Daniel Fast Packet - Journey Freedom

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• Introduction to Journey Freedom:

Page 3!

• Why/How to participate in Freedom Month:

Page 4

• Why/How to Daniel Fast:

Page 5!

• Devotionals:

Page 7!

• Daniel Fast Menu:

Page 16!

• Daniel Fast Recipes:

Page 17!

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! • Journey Freedom Events: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Page 24!

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Free People Free People !


Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36!

Dear Journey Family, Without a doubt, the Lord has whispered to our heart that 2014 is going to be a year of Freedom for many. What is biblical freedom? Freedom takes place when Jesus' mission as described in Luke 4:18-19 is fulfilled in our lives and on the earth. This is why throughout 2014, we will have three teaching series called: Journey Freedom. This series will provide the biblical foundation necessary to establish Freedom in your home. We will also be establishing various ministries and gatherings in 2014 to establish what is described in Luke 4:18-19: preaching good news to the poor (Gospel), opening blind eyes (Healing), releasing captives and prisoners (Freedom) and proclaiming the favorable year of the Lord (Kingdom). Why are we doing this? Because believing in, and bringing Freedom to people follows the example set by Jesus. Jesus came to bring Freedom. We define Freedom as the ability to respond fully to God out of who He created and redeemed you to be. Core lies, inner wounds, oppression and life patterns are all obstacles that can stand in the way of the life of freedom Jesus has made available to every believer. Each January we as a church intentionally become Kingdom-focused as we help you learn to hear and respond to God’s voice. We believe we are supposed to take the month of January and devote ourselves to the WORD, PRAYER and FASTING all with FREEDOM as a central theme and focus. Freedom for our lives, our families, our church, and our city. On the next page you will find the ways you can participate in our church wide Freedom Month. Please know Pastor Jennifer and I are praying for you and your family. We believe you will experience a greater level of Freedom through Jesus.

! ! Doing Life Together, Pastors Jim & Jennifer Wilkes

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HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN FREEDOM MONTH! 1. Pray Throughout the Month:! • • • • •

For God to help you identify and remove those things currently hindering your life. ! For God to give you the strength to walk in the life you were made for. ! For God to help you discover your identity in Christ. ! For God to teach you how to be an influence in the lives of others.! Stand in agreement for Freedom in the lives of those who call Journey their home.!

2. Fast! Beginning on Jan 6, 2014 we are corporately seeking the Lord and participating in a “Daniel Fast” together for 21 days, ending on January 26th. This packet includes the information necessary to help make your fast a success. For a menu and recipes, head to page 15.!

3. Pray Together! We have set aside key times that Journey will be open for prayer after the work day ends and on weekends. Attend one, two, or all open prayer times. !


• Wednesdays - Jan 15th, 22nd from 7-8pm! • Saturdays - Jan 11th, 18th, & 25th from 9-10am!

4. Daily Devotionals! Devotionals are a great way for you to spend time with and hear from God. Included in this packet are twelve devotionals for you to use, helping you further strengthen your walk with God. These devotionals begin on page 7.!

5. Freedom Nights! Freedom Nights are nights we have set aside for worship, prayer, and the Word, all with the purpose of increasing our faith to see break through in peoples lives. Why? Because we know free people, free people.!


• January 8th, Wednesday - Hunger & Thirst - Freedom Focus! • January 26th, Sunday - ALL CHURCH FREEDOM NIGHT !

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Why The Daniel Fast? (Read Daniel 1)! Daniel's decision not to eat the king's food was an outward symbol of an inward commitment he made to God. Let your choices over the 21 days reflect the hunger you have for God’s presence in your life. If there is something which is not specifically listed that you think still qualifies as a ‘food of the king,’ then ask God to reveal to you whether it should be part of your diet over the next few weeks. The details of the fast are between you and God — use this time to focus on Him. God is certain to bless your life in new and exciting ways during the fast. We encourage you to write down your prayers and the many ways God reveals Himself to you. We can't wait to see what God is going to do in your life and in the life of Journey Community Church!!


Start with a clear goal. Make it specific. Why are you fasting? Do you need direction, healing, restoration of marriage or family issues? Are you facing financial difficulties? Be sure to ask the Holy Spirit for direction. Pray daily and read the Bible. Remember this is about simplifying life and connecting with God. Make it a point to schedule time to read the bible and pray. This is a time you are setting aside to hear what God says to you. If you only change your eating habits, you’re just on a diet! !


Prepare Spiritually! Confess your sins to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3-4). !


Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ and reject the worldly desires that try to hinder you. ! (Romans 12:1-2).!


Fast as a covenant commitment to God. (Read Daniel 1)! In Daniel 1:8, it says that Daniel purposed in His heart that He would keep himself pure from the temptations of the King’s table. This specifically means fatty meat and sweets. As a Jewish young man, he could not defile himself with the meat that was not blessed by the priests and the “delicacies” full of sugar and liquor. He was determined to remain true to His God.!


Be specific in your purpose.! What is your purpose in fasting and what do you need from God? Read Isaiah Chapter 58 to see the true purpose of fasting.!


Consecrate this time to cleanse your mind, soul and body from impurity and unhealthy lifestyles. Most of us have never really evaluated what we put into our bodies from a healthy standpoint. This is your opportunity to sanctify the temple of the Holy Spirit (which is your body) by denying the addictions of sugar, caffeine, etc which control you. !


Can my whole family participate? Even my children?! This eating style is healthy for every member of your family, even your children. There is no condemnation if you or your children cannot participate. Maybe they can do one meal. You as their parents must decide what is best for them. Ask God and He will speak to you on what is best for your child.! Page 5

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Medical Concerns! If you have specific medical issues, you should adjust your eating to compensate. If you have any condition which would prohibit you from being a part of the Daniel Fast, there are other options. Choose something from your daily routine (i.e. specific foods or beverages, television, other technology, etc.) and give it up as your fast for the next 21 days. Remember, the details are not as important as the spirit in which you participate.!


*If you have any known medical conditions or suspect such conditions, consult your doctor before beginning the fast.!


What to Expect! When you fast, your body detoxifies itself by removing them for your system. This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars. And naturally, you will have hunger pains. Limit your activity and exercise moderately. Take time to rest. Fasting brings about miraculous results. You are following Jesus' example when you fast. Spend time listening to praise and worship music. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind set on seeking God's face. Also, include your family in times of family prayer and dedication. !


How to End! DO NOT overeat when the time comes to end your fast! Begin eating solid foods gradually; eating small portions or snacks.!

! ! For more information, you can read the scriptures below.! ! ! SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: ! Matthew 6:16-18, 9:14-15 ! Luke 18:9-14 ! I Samuel 7:5-6 ! Ezra 8:21-23 ! Nehemiah 9:1-3 ! Joel 2:14-16 ! Jonah 3:5-10 ! Acts 27:33-37 ! Isaiah 58 !


Suggested Books to read:! Fasting —By Jentezen Franklin! Holiness, Truth and The Presence of God —By Francis Frangipane! The Daniel’s Fast Cookbook —By Grace Bass, Lynda Anderson! Living in the Raw: Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle —By Rose Lee Calabro! Forgotten God — Francis Chan! The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis!

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In this section of the packet, you will find three devotionals per week. Each devotional is related to the teaching from the Journey Freedom series. The devotional has Scriptures for you to read, an explanation of the Scriptures and message as well as some questions for you to use during your quiet time with God.!


Weeks 1 & 2 deal with spiritual bondage and the demonic influences which can affect your walk with God. Weeks 3 & 4 help reveal ways to the Freedom God has given to you through Jesus.!


Feel free to write in your packet and mark passages that God speaks to you through. Remember, the point of this fast is to allow God to speak to you, so take your time. If you have to meditate on a specific entry for more than one day, it is okay. We encourage you to go out and get a journal to write down your answers to the questions. This will help you be able to look back and see what God has spoken to you through this fast.!

! Week 1: What is Bondage and Where Does it Come From?! ! Devotional 1: Bondage & Demons!

Read: Mark 5:1-20, Luke 10:17-24, Isaiah 14:12; Revelation 9:1; Hebrews 12:22; Revelations 12:3-9; Revelation 12:4; Ephesians 6:10-13! If you look at the top 10 TV shows for 2013 compiled by Nielsen from Twitter, the top three are based around characters which would have been labeled as demonically possessed/influenced in Bible times. Demonic possession has become entertainment for our culture. People have been desensitized to the reality that demons do exist. However, the reality of demons should not cause us to lay awake at night, worrying about them. Demons are fallen angels which have been cast out of heaven. They are disobedient spirits who chose to rebel against God. However, just because they are disobedient does not mean they are more powerful than God. He is the ultimate authority. ! Jesus deals directly with and speaks about demons many times in the Gospels (see the Further Study Scriptures.) Although it may be difficult or uncomfortable to accept the reality of demons, it should not be hard to accept the truth of Jesus. As Paul says in Ephesians 6, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood; the truth is, we wrestle against the enemies of God, the spiritual hosts of wickedness. Paul tells us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. While we shouldn’t fear demons, we also should not turn a blind eye to them. They are real and the mission they have been given from Satan is to steal, kill and destroy. But our God is much stronger than they are and Jesus has given us authority over them, if we act in His name.! Further study: Matthew 10:8; Matthew 17:18; Mark 1: 39; Mark 3:14-15; Mark 6:12-13; Mark 7:29; Mark 9: 38-41; Mark 16:17; Luke 4:41; Luke 13:11; Acts 16:17; James 2:19!

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What stood out to you as you heard the message and read the scriptures?!


Why do most people, and maybe you, find it so uncomfortable to accept the reality of demons?!


Why does the idea of demons scare so many when Jesus, based on scripture, clearly has authority over them?!

Devotional 2: Demons Really Can Influence People! Read: Matthew 4:24, Luke 8:1-3, John 10:1-10! As we read through these scriptures, we see demons really do influence people. The mission of a demon is to get people to turn away from God through forms of temptation, harassment, ungodly beliefs, and by questioning the truth of God and His Word. Demons use accusations and criticisms to break us down, using thoughts such as “I really should have ..”, “I’m not good enough …,” or “I could never …” ! To recap from the sermon, the word “possessed” means to gain control over; to have power over. Christians cannot be owned by demons. The bible tells us we have been bought with a price by God (1 Cor 6:20) and therefore cannot be owned by the enemy. While a christian cannot be owned by the enemy, they can be influenced. The enemy can and does influence our appetites (lust, overeating, addictions, etc); our thoughts (condemnation, confusion, self-hate, blocked memory or understanding); our emotions (exaggerated states of fear, worry, doubt, anger, panic, shame, hopelessness) and spirituality (unbelief, doubt of God or His Word, lethargy, busyness). Demons really do impact people, but they always come through doors we have left open in our lives.! •!

What are some open doors in your life which may allow demons to enter? (Some examples: generational beliefs, sins of the flesh, illness, emotional trauma, occult involvement)!


What are some behavioral indicators that you have of possible demonic oppression? (Some examples: abnormal, excessive, or lack of emotions; proneness to tragic happenings or accidents; lustful sexual appetite, self-inflicted injury, suicidal thoughts, addictive sinful behavior.)!

Further study: Matthew 8:16; Matthew 9:32-33; Matthew 12:22; Luke 8:36; Lamentations 1:10-12! Devotional 3: – Jesus Really Does Cast Out Demons. ! Read: 1 John 3:8; Mark 16:17, Mark 5:1-20, Acts 19:13-17, Luke 10:18-21! Notice in Mark 5 that the demon possessed man, “ran and fell on his knees and worshipped.” Jesus walked in and exercised His authority over all demonic spirits and was always quick to confront them. There is no doubt the demons recognized Jesus as the Son of God. John tells us Page 8

that Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan. He then passed on the ministry to His disciples. Who are His disciples? We are. ! Demons are the fallen angels that chose to follow Lucifer and rebel against God. Jesus assures us that in His name we have authority over all demonic spirits. Luke 10:18-20 shows Jesus passing on the authority He has over unclean spirits (demons) to His disciples. He says in His Name, His disciples will have authority over ALL the tactics of the enemy. The disciple of Christ does not need to fear demonic activity because they have been given complete authority over them in the name of Jesus Christ.! Now, the important thing to remember is who the Deliverer is! Jesus delivers us, it is HIS power and authority which demons recognize. Without Jesus, we are powerless. Jesus really does cast out the demons.! Further study: Matthew 16:17-20; Acts 5,16; Acts 8:7; James 4:7, Acts 10:38, Ephesians 4:17-32; 1 Peter 5:8-11; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11; Isaiah 14:12-17; Revelations 20:10!

Week 2: What is Bondage and Where Does it Come From?!


Devotional 4: – The Enemy is a Thief, God is a Deliverer.! Read: Acts 13:40; Habakkuk 1:5-11; Matthew 12:43-45-; Ephesians 4:21-28! Demons are thieves looking for dwelling places to take possession of. Notice in Matthew 12, the unclean spirit was out of the man. The dwelling place was declared to be empty. Interestingly enough, the same word used here for empty could be translated as free of labor, at leisure, or idle. Being empty of a demon but not filled with God is a dangerous place to be. True deliverance is not only getting free, but staying free. ! Paul tells us that Scripture is good for instruction, conviction of sin, discipline in obedience, and training in righteousness. He says in Ephesians to strip off the old and put on the new. All of these require labor and all of these help keep the place filled with the right stuff while keeping out the wrong stuff. Jesus will take care of the demons, but He still expects us to make changes and serve in His Kingdom. We have to make sure we do not remain idle.! •!

What are some things the enemy may have stolen from you?!


What changes have you made since Jesus set you free?!


With the new knowledge learned today, what changes will you make starting now?!

For further study: Psalm 83; 2 Timothy 3:16; Daniel 1:1-5; Matthew 3:7-8; Matthew 4:17!

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Devotional 5: – Know Your Enemy ! Read: Habakkuk 1:7-9; Ezekiel 22:27; 1 John 2:13-25; Galatians 5:13-26! Unclean spirits are like wolves. They watch us, study us, learn our ways, and then look to strike at the most opportune time. To catch a thief or a predator, traps are sometime set. The item used in the trap is usually something appealing to what is being hunted. With humans, we fall into traps because of our pride (the pride of life), our flesh (lust of the flesh), and/or our eyes (lust of our eyes). ! The enemy looks to prey on our weaknesses. We can overcome those weaknesses by walking in the Holy Spirit, and allowing Him to guide us. Just like when a gazelle is separated from the herd, you are most prone to be attacked when you are separated and alone. By learning to walk in the Holy Spirit and His fruit, we are able to crucify the flesh. By being involved with our church, we are not alone and thereby we are not as vulnerable. When the enemy see’s this, he see’s Jesus Christ in our lives, and his forces must bow down to Him.! •!

Are you staying isolated from others in the church? Do you know of someone who is isolated? What changes will you make to get more involved, or help someone else get involved?!


Think about times you have sinned, what was it that trapped you? Was it your pride? The lust of your flesh? Or maybe the lust of your eyes? Those are weak areas, what will you do to “shore up” that area of your life?!


Look at the list in Galatians of those things we do in the flesh, if you see any of those in yourself, seek prayer, accountability, and the Holy Spirits guidance to break free from them.!

For further study: Zephaniah 3:3; Acts 20:29; Psalm 16:11; 2 Peter 2:20-22! Devotional 6: - Know Your Enemy’s Plan! Read: Daniel 2:2; Habakkuk 1:14-15; Ephesians 6:10-18; Colossians 2:6-15! The enemy actually plots and schemes against you. He wants to wear you out, and take you out of the battle. In Ephesians we are told to put on the whole armor of God. You don’t wear your armor to a party, do you? Of course not! You wear your armor when you’re headed off to war. We are told to make a stand, not against the world, not against people who are evil, but against the spiritual forces of evil. In 1 Peter we are told to be alert, be watchful, and be ready to stand firm and resist the attack of the enemy.! Through Christ’ power, the plans of the enemy are disarmed. As long as we continue to live our lives in Jesus and depend on the Holy Spirit, we can be set free. Christ is the head over EVERY power and authority. He has disarmed the powers and authorities and triumphed over them through the cross! He came to set you free.!

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How will you change the way you live, knowing that the enemy is plotting and scheming against you?!


Do you still have a fear about dealing with unclean spirits? Why? What is keeping you from being free of fear?!


Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truths which the enemy has hidden from you.!

For further study: Galatians 5:1; John 8:36; Daniel 7:25; Revelations 5:5; Psalm 23; 2 Timothy 3; Hebrews 10:19:31; Ephesians 5:1-15; 1 Peter 5:8-11!

Week 3: Closing the Door & Walking in Freedom! Devotional 7: - Trusting in your own strength!

! Read: Luke 22:31-34, Mark 14:27-31, Matthew 16:21-23, 1 Corinthians 10:12! !

Over the last couple of weeks, we have looked at the biblical reality of demonic warfare. We know there really are demons who are looking to prevent us from living Godly lives. But how does the enemy gain entrance into your life? Are they allowed to attack whenever they like? Should we live in fear, believing that we may be attacked by them at any moment? Certainly not! We can rest assured knowing God is completely in control of our lives. However, the bible does clearly teach us that we can give the enemy permission to attack us. Of course, we do not usually do this intentionally, but it happens more often than you may think.!


There is a story in the bible where Jesus tells the Apostle Peter he will soon be attacked by Satan himself. In Luke 22:31, Jesus tells Simon (Peter) that Satan has “asked” to sift him like wheat. You may wonder why God would grant such a request to Satan, but if we look at the original greek language we see the word “asked” literally means to ask and receive. Why would Jesus have used this word? He was trying to show Peter the reason Satan’s request had been granted was because Peter had left an open door in his life. Satan had a right to attack him because Peter willingly gave him permission.!


Peter may not have purposefully gave Satan permission to attack his life, but he gave him permission by leaving an open door of sin in his life. What type of sin was Peter trapped in? He was prideful. In fact, he was incredibly prideful! Peter fell into the trap of trusting in his own strength. He thought he had it all figured out. Did you notice Peter’s arrogance in the Scriptures you read today? He regularly trusted in his own strength to solve problems instead of following God’s command and trusting Him to fulfill His word. This is why Peter rebukes Jesus. It’s why he pridefully declares he will be the only disciple not to fall away and it is also why he is the only disciple who attacks the soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane. !


The important thing to remember is even when we are attacked, God has a plan for it and for us. Jesus instructs Peter (Luke 22:32) and says “When you have overcome this attack, come back to the faith to help others walk through similar things.” Do not give up. God has a plan!!


• What did Peter do to give Satan permission to attack him?! • Why would God allow Peter to be attacked?!

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• How can you fight pride in your own life?! Devotional 8: - Trusting in Your Own Righteousness!

! Read: Job 1:6-12, Job 32:1-2, Job 33:8-9, Job 38:1-11, Job 40:8! !

The other day, we looked at the Apostle Peter and how he left an open door for the enemy. Today, we are going to look at another person in the bible who grants the enemy permission to attack him; only this time we see they aren’t prideful because of their own strength but because of their perceived righteousness.!


Pride is a very tricky thing. It is a sin which so easily creeps into our lives. Many times, when we have been following Jesus for a number of years, we begin to trust our own behavior instead of depending on the grace of God. We falsely believe it is our good works which give us favor with God instead of His love and grace. This is the trap Job fell into.!


Job was a good man. He was obedient to God. He was faithful. God even says about him; there is no one on the earth as blameless and upright as him. But Job began to trust in his own righteousness. His pride left an open door for a demonic attack from Satan and worst of all, his pride blinded him to why he was being attacked. In Job 32:1 we read that Job saw himself as righteous. He falsely believed righteousness, also known as right standing with God; was something to be earned instead of something to be given by God. Because of this, the Scriptures tell us he justified his actions instead of God’s. He thought God was in the wrong for allowing the enemy to attack him. !


• Why is it easy for someone who has been following Jesus for a long time to fall into the sin of pride?

! • Can we earn the favor of God?

! • Devotional 9: - Trusting in Your Own Wisdom! ! Read: 1 Kings 22:1-38, Proverbs 16:18! ! What did Job place his trust in?!

Have you ever thought you knew the answer to a question, only to find out you were not even close to having the correct one? It can be a pretty humbling experience, especially when you’re in a room full of people! Most of us will readily admit we do not know everything. However, many of us live like we really do have it all figured out. This is another way the enemy gains entrance into our life. Pridefully, we trust in our own wisdom instead of God.!


There is a story in the bible about a man King named Ahab. He was a very, very wicked king of Israel. He led the people away from God instead of towards Him. One of the ways he did this was by “purchasing” 400+ prophets so they would give good (false) prophecies about him and Israel. They were essentially his “yes men” to help King Ahab deceive the people of Israel. One day, Ahab invites the king of Judah named Jehosophat to lunch. During their meal, King Ahab suggested they join forces to go take back their land from Ramoth Gilead. King Jehosophat, who was a good king, asked if they could inquire of God to see if it would be a good idea to go Page 12

to war. Ahab brings his prophets out, they of course tell them God approves (Even though He didn’t) but King Jehosophat doesn’t buy it. He asks King Ahab to bring another prophet out. So King Ahab calls up Micaiah.!


Micaiah was a Godly prophet who spoke truth. In fact, King Ahab had imprisoned Micaiah some three years earlier because he gave a prophecy that Ahab didn’t like. Micaiah tells King Ahab that if he goes to war with Ramoth Gilead, he will surely fall into destruction by the hand of the Lord. Instead of trusting God’s Word, King Ahab trusted his own wisdom. He decides to go to war anyways and destruction follows him. 1 Kings 22:34 tells us, in spite of King Ahab disguising himself and running away from the battle, he is killed by a stray arrow from a random soldier. God tried to warn King Ahab, but he allowed his pride to give the enemy a right to attack him and he paid for it with his life.!


• Are there any areas of your life where you’re relying on your own wisdom instead of on God?


• How can you correct those areas? What should you be praying for?!

! Week 4: Believers in Bondage! ! Devotional 10: - Continued Iniquity! ! Read: Romans 6:16, John 8:31-36, 1 Corinthians 3:16, John 2:13-17! !

Have you ever had really bad breath? Chances are, you have. We all have! But have you ever had bad breath and not realized it? Maybe it was something you ate or drank or maybe there was some other reason for it, but you didn’t know your breath was THAT bad. At least, not until your friend slid you a piece of chewing gum. !


Sometimes sin can be just like bad breath. Because of the busyness of our lives or because we have been trapped in it for so long, we can become blinded to it. We do not realize it is a problem in our lives. When we live in continued iniquity (sin) it will affect our walk with God and our relationship with others. Just like the believers Jesus spoke to in John 8, we do not realize our sin has led us into severe bondage. It’s not just an area of weakness, it is bondage which leads to death. The Good News is that Jesus came to set us free.!


But we cannot walk in freedom until we admit we are enslaved to sin. If you have accepted Christ into your life, the bible says you are the temple of God. Being a temple (house) of God means you have a responsibility to keep yourself pure from anything which would defile God’s house. But you cannot do it alone. Just like in John 2:13, Jesus came to drive the thieves out of God’s temple. He came to drive the enemy out of your life.!


• What are some areas/sins in your life where you are tempted to call it a weakness instead of admitting you are in bondage?

! • How can you obtain freedom in these areas?
 ! • What responsibility do you have as a temple of God?! Page 13

! Devotional 11: - Continued Illness! ! Read: Luke 13:11-16, Galatians 3:7, 3:29, Deuteronomy 28:58-61, Acts 10:38, Acts 19:11! !

One tactic of the enemy to bring believers into bondage is to attack their health. This doesn’t mean every time you get a cold or have the sniffles, it’s a missile from Satan. Because we live in a fallen world, sickness and disease will fall on people simply because of the sin in the world, even if it isn’t directly related to their own sin. However, Satan can and often does bring believers into bondage by attacking their health.!


In the story of the woman in Luke 13, we read that she had a spirit of infirmity (sickness) for eighteen years. This sickness was so bad, she couldn’t even stand up straight. It affected every area of her life. But her sickness was no match for the power of Jesus. He stretched out his hand and freed her from her bondage. !


Acts 19 shows us it isn’t just Jesus who has the power to heal the sick and free them from bondage. The Apostle Paul is just one example of another person who helped to free people from their bondage of sickness. But Paul makes it clear that it is not through HIS own power, but the power which Jesus Christ has given to him. As believers, Jesus has given us power over the enemy and He has given us the authority to loose the bonds of sickness in our own lives and in the lives of others.!


• Have you or someone you known ever had a demonic attack through sickness or disease?

! • How did you pray against it? How can you pray against it?
 ! • How did you recognize it was demonic?!

! Devotional 12: - Continued Influence! ! Read: Mark 7:24-30, Deuteronomy 18:9-12, Revelation 22:14-15! !

One way the enemy can gain a foothold in our lives is through what we allow to influence us. Many Christians falsely believe simply because they are a christian, they cannot be negatively affected by demonic influences. They willingly subject themselves to things like the occult, false worship of other gods and fortune telling because they think it’s cool and harmless. But the truth is, what we allow to be around us will affect us, whether or not it is Godly or evil. !


In Mark 7, Jesus casts the demon out of a daughter of a Syro-Phoenician woman. This woman, by birth was heavily influenced by the occult, something she most likely passed on to her daughter. When she came to Jesus, seeking for Him to deliver her daughter, Jesus replied by telling her it is only the children of God who have a biblical right to deliverance from bondage. He actually says it is the children's bread, meaning it is what they live on. How cool is that?! Jesus literally says: Those who are children of God survive by His deliverance.!


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However, just because we can be delivered from demonic influence does not mean we should allow it into our lives. Deuteronomy 18 makes it clear, those who practice witchcraft, conjure spells or do anything related to the occult are an abomination to the Lord. Israel opened up the door to the enemy by participating in such things and the enemy brought destruction through the open door those things created. As Christians, we must not take demonic influence lightly and allow it to creep into our lives or the lives of our families.!


• What are some types of demonic influences?


• Are there games, movies or things you support in your home that could be demonic influences?

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• How can you remove them from your life/the life of your family?!

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The Daniel Fast is a partial fast, which means we will eliminate some common things from our daily diet, but will have generous options still available. We will focus on eating fruits and vegetables which are pure and simple. We have included a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid.!


FOODS YOU MAY EAT! Whole Grains: Brown Rice, Oats, Barley! Legume's: Dried Beans, Pinto Beans, Split Peas, Lentils, Black Eyed Peas!


FRUITS! Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Cranberries, Figs, Grapefruit, Grapes, Guava, Honeydew Melon, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Mangoes, Nectarines, Papayas, Peaches, Pears, Pineapples, Plums, Prunes, Raisins, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangelos, Tangerines, Watermelon!


VEGETABLES! Artichokes, Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chili Peppers, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Ginger root, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Potatoes, Radishes, Rutabagas, Scallions, Spinach, Sprouts, Squashes, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, Yams, Zucchini, !

! *Veggie burgers are an option if you’re not allergic to soy.! !

LIQUIDS! Spring Water, Distilled Water, 100% All-Natural Fruit Juices, 100% All Natural Vegetable Juices.! Water (as much as possible), Unsweetened Soy Milk, Herbal (caffeine free) Tea, Natural Fruit Juice (no added sugar) You may also drink protein drinks.!


OTHERS! Seeds, Nuts, Sprouts, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (small quantities), Honey, Oats!


FOODS TO AVOID! Meat, Poultry, Fish! White Rice! Fried Foods! Caffeine, Coffee, Tea (including decaf)! Carbonated Beverages! Foods Containing Preservatives or Additives! Refined Sugar or Sugar Substitutes! White Flour and All Products Using It! Margarine, Shortening, High Fat Products! All Breads! Dairy (milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, etc.)!

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Apple Cinnamon Butternaut Squash! Serves: 6! 4 cups frozen butternut squash (two 10 oz packages)! 2 medium apples, peeled, seeded and chopped! 4 cups (packed) chopped kale (stems and center ribs removed) or frozen kale! 1 cup chopped onion! 2 tablespoons Dr. Fuhrman's Pomegranate Vinegar or other fruit flavored vinegar! 5 cups carrot juice (or 1 qt carrot and 1 cup vegetable broth)! ½ cup almond milk (or other non-dairy)! ½ cup raw cashews or ¼ cup raw cashew butter! 1 teaspoon cinnamon! ½ teaspon nutmeg!


Place squash, apples, kale, onion, vinegar and carrot juice in a soup pot. Bring to a boil, then lower heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until kale is very tender. Puree ½ of the soup with the milk and cashews in a food processor or high-powered blender. Add cinnamon, nutmeg and a little cloves if desired. Mix pureed amount back into rest of soup.!


Black Bean Chili with Butternaut Squash! 2 c chopped (1/2”) butternut squash (frozen is available)! 2 (15oz) cans black beans drained & rinsed! 2 c vegetable broth! 1 (15oz) can diced tomatoes with basis, garlic & oregano! 1 small can (11oz) of mexicorn! 2 T chili powder! 2 tsp cumin! bunch of spinach or swiss chard! lime juice to taste!

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Simmer all but greens until squash is tender. (About 10 min.) Stir in greens and cook until greens are tender. (Just long enough to wilt) Add a squeeze of lime juice for extra zing to taste. ! Black Bean Soup with Orange! Serves: 5 (1 cup)! 2 ¼ cups vegetable broth! 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped! 1 ¼ cups chopped red onions! 1 teaspoon ground cumin! 1 teaspoon dried oregano! 2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, with liquid! pinch of crushed red pepper! 1 bay leaf! ½ cup pulp-free orange juice (I used ¼ cup juice concentrate)! Kosher or sea salt to taste! Freshly ground black pepper to taste! ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro (for garnish)!


Heat ¼ cup of the vegetable broth in a large saucepan. Add the garlic and 1 cup of the onionbs and cook for 5 minutes. Add the cumin and oregano and cook for 1 minute.! Page 17

Add the beans with their liquid, the remaining 2 cups of vegetable broth, crushed red pepper and bay leaf. Bring the soup to a boil, lower the heat and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the orange juice, salt, and black pepper.!

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Remove the bay leaf. Puree half the bean mixture in a blender of food processor and add back to the soup. Serve each bowl garnished with cilantro and remaining red onions.! * Recipe from Dr Neal Barnard's “The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook”.! Cream of Asparagus Soup! Serves: 4! 1 pound fresh asparagus, chopped! 2 tablespoons Dr. Fuhrman's VegiZest (can be purchased on his web site)! 2 cups water! 1 tablespoon Bragg Liquid Aminos (or low sodium soy sauce)! 1 cup unsweetened almond milk or other non-dairy milk! ½ cup raw cashews or ¼ cup raw cashew butter! 4 large pitted dates (Majool dates are the best)! chopped fresh cilantro for garnish (if desired)!

! ! ! !

Simmer asparagus, Dr. Fuhrman's VegiZest, water and aminos in a soup pot until asparagus is tender. ! Blend in a high-powered blender with almond milk, cashews and dates until smooth.! French Minted Pea Soup! Serves: 3! INGREDIENTS:! 10 ounces green peas, frozen! 1 small onion, chopped! 1 clove garlic, chopped! 1 bunch fresh mint leaves (save a few leaves for garnish)! 3 tablespoons Dr Fuhrman's VegiZest or other no salt soup base seasoning! 3 cups water! 3 dates, pitted! ½ cup raw cashews! ½ tablespoon Spike (no salt seasoning) or to taste! 4 teaspoons lemon juice! 4 cups shredded romaine lettuce or chopped organic baby spinach! 2 tablespoons fresh snipped chives.!

! ! ! ! !

Simmer peas, onions, garlic, mint and Dr. Fuhrman's VegiZest (can be purchased on his web site) in water for about 7 minutes. ! Pour pea mixture into a high-powered blender. Add remaining ingredients except for the lettuce and chives. Blend until smooth and creamy.! Add lettuce or spinach and let it wilt in hot liquid. Pour into bowls and garnish with chives and mint leaves.! Kale and White Bean Stew! Serves: 6! 2 bunches of kale, tough stems removed, coarsely chopped! Page 18

1 medium onion, chopped! 2 cloves of garlic, minced! 2 cups mushrooms, sliced! 1 tablespoon Dr. Fuhrman's Black Fig Vinegar (can be purchased on his web site) or! balsalmic vinegar! ¼ teaspoon black pepper (I use white)! 3 cups cooked cannelini beans or 2 (15oz) cans drained ! 3 cups diced tomatoes or 2 (15oz) cans with juice. (I use diced with garlic, basil & oregano)! 2 cups vegetable broth or more for desired consistency! 1 tablespoon horseradish!


Put chopped kale & vegetable broth in soup pot, cover and cook until kale is tender about 10 min., stirring occasionally. Saute onion in a very hot pan (without oil), stirring to keep from sticking. Add garlic and mushrooms with fig vinegar and saute. Add this mixture to kale & broth with pepper, beans, tomatoes, and horseradish. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered 15 – 20 min. stirring occasionally. !

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Rice with Black Beans! Serves: 4! 1 tablespoon oil! 1 medium onion, chopped! 2 cloves garlic, minced! 1 can (15 ounces) black beans, rinsed and drained! 1 can (15 ounces) diced tomatoes with garlic, oregano and basil! 2/3 cup water! ½ teaspoon dried oregano leaves! 1 ½ cups MINUTE Brown Rice, uncooked! 1 can (11 ounces) GREEN GIANT Mexicorn!

! ! ! ! !

Heat oil in large skillet. Add onion and garlic; cook and stir until tender but not browned.! Stir in beans, tomatoes, corn, water and oregano. Bring to boil.! Stir in rice. Return to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat. ! Let stand 5 minutes. ! Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal! Serves: 4! 2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats! 1/3 cups raisins! ¼ cup dried cranberries! 1 cup canned pumpkin! 2 tablespoons agave nectar! 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon! ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg! ½ teaspoon ground ginger! ½ teaspoon vanilla extract!

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Combine all ingredients with 4 cups of water in a saucepan. ! Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is mostly absorbed and oatmeal is creamy. (about 15 minutes)! * Recipe from Dr Neal Barnard's “The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook”.! Page 19

Thick and Creamy Corn-Potato Soup! 6 ears corn (cut off the cob)! 6 medium-large red potatoes (chopped in 1/2 inch pieces)! 6 carrots (finely chopped)! 1 medium-large onion (finely chopped)! 2 green peppers (finely chopped)! 2 bay leaves! 3 teaspoons thyme! 2 teaspoons marjoram! 3 teaspoons cumin! 2 teaspoons sea salt! 2 teaspoons pepper! 3 32oz. boxes of vegetable broth! water!

! !

Put vegetables and spices in a large soup pot. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally for 15 minutes.! Add broth and maintain a light boil. Cook 45 minutes to 1 hour. Remove from heat. Blend 3/4 of the soup mixture in a blender in batches. Put blended soup in a large bowl or container until the blending process is complete. Pour the blended soup back into the pot. Add water to thin and obtain the desired consistency. Heat through and serve. !

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Serves 8-10 generously.! Tomato Basil Soup! 12 Vine Ripe Tomatoes! 1 Package Cherry Tomatoes! 2 1/2 Cups Fresh Carrot Juice (or Odwalla available in juice section)! 1 Large Ripe Avocado! 2 Yellow Onions (chopped)! 4 Cloves Garlic (chopped)! 5 Stems Fresh Basil! 2 Tablespoons Pure Honey! 1 Bay Leave! 1 teaspoon Oregano! 1 teaspoon Sea Salt! 1 Tablespoon Red Pepper Flakes! 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil!


Cook onion and garlic in olive oil until tender. Cut tomatoes and avocado in quarters and place all ingredients in blender and blend on low speed for one minute. Continue to blend on high for an additional minute until creamy. Pour into large soup bowl or crock pot and cook on medium low for 2 to 3 hours.!


Portabello Steaks! 6 portabello mushroom caps! 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice! 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar! 2 tablespoons Pure Maple syrup! 2 teaspoons fresh grated ginger! 1/2 teaspoon marjoram!


Wash mushrooms and place in a gallon size plastic sealable bag. Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. Add to the mushrooms and marinate for a few hours. Grill indoors or out until cooked through. Serve with baked sweet potatoes and grilled squash and asparagus.! Page 20

Grilled Vegetables! Toss yellow squash, zucchini, and asparagus with 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil. Salt and Pepper to taste. Grill indoors or out until tender.!


Baked Sweet Potatoes! Wash sweet potatoes, prick with a fork several times and place in a 400 degree oven for an hour and a half. Less time may be needed if potatoes are small.!


Vegetable Barley Soup! Choose your vegetables. Really, anything can work depending upon your taste.! 3 cups chopped celery! 2cups chopped white onion! 3 cups chopped carrots! 3 cups chopped green/yellow/red pepper! 3 cups thin sliced mushrooms! 2 cups chopped Roma tomatoes (peeled and seeded)! 2 32oz. boxes vegetable broth!


Choose 2 cloves garlic, sea salt to taste, 2 teaspoons marjoram flakes, 2 teaspoons oregano flakes, 1 bay leaf and 1 teaspoon parsley. Pour 1/4 cup vegetable broth in a soup pot. Add all of the vegetables and saute them until tender. Add the spices and stir to mix. Add the remaining vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and add 1 cup Natural Whole Grain Barley. Boil for 15-20 minutes until the barley is tender. Serves 6!

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For thicker soup, just blend 1/2 of the vegetable mixture (prior to putting in the barley) in a blender. Add it back to the soup pot and then add the barley.! Guacamole! Blend ripe avocados in a food processor with juice from 1 large lime, 2 cloves garlic, 1 roma tomato and a dash of salt. If you like spice, you can add 1/4 of a jalapeno pepper seeded. Serve on black beans, Portobello mushrooms or use as a dip with vegetables.!


Baked Apples or Pears! Slice a pear or apple in half. Use a grapefruit spoon to scoop out the seeds and the tough, center portion. Place halves, skin side down, in a glass baking dish. Brush with 1/2 teaspoon pure maple syrup and sprinkle with cinnamon. Microwave for 10 minutes or until tender. Serve warm.!


The Breaker’s Granola! 5 cups raw oatmeal! 1 cup finely chopped walnuts! 1 cup slivered raw almonds! 1 cup finely chopped cashews! 1 cup unsalted sunflower seeds! 1/2 cup flax seed! 1 cup finely chopped dry figs! 1 cup finely chopped apricots (unsweetened if possible)! 1/4 cup chopped coconut! 2 cups unsweetened raisins! 2 Tablespoons cinnamon!


Mix together in a large bowl. Keep in tightly sealed container such as tupperware in the pantry. To serve cold, soak 1/2 cup granola in unsweetened plain soy milk for a few minutes. To serve warm, you can prepare with water or unsweetened soy milk in the microwave. Use 1 cup liquid to 1/2 cup granola. Warm for a minute on high or more if desired.! Note: Chop the nuts and fruits in a food processor individually and then add them to the oats.! Page 21

Gazpacho! 6 medium tomatoes, quartered! 2 large cucumbers! 1 small red onion! 1 medium zucchini, chopped! 3 medium garlic cloves, smashed! 1 medium green bell pepper! chopped fresh herbs: parsley, basil, chives! 2 Tbsp. lemon juice! 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil! 1 tsp. sea salt! 1 tsp. cayenne pepper! 1 tsp. ground cumin seed! 2 cups vegetable stock or tomato juice!


1. In food processor, combine tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, zucchini, garlic, and green pepper and process on high until coarsely chopped.! 2. Add herbs, lemon juice, oil, salt, cayenne, and cumin. Process a few more burst. Blend in stock or tomato juice.! 3. Transfer to large bowl. Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving. Serves 4. Preparation Time:10 minutes.!


Vegetarian Spaghetti Squash! Slice squash in half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds with a spoon as you would a pumpkin. Then completely submerge both halves in boiling water and cook for about 20 to 25 minutes, or until the inside is tender to a fork and pulls apart in strands. (It is better to undercook if you are not sure). Remove, drain, and cool with cold water or an ice bath to stop the cooking. Then use a fork to scrape the cooked squash out of its skin, and at the same time, fluff and separate the squash into spaghetti-like strands. Discard the skin. Reheat the squash strands by dipping with a strainer in boiling water just before serving. You can also bake the spaghetti squash in the oven. Just scoop seeds out as described above and prick outside skin with a fork. Place skin side up in a baking pan with 1 inch water. Bake 45 minutes or until tender in a 400 degree oven. Remove and allow to cool for a few minutes until they can be handled.! Scrape with a fork as mentioned above and serve with stir fried sauce.!


Stir Fried Sauce! 10 Roma tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped coarsely! 2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms! 2 cloves garlic! 2 cups chopped broccoli florets or 1 package baby spinach! 2 teaspoons oregano (powdered or flakes)! Sea salt to taste! Saute mushrooms and onion with garlic and oregano. Add tomatoes and other vegetables. Cook until! tender and heated through. Toss in a large bowl with spaghetti squash strands. Serve hot. 6 servings!


Brown Rice with Edamame and Vegetables! 2 cups brown rice! 4 cups water or vegetable broth! 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice! 1 package frozen, shelled edamame! 1 cup shredded carrots! 1 cup sliced white mushrooms! 1/2 teaspoon cumin! 1 clove garlic minced! 1/2 cup chopped green onion! Page 22


Combine orange juice and water/broth in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add brown rice and bring! back to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Remove lid to let steam escape and set aside. While rice is cooking, prepare edamame according to package directions but without salt. Drain in a sieve. Saute garlic, cumin, mushroom and carrot just until tender (do not overcook). Put rice in a large bowl and add the edamame and other vegetables. Top with chopped green onion. Servings: 4-6 Serve with orange slices and celery sticks.!


Cuban Black Beans & Rice with Tomato Salsa! 1 package dried black beans! Vegetable broth (1- 32oz. box)! Chili powder! Chipotle powder! 2 cloves garlic!


Soak beans overnight in water (cover w/2 inches above beans). Drain and rinse beans. Place beans in sauce pan and add vegetable broth. Add water to cover if needed. Add spices and boil for 1 hour and then simmer until tender (follow package direction if available). Prepare brown rice according to package directions.! Salsa! Roma Tomatoes quartered! Lime! Cilantro! Green onion (1 bunch)! Chili powder! Cumin! Garlic! Put in a food processor, chop tomato, cilantro, green onion with chili powder, garlic, cumin and lime juice by pulsing the blade several times to desired texture. We prefer chunky. Place rice on individual dishes and top with beans and salsa. Serves: 6 Serve with sliced mango and papaya and lime juice.!


Toasted Nut Snack! Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Place raw walnuts, almonds, cashews or other desired nuts on a baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes or until slightly browned. Cool completely and mix in a bowl with unsweetened raisins. Keep this on the counter for a quick snack.!

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Honey and Oat Cereal! Prepare Oatmeal with Soy Milk or Water. Sweeten with Honey and a dash of cinnamon.!

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What: JOURNEY FREEDOM SERIES PART I:! When: Saturday, January 4th 5pm (FP) & Sunday January 5th Sunday,! 9am, 10:30am & 12pm @ FP, 10:30am @ PP! Where: Fairview Park & Pepper Pike Campus’!


What: Hunger & Thirst Freedom Night:! When: Wednesday, January 8th @7pm! Where: Fairview Park Campus!


What: JOURNEY FREEDOM SERIES PART II:! When: Saturday, January 11th 5pm (FP) & Sunday January 12th Sunday,! 9am, 10:30am & 12pm @ FP, 10:30am @ PP! Where: Fairview Park & Pepper Pike Campus’!


What: All Church Prayer! When: Saturday, January 11th @9am! Where: Fairview Park Campus!


What: All Church Prayer! When: Wednesday, January 15th @7pm! Where: Fairview Park Campus!


What: JOURNEY FREEDOM SERIES PART III:! When: Saturday, January 18th 5pm (FP) & Sunday January 19th Sunday,! 9am, 10:30am & 12pm @ FP, 10:30am @ PP! Where: Fairview Park & Pepper Pike Campus’!


What: All Church Prayer! When: Saturday, January 18th @9am! Where: Fairview Park Campus!


What: All Church Prayer! When: Wednesday, January 22rd @7pm! Where: Fairview Park Campus!


What: JOURNEY FREEDOM SERIES PART IV:! When: Saturday, January 25th 5pm (FP) & Sunday January 26th Sunday,! 9am, 10:30am & 12pm @ FP, 10:30am @ PP! Where: Fairview Park & Pepper Pike Campus’!


What: All Church Prayer! When: Saturday, January 25th @9am! Where: Fairview Park Campus!


What: All Church Freedom Night! When: Sunday, January 26th @7pm! Where: Fairview Park Campus Page 24

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