerce (Mayer, Kuenzi and Greenbaum, 2010). Economic factor constitute the economic condition, policies as well as the system. This factor directly affects the economic condition. Social factors affect the business entity and it helps in improving the diversity for the consumer. Further, it is having the high health consciousness. Along with this it increases the support for the rights which helps in fulfilling the demand of the consumer. Technological factor is the factor which affect the business environment. HP Foods Limited have to use the new and innovative as well as advance technology which assist in making the better and qualitative products for the consumers so that they can attain the maximum revenue. Legal factors is that factor in which HP Foods Limited have to use the proper policies along with laws which helps in attaining the targets. The company member have to capture the maximum opportunity so that they can attain the leading position in the market. Environmental factors is the factor which affect the environment of HP Foods Limited as it helps in maintaining the sustainability of the business (Morgeson, DeRue and Karam, 2010).

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F) Critical evaluation of operational management and factors impacting wider business environment Operation management is the area of the management where the staff members have to do the proper designing and the controlling in the process of the production along with the redesigning of the operations of the business in the production and the manufacturing of the merchandise (MĂźller and Turner, 2010). The employees of HP Foods Limited having the responsibility that they have to do the proper business operations which are having the efficient nature. Company members have to use the appropriate resources so that they can attain the maximum sales and helps in attaining the maximum revenue. The manager of HP Foods Limited have to manage the quality and where the improvements is necessary which will help in attaining the quality. Company members have to manage the competition in the domestic market. The staff members have to choose the proper location to do the business so that

so that company

members can do the lot of things and this will having so much impact on the political risk, currency risk, brand fit. Political risk assist in maintaining the stability in the marketplace at the time of high competition. The leader and manager of HP Foods Limited have to do proper work with proper quality so that they can reduce the cost which helps in attaining the success along with the targets which are decided by the higher authorities of HP Foods Limited (Salahuddin, 2010). The leader and manager of the business entity have to use the appropriate models or the approaches in doing and maintaining the quality of the work so that they can obtain the profitability and proficiency.

CONCLUSION Operation management is important for the business entity which helps in running the business smoothly and make the more productivity in the corporation. Managers and leaders play a important and essential role in the market and they affect the business. Operation management is the important aspect of the successful business and will continue to be so in the future as well. Leaders of HP Foods Limited have to use the appropriate models of leadership which will helps in attaining the success and targets. Moreover, the staff members of HP Foods Limited have to perform the operations in the proper way as well as the decisions must be taken so that they have to attain the specified goals and targets within the stipulated time frame. Get the best management assignment help service at affordable price from the professional writers of Instant Assignment Help.

REFERENCES Journals and Books Foropon, C. and McLachlin, R., 2013. Metaphors in operations management theory building. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 33(2). pp.181-196 Heizer, and, 2009. Operations Management. Pearson Education India. Johnston, R., 2005. Service operations management: return to roots. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 25(12). pp.1278 – 1297. Olsen, A. K. and Sætre, P., 2007. ERP for SMEs – is proprietary software an alternative?. Business Process Management Journal. 13(3). pp.379–389. Pansiri, J. and Temtime, T. Z., 2008. Assessing managerial skills in SMEs for capacity building. Journal of Management Development. 27(2). pp.251–260. Ravi, A., 2008. Managing Business Process Flows: Principles Of Operations Management, 2/E. Pearson Education India. Shetach, A., 2009. The revised decision-square model (RDSM): A tool for effective decisionimplementation in teams. Team Performance Management. 15(1/2). pp.7–17.

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