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What Does It Mean to be an Entrepreneur? Jbright85

Hey what's going on everybody? Johnny B here, and I hope you'll doing well today. Today we are going to discuss What Does it Mean to be an Entrepreneur. Let's get crackin! The first thing that I put down was solving problems for others. Solving problems for others means this gives you the chance to create something in your mind that's going to help a lot of people. It's allowing your inner child to venture off into your deepest imaginations and create something that a lot of people could vibe with and benefit from. However after pondering about this for a while, I believe that solving problems for others is an understatement. What we really should aim for is solving problems for the masses or at least 85% of the world population. In theory, when you really think about the most successful entrepreneurs of our time, they have become the individuals who've change the history of humanity for ever. When computers came about, (Macintosh, Apple, ect.) and guys like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were abroad, they really changed the game as to what was possible. These dreams and goals for these guys came true and I believe it's possible for you too. What does it take? It takes a lot of guts to be you, 100%. When an entrepreneur has a business idea (solution to problem), he/she has to be crazy enough to believe that it will work. 1/3

A wise man once said, "when we first started our business, we were selling faith that other poeple would believe our vision". When you have this idea, you are the first person who knows about it - you're the only one who dreams about it - you're the only one who believes in it right out the gate. So, to share your vision that was created within your mind first is extreamly powerful,inspiring, and it takes a whole lot of courage to live it out. What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? Beliefe! As the iconic Simon Sinek would say, "people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it" Turth is, a true entrepreneur doesn't have to convince anyone to buy in to their vision. Natually, people will buy into why you do things because of a real emotional connection that cannot be perceived through words. These are all things that I've learned along my journey shared with me by my mentors and I wanted to share them with you today. Is this helpful so far? I believe what it means to become an entrepreneur is to trust in yourself and go the oppisite direction than others in society. This means you'll be taking the long route. This one always puts a smirk on my face because some people think that entrepreneurship means making a lot of money, fast, when in reality it's the exact oppisite. We live in a world today of instant gratification. Many people expect things to happen now or in a few weeks; otherwise it's a scam or a pyramid scheme. They're naturally looking for the quick fix, the best app or plugin to use, yet what many people fail to see is that a legacy is formed over a lifetime. IE. Rome wasn't built over night! So again, it really means something special to be an entrepreneur. It's behaving unlike any other average individual in society and having true faith, courage and confidence in how you can create something remarkable to add an aboundance of value to the world. I hope you'll found some value in this post. If you have any questions or comments to add to this conversation, please jot them down below. Thank you so Much! I hope you have a great day and I will talk to you soon. Take care Watch the full video below...



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