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3 Things to Create the Best Lifestyle Jbright85

3 Things to Create the Best Lifestyle Hello their friends! How are you doing today? I hope everybody is out there doing well. Today's topic is an awesome topic. Today we're going to talk about 3 things to create the best lifestyle. Originally I was going to speak from a personal point of view but I'm going to use a few stories from my back office, so to say, to share some things that I've actually learned from other people surrounding the importance of creating the best lifestyle as possible. Natually, I believe we all can agree that creating our best lifestyles it is extremely imperative towards our long-term happiness. In todays talk, we will be discussing 3 things to create the best lifestyle. So let's get started. 3 Things to Create the Best Lifestyle 1) Love your job. 1/4

I was watching a facebook video the other day that was roughly about two and a half minutes long. The gentleman was explaining his theory on a whiteboard about how we should look at our lives. On the white board, he drew a timeline. The timeline went from ages 0 to 80. He begin to explain that when we are first born up until 17 years old,we live this extraordinary life. We have no responsibilities, we get to eat all the candy and cake in the world and we never really have any huge responsibilities. He went on to say, as we turn 17 years old, that's when we start working. We start working at the age of 17 and we retire when we're about 65 years old. The last 10 to 15 years of our lives are spent in retirerment, ages 66 to 80 and normaly and sadly to say, this is what most people look forward to. The gentalman also explained how we spend a lot of time stressed, scrambled and strapped for time and financial freedom. His logic was, when the majority of your life is spent working, why not do what you love to do. With a topic like this, '3 things to create the best lifestyle' it makes a lot of sense to sit down and ask yourself, why am I not spending the bulk of my years doing something that I love to do? 3 Things to Create the Best Lifestyle 2) Love your partner. My psychaitrist tought me the importance of having awesome relationships. I leared that not only is it important to have a great relationship with your partner or significant other (your wife your girlfriend), that it's just as important to love people in general. To whom ever may be in your circle. I remember when taking a coping class she told me that nine times out of 10 when someone is depressed it's not because they hate there jobs, it's not because they don't have enough money, it's not because of the way they look or who they percieve themselves as, better yet it's because of the relationships they're in. It makes sense. When we're at work or at home and we're not happy with the relationship of the people who are spending our time with, we won't be happy at all. Unhealthy relationships would actually drive us into depression and that's what my psychologist told me and I never thought about it that way but it true. I always thought that it was the job I was doing or how hard I was working or how many hours I was spending working instead of having fun, but I was wrong.


It's all about the relationships and who you spend your time with. At the end of the day all we have is people and connections. Technology is great but a text message can only take relationships so far when you really have to sit down and be present with people. 3 Things to Create the Best Lifestyle 3) Love who you are. This past weekend when I was at Momentum Day in London, I remember a few of my mentors speaking about being authentic. They enlightened me on being your authentic self - not walking around with a mask on your face all the time and accept who you are and embracing that because there's almost 8 Billion people all across the globe and none of which carry the same gifts and talents as me. One of my mentors reminded us that not being yourself acts as a disservice to others. Simply put, everyone is different and everyone is unique so why act like or try to be someone you're not. We should love ourselves more often and be our greatest fan. Once we step into this space, loving who we are and being authentic, then we can be happy and we can do for others while having a huge impact on society. I really hope you guys enjoyed this. Once again, the three things to live your best lifestlye are 1) Love your job 2) Love you partner(s), and 3) Love who you are. Follow these key 3 pointers so that you can love your life and create the best life you've always wanted to live. That's all I have for today Deciderians. My name is Johnny Calvin Bright and I hope you all enjoyed this talk today and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Until next time Take care Don't like reading?... Watch the full video here



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