Naturist Trip to Phang Nga and Phuket in Thailand

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Our 8-day trip in February 2020 took us from Phuket to Oriental Beach Village Resort in Phang Nga, then back to Harmony Naturist Resort in Phuket. The trip also gave us a nice surprise by reuniting with an old friend. Depending on your flight schedule, Khao Lak is a good overnight stop if you do not want to risk missing the car ferry at Ban Nam Khem pier. 我們在貳零貳零年貳月進行了為期捌天的旅行,從普吉島到攀牙的 東方海灘鄉村渡假村,然後返回普吉島的和諧自然度假村。這次旅 行也帶給我們與老朋友團聚的驚喜。視乎航班,為免趕不上 Ban Nam Khem 碼頭的汽車輪渡,您有可能需要在拷叻過壹夜。 Our first day started by arriving at Phuket International Airport. One can never imagine how backward this airport is in terms of operation. Even though our flight arrived at mid-day, it still took us over an hour just to clear customs. Currency exchange and collecting our rental car seems like lightning speed in comparison. 第壹天,航班於中午時份在普吉國際機場 降落。遇上龜速海關人員,花了超過壹小 時才完成入境手續。相比之下,兌換泰銖 和到租車公司取車真是快如閃電。 We choose our resort in Khao Lak based on price, facilities, proximity to night market and Khao Lak pier which is essential if you plan on joining any island tour. We spent our first night in Bang Niang Night Market, a relatively small night market which is roughly divided into 3 sections – wet market, souvenir and restaurants. Page 2 of 22

我們根據價格、設施、與夜市及往外島的考拉碼頭的距離選擇在拷 叻的度假村。如果您計劃參加任何外島旅程,就近考拉碼頭是必須 的。第壹晚在 Bang Niang 夜市消磨。雖然不是壹個大的夜市,但 也可分為參區 – 濕市場、遊客區及食市。 As the name implies, “wet market” is where locals can buy fresh vegetables, raw meat and live seafood for their consumption. “Souvenir section” is where most tourists spend their time. Majority of merchandise you find here is no different than their counterpart anywhere else. Luckily, there are exceptions that worth your attention. We ran into a small shop where the owner hand made all kinds of really cool models using steel wire. Recommended! 顧名思義,《濕市場》是當地人購買新鮮蔬菜,生肉和活海鮮的地 方。《遊客區》是大多數遊客留連的區域。您在這裡找到的大多數 商品與其他任何地方的商品沒有什麼不同。幸運的是,也有些例外 值得您注意的商店。其中壹家小商店,店主在那裡用鋼絲繩手工製 作了各種非常酷的模型。推薦!

As for the diners, they most certainly exceeded our expectations. We finally met a chef who knows how to grill chicken! Skin was crispy and Page 3 of 22

meat was juicy. The sauce was a bit spicy but so tasty. If you come here, you must try the local BBQ chicken. 至於食市,它們肯定超出了我們的期望。我們終於遇上壹位會烤雞 的廚師!烤雞皮脆、肉嫩又多汁。醬汁有點辣,但是很好吃。如果 您來這裡,必須嘗試當地的燒烤雞。

Next day, we planned on spending some time at world famous Similan Islands National Park. Sadly, because of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, my partner decided to turn down the tour which gave us an extra morning relaxing around the pool area in our resort.

第貳天,原本計劃到世界著名的斯米蘭群島國家公園。不幸的是, 由於最近發生了《新型冠狀病毒》疫情,我的伴侶決定暫緩這次行 Page 4 of 22

程,這使我們在度假村的泳池區享受了壹個額外的早晨。 After lunch in a local restaurant, we stroll along Chai Hat Bang Nam Road towards Route 4. Spotting a bikini shop, my partner bought herself a set with THB390 plus a nail job next door for THB500. 在當地餐館吃午餐後,我們緣 Chai Hat Bang Nam 路 步向肆號公路,途 中發現了壹家比基 尼專賣店,在那裡她花了參佰玖 拾泰銖買了壹套比基尼,再往隔 壁的美甲店,以伍佰泰銖美甲。 One of the best ways to spend an extra day is to pamper yourself with a good oil massage which we most definitely did. Disposable underwear was provided for our mineral salt body scrub session which was followed by an oil massage. After showering off the scrubbing salt, we were told to be ready for our oil massage. As naturists, we enjoy having our massage in nude, so we asked if it is possible. Being professionals, our masseuse had no problem with that. 消磨額外壹天的最佳方式之壹就是寵愛自己,做壹次精油按摩。按 摩店在我們的礦物質鹽身體磨砂療程中提供了壹次性內褲,隨後進 行了精油按摩。洗完鹽後,我們被告知要準備做精油按摩。作為天 體壹族,我們喜歡裸體按摩,所以便問按摩師是否可以。作為專業 人士,按摩師們對此毫無異議。 As for dinner, we choose a restaurant nearby because we need to pack and ready for our trip next day. It turns out they serve delicious BBQ tenderloin. We tried both medium and medium rare. My partner and I Page 5 of 22

both agreed that medium was better because the meat was still tender and juicy while infused with lovely charcoal flavor. 至於晚餐,為了節省時間,以便 收拾明天旅程的行裝,所以選擇 了附近壹家餐廳。意外地發現,他們提供美味的燒烤里脊肉。我們 嘗試了中等和四分熟。我和伴侶都同意,中度更好,不止肉質鮮嫩 多汁,並且充滿了木炭的香味。 On our third day, it was time to start our naturist road trip. Our first naturist destination was Oriental Beach Village Resort. Formerly known as Ocean Breeze Residence, this resort was refurbished, renamed and re-opened in 2019. It is located at the northern end of Phang Nga Province about 3 hours away from Phuket International Airport.

在第參天,是時候開始我們的天體主義者公路旅行了。我們的第壹 個天體主義者目的地是位於攀牙府北端,距離普吉國際機場約參小 時 車 程 的 東 方 海 灘 鄉 村 渡 假 村 。 該 度 假 村 原 名 Ocean Breeze Residence,經過翻新、更名,於貳零壹玖年重新開業。 Page 6 of 22

The drive to Oriental Beach Village Resort was simple. All we had to do was travel north along Route 4 to Ban Nam Khem pier at GPS coordinate 8.865720, 98.273821 and cross a river. Motorcycles and bicycles can be load onto long tail boat and ferry across while cars must take the car ferry which operate daily from 07:30 to 17:30. Fare for 2 persons and one car was THB150. As far as we can tell, despite the timetable, ferry will depart immediately when it is full. We advise arriving at least 30 minutes before departure time to secure a spot. 開車到東方海灘鄉村度假村真的很簡單,只需沿著肆號公路向北行 駛,到達全球定位系統坐標【捌點捌陸伍柒貳零,玖捌點貳柒參捌 貳壹】的 Ban Nam Khem 碼頭,然後過河。摩托車和自行車可以裝 載到長尾船上渡河,而其他汽車輛便須乘坐每天從早上柒時半至下 午伍時半營運的汽車渡輪。兩成人和壹輛車的費用為壹佰伍拾泰銖。 就我們所見,儘管有時間表,渡輪滿載後便會立即啟航。我們建議 在啟航前至少參拾分鐘到達,以策萬全。 I had never used exactly this kind of car ferry before. The one used to exist in my city was double decked with cars parked below and passengers above. I know it sounds strange but the movie “Jaws” popped into my mind when I first saw it. Could it be the same style of ferry featured in that movie? Page 7 of 22

我以前從未使用過這種汽車渡輪。在我的城市曾經使用的是雙層型 號,下層停汽車,上層載乘客。我知道這聽起來很奇怪,但當我第 壹次看到這渡輪時,我就想到電影《大白鯊》了。那部電影中的渡 輪是否相同風格? Arriving at Ko Kho Khao, the resort is just another 15 minutes’ drive away. If you fancy a cup of coffee after your long drive, we recommend a small local café – Tungtuk Coffee, run by a really nice and helpful Thai lady. The café is near where you are supposed to turn off the main road on your way to the resort at GPS coordinate 8.926443, 98.266966. Note that you will be travelling on gravel tracks for the last kilometer or so. Do not be alarm when your GPS navigator directs you onto one. 到達高科考後,距離度假村僅十五分鐘車程。如果您在長途駕駛後 想喝杯咖啡,我們建議您選擇由壹位非常友善且樂於助人的泰國女 士經營的小咖啡館《Tungtuk Coffee》。該咖啡館位於您在前往度 假村途中應要離開主道路的位置,全球定位系統坐標【捌點玖貳陸 肆肆參,玖捌點貳陸陸玖陸陸】。請注意,您將沿著碎石路行駛最 後壹公里左右。當您的全球定位系統導航器把您定向至壹條碎石路 時,請勿驚訝。 Oriental Beach Village Resort do offer transfer to and from Phuket. One way transfer for 1 to 4 persons will cost you THB2,500, which means a round trip will set you back THB5,000 – more expensive than renting a car for a week. I am not saying you should but for us, renting a car is simply more economical and more suited to our way of adventurous / discovery travel. Page 8 of 22

東方海灘鄉村度假村是有提供往返普吉島的接送服務。每輛車乘壹 至肆人,單程收費為貳仟伍佰泰銖,這意味著往返要花伍仟泰銖, 這比租車壹週還要貴。我並不是鼓勵您這樣做,只是我們覺得租車 更經濟及更適合冒險/發現式的旅行方式。 Their main gate is at GPS coordinate 8.926259, 98.256913. You will find several parking spaces for your car plus a nice big resort sign that just tempts you to take a photo. It would be best having a Thailand SIM card with you because the front gate is locked and you’ll need to call the resort staff for access. Phone numbers were clearly posted. 他們的大門位於全球定位系統坐標【捌點玖貳陸貳伍玖,玖捌點貳 伍陸玖壹參】。大門旁有多個車位可以停放車輛,加上壹個漂亮的 大型度假村標誌,誘使您拍照。您最好帶上泰國的電話卡,因為大 門是上鎖的,您需依照張貼於門外的電話號碼,致電度假村工作人 員才能進入。 Speaking of staff, we were surprised to see Yui, who worked with their Chiang Mai counterpart for years. We lost contact with her for a while, it turned out she moved here with her family from Chiang Mai. According to her, she finds the environment quieter, air cleaner and the weather is better. 談到員工,我們很驚訝地看到老朋友 Yui。她在清邁的度假村工作 了多年,但早前與她失去了聯絡。原來她和家人從清邁搬到了這裡。 據她說,這裡環境更清靜、空氣更清新、天氣也更好。

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Layout of the resort is simple. One main access alley runs the length of the resort – from main gate to swimming pool, with villas on both sides. Flanking the swimming pool is an office, bar and a roofed dining area. The most talked about beach is just beyond this dining area. Here is a fun fact – the large circular tower next to the swimming pool is a tsunami tower. In case of a tsunami, guests can take refuge on the roof. 度假村的佈局很簡單。壹條長廊從正門到游泳池貫穿整個度假村, 兩旁建有多座別墅。游泳池旁是辦公室,酒吧和帶屋頂的用餐區。 最為吸睛的海灘就在這個用餐區之外。冷知識:游泳池旁的大型圓 形塔是海嘯塔。當發生海嘯時,客人可以上塔頂避難。 We stayed in a “one bedroom suite” which was clean, spacious and with a balcony. The suite even equipped with an electric stove and oven so cooking yourself is certainly a possibility. TV was provided in the bedroom but for some mysterious reason, I simply cannot get my Google Chromecast to work even though WiFi signal was reasonable. 我們住在壹個乾淨、寬敞且帶陽台 的“壹居室套房”。該套房甚至配 備了電爐和烤箱,因此可以自己做 飯。臥室提供電視,但因某些不明 Page 10 of 22

的原因,即使無線上網信號正常,也無法使用 Google Chromecast。 On the fourth day of our trip, there was an excursion to Kho Pha Island. We passed and decided to stay on the resort beach instead. This is an excursion we’ll save for our next visit. Sand was neither silky smooth nor was it coarse and sharp. It is safe to walk on bare feet but a pair of slippers is always a good idea for protection. While it is cool swimming in Andaman Sea, something stung us in the water. Really, both me and my partner fell it and decided to get out of the sea after mere minutes. 在我們旅程的第肆天,本可去 Kho Pha 島,但決定留在度假村的海灘。 Kho Pha 島還是留待我們下次旅程罷。 海灘的沙子雖不是幼滑如絲,但也 不至於尖銳。赤腳行走很安全,但 是穿拖鞋保護壹下也無防。在安達 曼海中暢泳時,被水中某些東西咬。 我和伴侶短短幾分鐘便決定回岸。 While we are on the subject of excursion, the resort offers a wide variety of excursions including snorkeling, beach trip, visiting local village and walking street. If you have transportation, you can also explore the island on your own and there are a lot of places suitable for spending a naturist afternoon. Page 11 of 22

度假村提供了多種短途旅程,包括浮潛,沙灘旅行,參觀當地村莊 和步行街。如果您有交通工具,也可以自行探索,這裡有許多適合 天體主義者下午閒暇的地方。 You should be aware that there are two neighboring resorts and their guests will walk pass this section of the beach. As far as I can tell, they have no problem seeing me sunbathing in nude. If you fancy a stroll down the beach, just cover yourself until you clear these resorts. You can then enjoy a long naturist-style sunset stroll along the coastline. 請留意附近有另外兩個度假村,他們的住客會不時行將經這壹部分 的海灘。毫無疑問他們是看到我全裸日光浴,但大多也只會抱著見 怪不怪的態度。如果您想在海灘裸體漫步,可先圍著浴巾,直至遠 Page 12 of 22

離這些度假村後,便可以沿著海岸線享受漫長的海灘日落裸體漫步。 On our fifth day, we planned on taking a road trip to explore the island. However, it was SO HOT and we were just plain lazy to do anything, we ended up spending the day soaking in the swimming pool with ice cold drinks in hand. We did get a massage in the evening but not without drama.

在第伍天,我們本計劃探索該島。但是,太熱了,熱得我們懶得去 做任何事。我們最終花了大半天的時間在游泳池裡泡著,享受冰鎮 的冷飲。我們預約了在黃昏按摩,但卻出了些意外。 At first, we’d like to have our massage at 2 p.m. but the masseuse said she can only make it at 5 p.m. We are free so we agree to her time. At 5 p.m., we showed up and no one was there. After waiting for 10 minutes, we decided to ask the staff and no one seems to know about our appointment. We finally got hold of the staff who made the booking, called the masseuse multiple times (always 5 minutes away), who finally showed up 30 minutes later. Page 13 of 22

當初,我們想在下午貳時做按摩。但女按摩 師說,她要到下午伍時才有空。我們同意她 的時段,並依時到按摩房但見不到按摩師。 再等了拾分鐘後,我們決定問工作人員,但 似乎沒人知道我們的預約。終於找到了 Yui 幫忙,多次至電按摩師(總是說伍分鐘左 右),她終於在參拾分鐘後出現了。 Our dining experience in the resort was satisfactory but with room for improvement. Breakfast was served in buffet style with limited choice and hot Thai porridge turns out to be mere warm at best. What surprised me was how bland and flat everything tasted – seriously, this is the first time I ever added salt to bacon. Lunch and dinner are much better in comparison. Menu is basically the same as its Chiang Mai counterpart but in smaller portions.

我們在度假村的用餐經驗令人滿意,但早餐仍有改進的空間。早餐 以自助餐形式提供,選擇有限,而熱的泰國稀飯充其量只能說是溫 Page 14 of 22

暖。令我驚訝的是它的味道出奇地清淡。認真的,這是我第壹次向 培根加鹽。相比之下,午餐和晚餐要好得多。菜單與清邁的菜單基 本相同,只是份量較小。 Our sixth day marked the third stage of our travel which took us to Phuket. We were not in a hurry so we decided to take the 10:30 ferry. We arrived at 9:40 and secured a spot, not long before many vehicles showed up including a big lorry. The ferry was filled up in no time and departed at 10:10 instead. 我們的第陸天標誌著旅行的第參階段,返回普吉島。我們並不著急, 所以決定乘早上拾時半的渡輪。我們於玖時肆拾分到達碼頭,不久 便出現了很多車輛,包括壹輛大型貨車。渡輪轉眼便滿載,於拾時 拾分啟航。 Our destination was Harmony Naturist Resort at the southern tip of Phuket near Promthep Cap, which was 4 hours away with an extra hour of lunch and shopping at Tesco Lotus Thalang. Formerly known as Fairy Meadows, current operators Neil and Tracy from the UK refurbished, renamed and re-opened the resort in 2019. 我們的目的地是距離東方海灘鄉村度假村約肆小時車程,位於普吉 島南端《蓬貼海角》附近的和諧自然度假村。途中在 Tesco Lotus Thalang 午餐和購物。來自英國的運營商尼爾和特蕾西把以往的 Fairy Meadows 翻新、更名,並於貳零壹玖年重新開業。

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Upon arriving at the resort main gate at GPS coordinate 7.765733, 98.310463, we found a covered car park area to our right and a small reception office to our left. Entrance to the resort was locked and the office was not usually staffed. Phone numbers were clearly posted and it would be best if you have a Thailand SIM card with you. 到達位於全球定位系統坐標【柒點柒陸伍柒參參,玖捌點參壹零肆 陸參】的度假村正門,在右側找到壹個有遮蓋的停車場,而在左側 便是壹個小型接待處。您最好帶上泰國的電話卡,因為大門是上鎖 的,而且接待處經常沒有僱員執勤,您需依照張貼於門外的電話號 碼,致電運營商才能進入。 The focal point of this resort is the swimming pool with 8 cottages built around it in sort of a sloping terrain. There is a small gazebo for guests to chill out and 2 vacant plots waiting to be developed. According to Neil, one of these plots will serve as an extension to the pool area with extra dining tables. The other one will be develop into a tropical garden themed sun deck. For now, the “garden” area only has a few chairs and hammocks. I have high hope this resort will be very different on my next visit.

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這度假村是以游泳池為重點, 周圍有捌座於坡地上建築的小 屋,有壹個供客人放鬆的涼亭, 還有兩塊待開發的空地。根據 尼爾的構思,壹塊將成為帶有 額外餐桌的泳池區延伸。另壹 塊將被開發成以熱帶花園為主 題的日光浴區域。目前,「花 園」區域只有幾把椅子和吊床。 我非常希望這個度假村在我下 次訪問時會大不相同。 We stayed in their “one bedroom chalet” which was surprisingly clean and properly furnished. It even comes with proper cookery and microwave oven, so in theory you can hit the local wet market for ingredients and cook your own meal. There are of course, much better options. WiFi reception was great and I had no problem setting up my Google Chromecast for NexFlix and Amazon Prime viewing. I suppose if you have to pick bones, you can wish for an extra TV in the bedroom for enjoying your evening movie in bed. 我們住在他們的“壹臥室小屋”中,小屋出奇地干淨,佈置簡潔。 小屋內還有齊全的烹飪工具和微波爐,理論上您可以到當地的市場 尋找食材並自己做飯。當然,還有更好的選擇。無線上網接收非常 好,我可以輕鬆設置 Google Chromecast 收看網飛和亞馬遜 Prime。 我想如果您必須挑剔的話,您可以希望在臥室再增加壹台電視,這 樣您便可以在床上欣賞電影了。

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Because we had a long day, we did not want to travel far for dinner. We ended up dining at Archee Restaurant just 12 minutes away on foot. No air conditioning but food was good and the price was fair. In fact, most beach front restaurants in this area do not have air conditioning.

因為我們漫長的壹天,所以不想去太遠吃晚飯。最終在僅拾貳分鐘 步程的 Archee 餐廳用餐。餐廳沒有空調,但食物質素不錯,價格 也很公道。實際上,這一帶大多數海濱餐廳都是沒有空調的。

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Day seven. We had breakfast in the resort and honestly, this is one thing they need to work on. Breakfast is kind of continental style so it may not suit meat eaters who love sausages and bacon. Also, the coffee ... it's just ... I really don't know how to say this politely but it does taste like nun's piss. I wish they serve hot and salty Thai porridge. I know many people believe salty food is bad for your health but because I sweat a lot in Thailand, eating salty breakfast makes sense. 第柒天。我們在度假村吃早餐,說實話,這是他們需要努力的領域。 早餐是歐陸式早餐,因此可能不適合喜歡香腸和培根的肉食者。另 外,咖啡 ... 只是 ... 我真的不知道該怎麼說,但是它的味道確實像 修女的小便。真希望日後會加入熱的鹹味泰式稀飯。我知道許多人 認為鹹食對健康有害,但由於我在泰國會流很多汗,所以吃鹹早餐 是有道理的。 Despite the hot and sunny weather, we headed to Central Phuket for lunch and shopping at Central Festival Phuket. We recommend watching sunset at Promthep Cap follow by dinner at Paradise Beach Bar at GPS coordinate 7.766394, 98.317760. Neil also recommended Nikitas Beach Restaurant at the end of Ra Wai Beach @ GPS coordinate 7.774698, 98.326204. You cannot go wrong with either. 儘管天氣晴朗炎熱,我們還是前往普吉的 Central 百貨午餐、購物。我們建議您往《蓬貼海角》觀 看日落,然後到全球定位系統坐標【柒點柒陸陸參玖肆,玖捌點參 壹柒柒陸零】的 Paradise Beach Bar 享用晚餐。尼爾還建議了在 Ra Wai Beach 盡頭,全球定位系統坐標【柒點柒柒肆陸玖捌,玖捌點 參貳陸貳零肆】的 Nikitas Beach 餐廳。您選那壹家都不會失望。 Page 19 of 22

The much hated day eight arrived before we knew it and we had to leave Thailand and go home. Navigating through Phuket’s characteristic traffic jam, the trip to Phuket International Airport took over an hour. Fueling our car was very easy because there are several new petrol stations on route 4026 next to the airport. Please remember rental car drop off is at the end of International Terminal, not Domestic Terminal. 令人討厭的第捌天到了,我們是時候離開泰國回家。穿越普吉島馳 名的交通擁堵,前往普吉國際機場的行程竟花費了壹個多小時。在 返回機場途中為汽車加油非常方便,因為在機場旁的肆零貳陸號公 路有多個新開的加油站。歸還車輛是在國際線航廈的盡頭,不要去 錯國內線航廈啊。 A small tip – put all your batteries and power banks into a small separate bag before placing them into your carry-on baggage. I had my camera, a camera drone plus 2 extra batteries and power bank in my Page 20 of 22

backpack. The nice lady at Thailand Customs had me took everything out, pulled them all apart so she can inspect the capacity of each individual battery! 提醒您,最好把所有電池和移動電 源在放入手提袋之前,將其集中放 入單獨的袋子中,以便海關檢查。 我的背包內有相機、無人機、兩枚 備用電池和移動電源。泰國海關那 位笑容滿面的女士令我把所有東西 逐壹拿出來拆開,以便她可以檢查 每個電池的容量! Please beware, it is illegal to operate any camera drone without a license in Thailand. Mine was properly insured and licenced under Thailand law. CAAT of Thailand has a licence application website for your application. As a responsible tourist, I urge you to properly licence your drone. This will save you from all sorts of trouble. 請注意,在泰國未經許可操作任何航拍機均屬違法。我的航拍機已 經根據泰國法律購買了適當的保險和得到了許可証。許可証可以在 泰國 CAAT 的網站上申請。作為負責任的遊客,我敦促您為您的 航拍機申請許可証。這將使您免除各種麻煩。

*** The End / Fin / 完 *** Page 21 of 22

First Edition: 03-2020 Second Edition: 04-2020 – Corrected wrong GPS coordinate. Third Edition: 05-2020 – General content revision. Copyright © 2020 Johnny C.K. Chu. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: I wrote this article to share my personal experience. This is neither an advertisement nor infomercial and I had not received any payment in any form or by any means. Page 22 of 22

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