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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3 TASK 1 ............................................................................................................................................3 1.1................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.4................................................................................................................................................ 6 TASK2 2.1................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.3................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.4.............................................................................................................................................. 10 TASK 3 ..........................................................................................................................................11 3.1.............................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2.............................................................................................................................................. 11 3.3.............................................................................................................................................. 12 3.4.............................................................................................................................................. 13 TASK 4 ........................................................................................................................................13 4.1 Identify different forms of intellectual property with examples ......................................... 13 4.2 Principles which are related to protect of inventions through patent rights and their infringement to advise Toy and James...................................................................................... 14 4.3 Principle related to copyright protection and their infringement as part of the advice to Tony and James......................................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Compare and contrast the protection of trademarks and business names ........................... 17 CONCLUSIONS ..........................................................................................................................18 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................19

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INTRODUCTION Business law is defined as rules and regulations that are mandatory for all the organization to follow while executing the functional activities of the firm. Government of nation forms policies and rules that are mandatory to be followed for the companies that are working in diverse industries (Dinnie, 2015). Present report describes about significance of business law and its importance for performing different business functions have been mentioned. In addition to that legal rules related to implied terms and sales of goods and supply of services have been explained. Moreover, statutory provisions have applied on the transfer of property and possessions. Furthermore, evaluation of statutory provision on buyers and sellers remedies have been explained. Along with this rules, regulations, termination of rights and default notices in given scenario has been mentioned.

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TASK 1 1.1 Sales of goods act and Supply of service are two legal rules that are used in business. It is vital that guidelines mentioned under the act should be strictly followed so that agreements that University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

are signed by business organizations should be duly fulfilled. Legal rules are applied on implied terms and there are some specific legislation that are formed by the government regarding sale of goods and supply of services (Vagts, Koh and Buxbaum, 2015). These legislation aids in securing protection of rights of buyers. Sale of goods act was formed in the year 1979 and Services act was formed in the year 1982. Along with this there are implied terms that are needed to be considered while making contract in business. Some specific terms are related under the Sales of good act 1979 and these terms are known as implied terms. Parties that gets involve in making contract with each other determine about the implied terms. Conditions and warranties are two major elements that are included in implied terms. There are some implied terms that are used in Sale of goods and these are as described :Title and sale of good by description :- Title is a term that explains about rights of seller and this term is also referred as a condition. Along with this sale of goods by description defines about consistency of goods as per the description of products. Products can be described on the basis of specific features, attributes, brand which they belong and labels. This term also comes in the category of condition. Sale of good by sample :- According to Sales of goods act goods that are sold should be consistent with the samples and this term is included in the category of condition.

One more term that is included is Sale of goods by sample as well as description in which goods that are sold should be compatible with the description and sample that has been initially used. Fitness Ensuring :- it is critical that quality of goods should be ensured so that it will meet the requirement and preferences shown by buyers. There are some specific elements that are included while ensuring quality of products and it includes process, attributes and features of the products. This term is also included in the condition (Crane and Matten, 2016). Similarly there are some specific terms that are included in Sales of good and it is essential that the goods must be burden free and possession of goods must be enjoyed by the buyer. There are some implied terms that are associated with the supply of services and it is vital that these should be comply with while selling any product in market. Supply of goods and service act 1982 describes about two different parts and it includes supply of goods in first part and University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

supply of services is included in the second part (Miller, 2015). An implied term related to reasonable price and time should be included in supply of services. It has been mentioned in the act that contract of apprenticeship should be excluded and agreement related to supply of services should be included. Application Of Implied Terms The use of implied terms is very vast now a days. The terms re implied by the law if the issues related to the terms are stated directly. All the commercial transactions are under these laws. The sales contract is having the implied warranty of merchant-ability. This means that even after purchasing the product and using it, if the person gets injured the product can be replaced or re-payed. This term is used when the sales contract is not in written form. 1.2 There are some statutory provisions that are needed to be included o transfer of property and possession. Sales of good act mentions about legislation that are related with the transfer of property and possession and some specific provisions also have been mentioned. According to this law it is imperative that goods should not be ascertained. When contracts are made for Sale of UN-ascertained goods than it becomes critical that all the goods that are required to be sold and transferred should be ascertained (Holsapple, 2013). If this condition is not properly fulfilled than goods will not be transferred to the buyers. Application Of Statutory Provisions The section 5 in transfer of property act 1982 defines the property transfer. The application is such that one can transfer the property to another person in present or in future. All the properties of transfer will not include any immovable objects. The law stated that immovable property only includes lands, ferries and buildings. Further section 43 of this law suggest that if any person is fraudulently clamming the owner of the property, then this will not be taken into consideration. All the legal documents of the property must have the owner's name of the property, then only it can be transferred from one person to another. Some conditions must be satisfied for the transfer of the property which are; there should be a valid representation from the person who is transferring the property that he is having the authority to shift the immovable property. The interest rates should be taken by the individual who owns the property. University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

It is also critical that intention of parties for entering into contract for sale of good should be determined. It becomes liability of seller that goods should be properly weighted, checked and tested before final delivery.

In case of failure in following this condition sellers not deserve the right to ownership. With this it is essential that in order to transfer property and goods seller and purchaser should identify the actual goods that are about to be delivered. It is also responsibility of seller to inform the buyer about the delivery of good and it is also required that buyer should be informed regarding the same (Klarsfeld, Booysen and Tatli, 2014). According to the given case scenario Mrs Smith purchases carpet from Ali and Sons and as part of transaction carpets are to be supplied at Mrs Smith Saloon. Full payments are made by Mrs Smith for the transaction of good, delivery of good and fitting of carpet. However, at the day of delivery the carpet was stolen from out of saloon as there was no one available for receiving the carpet at the saloon. In this case Mrs Smith takes actions and ask for refund for the whole transaction that has been made. However, the seller refuses for making any kind of refunds and make arguments that goods have been delivered by them as they have agreed. In this case seller Ali & Sons have made the delivery on prior date and time (Acharya, Baghai and Subramanian, 2014). It was decided that product will be delivered on 20 may 2015 but there was no one available for receiving the product and thus the carpet was stolen from the outside of the saloon. In this case proper notifications were available but no proper actions have been taken for giving responsibilities to people for receiving the product. Ali and Sons deserves no liability for making payment for refunds that have been made. 1.3 When a product is sold than a legal relationship is developed between buyer and seller. There are some remedies that are available for buyer and seller and use of these can be avail be them. The remedies that are available are as mentioned :-

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Remedies Available For Buyers If the goods that are ordered by the buyer are not meeting the attributes, features and quality of products than buyer deserves the right to reject the product. Buyer deserve the right to accept the goods and reject the good. If there is failure sown by seller in delivering the products than buyer have right for taking legal action against the seller (Ayeh, Au and Law, 2013). If conditions occur related to breach of warranty than in this case buyer does not deserve right for rejecting the contract and but he can ask for reduction of price. Remedies Available For Sellers There are some remedies that are available for seller and if there is failure of making payment by the buyer than in this case seller has right to take legal action against the seller. If buyer refuses for making any kind of payment than seller has right for taking legal action against the non payment of goods. Evaluation of Statutory Provision The statutory provisions for buyer and seller remedies can also be considered as the legal rights of the company, so that they run the business in fairly. The evaluation will ensure that the law is equal for both buyer and seller. The applied statutory provisions is a framework and the conditions mentioned in the law have to be fulfilled by the buyer and seller. Such provision will reduce the risk and liability of damaged goods. It secures the relationship between both the parties. The product can be replaced or re-payed by the buyer.

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1.4 Consumer protection act describes about provisions and it is essential to follow the guidelines that have been mentioned in the act. Product liability statutory provisions gets applied to daughter's hair straightener. According to the given case scenario Mrs Smith purchased a hair straightener for her daughter from Currys. The product caught fire on the first day of use and it created damage for the product. The product stopped working and this case and due to that financial damages suffered by buyer Mrs Smith in purchasing the products. According to Consumer protection act if any product is defective than it becomes liability of manufacturer towards the damages that are their in the product (Ye, Wang and Law, 2014). Legal and statutory liability regarding the product has been introduced under the Consumer protection act.

If any manufacturer makes faulty products and delivers them to consumers than in this type of situations liability goes to manufacturer. Mrs smith's daughter used the Hair straightener product and it got damaged while using. In this case liability for making use of the product goes to manufacturer who was involved in making of product. Mrs. Smith deserves legal right for taking legal action against the maker of the product as damages have been sustained by her. Application Consumer protection act applies to all the consumer s and all kind of products. This will also include the sales of goods between businesses not just the sales between consumers. The University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

application is that if any individual is injured by the use of defective product, then he can claim on the company for the loss of money and his health. The claim comes into picture when the damage is more than $275. This act will imposes no limits of finances on the liabilities of producer. TASK2 2.1 There are different types of credit agreementsIt has been assessed that there are different types of credit agreements that grant credit to customers in regard to fulfill with customers credit act and all the relevant rules that helps in involving these elements in relation to customer Credit Directive. Also, the conditions of agreement should also meet the unjust Terms within customer contracts. However, if individual does not properly follow customer credit rules, it enforces credit conformity against a purchaser that only be probable using risk order.

Following are the main forms of credit agreements are•

At the time when debtor has no power upon the use of loan for which it is put to then such credits are restricted to use credit agreements but where the debtor has power to control the use of the loan then such agreements are unrestricted credit agreements.


Further, it involves an agreeement that is linked to the supplier and the creditors are stated as debtor-creditor-supplier agreement but when there is not connection within the creditor and supplier are creditor debtor agreeement. Government of nation has formulated legislation related to consumer credit, monopolies

and intellectual property. All the laws gets related to business and everyday dealings of the functional activities. Credit agreements are defined as legal contracts in which a specific amount of money is given by banks as a loan to the customers. There are some specific regulations that are followed while making a contract (Leung, Van Hoof and Buhalis, 2013). It is imperative that University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

right credit should be selected so that required objectives from it can be achieved. There are different types of credit agreements and these are as described :Secured credit arrangements :- Secure credit arrangements are made while considering some specific types of security. If there are some situations that arise when an individual who borrows money failed in paying the borrowed credit than in this case lender of money deserves right to acquire the assets. Some secure credit transactions that are made includes line of credit, loan on home equity and loan on car. Unsecured credit arrangements :- In this type of credit arrangements no security is provided by borrower for the money that has been borrowed from banks and other financial institutions.

There is no proper arrangements through which lender can recollect the money that has been lend by him (Richardson and Mazey, 2015). If situation arises when the borrower fails in repaying the money than it can be collected through debt collectors. Some unsecured credit agreements that are made includes master card, visa cards and bank loans. 2.2 It is essential that the contract shall originate upon execution by the parties and thus persist until finished by the parties. Also, the customer shall have the right to finish the agreement within 30 days. However, the amount that is not paid in full when due will be focus to interest charges of the smaller of one and half percent. Customers are also liable for the taxes to pay and also reimburse for local, state, central and distant taxes. According to the given case scenario Mrs Smith's son Peter agrees to take a car on hire and he select Ali and Sons as an source for making the purchase. Total hire purchase price is set as ÂŁ6500 and ÂŁ1700 are given as deposits and 24 monthly payments are made for ÂŁ200. Suddenly Peter lost his job and now he is wondering whether to write a letter to Ali and Sons finance with an intention to termination and or just to stop paying with the view of getting a job soon to keep up the payments. If a vehicle is purchased under the hire purchase agreements than it is going to be regulated by Consumer credit act 1974. In this case also Peter was involved in purchasing vehicle on hire purchase and so rules and guidelines that are mentioned under this act gets applied to Peter. If it is required by creditor to terminate the agreement than it is essential that University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

default notice should be given to the buyer and proper notification should be given to them regarding the same.

In the notifications some important information needs to be mentioned and it includes complete details of agreements, details of address of buyers and creditors details of breach are also mentioned in the detailed notice. It is vital that detailed notice should be given to the creditors (Bryman and Bell, 2015). 2.3 There are different types of agents that takes part in financial transaction process and every one play a significant role in accomplishing their assigned role. Factor is an agent who remains good for selling them in future and individual working as an factor holds capacity to makes agreements and contracts with third parties (Hutchinson, 2016). Factor is a commercial agent and major objective for which the factor works is to retain the goods that could be sold in the future. In addition to that one more agent is Broker who act as an intermediary between buyer and seller. He works as an intermediary between the parties and works for bringing all the individuals on a same platform. When agreements are signed between parties than role of broker comes to end. Major work with which a broker start working is to play the role of intermediary between the parties that signs contract. Next agent is commission agent who charges a specific amount of money for the transaction that has been made while selling the good. Commission agent hold the authority over goods and role played by broker and commission agent are similar to each other. Auctioneer is also a agent that works for selling the goods in auction and fewer difficulties and challenges are obstacles are faced by individual while selling the goods (Bargiela-Chiappini and Nickerson, 2014). It is essential for the auctioneer to bound by the rules that are linked with the sales of products.

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In addition to Broker, Factor and Commission agent one more type of agents is general agent that are responsible for completing all the assigned task and job duties. On the other hand some particular tasks are completed by individual working as a particular agent. Along with this there is A Del Credere agent who is responsible for ensuring that the contract is executed and completed in appropriate manner. If any fault is done while making the contract than it is becoming responsibilities of agent to compensate. 2.4 It is essential to evaluate the rights and duties of agent which are as followsAgent plays a significant role in completing financial transactions and there are rights and duties that are needed to be completed by the agents which are as described :Rights of agents :- Agents works on behalf of principal and therefore, they possess certain rights for which he/she is liable. They need to carry out suitable care and diligence in regard to avoid disagreement within his/her personal wellbeing and those helps in carrying out instructions of principal. Agent have right for enactment and the responsibilities of the principle can be enacted by the person working as an agent. In addition to that agent deserves the right to retain any fund that is linked with the business (Crane and Matten, 2016). It is assertive that some specific amount of remuneration should be charged by the agent for the task and work that is being completed by them. Remuneration of agent can not be made due until act is completed. Every agent deserves the right to ask for specific remuneration for the work that is being performed by them. If a situation arises when any misconduct is made by agent in the business than in this case agent is not entitled for getting any kind of remuneration (Miller, 2015).

Misconduct that is being made by the agent comes in the category of activity for no remuneration are paid. If any good, property and documents have been lost than agent deserves the right for recovering them. Along with this there are some specific duties which are needed to be fulfilled by the agent. It is imperative that agent should posses required skills and capabilities that are required for completing a specific task and duties. It is duty of agent to be connected with the principle and it is also required that agent must be capable enough for compensating for his principles. It University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

becomes responsibility of the agent to execute business of his principles (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2014). It is also essential that agent must be capable for paying all the sums and other financial costs. In case principle is suffering from any kind of mental disability than all the duties are completed by agent on behalf of principles.

TASK 3 3.1 Monopolies and anti competitive practices and legislation are followed in UK and it aids in regulating the business environment of the country. Majority of firm in UK enjoys monopoly power and government has formed many anti competitive practices that includes Cartels and collusion in which Cartel is a type of contract that is signed by business with objective to join forces that are against the buyers, suppliers and competitors in market (Dinnie, 2015). Along with this there are some restrictive practices that are used and unethical practices have also been included under the restrictive practices that are followed. Government of nation has formulated some competition legislation and it includes Restrictive trade practices act in which decisions and judgments are taken by court related to the restrictive practices.

Judgments that are given by courts determine whether any practice is admissible or not. Similarly Restrictive trade practices act 1976 is also an act that has been formed by government for regulating the trade practices that are followed in the nation. Monopolies and restrictive practices act 1965 renders authority to power commission to hurdle or stop the business deals that are not according to public interest. With these acts Fair trading act has also been made by the government in which major focus has been given for regulating the marketing conditions and government has set many official bodies for inspecting the monopoly that exist in the market (Vagts, Koh and Buxbaum, 2015). Telecommunication act 1980 renders guidelines for making the competition commission independent. Along with this Competition act 1980 gives emphasis on regulating the anti competitive practices. 3.2 Competition commission is being stated as an effective term within Competitive Act 1998 and being considered as Monopolies and Merger Commission. However, the main role University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

which is being granted to the competition commission involves commission that involves reporting at the time when director general of office of fair trading refers so that commission violates the act. Also, UK Office of fair trading role plays crucial role in regard to enforce provision of competition act 1998. Also, there are several actions that is being made and involves different request to seek information power in search of premises with or without any warrant. Competition commission works with the objective to inspect and regulate the monopoly power in the market. This commission releases statement for the ministers. Decisions and judgments are taken by this commission on the restrictive trade innie, K., 2015practices that are followed in market. Establishment of EU was done to

ensure growth of market by implementing fair trade practices (Klarsfeld, Booysen and Tatli, 2014). As per the guidelines of UK monopoly practices have been banned in UK and due to this governance of competition is shifting towards European Union from member states. On the other hand there are some other bodies which are also authorized for regulating the monopoly in market. Medicine and Healthcare products regulatory agency is one such institution which deals with the medical devices and medicines (Holsapple, 2013). Along with this Office of rail regulations is also one such body that regulates and control railway specific requirements. National measurement office is also an agency that works for energy pursuance for new products. 3.3 Following are the dominant position within EU common market are as follows•

At the time when firm is in the position to discriminate prices that depends upon the type of consumer.

Also, company carries out the activities of regional price discrimination

Reducing price in regard to overcome competition

At the time when retail prices are being controlled the suppliers

Also, the goods are being sold within limited area

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Dominant positions in EU common market can be understood with the article 102 which describes that any kind of abuse that have been made by any undertaking that belongs to a dominating position than it is completely prohibited (Ayeh, Au and Law, 2013). If trade related activities gets affected by the member states than such kind of abuse is strictly prohibited.

Abuses which are done includes decreasing output and technological growth and charging discriminatory price while selling any product in market. Making any faulty mentioning of details in the contract and making misleading the summary in the contract (Acharya, Baghai and Subramanian, 2014). All these activities are included in the category of abuse and these practices are completely prohibited. It aids in making restriction on trade practices that are being followed in the nation.

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3.4 Applying the EU exemptions to potential anti-competitive practices that helps in undertaking Article 81 of Treaty restricts business arrangements and prevents or hamper the competition within UK and EU. Following are the main anti competitive agreement that are exempted such as •

It helps in safeguarding legal interests of business


Identifying the international justification of behavior


Identifying the poor rating of customer within such circumstances

Anti competitive practices that are followed in UK are regulated by EU and it also supports for controlling the monopoly in the market. EU exemptions have potential impacts on the anti competitive practices that are followed. Exemptions have been made in the article 101 and under this exemptions is allowed for the practices that are beneficial for the consumers (Ye, Li, Wang and Law, 2014). Commissioner has also introduced various types of block exemptions for different types of contracts. Exemptions includes details about terms that are prohibited and it also includes practices which are prohibited. The list includes practices and it does not give impact on the hindered area. Along with this commission has authority to gets agreed for exempting the agreements.

TASK 4 4.1 Identify Different Forms Of Intellectual Property With Examples Intellectual property is determines as intangible element which create results as creativity at workplace (Berger, Silbiger and Barnes, 2015). As per the present case scenario, Mr. Smith University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

understand the basics of intellectual property law to protect their creations and ideas from unfair competition. There are four types of intellectual property demonstrates their results and performance which are as follows: Copyrights Copyrights protect original work of authorship which includes in literature, music, artistic work and computer software. For example, Mr. Smith can protect their saloon from other competitors. In this aspect, they are working with reproduce, adapt and distribution of work (Leung, Van Hoof and Buhalis, 2013) . This is because, they have exclusive rights to work with creation and registration at workplace. Patents In addition to this, patents grants property with rights on inventions. It allows to the patent holder to exclude others from making, selling and using of the inventions. In this aspect, patent is the application which protect through patent of country and trade mark office. For example, there are three types of patents are take place such as utility, design and plant (Berger, Silbiger and Barnes, 2015). Utility patent is the most common type of process, machine and article manufacture that is useful for improvement. Trademarks Trademarks is a word which describes in symbol, sign and word, etc. It makes ahead goods from their competitors.

For instance, Nike “swoosh� design identifies shoes that are made by the company. Apart from this, rights in trademarks are also acquired in term of using, registration ad many other element. To apply effective representation of the mark as well as identification of the class of goods are classified to filing application (Berger, Silbiger and Barnes, 2015). Trade secrets Trade secrets is formula, process and many other device which consider information of the business to keep their secrets. It gives various advantages over their competitors. For example, such secrets are soda formula, customer list, survey results and many other computer University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

algorithms. Other types of intellectual property is obtaining from protection which registered in trade secrets (Leung, Van Hoof and Buhalis, 2013) .

4.2 Principles Which Are Related To Protect Of Inventions Through Patent Rights And Their Infringement To Advise Toy And James In respect to eligible for patent protection, invention has been followed with creating scope of subject matter. This element is established by statue and also defines terms of the exceptions to patent ability with general rule. Following are certain principles has been determines at workplace: •

Technique of prevarication risk claim to the process. Idea of hedging risk and application of the idea in market not patentable process but add theoretical ideas.


Business methods are not definitely outside the scope of section 101.


In a view of endorse federal circuit is interpret the outcomes with little weight going ahead. Patent is an element which gives invention for the discovery.

In this aspect, it is given to patentee as right to prevent other person for using, selling the inventions without permission. For instance, big brother star and Jon Tickle has told to their house mate to produce new way to make toast. Thus, rule of taking patent is keep ideas to maintains secret within given inventions. Patent has been providing when the following conditions are satisfied: There must be the inventive step to produce proactive environment (Richardson and Mazey, 2015). The invention step is describing with step that creates invention at workplace. Patent is granted for the period of more than 20 years which is registered in company policy. In first four years, patent is renewed each year for delivering effective results and performances. If any business owner fail to renew their patent, other party can use is freely without any infringement (Berger, Silbiger and Barnes, 2015). Infringement of patent University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.

If any person use, sell process of patent and products without permission, in this patentee can sue him or her as infringement. Patentee has the right to take actions against a person who make infringement Action also take place towards infringer who destroy infringing copies and provide damages. (Leung, Van Hoof and Buhalis, 2013) In addition to this, it is essential to reduce conflicts to use of such patent at workplace.

4.3 Principle Related To Copyright Protection And Their Infringement As Part Of The Advice To Tony And James Rights of copyright are restricted towards person of particular outcomes. In this way, individual ascertain their outcomes to do work in defined ways. With the help of safe and consent of copyright, failure results will be removed at workplace. There are various principles take place that are as follows: •

Failure to do so will result in such used to organise and use of copyright work with licensing only.

Payment has been going back for licence whether in a form of one fee with royalty.

It split income stream derived from sales and publicity.

Copyright attach with only to a work that stuff form.

Idea has been spoken that composes a harmonious work to rely on copyright protection for work. Copyright is the right that is given by the government for taking new ideas for original

work at workplace. In this aspect, copyright is regulated with design and patent act 1988 within the UK market. There are different types of work included which as follows: •

Any literary work such as novel, lyrics and songs etc.

Dramatical work considers which includes dance and dramas (Jones and Lainez, 2013).

Broadcasting of work

Records of film, music, and any other event shows.

Artistic also included in this aspect which determines painting, drawing and sculptures, etc. for dominating vales.

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• •

Musical work also take which determines protection from infringement Copyright protection is also given within the period of 70 years from the calendar year. In

this aspect, such limits undertake as follows: •

50 years limit for the protection of work related to computer.

25 years duration for protection of typographic arrangements (Berger, Silbiger and Barnes, 2015) There are exclusive right which given under section 16 (1) such as

Owner can display it in public

Right to adopt the work

Display the work with the help of drama, film and any other element

Remedy that given to copyrighter •

Force to the infringer that destroy copies to original work


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4.4 Compare and contrast the protection of trademarks and business names Differences between registered trademarks determines in the symbol ÂŽ and trade mark is denoted in term of (TM). It is the registered element which has been publicity with UK rights and Trademarks office. Trademarks is determines in term of process which fitting to registered and formally related with all processes. Differences in trademarks and business names is also denoted in term of similar to a patent. Once part of art is tinted is written in printed work, it mechanically receives copyright shield. It cannot be put again. However, company name will be put again to determines sluggos. Trademarks is elected that can be represented in symbol but business name cannot be determines in symbolic term. Trademarks is only registered for legal perspectives however business names are useful for each context outcomes. In order to determines various functions, trademarks and business names are used to develop outcomes and operations (Vago, 2015). Both elements are creates positive impact on the Mr. Smith operations. As results, business will achieve their goals and targets easily. However, both elements are different from each other as follows: University Assignment help service for UK students to complete their academic writing.


Trademarks is the mark which demonstrates good and effective quality ahead from other goods and services. As compare to this, business names is used to operate functions and operations.


Trademarks includes logo, words and combinations of both elements. On the other hand, business names is useful to register positive for the use of different elements (Ferrero and Sison, 2014).


Trademarks is exclusive right in which the person can stop to other for using it. As compare to this, business names determines right to stop to buy it from other people.

CONCLUSIONS Summing up the present report it can be concluded that it is vital to follow regulations and policies that have been formed by the government. Different types of intellectual property includes copyrights, patents and trademarks. Business activities can be performed in effective way and it will aid for performing the functional activities in effective manner. Different types of regulatory laws and statutory provisions have been included for regulating the monopoly market. Different types of abuse that are made with people includes charging discriminatory selling price and decreasing outputs and technological growth.

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Competition commission takes judgment related to the restricted trade practices that are followed in the nation. EU and anti competitive practices are followed that supports for free trade competition and ensuring economic growth of the nation.


Acharya, V.V., Baghai, R.P. and Subramanian, K.V., 2014. Wrongful discharge laws and innovation. Review of Financial Studies. Ayeh, J.K., Au, N. and Law, R., 2013. Predicting the










Management.Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and Nickerson, C.R., 2014. Writing business: Genres, media and discourses. Routledge. ⚫

Berger, R., Silbiger, A. and Barnes, B. R., 2015. Analyzing business-to-business relationships in an Arab context. Journal of World Business.

Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.

Carroll, A. and Buchholtz, A., 2014. Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education.

Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.

Dinnie, K., 2015. Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. Routledge.

Ferrero, I. and Sison, A. J. G., 2014. A quantitative analysis of authors, schools and themes in virtue ethics articles in business ethics and management journals (1980–2011). Business Ethics: A European Review.

Holsapple, C., 2013. Handbook on knowledge management 1: Knowledge matters (Vol. 1). Springer Science & Business Media.

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